America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 503: : Hot-blooded man, Kuching gunshots

"Are the soldiers going to withdraw?" the Malay Sultan asked with a dark face.

The 3,000 Malay soldiers in Kuching are having a hard time right now.

In Sarawak, even drinking water is not provided, and a piece of toilet paper is forbidden to flow into the temporary resident. Everything has to be transported from the Malay Peninsula, which is too difficult.

The Malay Sultan no longer knew what use these soldiers were sending out.

I really didn't expect the situation in Malaysia to be so difficult now.

"Absolutely can't be withdrawn!" The Malay President said loudly: "Respect the Sultan, although it is difficult to deliver supplies now, there is no reason for Sarawak to stop us from delivering supplies, and as long as our soldiers are there, it is equivalent to using guns It's on Kuching's head, whatever they do needs to take our reaction into account."

"Once they dare to forcibly declare independence, before it is recognized by the United Nations, it is only a unilateral declaration by them. We can use the reason of counter-insurgency to send troops immediately. No matter how many casualties are caused, it will be justified."

"Even if it is recognized by the United Nations, it can still be fought, but it is just a border conflict. If we miss this opportunity, it will be difficult for us to send troops there."

"Not only can we not retreat now, but we should also provide more heavy weapons and supplies to build a solid military base. The more fully prepared we are, the less they will dare to act rashly."

"Okay, okay." Sultan nodded in agreement, not knowing what was in his mind, and cursed with a dark face: "Damn Sean, **** Brit."

Everyone bowed their heads as if they hadn't heard. "Minister of Foreign Affairs, how is the communication with the United Kingdom and the United States? What is their attitude towards the Sarawak issue?" Sultan looked at the other person and asked.

"The British government has made it clear that it supports the one-Malay policy and does not support any act of secession against Malays."

"The U.S. did not make a clear statement. They only said they respect democracy and freedom, and respect the choices of the people."

"The Indonesian side is vague, but it can be seen from the action that it supports Sarawak."

"Thailand only expressed close attention, and the mud side also expressed close attention..."

After listening to the report, Sudan suddenly realized that he had to hug the British guy's thigh tightly!

That's great!

Split is Brit too, maintenance is Brit too, **** it!

Someone is always going to fire the first shot, why not the other party!

At this time, whoever fires the first shot is a bad guy, and whoever is cast aside will be cast aside. So, is Sean a bad guy!

The answer is obvious! Yes, a bad guy.

Therefore, Sean will let the other party fire the first shot!

Crown Prince Charles Brooke is no longer called a prince. Everything is done for the purpose of enthroning, so the title of crown prince is more appropriate.

Prince Charles led a protest team to hold a protest demonstration outside the camp of 3,000 Malay soldiers under the watchful eyes of hundreds of media.

Not only that, they built a temporary podium here, and Charles was going to give a speech here to denounce the intruders.

In the eyes of the Malays, this is simply robbing the Malays of their wives and performing piston movements in front of the eyes of the Malays...

My husband's current crime is nothing more than that. At this moment, the atmosphere in the camp was very oppressive and dull, and it was on the verge of explosion at any time. Some of the more radical young men in the army had already blocked the commander in the room.

Nationalist education has both advantages and disadvantages, and it will permeate the military with hawkish thinking.

"Colonel, those traitors were massacring in the city before, you said to avoid conflicts with the police and not let us enter the city, what about now? Now there are no police blocking the road!"

"Listen, listen, they are at the gate of our camp, they are right here, they are stepping on our faces, should we remain indifferent?"

"What are we here for? Isn't it to kill these rebels? They are in front of us now, if we do nothing, then what are we here for?"

"My education told me that we should love our motherland,

We should safeguard the unity and integrity of the motherland, even if we pay our lives for it, but now! "

"My heart tells me we have to do something!"

Eight officers from the Malay Young Forces shouted loudly, not to mention forcing the palace, but there was definitely a sense of accusation, and the colonel had an ugly face.

