"Don't jump up, you are out of control in the air." The wooden stick stabbed Annie's stomach from bottom to top. Annie let out a cry of pain and fell from the sky. He was held back by Qui-Gon on his shoulders.

"The soles of your feet are always on the ground, and you are always ready to use your strength during the battle!" In the second round, Annie's posture was wrong, and Kui Gang caught the opening and knocked him down with a stick.


"Don't make unnecessary moves!" In the nth round, Qui-Gon caught Annie's loophole and hit Annie on the shoulder with a wooden stick. "what are you thinking about!"

"This way the sword technique will be more handsome." Annie said sternly.

"Swordsmanship is for killing people, and it only cares about efficiency. Wait until you become a master before you consider how handsome you are... Bah, a master will die if you are careless. I was led astray by you. Continue."

Five days, a full five days, during the day Tian Kuigang taught Anni swordsmanship, while Ian and others watched from the sidelines.

In the evening, Annie and Qui-Gon, who were exhausted physically and mentally, returned to Ian's house to stay. Ian, Shmi, and Kycilia practiced in the desert. And Qui-Gon...watching anime all night...

Waking up in the morning, Ian and the others asked Qui-Gon the questions accumulated the night before.

On the night of the sixth day, Kui Gang finally couldn't bear it any longer, and began to try to reproduce the moves in Hokage using the Force in reality.

The first is the first step, treading water.

In the backyard of Villa Ian, the swimming pool.

Kui-Gon concentrated the Force on his feet and stepped on the water, but the huge repulsion field formed by the Force caused the water to explode instantly.

The second time, Qui-Gon controlled the splash, but the force was not controlled well, and he fell into the water. Use the Force to squeeze the water out of the clothes.

After hundreds of experiments, Qui-Gon finally figured out how to form an ultra-thin but upward repulsive force field on the soles of his feet, whose strength is exactly equal to the gravity he receives.

"Oh, I'm old, but is this old bone still useful?" Stepping on the water, Qui-Gon smiled in relief. "The next step is to run."

On the morning of the seventh day, Yi'an and the others found that Kui Gang hadn't come over on time, so they returned home to see if something had happened. Turns out... Annie and Qui-Gon were practicing fencing on the water of their swimming pool.

"You aliens really know how to play..." Ian felt that the painting style of this world was becoming more and more strange. "Brother, you are a Jedi Knight, not a ninja..."

"I think this training method of stepping on water and climbing trees is very effective. I want to go back and implement it in the Jedi Order. In just one night, I feel that my control of the Force is several times the original. If I fight with me 7 days ago If so, I think I can put myself on the ground and fight. The kind that has no power to fight back." Qui-Gon played with the lightsaber in his hand. "My last question today, how did you manage to make the force of light and the force of darkness coexist in your body at the same time?"

"Well, it's mainly a question of methodology. I'll ask Shi Mi to print a few sets of books on methodology for you. This needs to be understood by you. Another point is that when facing the temptation of the dark force during meditation, you must Have an idea. Without giving, there will be no reward."

"In addition, the light side in a narrow sense is too strict with you, but it is too loose with those who have fallen to the dark side. For example, you have practiced for decades, and your beloved died in front of you. You want revenge, kill A mortal enemy, the light side will abandon you. And a villain, a heinous user of the dark side force, once his thoughts are clear, the light side will open the door."

"It's very unfair." Yi'an expressed his thoughts calmly. "Why should the good people be wronged and the wicked have a way out."

"Influence a wicked person so that he will stop doing evil and save thousands of lives. Killing him is the same. Why would a good person be cast aside by the bright side when he kills a wicked person?"

"Because you are a good person."

"It's very disgusting, but that's it. You are a good person. If you kill him for revenge, you will feel guilty. You will suffer, and you will blame yourself. These, negative emotions, are the breeding ground of the dark force."

"do you understand?"

"Are you trying to say that my view of good and evil has affected the affinity of the Force to me?" Qui-Gon reflected on his thoughts on the things that he almost fell into the dark side a few years ago.

"That's right, but I don't deny that it is a virtue to forgive the enemy or the enemy, but I like another idea. That is, at the last moment, the last knife. God forgives you, I won't! If you want to kill, you must Be prepared to be killed."

"So, this is the force of duality, the unity of opposites. The light side allows you to understand the world, while the dark side allows you to change the world."

