America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 257: :

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(I swear, I'll never make typos again! Sorry, sorry)

In the early morning, a heavily blocked military port north of Karombo was brightly lit.

Because of the fact that the Umbrella Company's fleet has settled in, this has always been the case here.

It's just that today is different from the past, the port is crowded with people.

The American soldiers and the Sri Lankan military were busy.

Before departure, all warships, aircraft, and weapons must be thoroughly inspected to ensure that there will be no possible problems when fighting!

In the command center, Sean, President Sri Lanka, Chief of the Army of Sri Lanka, and Minister of the Navy of Sri Lanka gathered together. However, today's protagonist is the commander-in-chief of this 'Tiger Hunt', Robert A. Owens!

Yes, today is about to launch a general attack on the Menghu organization's maritime forces. This operation is named "Operation Tiger Hunt"!

These days, in addition to running in, Robert has not stopped the investigation activities of the Menghu organization.

Small drones and Black Hawk helicopters were dispatched frequently, especially frogmen, who simply lurked inside Menghu's port, stitched together various photos, and checked the layout of the Menghu organization in the entire sea area.

After one o'clock in the morning, all preparations are in place, one last confirmation.

"I..." President Sri Lanka stood beside Sean on the pier, his face was full of worry, he opened his mouth several times before he stopped talking.

"Why, does Your Excellency President think we can't beat Menghu?" Sean asked with a smile.

"I'm not worried about that." President Sri Lanka shook his head, "I'm worried about Assam."

"Every time we were ready to exterminate Menghu, Menghu would ask Ah San for help, and every time our extermination plan failed."

"This time, they will definitely ask for help, and Asan has arranged a formation fleet across the strait!"

Why this fleet suddenly stopped here, and what it is doing, everyone knows well.

President Sri Lanka said through gritted teeth, his heart was full of anger, and his face was full of worry.

It was a grouped fleet, and the firepower was beyond the imagination of President Sri Lanka.

The world's third largest military power has an aircraft carrier. Although the aircraft carrier did not come this time, it can be used as the flagship of the marshalling fleet, with a full-load displacement of 4,800 tons.

Although the protective umbrella is made from the United States, it is advanced enough compared with other countries, but the one used by Assan is also from the Soviet Union!

The two poles of the world are equally powerful.

President Sri Lanka really doesn't think Sean's two guided missile destroyers can do better than San.

It was simply impossible. The combined tonnage of the two warships was comparable to the flagship of the fleet, Asan.

"Our purpose is just the sea power of the Menghu Organization, and we can complete this task!" President Sri Lanka thought again and again, and asked again.

Sean just nodded blankly.

President Sri Lanka's worries, of course, he understands that the conflict with Menghu has overwhelmed Sri Lanka, and the curry-smelling neighbor next door is always rushing over...

Take the opportunity to ravage Sri Lanka.

Every time I forcibly break open the door, I have to leave hundreds of millions of things in Sri Lanka before I leave.

Yes, I'm talking about ammunition...

President Sri Lanka, and even Sri Lanka as a whole, is justifiably afraid.

However, Sean is not ready to back down when the time comes.

It is the first time to perform a national-level security and defense mission. In front of all countries in the world, if you back down this time, it will be impossible to think hard again in the future.

It's even harder to get an order.

Even if the two battleships were sunk, Sean would never back down.

Patting President Sri Lanka on the shoulder, Sean said, "Pour down the wine, you will come when you go", and then turned around and boarded the battleship!

Go, go north!

A Keeling-class guided missile destroyer, a Deeley-class guided missile frigate, the Sri Lankan Navy dispatched a total of 27 warships to cooperate with the operation.

2 small torpedo boats, 2 small anti-submarine patrol boats, 5 small gunboats, 18 small patrol boats, the total tonnage reached an astonishing 1200 tons!

In particular, the five small gunboats have a displacement of an astonishing 120 tons!

The two small torpedo boats are even bigger killers, with a displacement of an astonishing 19.3 tons!

Such combat power made Sean amazed, and he was convinced of his order to only let the Sri Lankan Navy be responsible for assisting!

In less than five hours, just before dawn, the fleet approached the northern Menghu control area, the large island of Delft.

To be honest, it was the Sean that dragged down. These speedboats of the Sri Lankan Navy are a little smaller, but they are much faster...

Arriving at the battlefield at the scheduled time, Robert gave an order, and the Sri Lankan navy cooperated with the security and rushed towards the sea between Delft and Jaffna.

The Sean was not far from the Delft waters, and all attention was on Asan's side.

However, when the security number and his party arrived at the predetermined location, it was just bright every day. After receiving the report, Robert gave another order, and the four helicopters immediately took off from the temporary airport on Mannar Island and went straight to the Menghu control area to kill.

