An Unscientific Mechanic

Chapter 300 Shock

"This is the Space Cavalry, Kiryu. Each team reports the status."

"Second Company, non-lethal explosion-proof combat preparations are complete."

"The third company, the preparations for the dispersal battle are complete."

"Fourth company. Preparations for suppression operations are complete."

"The fifth company is already in position at the commanding heights nearby, and the sniper preparations are complete."

"Very good, there are still 30 minutes before the airborne time, all stand up, the red light is on." Kiryu and the other three company captains on the Seagull vertical take-off and landing transport plane stood up, pressed the airborne indicator light, and opened the Rear hatch. . "Green light to go."

On the HUD display on Captain Kiryu's helmet, the countdown timer is reset.

"All airborne." With a slap, the airborne light was turned green, and the captains of each company took the lead in jumping off the seagulls.

"The thugs are coming to us? At this point in time?" Sen Xue put the tactical communicator on his right ear, and then took out two body armors from the interlayer of the wardrobe. "Yulisa, put this on."

"What happened?" You Lisha rubbed her sleepy eyes.

"There are thugs moving this way. Wearing this, we go to the shelter to wait. We have notified the driver Sang to go this way." Sen Xue helped Yulisa put on the body armor after putting it on herself. Then the two go to the refuge room through the secret door behind the closet.

"There are thugs..." Ian, known as the driver Sang, put on the long-lost SWAT equipment. After checking the equipment, Ian went to the garage and drove.

Well, a massive six-wheeled armored vehicle with two remote-controlled weapon stations.

"Information from the intelligence department shows that this is the last batch of radicals. Strictly speaking, this operation should be all fishing. In order to completely eliminate the loyalists of the Showa faction and the Izumo plan, the intelligence department in the Far East region deliberately sent The information about the blackout was leaked twelve hours in advance." Padmé carefully hugged Laia, then dragged Luke to the bathroom with the Force, and deployed the small single-person rigid shield and teleportation beacon.

"However, it is not ruled out that the other party will also attack this side. I will wait first, and I will retreat first if there are signs of their approach."

"Well, the safety of the children is the top priority." We don't care...

After boarding the armored vehicle, Ian stepped on the accelerator, and the armored vehicle rushed out of the parking lot and headed for the diplomatic residence three blocks away.

"Sir, our feet are on the ground!"

"We are space troopers, not ODSTs, don't mess around!" Captain Kiryu landed on one knee in a superhero style and landed in front of the mob and the incited unknown people.

"Listen to the people in front, stop now and not be held accountable." Captain Kiryu took down the shotgun with rubber bullets from behind.

"Stop talking nonsense! We all know that there is an alien living in the diplomatic area ahead! Hand him over!"

"That's right! They made the earth pay such a heavy price! Let him come out and apologize!"

"You bastards want to shelter war criminals!"

"Don't you space cavalry team value honor the most?! Even you want to lick the stinky feet of aliens!"

"Didn't the Yamato be built? Pull him out to sacrifice the flag!"


"...I said, who told you that there are alien war criminals..." Captain Kiryu half-closed his eyes and scanned the people in front of him.


"Facial recognition... 13 people from the Izumo Project confirmed, and 21 people from the "Showa faction" confirmed. The second team, how is your situation?"

"According to the analysis of facial expressions, among the 137 people who shouted, 9 people had different expressions from others, and the remaining 128 people can be considered to be angry from the heart."

"Contact Intelligence and have their agents keep those people under control."


"The person living there is the Iskandar star who provided valuable technical assistance, not a war criminal. After she provided those technical assistance and intelligence assistance, we have been able to survive until now.

You, will you repay your kindness to your benefactor? "


"An unknown person wearing space cavalry equipment was found in the 91st block, and iff did not respond. The second unit of the fifth company went to deal with it."



"...Nonsense...nonsense! The universe is cold and ruthless! How could kind-hearted aliens come to help the earth!"

"Unfortunately, as far as we know, two waves of aliens have helped us." Captain Kiryu weighed the shotgun up and down twice, and then pointed his finger at the person who spoke just now. "Come here, and I will tell you about our love and hatred with the three waves of aliens in the past few years."

"...what are you trying to do!" The man wanted to step back, but was blocked by the crowd.


"The comparison of the face, voiceprint, and movement is completed. There is no matching object for the face and voiceprint. The movement is consistent with the former Second Fleet Strategic Intelligence Analysis Division Shimura Sansa."

"Agents from the Intelligence Section are ready to make an arrest."

"An abnormal vibration was detected, is it the underground sewage network?"

"Fourth Company, send people to the sewers. Some enemies have gone from the sewers to the diplomatic area."

"...the sewer? Well, I got it, the fourth team..."

"...Captain, the heart rate of target No. 16 suddenly increased. Look at his expression!"

"According to the analysis, there is more than 92% possibility that he will make some big news, 7% may have a heart attack, and 1% is unknown."

"Little Lin!"

"Now four sniper rifles are pointed at him."

"...Earth...ball...ten thousand..." A sniper slowly read the shape of the man's mouth. "I...fuck...Captain!"

"Get ready to fire! Ignore accidental injury!"

"Earth ten thousand...!" The man raised his right hand frantically, and in his right hand was a handle with a big red button on it.


A 9mm special sniper bullet pierced the man's right wrist and directly shattered his forearm.

"Wow!" The man rolled on the ground with his stump in his arms, blood spraying all over the ground.

The two agents from the intelligence department suppressed their unease and rushed forward to take off the man's coat.

"I...fuck..." The eyelids of the two agents twitched. "What the hell is the self-explosive vest! According to visual inspection, there are 15 kilograms of explosives, and there are countless steel balls of about 10 millimeters! Seagulls! Come here and forcefully pull them away!"

"Boom!" The sewer not far away suddenly exploded, the manhole cover was blown away and embedded in the roadside buildings, and a huge depression appeared on the ground.

"what happened?"

"During the underground battle, an explosive was detonated. Cut... Let the medical team come down. Sugiyama is seriously injured and cannot move here to stabilize the injury."


"Citizens, please go home, there will be a special program later to explain the changes in the situation in recent years.

I believe that you have also seen the madness of those who try their best to destroy our self-rescue plan inside the earth. Captain Kiryu loaded the shotgun.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, this is all their conspiracy... Wow!" The person who is suspected to be the former Shimura Sansa at the front of the line now shouted loudly to the people behind.

"That's right! They must have directed and acted it themselves! Hey Xiaotian, please say a few words!"

But Oda, a former Izumo faction, took a step back.

"We just want to hold the Iskandar hostage, make the League of Nations change its mind, and re-implement the more feasible Izumo plan. It is not for you to carry out terrorist attacks!"

"...The Izumo faction has been used again..."

"Why do you say again..."

"Including the new armor on your body, nearly two-thirds of the equipment used by the Yamato Project was developed in the name of the Izumo Project."

"... speechless."

"...of the last 33 Showa faction remnants, 29 were killed on the spot because they tried to resist, 4 were seriously injured and arrested, 17 Izumo faction collaborators voluntarily surrendered, and 21 self-explosive vests were found.

The people of the Izumo Project have already said that they will storm the residence and take advantage of the chaos to take the Iskandars away.

The only difference is that the Showa faction wants to bring the Iskandars to hell with their own party in despair of being wiped out. "

"...these lunatics..."

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