America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 322: :DD

Signing a contract is nothing more than a process.

The Bronx district government still welcomes a rich man like Sean to settle here.

When people arrive, will money be far behind?

There are more opportunities to deal with in the future, so don't be in a hurry.

Of course, this is still very curious, why Sean is willing to buy such an island full of dead people.

Westerners are extremely superstitious, which is why no one has ever bought such a "huge" island.


Edward stood beside Sean, his face was not very good, I don't know if it was a psychological effect, he felt cold and gloomy as soon as he landed on the island.

Originally, half of Sean's shares in the construction company were sold under the control of Shen Bi some time ago.

However, there is a project to do, Sean still brought Edward, his own, so don't worry.

Definitely not because there are many Chinese laborers, the cost is lower!

Am I, Sean, a poor man!

"You know what's going on here, advanced machinery, turn over the whole ground for me, and dig out all the bones for me." Sean raised his hand and drew a circle in the air, then continued: "When turning over, dig out all the bones. A little deeper, try not to miss anything.”

Edward only felt his scalp tingling, and an involuntary image came to his mind.

The skeletons of dead people were piled up everywhere, pale and pale piled together, the skulls were scattered on the ground, and the dark eye sockets were all staring at themselves.

Ji Lingling shivered, Edward was sweating, and his clothes were soaked.

"Mr. Sean, this, this, this..."

"What are you afraid of, they are all dead people, those bones can jump up and hit you!" Before Sean finished speaking, Edward jumped up.

Eyes closed, facial features twisted together, people kept shaking.

This look startled Sean and made him feel sulky.


"It's not for you to do it yourself, what are you afraid of!" Sean said with an ugly face.

"Boss, boss, I bet those people wouldn't want to do this job."

"Add money to them!"

"It's not about money." Edward really cried.

Sean rubbed his eyebrows and knew that things would be very troublesome, how could it be so easy to take advantage of it?

"That's it." Sean thought for a while and said, "You let the Chinese do it and give them the same salary as the whites."

"Chinese?" Edward was taken aback, "They are so bold?"

"It's red over there. They're all materialistic fighters. They don't believe in these things. Have you seen them go to church?" Sean said angrily.

"Oh, God, this is terrifying." Edward looked shocked, and it took him a long time to react, "A group of unbelievers, their souls will not rest in peace after death!"

"You have a lot of **** control, why don't you dig!" Sean scolded angrily.

"No, no, no, no!" Edward shook his head frantically and quickly raised his thumb: "Very good, the Chinese are very good!"

After going back and forth on the island a few times, Sean slammed his mouth, "It's still too small!"

Edward took a peek at Sean and couldn't help but mutter in his heart, is he still young?

The small islands around New York are even smaller, but they have all been bought by the real rich, such as the big one that Sean bought. If it weren't for the fact that dead people can connect 100 times around the island, normally don't think about it without 80 million.

Bigger is more expensive!

The annual property tax alone is too much for the average rich man to afford.

Now the island is very desolate, and there are traces of excavation everywhere. After a little look at Sean, he took people away.

The follow-up is left to Edward, and it is not easy to clean up the dead bones on it.


The re-expansion of the umbrella has been put on the agenda.

It's not difficult for people to find. Where does Bill have a lot of preparatory materials, they are all left over from the previous expansion of the army. Because of the reputation of the umbrella, there are too many people who are unsatisfactory after being discharged from the army and want to join in.

If it's not a last resort, in fact, life in the military camp is very good, you don't need to use your brain, just follow the orders step by step.

Anyway, it's much easier than going to work.

It's just that these people need to be retrained after being recruited. After all, the umbrella is not a real military camp, and there are still differences in many places.

Higher wages, more vacation time, and, of course, a higher code of conduct.

Most of these things are in charge of Bill, and Sean only shows up every time a new batch of people enters the camp.

Always let everyone know who is paying their wages!


November 4, 1986, was a special day.

An obscure magazine in Lebanon, "Mast" Weekly, published such a piece of news: Former US National Security Adviser McFarland visited Tehran in May and had contact with senior officials of yl. yl requested the United States to provide arms, and then , several U.S. transport planes delivered fighter jet parts and ammunition to Iran.

On the same night, Rafsanjani, the speaker of YL Lang, who attended the rally to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the occupation of the U.S. embassy by young students in Tehran, suddenly announced that McFarland had visited Iran in secret on May 28, 1986.

At that time, four people from McFarland, armed with forged Irish passports, arrived in Tehran on a plane loaded with weapon parts, and brought a letter from President Reagan to the Iranian leader, in which he demanded to improve relations between the United States and Iran, and demanded that Iran Help free American hostages in Lebanon.