His subordinates are an army composed entirely of Malays. This is carefully selected by the Malays. They have combat effectiveness, faith, and loyalty. Therefore, the atmosphere in the army is even more depressing now, like a volcano. break out.

And the order he received was not to shoot, and they should not cause conflicts. As a colonel, he has political sensitivity and understands why Sarawakians came here to protest.

It was to lure them, but the more he was like this, the more he couldn't, but the atmosphere in the army...

It can only be said that politics is not black and white, and most of the means are very insidious.

Now, he must convince these young men.

Just as the colonel was trying to appease his subordinates again, there were suddenly chaotic screams outside...

In the temporary camp, the patrolling people glared at the front one by one. The police planned and prepared well, and brought an external speaker, so even if they were far away, they could still hear what was being said there clearly.

As if unable to bear the stimulation, a soldier knelt on one knee and began aiming with his gun resting on his shoulder.

"Hey, you're crazy!" The person next to him quickly reached out to stop him.

"I know what I'm doing!" The Malay soldier looked up at his comrades and said calmly, "Someone must stand up. We are here to stop these people from rebelling, so how can we stop them?"

"Can you stop it just by looking at it?" "No, we all know it can't, we can only use guns and death to let them know the price of rebellion!"

"But the corrupt bureaucrats above are afraid of taking responsibility. They are shirking the blame, but they don't know that their fear will only push the matter to the abyss. Once the rebellion really happens, there will be more people who will die, tens of hundreds. "

"It's time for someone to stand up!" The words were calm, but under the calm water was surging patriotic enthusiasm.

Of course, these words are not something that he, a big soldier who has not received much education, can say. Someone told him, it is very burning, very passionate, and this guy can't hold anything in his mind except this.

These words had great lethality to these Malay soldiers, and the man next to him was equally enthusiastic when he heard it, and vowed to join in this great cause.

The two aimed their guns at Charles who was speaking on the stage. As long as this **** crown prince died, everything would cease to exist.

Just as the two were aiming, the security guard next to Charles moved his ears, and a voice came out from the headset, "Protect the target!"

The security guard jumped out, and before his head reflected, his body had already thrown the impassioned Charles to the ground.

At the same time, two gunshots of "bang" and "bang" came.

The sudden change made all the protesters on the scene stunned, staring blankly, not knowing what to say.

"Someone shot, dodge, dodge!" Someone in the crowd shouted, and the scene suddenly became commotion.

"Bang" "bang" "bang" "da da da" continuous gunfire sounded. The sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling sounded, and the crowd immediately scattered and fled like an exploding ant nest.

Obviously, independence or something is worthless in front of a gun.

In the barracks, the two people who had just aimed at Charles frowned and looked at each other, their eyes were full of doubts, and there was joy in the doubts.

There is the doubt of not knowing whether to hit the target, but also the joy of seeing like-minded people.

They didn't fire the gunshots behind them. Of course, it doesn't matter who it is now. The important thing is that it turns out that these so-called protesters, these so-called supporters of the Brooke dynasty are nothing more than a mob.

A few shots can show his true colors in fright, and he is just an idiot who is running away.

This is a victory for the Malays!

There are hundreds of media on the scene, two or three

Hundreds of reporters stood in place and continued to take pictures of the scene. These protesters who were fleeing in all directions didn't care about any reporters. The chaos soon made it impossible for these reporters to stand still.

If they don't want to be knocked down by the panicked crowd and trampled to death on the spot, they can only start to run away with their bags.

It's just that unlike these fleeing people, the reporters have obviously seen big storms and a dozen gunshots, but they can't threaten them, but the pictures captured today are big news, big news enough for them to be rewarded by the company !

The Malay military shooting protesters... no, shooting, um, will the massacre be less real?

I was thinking about how to write the title, and kept pressing the shutter with the camera in my hand, shooting chaotic pictures.

The more chaos, the more money!

"Malay Army Shoots *** Demonstrators! "This is a more rigorous state-level media.

"Assassination of Prince Charles by the Malay Army, Sarawak turmoil is about to take place" This is entertainment media.

