An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 372 Sea and Wind

"Although I don't know what you are fighting for, the wind will guide you to the final victory." After the ceremony, the old man patted Ian who was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Ah, that's right. We will surely win..." Ian's eyes gradually lit up. Under some unknown motivation, Ian's brain quantum waves gradually became active, and the changer mode was activated uncontrollably for the second time.

"It seems that you are not a pure human being either. Hahahaha..." The village chief looked at Ian whose eyes were really glowing golden yellow, and laughed. "Could it be that you are a descendant of Roy Kanu?"

"Unfortunately, although I am also from Xinghai, I am not a descendant of your god." Ian stood up.

"It seems that troubled times are coming." The village chief shook his head. "Since the fall of ASS-1 (the code name of SDF-1 at this time), there has been a second type of alien that is exactly like human beings."

"Time is fate." Ian spread his hands, although there must be a mastermind behind it, but since he was thrown into this script...

"That's right." The village head nodded. "What's the plan?"

"Let's talk about it after the satellite goes up to the sky and initially scans the surrounding situation. Then we need to use the high-power interstellar communication on the satellite to contact my troops. The most important thing now is to find my troops."

"That's how it is, you stay in the village for two days first."

"Thank you very much."

On the morning of the third day, 12 hours after the large multifunctional satellite entered the high orbit, the satellite completed one orbit around the star.

"...What's going on with this planet, hello!" Ian was surprised by the strange appearance of this planet.

One hemisphere of this planet completely reproduces the landform features of the earth. The Eurasian continent, the Australian continent, the African continent, the American continent, the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean are divided into two halves by the Atlantic Ocean, located to the east of America and west of Europe and Africa.

On the other hemisphere, there are strange rocks and smog.

There are also a large number of paintings that are close to the style of this prayer room, which look a bit like the remains of primitive civilization.

"The planet's rotation period is 36 hours, but the small stars on it and this planet form a structure similar to a binary star system. Under the interaction, the planet whose surface area is twice that of the earth, has the same day and night alternation as the earth.

Gravity's on par with Earth's...strange thing. "

"What are you doing?" Sharanom appeared in front of Ian.

"Something is wrong." Ian put away the terminal.

"Something's wrong?"

"Someone smashed the Earth, Maya Island during the Unification War, the Windsinger, and the remains of primitive civilization in front of me.

Even though there are many difficulties, he is trying his best to create the image of Maya Island...Hey! What’s wrong with you? "

Ian looked up at Saranom standing at the door, she suddenly stopped talking, her eyes looked at the sky blankly, her head was thrown back, her eyes stared blankly at the sky.

"Hey! What happened?" Ian ran over to support Saranom who fell backwards.

"The wind... the wind has become cloudy... Caton... Caton representing the battle is here..." After speaking, Saranom passed out.

"Huh? There is no fleet near Maya Island... Where did you jump out from?" The satellite scanned the sea area near Maya Island again.

Within a radius of 150 nautical miles 15 minutes ago, there was only a 20-meter-long ocean-going fishing boat as a contact ship, a sea area without even a ship.

Suddenly, 30 nautical miles northwest of Maya Island, an aircraft carrier battle group consisting of 6 Perry-class frigates, 4 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, 1 Ticonderoga-class cruiser and an aircraft carrier popped up, and , the aircraft carrier is releasing carrier aircraft.

On the other side, 51 nautical miles northeast of Maya Island, a 1143.5-class aircraft-carrying cruiser (Western code name Marshal Kuznetsov-class aircraft carrier) is escorted by two Arleigh Burke-class ships, three modern-class ships and one glorious-class ship Slowly advance towards the unified army fleet.

Brother, since the two sides have discovered each other, the distance is only 81 nautical miles. Are the sandbox supersonic anti-ship missiles carried by your Glory class and the Sandfly supersonic missiles carried by your Hyundai class just for display?

At this distance, 40 supersonic anti-ship missiles are enough to saturate the aircraft carrier battle group, right?

Ian blinked his eyes, and many small question marks popped up on his head.

The satellite scan clearly indicated that 4 squadrons, 12 F-14D Tomcats, an E-2F Hawkeye early warning aircraft, and two EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft left the ship and flew towards the Anti-Unity Alliance Mobile Fleet. The anti-unification alliance took off 22 MiG-29K Fulcrum carrier-based fighter jets.

"What's wrong with Sara Jiang?" The village chief appeared at Ian's door at the right time.

"She said that the battle is coming. Two aircraft carrier battle groups are about to fight in the distance. It's best for the villagers to evacuate as soon as possible." Ian gently put Sarah on the bed.

"I see, what is the scale of the battle?"

"For the time being, it is an air battle with a total of 34 carrier-based aircraft, but it will not be sure later."

"I see."

Nine minutes later, 12 F-14Ds shot down all 22 MiG-29Ks without any risk, and returned leisurely.

At this time, the villagers have not yet finished transferring.

"... Should I say that the F-14 is worthy of the black technology of the Cold War, or is the anti-unification alliance too good..." Ian stood by the sea, looking at the battle in the sky in the distance.

Two rounds of over-the-horizon air-to-air missile strikes, one round of AIM-54 Phoenix double salvo and one round of AIM-120 double salvo, directly shot down 20 MiG-29s, close to 6 kilometers Within a short distance, the remaining two MiG-29s were blown up in the air by multiple AIM-9X short-range air-to-air missiles.

"Doesn't the Anti-Unity Alliance have a similar prey?" This is the only evaluation of the unified army pilots for this battle.

"Huh? Where did this come from?" Twelfth minutes after the last carrier-based aircraft left the ship, the F-14D formation in the distance leisurely regrouped and returned.

As for the fleet, it was raided by 20 SV-51 variable fighter jets equipped with anti-ship missiles.

The escort ship was seriously injured or sunk by more than 30 anti-ship missiles within two minutes, and the island of the aircraft carrier was also blown up by an anti-ship missile after sending out the news of the attack.

On the other side, after hearing the news, the F-14D formation quickly turned on the afterburner and returned at full speed. However, three SV-51s and one VF-0 that came to intercept them were all shot down within 1 minute.

Um? VF-0? And is it an upgrade? Where did it come from?

Why did the anti-unification alliance use the airframe that the unified army has not yet put into use?

And this mobility also has the energy response of the body reactor and the shield...

VF-0 should be equipped with SWAG energy conversion armor and jet engine tuned to the limit, but not equipped with thermonuclear reaction engine, energy shield and beam point defense system.

And this energy response, the fluctuation response of the FOLD crystal, you say that this thing is a VF-35 wearing a VF-0, I believe it.

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