Rafsanjani claimed that he ordered McFarlane and his entourage to be placed under house arrest in a hotel for five days, after which they were deported.

Once the black material of the US president was released, it instantly detonated the world.


Lao Sa was interviewed by New Century Media for the first time. On the TV screen, Lao Sa looked depressed: "I am very sad, I feel that I have been betrayed by my allies!"

In fact, the old Sabie knows this. After all, the shells that yl hit are Dow made in the United States.

When asked by reporters whether he would cut diplomatic ties with the US, Sara said, "I am not planning to cut diplomatic ties with the US. I think this is a conspiracy of the Israelis who will not hesitate to use any means to undermine the relationship between the US and Arab countries."

At the same time, Murdoch's News Corporation is not idle, they have far more reporters around the world than Sean.

Fox immediately released an interview with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, "I am shocked and disappointed. Reagan said before that he would never make deals or compromise with evil countries, but what have we seen!?"

Jordan's King Hussein ibn Talal said that "the U.S. approach" has discredited Washington in the region. "


The female prime minister stood up for the first time and publicly attacked, "We have a feeling of being fooled."

"The United States has violated the creed it once demanded of other countries to abide by. On the surface, the United States asserts itself that it will never compromise with terrorists, and spares no effort to oppose the sale of arms to Iran. reputation."

This is revenge, and the female prime minister has reason to retaliate.

Not to mention what happened to Sean before, the UK has suffered heavy losses just from the Iran issue itself.

Before the yl revolution, although it looked good enough to wear a pair of pants with the United States, the United States also sold them advanced warships, fighter jets, helicopters, tanks, artillery and more.

However, it is BP that cooperates with yl to develop oil!

(There is an error in the previous article, the oil company invested in yl is not Rockefeller.)

Before the revolution, the Carter government of the United States had an ambiguous attitude and repeatedly forcibly suppressed the military repression prepared by the blw dynasty.

It was the deliberate indulgence of the Carter government that gave time and space to the development of the yl revolution. In the end, the blw dynasty was overthrown, and BP's investments in yl were all nationalized, resulting in heavy losses.

Of course, the U.S. government was even worse. It was a mess, and the dog that was released gave it a fierce backlash, and it became a laughing stock.

The most important thing is that the poison is endless!


All kinds of criticisms were overwhelming, and Reagan was also picked up by the media and repeatedly whipped, miserable, hee hee, hee hee.

First: The government negotiated with the hostages, which violated the consistent policy announced by the government, that it will not make deals with terrorist organizations, and will never negotiate with "evil countries" such as yl and lby;

Second: the delivery of weapons to yl violates the law passed by the US Congress prohibiting the delivery of weapons to yl and the law of strict neutrality in the two-year war;

Third: Covert diplomacy is conducted behind Congress's back, in violation of the law that the Administration should regularly inform Congress of covert activities.

On November 13, Reagan appeared on the screen of the abc broadcast network.

At the moment, Reagan is very haggard. "The reason why the government does this is because it has four goals: to restore relations with Iran; to end the Iran-Iraq war; to eliminate terrorism in the Middle East; to release the American hostages held in Lebanon."

"This deal was not a mistake or a failure, on the contrary, this 'risky gamble' was made conditionally and served its purpose."

"We have successfully completed the rescue of the hostages, and several other tasks are progressing steadily. We hope to bring peace to the world, and for this, we are willing to work hard."


"Mr. President!" Sean came to the White House again and reached out to Reagan.

Recently, Sean met the president in addition to seeing the president. The originally mysterious president was just like a street vendor.

"Haha, Sean, it's nice to meet you, you've made our allies embarrassed recently!" Regan laughed and came over and gave Sean a hug.

I can't see the haggard that appeared on TV before. Obviously, it's all fake to win sympathy!

"What can be done about this, the old king is getting old, and the new king is rising in the Americas." Sean said with a sigh of relief: "The old Wang Mingming has lost his control over the forest, But he is still unwilling to hand over his power." "And the new king cares about his old love and is unwilling to use violence to expel the old king, so I, Sean Rockefeller, choose to use my weak body to charge for the new king, His Excellency Reagan, and break through. deadlock!"

"Hahahaha!" Regan laughed out loud, reaching out to wrap his arms around Sean's shoulders again, the compliment from Sean made him very happy.

Your Excellency the New King Reagan, listening to it makes people feel comfortable!

Although Sean said it in a joking tone, everyone understood what Sean meant.

