America’s Treasure King

Chapter 85: Northeast China Sea

On Saturday morning, Li Xiaoshuai called Bo Yang up early, just like when he was at home. The two of them didn't even eat breakfast, so they went straight to the local weekend flea market.

As for Frank, this guy seems to be hurting his energy. He fell asleep after having dinner last night. Today, he is still saying that his waist is sore and his legs are weak, and he wants to continue to rest.

In Boston in mid-October, it was still cold early in the morning, and there were not many people on the street. Li Xiaoshuai's small pickup could drive very fast.

When they got to the ground, the two of them first found a small stall that sold hot dogs and drinks, and first filled their empty stomachs.

Boston is also a big city. When Li Xiaoshuai had breakfast, he saw that a lot of people came out to set up stalls not far away, and the stalls were lined up with long queues along the sides of the street.

He also told Bo Yang that the more booths, the better, so that we have a chance to pick up good things at a good price.

"That's right!"

After two cigarettes after dinner, Li Xiaoshuai also bought two cups of coffee and drank while shopping.

There are really many stalls, colorful and colorful, selling everything, and most of them are selling clothes, shoes and hats. But no matter how good this kind of thing is, and no matter how enthusiastic the stall owner is, Li Xiaoshuai is not interested.

Along the way, Li Xiaoshuai bought a lot of scattered silver coffee cups, coffee pots and other gadgets, and did not see any other valuables.

At a booth dedicated to selling marine decorations, Li Xiaoshuai saw a specimen of a large lobster, and he was attracted.

This oversized lobster specimen was nailed to a finely grained maple board. The lobster's body was olive green, about the size of an adult arm, nearly two feet long, and its two large claws were like two large pincers. Very mighty.

Following Li Xiaoshuai's line of sight, Bo Yang also saw it, and he exclaimed, "What a big lobster, he is so majestic, it is estimated that he is also an old birthday star.

The stall owner also said, yes, Boston lobster grows only 50 grams a year because it grows in the deep sea of ​​600 to 700 meters. "Sir, do you like it? I'll sell it to you cheaper."

Looking at this specimen, Li Xiaoshuai immediately thought of this thing. His father-in-law, biology teacher Henry, would definitely like it. If you can win what your father-in-law likes, no matter how expensive it is, you must buy it!

"How much?"

"$500," the stall owner replied happily.

500 yuan, Li Xiaoshuai frowned and said, "Stone society is in a downturn now, everyone is holding their money bags tightly, isn't your price too expensive?"



Finally; this lobster specimen was won by Li Xiaoshuai at a price of 400 yuan.

When paying, the stall owner saw a thick stack of cash in Li Xiaoshuai's wallet, his eyes were red, and he dug out a thick turtle shell from the corner and showed it. "Sir, this is a tortoiseshell, look at it."

Bo Yang said, isn't this a turtle shell, why is it a tortoise shell again?

Li Xiaoshuai gave him some popular science. Tortoiseshell is indeed a kind of sea turtle. Its shell is an organic gemstone, which is translucent brownish yellow. It can be used as eye frame, bracelet, brand and other decorations. In the late Qing Dynasty, it was also used as a snuff bottle.

Also, the tortoiseshell likes to eat jellyfish, sponges and other poisonous things, and its shell is slightly poisonous, which is different from the turtle shell.

Taking the tortoiseshell, which is bigger than the coffee table, Li Xiaoshuai saw that the shell of the turtle was very thick, and it could be three centimeters thick by visual inspection. It was very complete.

In order to teach Bo Yang, Li Xiaoshuai also irradiated the tortoiseshell with the strong flashlight he carried, and the result was really translucent and the color was very soft.

Bo Yang also nodded and said, this is a good thing,

This is a rare thing, and Li Xiaoshuai wanted to keep it, so he asked the price.

A rich man came, and the boss became more and more excited. This time he drove the real price, 1,000 US dollars.

This price is not expensive, Li Xiaoshuai didn't counter-offer, he just won it.

The boss and the considerate gave a plastic woven bag to put the tortoiseshell in the bag, saying that the tortoiseshell is a protected animal and try not to take it out in public to avoid trouble.

Afterwards, the stall owner kept showing the things on his stall, but unfortunately none of them caught Li Xiaoshuai's eyes.

Li Xiaoshuai also asked the boss if he had red coral, but he didn't.

I bought two things. When Li Xiaoshuai was about to leave, he asked the stall owner for a wind chime made of shells to decorate in his bedroom. The boss also gave it to him.

The little luck ended here, and the two strolled around until noon without seeing anything.

Li Xiaoshuai sighed and said that it was very painful to have money and not be able to spend it.

Bo Yang joked that you are the trouble of the rich, I have no money and I can't understand it.

After a random lunch, Li Xiaoshuai went to the famous Boston Museum of Fine Arts according to the guide of the mobile phone map.

According to reports, this art museum was established in 1876 and has a rich collection, from ancient Egypt to the art treasures of the Mesopotamia and the ancient East Asian art treasures, especially the most abundant East Asian art.

Li Xiaoshuai bought two tickets for $50, and when he saw the dazzling array of art treasures, he felt that the ticket price was simply too worth it.

From the artworks of ancient Egypt, mummies, sculptures of ancient Greece, and famous paintings of various periods in Europe, to the ceramics, paintings, calligraphy, bronzes, textiles and other artistic treasures of the Rabbit Country, Footpen Country, and Bangzi Country.

All the treasures he saw gave him insight and experience.

The fly in the ointment is that, according to the information, there are also "Pictures of Emperors of the Past Dynasties" by Yan Liben in the Tang Dynasty of the Rabbit Kingdom, and "Tangling Drawings" by Tang Zhang Xuan copied by Song Unfortunately, I don't know what I want to show. Made him feel very sorry.

Li Xiaoshuai walked out reluctantly until he saw the art museum being cleared. Outside the gate, he saw that Bo Yang was already bored waiting.

He also asked Bojan, is Frank awake?

Bo Yang said that he had been awake for a while, and called him, saying that he had recovered and wanted to eat some good tonic.

Now to eat and drink, it is already a small matter for Li Xiaoshuai. He turned on the phone, flipped through it for a while, then called to reserve a table in a top-level hotel, and took Boyan to the hotel to pick up Frank.

In the hotel, Frank wanted to replenish his body. Li Xiaoshuai ordered him lobster, veal steak, such high-protein and low-fat delicacies. He himself and Bo Yang felt that eating lobster every day was a bit boring, so they switched to British-style fried food. Fish and chips changed the taste.

Bo Yang also asked Frank, what the **** is going on with you, how could you be hurt like this?

Frank said that at that time, he was occupied by a small bug, and he was fascinated by the stunner and was tricked into taking two small blue pills.

Li Xiaoshuai joked that at that time you did it with a golden gun, but you can feel it not far from death.

Frank "Yes, when I came out, my feet were soft and my eyes were dark, and I almost died of a stroke. Thank God, I'm still alive and healthy, and I won't dare to play like this next time."

Bo Yang also asked, isn't there a man who went in with him, why are you alone for more than an hour?

"Don't mention it, I did invite that person. That guy just kept making videos and said that he had been drained a long time ago, and even taking pills wouldn't help."

It was only then that the two of them understood, and they brought Frank, who was a young man, and became a dead ghost.

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