An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 339: Mock Battle

"Very good, it seems that I don't need to say anything about your basics. Then each of you will be responsible for teaching the basic movements of six people, including boarding, levitation, walking and straight-line flight." Orimura Chifuyu nodded, and brought six Individuals went to basic teaching.

Resisting the urge to roll their eyes, the four of them each asked five or six people for action guidance with a little funny expression.

What does this sentence mean just now...

"The four of you come on stage and perform a ten-meter platform diving with a difficulty factor of 6.0."

"very good."

"You go to teach newcomers to wear swimsuits, float in the water, step on the water against the wall and paddle while floating."

With different expressions, the four of them brought their respective classmates to the four training machines parked by the side of the arena.

Looking at the two-meter-high legs of this body, the four of them were momentarily at a loss. What about the airstairs?

It's better for Li to think faster, turn off the armament of the floating shield, lay it flat on the ground, let a girl stand on it, the floating shield rises slowly, and let her board the machine body.

Cecilia was so inspired to do the same after partially deploying IS.

As for Ian, he chose the variant of using the force to lock the throat—the force held the waist and sent the person up.

Asuka... chose to use the AT position visible to the naked eye to build ten ladders shining with orange hexagons in front of the machine...

"...Young people nowadays really know how to play..." When Orimura Chifuyu remembered and brought a boarding ladder over, Ian's four groups had just boarded the plane and started walking training.

Some people used the IS again to walk out of the straight turn / left foot and right foot fell / fell while taking off, face plowing the ground /...

"... exhausted mentally and physically..." There was a black thread hanging on Ian's head.

"...I can't speak..." Asuka felt that the body had gained three points out of thin air.

"...How helpless..." Cecilia began to question her abilities.

"..." Rei Ayanami silently helped the fallen girl up. It's just that the sharp-eyed classmate noticed that there was a finger-shaped depression on the armor of the training machine where Rei Ayanami was holding.

Freehand kneading...

"Ichika! How many times have I told you to start learning from the basics, you can't walk without learning to fly!" Orimura Chifuyu roared from the next door.

Then, there was a loud bang as IS fell to the ground.

"It seems that the protagonist is still very active..."

Eyes of Ian and others

After finally getting out of class, the four of them walked weakly to the cafeteria and ate twice as much food as usual.

Why the only solution to worry is overeating...

"By the way, Orimura-sensei~" In the middle of the meal, Ian saw Orimura Chifuyu who also came to eat.

"What's the matter? Classmate Vasti."

"We want to apply for the mock battle tonight. We..." Ian glanced back at Cecilia, saw Cecilia nod, and continued. "The four of us want to practice mock warfare."

"Oh, I agree to this, and I will issue you the license to use Arena No. 3 later." After finishing speaking, Orimura Chifuyu took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Maya Yamada before leaving.

"Simulated battle?" Cecilia asked after Orimura Chifuyu left.

"Well, I still have a lot of doubts about the operation of IS. These doubts and some new ideas need to be verified in practice." Ian said naturally.

This Jianyu Raytheon—Lixiao is the first body that basically doesn't understand what it is. Even if it is EVA, although the foundation of biology and neurology is relatively poor, after a period of research, it can be regarded as capable. Figured out part of the principle.

And this thing...

To put it bluntly, Ian can analyze each technology, but as a combined result, it is the IS as a whole.

What the hell...especially the IS core...

It is still a pure technological black box.

From the operator's point of view, the IS, especially this fourth-generation IS, can achieve what one wishes for a driver of Ian's level.

But any maneuver that Ian can think of and can achieve, this IS can achieve.

In other words, with Ian's current driving ability, it is not enough to squeeze out the full performance of the fourth-generation IS.

"Hmm... If it's energy production, I kind of want to call Graham, Setsuna, Amuro, Kato Isamu, a group of pure drivers... What is the performance limit of something like IS?" Ian I thought about it in my head, but I didn't know where my thoughts went.

In the evening, the third arena.

"Then, let me see your recent progress." The four started their respective ISs.

"Sure enough, you know each other. According to the information, the pasts of the three of you have no intersection." Cecilia's eyes flicked between the three of Ian.

"Girl, knowing too much won't do you any good." After Yi Gan put on the high-mobility backpack, he took out two ship-cutter knives connected at the end. "So, girls, melee, three-on-one. Choose one of the two modes."

"Three against one." Asuka chose decisively. "With technical advantages and performance advantages, melee combat is meaningless."

Besides... this heavy cavalry and that heavy gunner were designed to fight together. If they fight in a melee... they will only leak a large number of flaws and be broken one by one.

"Then the battle begins."

Carrying the chained Zhanjian Knife. Ian rushed up.

After Li's heavy gunner threw out a large number of missiles, he quickly rose into the sky, using the positron cannon and Gatling to suppress firepower.

Cecilia was stunned for a while, and then rose into the sky to start precision shooting fire support.

And Asuka, suppressed by the firepower of the ancestral 155 rapid-fire gun equipped on her body, swooped down with a heavy knight gun and rushed towards Ian.

And then... 45 minutes later...

The four of them were lying on the ground without any image, panting heavily.

I was so tired that I didn't want to move a finger, and all the nerves in my body were protesting.

"Has your...idea...practiced...?" Asuka managed to slow down and breathe.

"...a part of it...feeling...hasn't reached the limit yet." Ian closed his eyes, pondering what he had just realized.

"You're already like this, haven't you reached your limit yet?" Cecilia opened her eyes and looked at Ian, who had her eyes closed. Her physical exertion is fine as she has been shooting at medium and long distances.

"It's a feeling... It feels like I've broken through that limit..." I guess I'll level up in the driver profession.

"Thank you for finding such a relatively flat place." Orimura Chifuyu drove an IS and landed slowly. He looked down at the four people. "Thanks to you, the entire arena has sunk by two meters, and the load rate of the stand shields has reached an astonishing 117%. If Mr. Yamada hadn't reacted quickly, the arena's shields would have been broken."

"Is there any gain then?" Orimura Chifuyu asked after a pause.

"Not enough. There is still such a little bit, the most difficult and sudden boundary."

"Oh...Understood. It can't be solved by quantity. Then, I will practice with you tomorrow night."

"Thank you." Ian squeezed out a ghostly smile. Then he hugged his cramped arm and rolled on the ground.

Yes, let your muscles reach the limit and you have to lift it up more than the "billion point" gesture.

Sure enough, let's call those people over... Those guys who are almost integrated with the machine should be able to explore the limit of this machine faster, right?

Haha... I'm still not off work... I have to wait for the customer to confirm... I'm going to die... By the way, I always feel that Burger King's pork knuckle burger is not as delicious as last time...

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