After revealing goodbye to Chu Yunfei, he hurriedly left. At first Chu Yunfei thought that Xuanlu was returning to her home, but she was converging with Lu Yun. This means that Xuanlu also saw Ye Tianbai.

This makes Chu Yunfei very unhappy!

In addition, he was also unhappy that Yue Chengfeng had already met Lu Yun. There was no dispute between the two parties, which means Lu Yun believed in Yue Chengfeng. Then, with Lu Yun ’s mind, he will eventually know who is the one who will kill Xuanzi.

Including Ye Chuanqi, who announced the most concern, if the matter is found on his head, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Chu Yunfei really didn't want Lu Yun to intervene in this matter, but Yue Chengfeng was a person who was afraid of death. Now he knows that no one can offend Lu Yun.

"Obviously the opportunity is already in front of him, why is he always showing up!" Chu Yunfei said fiercely.

If Lu Yun really doubts his own head, it may not be possible for him to disclose it, but there will be a mustard in the middle. In that way, no matter what Chu Yunfei does, in the end, it will make Xuan Lu disgusted.

Thinking of this, Chu Yunfei really clenched his fists, he really wanted Lu Yun to die.

But Lu Yun is now living well, and after escaping from death, he can still resolve the crisis. Chu Yunfei can also see that the continental cloud was not created by Lu Yun. It must be someone who wants to frame Lu Yun in this clever way.

But his opponent is Lu Yun, a very cunning person. His intrigues are really unpredictable. It can transform Continental Cloud, the organization that deals with it, into its own organization.

"Lu Yun! The mistake is that you shouldn't be in such a void at this time, and it also appeared next to Xuanlu. You may be the least likely person that Xuanlu likes, but I need to kill it most A person. This is not my fault! The fault is wrong. You are indeed a very strong master among the people I think. "Chu Yunfei said silently in his heart.

"Master!" The subordinates returned from outside at this time. "Recommended Baidu / Chess-Small / Speaking / Web Reading"

Chu Yunfei asked: "How is it that you were asked to investigate Yue Chengfeng?"

The subordinates reported truthfully: "The situation is more complicated than expected. Yue Chengfeng not only wants to elute his crimes, but also discusses the alliance with Lu Yun. He said he is old and has no ambition to go What rights and valuables are competing for! But he wants to protect his people who cannot die here, at least not at this time! "

"So Lu Yun agreed?" Chu Yunfei asked.

The subordinate shook his head and said: "No matter what conditions Yue Chengfeng is under, Lu Yun just did not agree. It is said that Lu Yun will not only ally with him but also maintain a hostile relationship before he can figure out the truth of the matter. What is detrimental to us is that Lu Yun promised that as long as Yue Chengfeng was chased by the real murderer, he would use all his own people to protect his life! "

"This trick! Ruthless!" Chu Yunfei said with a sigh. "Not only did I raise my vigilance, but it also gave Yue Chengfeng a peace of mind. Yue Chengfeng got Lu Yun's Protection, and not an alliance relationship. This old thing was helpless before and wanted to alliance with Lu Yun. But now it is not needed, and I can sit back and relax! "

The subordinate asked, "What shall we do now?"

With constant determination, Chu Yunfei said, "If you have already done this, then do it in the end! Kill Lu Yun! If he does not get rid of it, I will not be his opponent in the future. Whether in terms of strength or resourcefulness."

The subordinate asked, "Is it really so powerful?"

"I'm afraid it's a lot more powerful than I thought!" Chu Yunfei said helplessly. "But at this time, there was such a person who had no ancients. Must die!"


The Nether Shrine is the most mysterious place in people's legend. No one knows who lives here and what kind of abilities it has. I only know that the people here are terrible.

People from outside tried to come in, but in the end, they were found dead in their residence.

Therefore, there is a legend that the Nether Shrine has become so powerful that you can know your future!

However, on this day, Nuo came out of the Nether Shrine.

Now that she wants to be stronger, she must occupy a place. As the only way to fight against Lu Yun, she knew that even if she was stronger, it would be capped in this world.

The supreme peak is the cap.

She is already such a person, an existence that surpasses the strongest warrior Chu Yunfei.

Chu Yunfei has not yet reached the supreme peak, but Nuo did. Lu Yun is too cunning, and only the Nether Shrine can help her.

She once heard a legend that people in the Nether Shrine do not like challengers. But people who like to join them, but before joining, they can eliminate one's worries.

In order to better deal with Lu Yun, Nuo chose to join the void palace.

At this time, a young man appeared in the Void Hall. His appearance was not much different from that of the outsiders. The only difference might be his slightly heroic appearance.

He asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to join the Void Shrine, before that, I want to make sure that a person must die!" Nuo said.

"Your self-cultivation!" Said the young man. "Here are no wastes that are added for revenge."

"Supreme Peak!" Connaught said.

The young man smiled and said, "Who else can't you kill?"

"Lu Yun!" Nuo said firmly.

The young man nodded and said, "This person is very difficult to kill! You are the right choice to join us."

Connaught said: "Before joining, I want to kill him first!"

"No problem! Give us a month, we will give you the best time to kill Lu Yun." The young man said.

Nuo asked at this time: "You are so strong, why don't you kill Lu Yun?"

"We are so strong, why don't we unite nothingness?" The young man asked, "It is because our nihilistic shrine is too strong. Those who join here cannot go out unless the balance of the world is broken. Or it is Who kindly sent us something that will allow us to go to the future world, we will go to the future world in turn ~ ~ You can think about it, join here, I am afraid that if you want to go out, you really need a miracle!

"I don't want to make a mistake!" Nuo said, "I once killed Lu Yun once, but his cultivation behavior was not like today. I was afraid that he was tricky, so I chose to join you. After killing Lu Yun, I didn't care to stay In this world. Joining you will make me feel at ease. "

"It's so good!" Said the young man. "Please follow me! Remember, you have seen the face of the void palace. If you want to repent, it is too late. As long as we call, you will definitely appear here. "

After the young man finished speaking, he opened the door to the main hall.

When Donna promised to walk in, he found that it was a world very similar to nothingness, only the size of Sanchuan. Inside, there are thousands of warriors of supreme level.

The young man smiled and said, "Welcome to the ultimate tomb of the warrior, the Palace of Nothingness!"

Nuo Leng Shen, speechless.

This book originates from 搘 (Peerless Mad God: ./0/424/)--(Peerless Mad God)

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