"Enterprise, the emergency treatment operation is completed, and the towing is now started."

"The space anchoring of the dreadnought-class repair dock is completed, and the dreadnoughts that need to be overhauled enter the dock in an orderly manner according to the degree of damage."

"The 33rd Logistics Brigade reports that the maintenance parts for battleships have arrived and are now heading to the fifth battleship maintenance dock group."


"Fleet maintenance operations are proceeding in an orderly manner, and the damage is within the expected range."

"There is no problem with the material reserves, and the battle groups participating in the battle have also carried out planned mineral mining work. There is no problem with the replenishment of the reserve materials."

"The statistics of the New United Army have come out. The death rate of the clone army exceeds 93%. After evaluation by multiple departments, the impact on social stability is minimal."

"Information from the Ministry of Intelligence, when the new unified army focused its attention on fighting the Jetradi backbone fleet, Windemia, the border kingdom of the galaxy, announced its anti-unification position."

"The Intelligence Department of the New United Army said that after the "Mingmei Return" campaign, dozens of anti-unification alliance ships arrived at the Brichgaman star cluster. It is very likely that the Kingdom of Windemia received funding from the anti-unification alliance .”

"Now there is information that three hours after the start of the offensive and defensive battle on Queen Star, the Windemia government declared war on the new unified government. The Ragnar star cluster patrol fleet suffered heavy damage and 15 reaction bombs were snatched."

"The sample "Meiyun" of the joint project "Singer of the Wind" by SMS, LAI and the Caius Foundation was robbed."

"Three hours ago, the communication with the Macross 7 Fleet was restored. The number of the Jetradi Fleet that the Macross 7 Fleet confronted was about one tenth of that here, but the casualties were less than 300, and the original demon expressed a little bit of support."



"...According to the battle report, the MACROSS7 fleet awakened 300 sealed primitive demons. Then they sucked enough. When the Jetradi fleet calmed down, let Basara sing to wake them up. I don't listen to people's words Just keep sucking."

"...This, this is the legendary one thing descending one thing?"

"No, Brigadier General Max means that if there is no singer, the result will not be much better if it is replaced by a human being."

"The latest information." Misato, who presided over the military situation meeting, took over the information sent by his subordinates. "The king of the Windhemia Kingdom passed away, and the ten-year-old prince, the wind singer of this generation, boarded the plane. Lloyd, the prime minister of the Windhemia Kingdom, is the regent and actually controls the Windhemia Kingdom.

Under the advice of Prime Minister Lloyd, several border stations of the New United Army were attacked by reaction bombs. Dozens of original cultural relics have been excavated. Now the fleet of the Kingdom of Windmia departs from the Briggaman Star Cluster and heads towards the interior of the Milky Way. "

"...How did the New United Army arrange this group of people?" Ian looked at Misato. The information was given to you a few years ago. It is no wonder that the New United Army did not arrange for the Kingdom of Windmia.

"The tactical music group Walküre has now set out to rescue their lead singer, accompanied by three 3/4-class MACROSS ships. In addition, the first to third fleets of the Central Army of the New United Army have been dispatched to block the relevant routes. And at the target The universe has set up an interception line."

"The Ministry of Intelligence dispatched an intelligence collection fleet to assist the New United Army in combat when necessary." Ian felt that it was enough to send someone over to watch the excitement for such a trivial matter.


"Then the next topic, the Star Wars universe, the battle between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Galactic Republic is becoming more and more intense. The Galactic Republic has invested hundreds of standard fleets to fight the Yuuzhan Vong and the Yuuzhan Vong around the "unknown zone" on the border of the galaxy. Break the fight."

"Can they reconcile like this side?"

"At present, there seems to be no need for reconciliation between the upper caste of the Yuuzhan Vong. The lower caste can still communicate, but the possibility of coexistence is unlikely."


"To put it simply, they worship pain and will torture pagans to death, which has an indelible conflict with the cultural customs of the general race."

"Oh..." Ian nodded.

"Finally, Ian, do you still remember the Dark Star Empire in the Yamato universe? It's the race where only the brain is kept and the rest of the torso is transformed into machines."

"...Uh, remember."

"They're gone."