Indeed, Britain is not the Britain it once was, but with the afterglow of the past, the British are still dying.

The United Kingdom is in the way of the United States, and it is normal to have some competition.

Reagan certainly supported Sean.

After chatting for a while, Regan spit out a lot of bitter water, "These days, it's like a gall is stuck in my throat."

Sean couldn't help laughing out loud. In fact, leaders of various countries know many things, and ordinary people don't understand anything. Reagan was very embarrassed by being instigated this time.

Of course, it's just embarrassing. Everyone knows the real situation. It is impossible for Congress to remove Reagan, and this is also Reagan's second term, and it is impossible to run for election after the end of his term.

For Reagan, there was no real loss. What was lost was the support of the Elephant Party, which is why the Donkey Party launched this action.

No one pushes behind it, in Tang San... ah, how could a small weekly magazine that is inconspicuous in Lebanon have such a big influence.

Of course, the outcome was good and the action was right, there is no doubt about that.

"That's what I came for!" Sean said with a smile: "Lao Li of Xingcheng is going to join us in the United States. When do you want him to come over!"

"I knew you would bring me good news, the sooner the better." Reagan laughed immediately, and any positive news at this time was valuable.

"He also wants to buy some weapons!"

"No problem, it is our duty to help our allies ensure national security!"

The same is the visit, the refuge, and the benefits can be greatly improved at a different time point.

After talking about this, Sean coughed lightly, and his eyes strayed from the people around him.

Several people immediately understood, stood up and walked out.

With only two people left in the house, Sean coughed lightly and said, "There may be a little conflict in Colombia for a while in the future."

"Oh, how small is it?"

"I heard, I heard, that there is an anti-government army ready to occupy the province of Guajira."

Reagan slammed his mouth and said meaningfully: "That's a pity, of course, we in the United States are a hope for world peace. As the largest country in the Americas, we should exert influence to resolve regional conflicts and make both sides calm. Sit down and settle things through negotiation instead of armed conflict!"

Sean smiled and stretched out a thumb, "World peace depends on you, President!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Sean needs to use war to occupy Guajira Province, but he doesn't want the war to continue, which will make his investment and development plan bog down.

In other words, war is the only solution to the problem when I need it!

I hope the world is peaceful and full of love when I don't need it!

This is a transaction, and Sean specially asked Yuri to inform the Kadeep Armed Forces to wait, and he was waiting for this day.

In the face of the U.S. President's black information, a mere regional conflict can cause no major disturbance.


Father Li is here.

It doesn't matter whether Xingcheng is big or small, he is also the prime minister, and naturally he should be treated equally.

According to the system, it should be the Secretary of State to receive, after all, Xingcheng has a president.

But the president of Xingcheng is only a symbolic sign, and the real power is in the hands of the prime minister.

In addition, Reagan wanted to make something big, so the scale of this reception was very large, and Sean and Murdoch's media group also cooperated in large-scale publicity.

Murdoch also had a good relationship with Reagan. Murdoch helped a lot when Reagan was running. Some time ago, Reagan also used a presidential decree to allow Murdoch to become an American citizen.

Sean didn't jump out to stop this matter, after all, New Century Media has already got it.

Negotiations, concluded friendly covenants, launched a series of economic cooperation, sold weapons, helicopters, fighter jets.

Reagan was very thoughtful, the helicopters were Black Hawks and Cobras, the fighter jets were F-14s, second-hand goods from the military, and other trainers, the total amount was as high as 2 billion US dollars.

Of course, the American side is happy, but the British are very dissatisfied. Xingcheng was supported by the British to build the country, and it has always been their traditional sphere of influence, and the Americans have crossed the border.

But there is no way to openly say this kind of thing. People want to carry out economic cooperation with you on a dime, but the arms sales were taken out by the British and hyped up again, mocking Reagan for speaking like a fart, a lackey of the arms group, all over the world Selling arms, warmongers and stuff like that...

Only the mouthpiece remains. In the mess of news, Sean suddenly noticed an inconspicuous news.

Saudi Arabia proposed to the US government to buy missiles, but the US government directly rejected it.


Xiaobu's house.

"How is the preparation, brother?" In the study, Sean asked with a smile.

"I have prepared 10 million, I can only get so much." Xiaobu said with a wry smile.

Sean frowned slightly, and moved his fingers gently on the table. He wanted to pull Xiaobu to make a fortune, after all, he was a two-president.

But that doesn't mean he has to pay for it for free.

Any kind of sacrifice is not good for anyone.