"Enemies of the free world, remember that Malay shot and killed protesters!" "This is a politically oriented media.

"Kuching massacre, Malay army massacres Sarawak independents" This is a second-rate newspaper.

All kinds of tabloids dare to report anything, such as Sarawak riots, war of independence, and rivers of blood.

"Princess Love History, Prince Charles' life experience revealed! "This is The Sun...

The Sun newspaper always has a strange angle, and it immediately involved Grandma Charles.

Of course, Sean didn't care about the angle of the report, as long as the matter was sensational enough.

A few gunshots completely pushed the Malay government to the opposite side of public opinion.

Shooting at the protestors, this kind of thing has not happened for many, many years, and it is the most important thing that can attract the attention of Western people.

Especially France, the United States... After all, there is no one who likes *** more than the people of these two countries.

In Kuala Lumpur, the Malay Palace, even in the sealed condition of the conference room, the roar can still be heard outside.

The sudden news drove him crazy, really crazy.

Suddenly, someone from the Malay army opened fire on Charles Brook, and others opened fire on the protesters, killing 3 people and injuring 2 others, causing confusion and a stampede.

Fortunately, the place was empty, and only three people were seriously injured.

It doesn't matter how many people die. The problem is that the assassination and shooting were staged in front of more than 100 media reporters around the world. It spread all over the world within half a day. The Malay government has suffered huge pressure from international public opinion.

The Great Empire didn't dare to shoot at the Japanese troops, neither did the French, nor did the Americans, so why would you Malays dare?

Oh, because Malays are ignorant and backward, and have no concept of human rights!

The two enthusiastic people, who did not want to be named, had already prepared their preparations. At this time, they made a sudden effort, and the frenzy of public opinion brought about by it would ensure that the news would spread all over the world within a day!

In the absence of the Internet, using satellite TV signals, within a day, European and American countries had live video reports.

Don't give the Malays a chance to do public relations at all!

This is tantamount to making a coffin, putting Malays in it, and knocking down the coffin nails!

To put it simply, it is a final conclusion! (What is water, hahahahaha!)

Once the pressure of international public opinion is too great, Laomei can't stand it. For example, Blackwater Company was forced to disband because of excessive public opinion pressure.

Now the wave of criticism in public opinion is directed at the Malay Sultan and the government, and no one mentions the shooter at all.

There is nothing topical about the little people, just find a temporary... casually find someone to take the blame, it depends on whether the media agrees.

This is called the supervisory function of the media, of course, this is in theory.

When the Malay Sultan heard the news, he couldn't believe it first, and then he lost his temper. He couldn't understand it. He had already said it, don't stir up trouble first, don't stir up trouble first, why did the accident happen!

A scapegoat that fell from the sky, died for no apparent reason.

He doesn't understand, just wants to kiss

Ask yourself these shooters, what the **** are you thinking!

The people were sent back directly by the military by plane.

"Someone must stand up, we are doing the right thing." The young soldier looked at the ugly Sultan, his voice trembling, but he still said it.

"The right thing?" Sultan's face was full of disbelief.

"Yes, some people don't want to take the blame, but the Malays need protection, and the only way to deal with the rebellion is force. Isn't that why we were sent there?" The young man said more and more smoothly.

It has been a day and a night since the shooting. During this time, they repeated these words to themselves repeatedly, as if hypnotized, from belief to firm belief, from firm belief to belief.

Young people are the most impulsive and passionate. Once they have faith, they dare to face anyone.

The Malay sultan looked at the **** and resolute soldier, opened his mouth wide, his face was full of astonishment and bewilderment, and he didn't know what to say.

Tell them about the compromising nature of politics? Tell them about the passiveness of the international situation? It doesn't make sense!

They have not received higher education and have not graduated from junior high school. The education they have received is loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, and they are not afraid of life and death.

The order they received was to go to Kuching, ready to suppress the rebellion at any time.

