An Unparalleled Master of Martial Arts

Chapter 1134: Demon's Word (Part 2)

Murong Jing finally said that these two people, but she had no choice but to remain silent. Silence is the best way now, so that she can govern the realm of heaven to the strongest sovereign country of the entire Jidongzhou, and no one will say that she is a devil!

Back in the chamber, everyone stood straight.

Moreover, Murong Jing stipulates that everyone's speech is determined by the order of their identity, so the first thing is that the left and right Ming Wang speak first.

King Zuo Ming said: "Sovereign King Qixun, the southern city doesn't know why it was destroyed! The Tianyi Holy See and the Lord's Defense Army were all killed!"

Murong Jing frowned and said, "Is there such a thing?"

You Mingwang added: "And it is very strange that none of the slaves died!"

"Oh? It seems that someone wants to set off a riot, specifically kill the warriors, and rescue the slaves! I want to see this group of good deeds, what do I want to do! In this case, if the Sovereign King's House does not send people out, It is contempt for authority! "

"The old minister is willing to go!" Said the minister who had served as the pioneer of Zhennan since the last suzerain.

"Gao Lao is willing to go is the best, but to show my Sovereign King's compassion. King Zuo Ming, you also follow!" Murong Jing ordered.

King Zuo Ming knew that this kind of thing must have his share.

He was never able to quit, and stepped forward and said, "Zunyi!"

You Ming Wang said at this time: "Sovereign King Qixun, the Tianyi Holy See also plans to send people! After all, the branch rudder of the Tianyi Holy See is also destroyed there!"

"Of course let them go!" Murong Jing said. "They restrain people's etiquette. After killing those who have rebelled, the border city needs to re-establish the Tianyi Holy See! Use ritual to restrain their despicable behavior! No! Since those people will riot and kill the people of the Tianyi Holy See. This shows that they have despised the etiquette, and if so, then slaughter the city! "

As Murong Jing said casually, all people felt heavy breathing. But no one dared to show it to his face. This is a question to Murong Jing. But Murong Jing's doing so was a complete loss of conscience.

They dare not speak out, and they can only let Murong Jing do these things!

Do these same things as evildoers!

Murong Jing said: "Who wants to report something?"

"Qi Jun Sect Master! A few days ago, Weichen heard interesting rumors. It is said that the eldest son of Ping Tianguo who defeated Dongzhou, failed to compete for the throne, and fled under the cover of Lu Yun. It is likely that Ji Dongzhou will also flee. One of the destinations, it is rumored that there is a rare treasure in Lu Yun's body that he hasn't figured out yet. From Pingtian to Jidongzhou, we must pass through our heavenly domain! "Said the state minister behind him.

"Uncle means that Lu Yun is likely to be in the realm of heaven. Want me to send someone to chase down Lu Yun and get his rare treasure?" Murong Jing asked.

The Prime Minister nodded and said, "Weichen means this!"

"Let them **** it! I'm not interested in rare treasures, but the order goes on. Those who fight for rare treasures, if they dare to severely damage the realm of heaven, or even the warrior who hurts the realm of heaven! Then the lord of that city, then You can kill the troublemakers! "Murong Jing said.

"Yes!" Although the Prime Minister was very helpless, he still accepted Murong Jing's proposal.

Who dares to reject Murong Jing ’s proposal, it is to find death! Because Murong Jing is such a terrible person!

"Who else has something to tell?" Murong Jing asked.

Now, no one dares to say anything.

Murong Jing got up and said, "That's right! It can also be practiced for the starting army! Your team of the Sovereign King's Mansion and the team of the Tianyi Holy See must fight a beautiful battle! I look forward to your triumph!"

"Qi Yu Sect Master!" At this time a warrior came in, "The people of the Tianyi Holy See have already set off!"

"Alright! You will follow, how many warriors have been sent by the General Holy See this time?" Murong Jing asked.

"Thirty thousand!" Said the subordinate.

"Thirty thousand? That's a small half of the power of the Tianyi Holy See. They didn't think that this time they were more interested than the patriarch's palace. Then we took this battle as a battle for us to maintain the ritual law. Be perfect! "

"Zunzhi!" Everyone said.


After dinner, Murong Jing likes to wander in the garden.

"Who is so bold to sit on the throne and drink!" The maidservant yelled angrily.

If you want to change to someone else, Murong Jing will definitely kill him directly. It doesn't matter if this person is drunk or for any reason.

But for the person in front of her, she could not only kill or die!

Murong Jing gave his maid a slap, then walked to the front, knelt down and said in courtesy: "Sect Master Murong Jing, have seen the king!"

"Get up! Are there outsiders here!"

In front of Murong Jing's eyes, the young man with silvery white hair and dark blue pupils was drinking the fine wine she had kept for many years with the luminous glass she was reluctant to use.

Murong Jing got up and said, "The king of kings is not enjoying flowers in the king's kingdom. How come there is no leisurely elegance. I ran to the back garden of the king's palace in my domain, and admire these blooming cherry blossoms!"

"I only have peach blossoms planted by Zhuo Zidong. He likes peach blossoms," said the master king Yelvxin. "I like cherry blossoms, which are cultivated with the blood and flesh of the dead, and the blooming flowers are extraordinarily beautiful. Even if this is defeated Flower, I also feel that it is ten times better than peach blossom! "

"Mr. Zhuo Zidong is not angry when you come out of the dominating country without authorization like this?" Murong Jing asked.

"Haha! Everyone thinks that I am just a brave young man, controlled by Zhuo Zidong." Ye Luxin said with a smile, "If compared to Zhuo Zidong, I would be a good disciple. At the very least, while I was obedient, I was gradually approaching him. Finally, I surpassed! "

Murong Jing said: "If the king can surpass Zhuo Zidong, it is the blessing of Ji Dongzhou!"

"Good wine!" Ye Luxin said with a smile, "I came this time, just want to see you. You are one of the so many sovereign kings, this king is the most appreciated. I heard that someone in your border city is making trouble, I will come to see Look."

"Master Zhuo Zidong knows this?" Murong Jing was a little skeptical.

Yelvxin said with a smile: "I heard that you still ordered people to slaughter the city today and kill all those who messed up along the border. I haven't seen **** scenes in a long time ~ ~ so I was in a hurry coming."

"Do you want me to take the king to watch?" Murong Jing asked.

"No! When you go, they will be afraid of their feet. I like to see the most vicious aspect of people, especially when there is no restraint." Yelvxin said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about me! You sent it 80,000 martial artists, I can't be hurt. And I will only be a bystander, and I will not point to what you do. Even if they lose! I will find it more interesting! "


"Don't worry! If Zhuo Zidong is worried about me, he won't let me out of the city." Ye Luxin said with a smile. "He actually wants to know what kind of courage the disciple he taught himself has!"

Murong Jing said with a smile: "My mother has always said that I, Zhuo Zidong are the two evils of Ji Dongzhou. But now it seems that the evil taste of the king, including the words, is more like the language of the demon!"

"I heard it a little bit!" Yelvxin said. "Actually, I don't specifically go to visit the Tucheng. I heard people say that the ancient Warcraft appeared in Jidongzhou. It is still asleep. It is very likely that it is in Yuexia!"

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