Originally, Sean wanted to use the official power of Lao Bu to **** Guajira, but the plan did not change quickly, and he had already done it.

After a long while, Sean looked up and asked a news that made Xiaobu dazed, "I heard that Saudi Arabia is going to buy missiles from the United States, but it was rejected, why?"

Xiaobu frowned for a moment before asking, "Have the Saudis found you?"

"Of course not, I'm just curious." Sean said ambiguous.

Xiaobu narrowed his eyes and looked at Sean for a while, "Saudis can't do it. Missiles are not other weapons. They are too dangerous."

"I remember that what the Saudis want to buy is a spear. It's a 120-kilometer range, and it's not threatening at all."

"Of course not. The spear's response speed is fast, the maneuverability is flexible, and the pre-storable liquid propellant is used for a short launch preparation time. In addition, the Type 2 warhead is extremely accurate and has great lethality against ground targets."

"Israel bought spears?" Sean continued to ask.

Xiaobu nodded, "Israel is surrounded by powerful enemies, and they need a deterrent weapon to protect the security of their own territory."

"And Saudi Arabia is different. There is no country in the Middle East that can threaten Saudi Arabia. What do they want missiles for? That is not in the interests of the United States and will allow Saudi Arabia to go beyond control."

"Iran!" Sean said with a smile.

"Iran, let's pass the old Sasha first. Besides, a little threat is not a bad thing, what do you think."

Sean laughed and said, "Yes, you are right."

"However, what I actually want to say is that even if Saudi Arabia has missiles, it will not be out of control." Sean's mouth curled up, revealing a touch of sarcasm, "No matter how strong children are, they are children, and they can only be called among children. king."

Xiaobu shook his head, "This is out of my control. You said the Saudis didn't look for you, so why do you care about this?"

"The Saudis have money. If they have to buy missiles, do you think they won't be able to buy them?" Sean tilted his head to look at Xiaobu, "Or, do you think the United States can suppress Saudi Arabia's determination?"

"Why not!" Xiaobu spread his hands.

"1973!" Sean said lightly, and Xiao Bu's expression changed.

"You won't ask me to tell me this for no reason." Xiaobu frowned and looked at Sean.

"Of course, let's go and find your father, let's talk together." Sean rubbed his hands together, and he couldn't hide the smile on his face. He seemed to see money flying in front of him!

With curiosity, the two came to Lao Bu's house. In the study, Sean asked again what he had just asked Xiao Bu.

Lao Bu tilted his head and thought for a long time, "Maybe we can't control Saudi Arabia's ambitions, but no country will sell it to them."

"Huaxia!" Sean said two words.

Lao Bu's brows twitched, slowly and tightly wrinkled together, and he preached that the rabbit was backward all day long. After a long time, these people also began to ignore it subconsciously.

In addition, the rabbit has changed its foreign policy in recent years, and it is very low-key...

"You found out that the Saudis are going to find rabbits to buy missiles?"

"No, no, no." Sean shook his head. "They can only go to the rabbit to buy it, and judging from the fact that the rabbit is short of money, they will definitely sell it!"

After thinking for a while, Lao Bu started to nod, "Yes, Rabbit did not participate in the negotiation of the Missile and Its Technology Control System and the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. They can completely sell it."

Saying that, Old Bu stood up and paced back and forth in the house.

Rabbit never joined Nakajima.

"Uncle, what are you worrying about? I don't think it's necessary at all." Sean smiled and comforted: "We just need to understand a few things. First, can we sell it!"

"No!" Old Bu replied firmly, "It has nothing to do with the others. The United States is leading the "Missile and Its Technology Control System" and is negotiating the "Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty" with the Soviet Union. Although it has not been signed yet, it is still in the negotiation process. China is determined not to sell these missiles, that would make the negotiation a joke."

"We must limit the proliferation of missiles, which is in the interests of the United States." Old Bu said very firmly.

Sean nodded. The purpose of the United States leading these treaties is to limit missile technology to a few countries, so that other countries can only develop independently by themselves, but few countries have this capability.

Well, Asan is a good example!

Sean felt that what Xiaobu said before were all ozone layers, meaningless at all.

Although Sean didn't go to see Xiaobu, Xiaobu was still a little embarrassed, and he was still young.

"That's it, the fundamental contradiction, we, including the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union who are negotiating, cannot sell to Saudi Arabia, but the Saudis are rich, and they are extremely insecure now. They must buy missiles. Yes." Sean said with a smile: "So, they can only go to the east to find a way out."

"So, now assuming the East has bought them, is there anything we can do?"

"Intercepted halfway and robbed them!" Xiaobu said viciously.