Staring blankly at the two young soldiers, the Malay Sultan slowly closed his eyes. He is not a politician. If the political attribute is 100 points, it is no problem for him to reach 70 points with a good education. There are so many opportunities to practice with Sudan for so long.

He knew that it was impossible to hand over the two soldiers.

It is useless to hand it over, his enemies will not agree, they will only take the opportunity to criticize him for being irresponsible and not responsible, and internally it will also dampen the enthusiasm of the troops.

This is like the book during World War II. In Germany during World War I, nationalist education will bring this kind of trouble.

"Take them down and comfort them. Sultan waved his hand, feeling tired and unwilling to speak.

The meeting room was silent for more than ten minutes, until Sudan opened his eyes again, and asked rather weakly, "What can I do?"

The Prime Minister did not answer directly, but said in a low voice: "Those people will never let go of this opportunity, and they will most likely take the opportunity to hold a referendum."

"Have you found out what benefits they have received?"

"No, our intelligence agency over there has not sent back any news, and it is still unclear."

"Is Sean planning behind the scenes?"

"This..." the Prime Minister thought about it and said, "It is reported that Ahmad Zaidi's private car was severely hit a while ago, but the police did not receive a report, nor did they find that there was a car accident on the road at that time. Afterwards, Ahmad Zaidi also No reasonable explanation was given."

Then, Ahmad Zaidi recently issued an order to search and sort out the history and unique customs of the Malays living in Sarawak. "

"I asked you if there were any traces of Sean or foreigners meddling. Why are you telling me this?!" The Malay Sultan was very angry.

Prime Minister: "...Am I not being obvious enough? "Idiot! Trash!" The Malay Sultan gritted his teeth.

"Tell me what the cabinet will do if they declare independence!"

"Condemned them for being independent and illegal, immediately sent troops to take over Kuching and arrest the rebels," the Prime Minister said loudly.

The Malay Sultan finally heard of a more reliable solution. He didn't ask what to do if foreign forces blocked it, and the Prime Minister didn't mention it either.

Hit if you can!

If you don't come back, then you don't come back...

There was another unbearable silence in the conference room. After a while, the Malay Sultan whispered, "Pay attention to the movement of the umbrella."

Compared with Kuala Lumpur, the situation in Kuching is completely opposite.

Although several people died, the atmosphere in the closed-door meeting of the three clans seemed very cheerful.

"I really didn't expect that people in the Malay army would be bribed by him. It has always been a purely Malay army." Ahmad Zaidi smiled.


"Who knew American spies would penetrate so deeply." Taib Maham said with emotion.

No one believed Sean himself meant it. But they are not afraid of spies or anything, and they are not prepared to confront the Americans.

"The press conference has been arranged, condemning the atrocities committed by the Malay side, and at the same time announcing that Prince Charles is welcome to restore the Brooke Dynasty."

"Is the manuscript ready?" "Ready."

"Then the day after tomorrow there will be a referendum, and our national representatives have all arrived."

"Ours is here OK." "Agreed!"

"How to deal with the reaction from the Malay side?"

"We didn't declare independence from Malays. We just restored the kingdom system. Every state in Malays has sultans. What's the difference? It would be better if they sent troops to force their way into the city. I'm afraid they would be too timid to come in."

"Hope they fight like men."

The three of you said something to me, and the tone was full of ridicule.

It is wishful thinking for the Malays to control them. Even without Sean, Sarawak does not have its own troops!

Let's put it this way, I built a road at the entrance of my place, and there was a problem with one of the sewers. It needed to be knocked off half of it and rebuilt. One person hammered, knocked once, and rested for half an hour. It took a week before and after...

Use a shovel to dig the soil, at most half a shovel at a time, and I will lose if I add a gram!

Do you know the concept of a three-hour lunch break at noon?

All government departments, enterprises and institutions, including hospitals!

At least three hours!

People's habit is to go home at noon, cook, eat, take a nap, go to work, well, get off work again at six o'clock...

A road with a length of 300 meters has been repaired for three years!

Three years, three years, do you know how I spent these three years!

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