"However, considering the judgment of the user's heart by the Force, and the fact that the legendary Jedi Knights can be transformed into Jedi heroes, their souls go to the underworld of the Force. Sith can be transformed into Sith minds, and their souls are matured and tortured in Chaos Hell. I think the original Force is a decision system with limited intelligence."

"As long as you firmly believe that you are righteous and correct, then you will always be a user of the light side. If you succumb to desires, emotions, and get lost in power, then you are a user of the dark side. If you can jump out This framework accurately recognizes the id, ego, and superego, and then combines methodology to fully understand the force."

"Then you can have two kinds of force at the same time without being affected and controlled like us. Smith, when the time comes, give the related theories proposed by Freud and Descartes to Qui-Gon."

"Well, actually, I think that the other philosophical theories you gave me should also be helpful to them. There are too few ideological and philosophical theories I found on the Interstellar Network, and most of them were proposed by Jedi Knights ’” Smith replied softly.

"Ah, by the way, there seems to be one person who is not correct in the three views but can still cultivate the original force of light. I remember that there seems to be a veteran who married one wife and four concubines? Basically, what this buddy said at the critical moment was wrong." Yi An breakthrough thought of a Star Wars stalk, Adi Mundi, the Jedi veteran would stir up shit sticks, denied the existence of Sith in the threat of ghosts, denied the behavior of Count Dooku in the attack of the clones, and wronged him during the Clone Wars Push Ahsoka away.

Of these three actions, one led to the death of Qui-Gon, one led to the arrest of Anakin, Padmé and the King of Personality, and one led to the expulsion of Anakin's lover. Seems like Anakin was part of the mistrust in Revenge of the Sith? It can be called the catalyst on Sir Alex Ferguson's road to blackening.

"Master Mundy? He has always been a wise man." Qui-Gon only answered one sentence. "Although he was the only one in the Jedi elders who married a wife and had children, he did suffer some gossip." In the past days, Master Mundy had educated Qui-Gon, who was slightly unrestrained.

"And... Qui-Gon, use your palm. Please scratch it a little bit."

Without hesitation, Kui Gang sucked an iron piece from the yard and cut his palm.

Ian pointed his fingers at Qui-Gon's wound, and stimulated Qui-Gon's vitality with the force of darkness, and the wound healed instantly.

"This is..." Kui Gang looked at his healed palm, which didn't even have any scars. If it wasn't for the bloodstains, it would have been a hallucination.

"This is the application of the dark force. It communicates vitality. The dark force also has good functions, doesn't it?"

"By the way, this year's Banga competition has ended for 3 days...why hasn't Moore come yet?" Ian scratched his head, and spent a week here just to wait for this Sith Lord. But what about people? "Let's leave for Coruscant today, and then take a ride to Naboo. I heard that the natural environment of Naboo is very beautiful. We want to live in another place. Padmé, does Naboo support gold trading?"

"The queen will arrange accommodation for a few of them, and Naboo can also exchange precious metals for credits." Padmé has a good impression of this powerful and unassuming ascetic in the past few days. It’s just that sometimes I jump a little bit... Speaking of this penance... Is the food a bit too good? Padmé touched her lower abdomen quietly, feeling a little distressed, feeling that she had gained a lot of weight in the past few days.

Kui Gang and the convoy delivering the engine set off first, while Ian and the others packed their luggage at home. Most of the luggage was delivered by robots to several shuttles, and directly sent to the Holy Sword of Dawn, which had already been greatly remodeled.

Padmé stayed temporarily, and went directly to the universe with Ian and others on the shuttle. In order to save time, the queen's royal spaceship will rendezvous with the Holy Sword of Dawn in space. Moored in the hangar of the Dawn Excalibur, the Dawn Excalibur then activated its own hyperspace core with a hyperspace level of 0.4 and headed to Coruscant. According to calculations, this mode can save nearly 3 days to reach Coruscant.

"Padmé, I will give you a small device for the queen to wear on a daily basis. It only has two functions, detecting whether your thinking is disturbed, and vibrating when disturbed." Ian took it out of his pocket Get a metal bracelet.

"Could it be that the Jedi Knights..." Padmé exclaimed in a low voice.

"Sith will."

When approaching the spaceship, Qui-Gon was attacked by Darth Maul.

But... when Moore rushed over on a flying motorcycle.

Kui Gang made a punch from 800 meters away, and Moore was sent flying in the air.