Sean looked at Xiaobu like a fool, "Guess they dare to detonate on the spot and take everyone to the sky!"

Xiao Bu opened his mouth and was still a little dissatisfied, but Lao Bu nodded affirmatively. He had experienced the Korean War.

That experience impressed Americans too deeply, especially their generation. It is not only scientific and technological power that affects the direction of the war, but also spiritual power.

"Things can't really develop to that point." Lao Bu shook his head firmly, "Our enemy is the Soviet Union, and we can't cause another oil crisis."

This is politics, testing each other, compromising each other, and no one can do anything.

Of course, this is in the face of almost opponents...

The Malays are definitely not included here.

Malay: Are you polite!

"So, we can't stop it, and there's no need to stop it." Sean said with a smile: "Even if Saudi has it, how dare they?"

"Are you attacking yl?" Sean sneered, "Saudis are so rich, they live well, and they are very nourished. They don't want to break the balance. Before the money, the Arabs may be very fierce, riding camels, Looting everywhere."

"But after you have money..." Sean spread his hands, "They have become a bunch of miser who only want to protect their own treasures, after all, they can never really become a big country, so what else can they pursue! "

"How do you know rabbits so well, why do you think of rabbits in the first place?" Lao Bu looked up and down at Sean, and always felt that there was something wrong.

Sean grinned, rubbed his hands, and said a little embarrassedly: "Well, I'm sorry, before, I, on impulse, here, the rabbit bought a batch of missiles."

Laobu: (o_o)??

The faces of the father and son were full of confusion.

"You, are you saying it again!? You, looking for rabbits and buying missiles?" The old cloth's face was distorted.

Seeing Sean nodding, the old man took a deep breath, waved his arms and asked, "Are you crazy, do you really want to invade the horses!?"

"No, no, some junk goods, products that have been eliminated by rabbits. Well, to be precise, they are junk goods that have not been put into production after they are developed. They are used to scare people." Sean laughed: "Make money. Don't be shabby, uncle, you know, I'm poor, and the poor will be unable to open the pot."

"You, you are still poor!" Xiaobu couldn't believe what he heard, shameless!

"Yes, you heard it right, you can't just see the thief eating meat and not the thief being beaten. You think I'm rich, but you don't know that I owe more debt. When my debt ratio was the highest, it reached 200%. If it weren't for me Pretending to be rich, I almost went bankrupt!" Sean looked like he was terrified.

"I have recently cleaned up a large number of industries in my hands, and this can be regarded as a relief."

It's not a lie, I even robbed HSBC when it was the hardest.

After hearing Sean explain the Dong 1 he bought, Lao Bu's expression softened, it was indeed junk.

Of course, with this kind of rubbish, there are no more than ten countries in the world that can produce.

"Don't get it near America!"

"Of course, of course." Sean chuckled: "I just take it out to scare people, I can actually launch it or what!"

The two father and son looked at Sean with contempt, maybe you kid!

The topic turned to the Saudis again, and Sean said what he meant, "I want to go to the Saudi royal family to negotiate with the rabbits on their behalf and help them buy the missiles they need."

"Then what?" Old Bu asked.

"As a middleman, it's not too much for me to draw a little." Sean spread his hands.

"You're sure you can negotiate."

"100%, the rabbit is short of money, and Saudi has money. I have dealt with that side once again, and I can catch it!" Sean looked confident.

"What do I need to do?" Old Bu asked again.

Their father and son have nothing to do with Sean's business. They are a political family and cannot be involved in this kind of business.

"This matter must be criticized after it was exposed. Help me to mediate. It's not good for anyone to make things too rigid."

Lao Bu lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "Yes."

Sean looked at Xiaobu with a big smile on his face, "Go back to Gilbert, you know him, and he will provide you with a 20 million loan."

Sean had paid for it. Hearing this number, the flesh on Old Bu's face throbbed violently.

At this time, the old cloth family has not yet had a president, and the total assets are only 20 million!

He knew that his son was doing business with Sean, and looking at Sean's current momentum, he was not afraid of losing, but he supported it.

However, he never thought that Sean would be 20 million as soon as he opened his mouth!

How generous!

No wonder Sean can rise rapidly in a short period of is so generous,

Who can resist this!

This is not just a question of 20 million. The 2000 capital is used to invest in shares, and the final profit will only be higher!

Power, what I want.

Money is what I want.

How to have both, Sean too.

Thinking about it, Old Bu looked at Sean with more fervor.

From now on, Sean is the closest friend of the ten cloth family, no one!

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