Flying at a low altitude did not give Menghu any chance to react at all.

After arriving at the predetermined position, aiming at the small hidden dock, he directly pressed the missile launch button.

"Whoosh whoosh" a rocket launch slot was directly emptied.

19 rounds of rockets covered the small pier like an overwhelming force.

"boom boom"

Amidst a series of dense explosions, the fire on the sea rose into the sky, and the waves were blown up more than 20 meters high.

After the roar, the fuel on the ship leaked out and directly ignited a raging fire. The nearby docks, including the land, were ignited, and the flames shot into the sky!

Regardless of whether there is a living person nearby, it is certain that there will never be any here now!

In fact, the so-called Menghu Organization Seamount Forces are all little guys converted from fishing boats and merchant ships, and only a few of them are small patrol boats provided by Asan.

The practice of the anti-government armed forces is that when they go out, they are bandits, and when they enter, they are civilians. Those fishing boats are usually fishing boats, and raiding and smuggling are part-time jobs.

After one round of saturation blows, they all turned into fragments!

Even so, the black eagle in the sky didn't let it go, and the installed machine guns aimed a frantic strafing at several nearby buildings that were still in good condition.

The metal storm swept down, and the wooden buildings were directly turned into pieces!

Almost at the same time, Menghu's four hidden small ports scattered everywhere suffered a devastating blow.


Uh... Sean lost a lot!

As for Menghu's tattered weapons at sea, it's not as expensive as 19 rounds of rockets!

Worst of all, according to the information collected by the investigation, Menghu's maritime forces are extremely scattered. This sea area has complex terrain and many islands. Menghu has designed more than 10 hidden small ports like pepper noodles.

The helicopter here has completed the destruction task, and the speedboat of the Sri Lankan Navy will come to finish immediately.

Search for survivors, or sweep the battlefield.

Of course, Menghu is not without large...medium-sized ports.

Jaffner has one.

In order to destroy those here, and to guard against possible counterattacks, Robert directly dispatched two Apaches to take action personally!

The port of Jaffna, the core of the Menghu organization, has 2 real gunboats of about 150 tons, as many as 5 armed merchant ships with a displacement of more than 500 tons converted from merchant ships, and there are many small patrol boats.

In addition, the coastal defense artillery, radar, etc. are also very complete, and there is no problem in defending the Sri Lankan Navy!

The two Apaches were flying almost close to the water, and were only discovered when they rushed 2 kilometers near the port.

Shore sirens sounded frantically.

Division of labor, locking, "swish swish" Hellfire anti-tank missiles rushed out, under the lock of the fire control radar, there were only a few fixed targets, and there was almost no possibility of missing the target.

In the series of explosions of "Boom Boom", Menghu's strongest maritime force, the gunboat and several armed merchant ships were directly blown out of a big hole.

The 2 Apaches shot out 7 Hellfire anti-tank missiles respectively, which were pulled up directly after the bombing.

In this wave, $1.5 million is gone!

After 20 seconds, it rose to a height of more than 200 meters. At this moment, it has entered the pier 1 km range, and the rockets began to cover and bomb!

There is a saying that the poor will intersperse tactics, and the rich will bombard his mother, 76 rockets, covering the entire dock area, a saturation attack that does not leave any sympathy.

Two rounds of bombing took only 30 seconds before and after, and all the maritime forces of the entire Menghu organization in Jaffna were almost completely destroyed!

At this moment, the talents of Menghu Organization reacted.

This is why they have always been vigilant, and the Menghu organization is well-trained.

Several people rushed out of the room in a hurry, carrying RPGs on their shoulders, aiming at the Apache in the sky and launching them directly.

As if the driver on the Apache didn't see it at all, he casually pulled up diagonally and rushed out.

No... well, I just look down on RPGs, it's an unguided shoulder rest, and it doesn't have any locking features at all.

Moreover, the initial speed is only 140 meters per second, the maximum speed after the secondary ignition is only 300 meters per second, and the maximum range is only more than 900 meters.

As long as you don't hover stupidly, and let the enemy shoot close to the face, there is basically no possibility of being shot down!

Pulled up, dived, the muzzle was aligned, the machine gun sound of "dong dong dong..." sounded, the ground rubble splashed, the two minced meat belts swept directly, and the flesh and blood splashed.

The machine guns were shooting back and forth. Suddenly, an anti-aircraft gun turned, and the muzzle turned towards the Apache. The gunshots of "chuchuchu..." and the bullet chain slid through the air.

The two Apaches flew by quickly, and at this moment, the two Menghu members rushed out of the cover, carrying a long launcher on their shoulders, and pressed the trigger directly after locking the Apache.

"Di Di Di Di Di..." A harsh alarm sounded on the Apache, which was an infrared lock alarm.

Obviously, the Menghu organization has anti-air missiles.