"This is impossible!" Moore stabilized his body with force and fell to the ground. It didn't feel wrong. Unlike the thrust generated by the traditional force, Moore really felt that he was blown away by a punch. An unheard of use of the Force. And it was obvious that the Jedi on the opposite side didn't try his best, it was just a casual punch.

Moore drew out his lightsaber, lit it, and charged Qui-Gon.

But... it's a bit... embarrassing to run 800 meters before the duel.

Qui-Gon let the convoy go first, and he was here to deal with the Sith warrior.

"Master, it takes an hour to complete the superlight engine replacement."

"Understood, don't worry, my young apprentice. The me I am today is not the me I was a week ago." Qui-Gon beckoned, holding Moore by the collar and telling him to come over quickly. According to his running speed, he would have to stand stupidly for at least 1 minute. That's too stupid...

Red lightsaber, restless light beam, struggling crystal...

Qui-Gon compared the Sith features he had seen in the legend with the features of Moore's lightsaber.

With orange pupils and mysterious tattoos, it looks like a Sith warrior, not a fallen Jedi.

"You are not my opponent." Kui Gang also took out his lightsaber. "You can choose to be my prisoner, or die by my sword."

"Don't be too arrogant, Jedi Knight. Our revenge will come true." Moore grabbed the lightsaber and jumped up.

Qui-Gon remained calm at the same spot, his lightsaber tilted downward and did not move. Blocked Moore's lightsaber with his left hand.

"No, no, no, no...it's impossible." Moore staggered back two steps.

"Nothing is impossible. Now you need to interfere with my force when you swing your sword, otherwise you won't be able to hurt me." Qui-Gon thought that there was still an hour before the spaceship could be repaired, so why not just play with him for a while? . Just to test some ideas.

"That's impossible!" Moore charged forward again, stabbing Qui-Gon in the heart with his lightsaber.

"Calm down, impotent rage will only make you uglier." Qui-Gon blocked the lightsaber with his palm. "Communicate the Force, let the Force guide you, how to interfere with my Force."

This trick is good at destroying the original force... Qui-Gon knocked Moore into the air, and quietly rubbed the palm of his left hand, it was a little hot.

Hearing Qui-Gon's guidance to him, Moore became even more angry, his eyes gradually turned red, but he still calmed down, feeling the guidance of the dark force. Then cut across.

"This feeling..." Qui-Gon raised his lightsaber to block.

"Thought you'd never raise your lightsabers. Jedi."

"Although Jedi knights can't get married, it's not okay to say that I don't want to." Qui-Gon slapped Moore and slapped himself hard in his heart. He was infected by Ian's language, so it turned out that he didn't speak like that.

"What the hell...is this how you understand this raise at this time?" Moore gradually began to feel that he might have encountered a strange Jedi Knight. Shouldn't the Jedi be unsmiling? What the hell are you talking about?

Moore climbed up again, this time he stopped talking and concentrated on cutting. With a double-headed lightsaber in one hand and a tiger in the wind, he fought with Kui Gang.

"This Sith warrior's swordsmanship is really good..." Qui-Gon, who had unprecedented control over the Force, still had time to think about other things in such a fierce fight. "There is no shadow of Jedi swordsmanship. It seems that at least one of the Sith has been passed down from thousands of years ago. The history of the Jedi Knights was shattered in the era of the Sith Empire War, and the inheritance is not complete. Many teachings were passed down by descendants. Maybe we can start with this Sith warrior and get some information about what has been made up in the past thousand years."

The more he fought, the stronger the despair in Moore's heart. This person didn't take himself seriously at all, and even said that he was probably just a game to him.

When his physical strength began to fail, Moore gave up fighting. Put away the lightsaber and sit cross-legged.

"what do you want?"

"Things from a thousand years ago, let him be a thousand years ago. I need historical data and the Jedi data from the ancient times you collected."

"I thought you were going to kill me."

"Everyone has value. The Force tells me that you have the ability to get me the information I need. So, are you willing to cooperate?"

"I want to see my master's attitude towards my death? Then decide my attitude."

"Okay, get up and get on the boat."

Moore boarded the boat neatly. And Ian also learned from Qui-Gon the location of Moore's Sith infiltrator, the Scimitar, and temporarily dispatched a shuttle full of nano-robots to swallow and deconstruct this advanced small spaceship.


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