"Last month, the Yamato successfully reached Barreiras, the imperial capital of the Gameiras Empire. The emperor of the empire...the commander-in-chief Desla escaped by feigning death, and Gamelas established diplomacy with Earth. The Yamato retrieved the environmental recovery system, and in the same month , the space-time fault was discovered. Three days ago, the Ministry of Consolidation and the Union of Earth formally established diplomatic relations.

Fifteen minutes later, the Sentinel Fleet reported that the Dark Star Empire had disappeared for unknown reasons. The planet they stayed on became a primitive planet completely devoid of life.

Space-time shocks have been observed in the nearby universe, but the details are still under investigation.

But the most reliable inference right now is the one about the end of the timeline. "

"In order to fight against many enemies that humans cannot resist, such as the White Comet Empire, the Earth Alliance chooses to regard humans as tools and carriers for survival, rather than humans.

In order to win, the degree of mechanization of human beings is getting higher and higher, starting from cutting off hands and feet and replacing them with mechanical limbs to enhance combat effectiveness, to keeping only the brain, and the whole body is full of machinery to maximize the role of tools called "human beings". Even reproduction is handed over to artificial wombs for industrial mass production.

In the end, then, humanity wins. Are humans still humans? Humans in the future may think this way, and then they find a way to travel back in time and space.

The desire they showed for human flesh and blood is probably the desire to get back their own flesh. "

"So when the Ministry of Consolidation and the Earth Federation establish diplomatic relations, the kind of future that can only survive by completely abandoning humanity will not appear. When the timeline ends, the Dark Star Empire that is a BAD END human will disappear after reading the file?"

"That's almost what it means." Misato put away the documents. "These are the special things that deserve attention recently."

"Thanks for your hard work. Then, according to the schedule, each fleet will return to their respective stations in sequence after completing the recovery of the wreckage and the repair of the damaged ship.

Just like after the last battle, the Consolidation Department expanded the scope of alert and accelerated the speed of external exploration. Prevent the crisis from brushing our eyes and we have no ability to resist. "

"By the way, Linda... nothing happened recently, can our trip be put on the agenda?" After the meeting, Ian and Linda were basking in the stars on the viewing platform of the Enterprise.


"That's right, travel. Didn't the bunch of mythical characters invite us to watch a show over there? Anyway, we've been free recently, so we'll go to watch a show over there. The universe is not far from the Pandora galaxy on a macro scale. Can go back anytime."

"Yo, are you here to play?"

"Well, let's play."

Riding on another dreadnought, the Ian family arrived in the universe that they hadn't visited for several years.

"Welcome to the set of "Amazing DC". Which viewing mode do you want to experience?" The middle-aged man named Zeus smiled. "However, before choosing, let's confirm one thing. You should have corresponding means of resurrection, right?"

"Ah... there should be, consciousness uploading technology should be regarded as a resurrection..."

"Oh, that counts. That's all right."

"Our current options are semi-immersive experience, fully immersive experience, non-immersive spectator and immersive spectator."


"For example, she, Athena, is now the queen of the Amazons. She sent an artificial goddess into the secular world. She watched the play on Paradise Island throughout. In the future script, she will do one or two scenes. This is immersive watching.

For example, he, the most ancient human being, called himself the ancient one. After sealing part of his memory, he used his identity as a human guardian to moleste wild animals in other dimensions of this world, and he played as a teacher by the way. When we have played enough, we will pick an inheritor to continue to be the guardian, and he came to watch with us. This is semi-immersion.

Another example is me. In the setting, we have been kicked out of the world by humans, so we are watching the whole process. Unless there is a bug in the script that requires us to intersperse, we will not appear. This is non-immersive watching.

If it is considered an immersive experience, it is necessary to block the memory related to the script and use your own talents and knowledge to do things.

Whether it destroys the original script or follows the script, we can add variables to our script and make the world more interesting. It also makes us happier. "

"Then, the semi-immersive experience is fine. By the way, what fun did we miss?" Ian and the others looked at each other and thought it would be fun to get involved.

"Well, for example, there were enhanced human soldiers and gas that could melt gas masks in Germany in World War I, but they were pressed to death by the anti-German heroes, European wizards and mutants. In World War II, there appeared cults in Germany that have been using alien technology. The organization also inherited the legacy of Germany's enhanced human technology in World War I. The Axis powers once had their feet on the Cape of Good Hope, holding Moscow in the east and looking at England in the west.

However, the enhanced soldiers of the Allies brought a bunch of mutants, alien refugees and American wizards to death again.

After World War II, the government was afraid that the mutants would unite and start reckoning. Trying to use up the number of mutants with the help of the Vietnam War. But thanks to Dr. Manhattan's intervention, the Vietnam War ended quickly. Mutant groups are organized by people with a heart.

Secretly, a second witch hunt is going on all over the world. Because a German wizard incited a large number of Prussian wizards to participate in World War I. Many of these wizards later participated in World War II.

Following the Cuban Missile Crisis, a group of mutants attempted to prompt an all-out war between the US and the Soviet Union. But was stopped by another gang of mutants. In the same year, huge explosions occurred in major cities around the world, and the energy characteristics of the explosion were highly similar to those of Dr. Manhattan.

In that month, the world's richest man "Pharaoh" died, Dr. Manhattan left, and the world was peaceful.

In 1984, the "Wishing Stone", a crappy agricultural product, was discovered by someone with a heart, and riots broke out all over the world. The artificial goddess who ran away from Paradise Island stood in the center of the world and called out for love, and the world returned to peace... shit.

The blame was placed on the mutants, and the mutants were further suppressed.

Some time ago, another terrorist appeared in the British wizarding world. When he was creating terrorist activities, he was killed by an ordinary wizarding family in a one-for-one exchange.

An ancient god that was suppressed underground in Europe because all the sacrificial ceremonies of fifteen layers of seals went wrong, the ancient god broke out and was suppressed by the commander of the second princess of Asgard.

Just miss these too. "

"...It sounds like I missed a lot of big scenes..." Ian's mouth twitched twice. Hearing that your names are Zeus, Ancient One, and Odin, I don't have any good premonition...

"That's why we told you to come earlier. After the 1990s, there are only two or three big ones left. The rest are exciting but not big scenes." Zeus spread his hands.

A few months later, Anaheim Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. was established in New York.

With technology ahead of its time, Anaheim quickly amassed a lot of wealth with products such as microcomputers, smart phones, online shopping, logistics, and online games.

The building with the huge "AE" logo rose in New York, becoming the tallest building in New York, surpassing the Stark Tower four blocks away.

"Modern society is still fun..." Anaheim's CEO, Ian, sat on the leather boss chair and turned around. "The power of capital is not that big. Although the oligarchs are strong, they still have to face, and there are no messy business alliances to control the market..."

"That's right... Fighting with people is so much fun..." Ayanami Yui's old classmate, Makiha Marie Ilantrias, who is now the general manager of Anaheim, sat on the swivel chair and spun around. "By the way, why are you staying here?"

"Probably, remembering the past, watching fun, and recuperating. There are a lot of things recently. And ah... staying at the headquarters of the Consolidation Department always feels like being out of society."

In the past few decades, Ian hasn't spent much time in normal society...

Because the world of Gundam 00 is too far from his past life, he has no sense of substitution for a long time.

For example, during that time, Ian discovered that the companies in the world of Gundam 00 already had trusts... Before the establishment of the Earth Federation, the politics of AEU and UNION were simply a war between financial groups.

Public opinion is even more simplistic, and most people have been cultivated into a diode-like worldview that is either black or white. There are only fewer and fewer middle class and wealthy people who are very diverse.

After a few decades of discovery, I am afraid that it will develop into the feeling of cyberpunk...

And the Human Revolutionary Federation is the kind of state capitalism in which the vast majority of capital is state-owned.

It controls all kinds of ideas and public opinion very strictly.

Patriotism is basically the only ideology allowed by the CRRU.

Therefore, those who are more fanatical, like the researchers of the Super Military Agency back then, used human beings as guinea pigs for the sake of the prosperity of the country, and even gave up the most basic moral bottom line.

Including the fact that Ian has not completely shaken off the influence of his life in the Human Revolutionary League.

That is, in order to achieve certain goals that are in the interests of the public, the moral bottom line is relatively low.

For example, in order to expand the army, mass-produce clones or something.

But here in the mid-to-late 1990s, all kinds of ideas blossomed. It overlaps a lot with the gradually blurred past life memory.

By the way... Ian was full of question marks when the repaired Enterprise found a super-large spacecraft with a diameter of more than 500 kilometers flying towards the earth.

A phone call was made to Asgard and Uktrasil to ask Odin and Zeus if you have any misunderstandings about the small scene...

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