The drivers of the two Apaches instantly had a surge of adrenaline. They always had data in their hearts about how far they were from the ground and the target they just attacked.

"Whoosh" twice, the two missiles almost rubbed the Apache's belly and shot past.

Quickly pull up, evade, and immediately contact the headquarters to report, "The other party has individual air defense missiles, suspected to be Sam."

"Saturate coverage to hit the port ships, make sure to retreat immediately after the mission is completed!" Robert ordered without hesitation.

Their duty is to surrender the Jaffna Maritime Armed Forces, and the rest has nothing to do with the contract.

As a capitalist, you must never do any work beyond the contract!

"Whoosh whoosh boom boom boom"

With the coastal defense guns on, the two helicopters poured out another round of firepower two kilometers away. The flames rose more than ten meters high, and thick smoke billowed. All the ships in the entire port sank and were scrapped.

2 kilometers, completely beyond the maximum range that the Menghu air defense weapons can cover!

The unrestrained firepower poured out, melodiously pulled up, patted the sleeves, leaving only a sea of ​​fire...

The helicopter returned to Mannar Island for the first time to replenish the ammunition. As the helicopter completed the attacking task in front of the helicopter, the follow-up American soldiers on the speedboat with the protective umbrella immediately entered the scattered port to clean up the tail.

The sporadic fish caught in the net are naturally handled by RPG rocket launchers. If you find that you try to escape by driving the speedboat, you will immediately switch to the stinger memory to lock and destroy.

Sea and air cooperation, with the support of detailed intelligence in the early stage, the Menghu Organization had no resistance at all, and hidden private ports were eliminated one by one.

Several helicopters took off over Jaffna, but not far from the port was the guided-missile frigate Security cruising. Menghu's helicopters didn't dare to approach within 5 kilometers. They couldn't escape the lock of the sea sparrow. attack.

In less than 2 hours before and after, the sea power of the Menghu organization was basically wiped out.

This is also because the helicopter wasted 1 hour to replenish the ammunition.

There was no air and sea blockade at all, weapons were crushed, and there was no counter-strength at all. Jaffna could only ask the fleet near Asam for help as soon as possible.

After receiving the message from the Menghu organization asking for help, the Asan navy stationed nearby immediately started making preparations to set sail.

Throughout the sailing time, Niu Niu will cry when he sees it.

Of course, you can't expect Ah San's soldiers to complete the emergency assembly in 3 minutes, right?

In a hurry, there was a mess, and two warships had problems and could not complete their voyage to sea.

Chicken flying dog jumping!

However, Ah San's military didn't think there was any problem, he was used to it!

The protective umbrella has completed the annihilation mission, and the Asam fleet finally arrived long overdue.

No way, there is still 25 nautical miles between them.

"This is the first warning, this is the Sri Lankan waters, warn Ah San, you have already crossed the border, please go back immediately!" Sean signaled, Robert connected the other party's signal, and gave Ah San a chance to speak directly and sternly warned.

Go back, how is it possible!

The dignified largest country in Southeast Asia, the third largest military power in the world, the hegemon in Asia, and the only great Asam Imperial Navy that has completed the annexation of the country after World War II, how could it be intimidated by a mere private armed force!

Isn't this an international joke!

Besides, the Menghu Organization is asking for help. Isn't their purpose here to ensure the safety of the Menghu Organization!

"Sri Lankan military, please stop your massacres. War cannot solve the problem. In order to maintain regional peace, the three parties reserve the right to stop them by force!" the commander of the southern fleet rebuked loudly.

Without the command of the Asam fleet commander, their fleet moved towards the Sri Lankan waters in an all-round way.

It's not the first time I've been in and out of my neighbors. I'm a skilled worker who knows the depths like the back of the hand.

"Second warning, warning, Assam, you have actually invaded the Sri Lankan waters, please exit immediately!"

"There is no invasion. As the largest country in Asia, the three parties have the right and obligation to maintain regional security."

"The third warning, warning, you are invading the sovereign country of Sri Lanka. If you don't retreat immediately, we will deal with the aggression according to the facts." After Robert completed the three warnings, he turned his head and looked at the camera next to him and said: "The three warnings have been completed. , if the three parties continue to ignore the warning and invade after that, we will annihilate them!"

"The harpoon missile launch system is activated, locking the opponent's battleship!"

At a distance of 15 kilometers, the Sean began to lock while moving laterally. On the other side, the Security, which was originally blocking Jaffna, also moved towards this side at full speed, and the missile system on the ship entered a state of preparation.

On Mannar Island, four helicopters completed their second reload and took off.

Upon receiving the report of being locked on by radar, Ah San's commander didn't take it seriously.

This is the Asam sea area, and the entire sea area is named after Asam.

What does this represent?

This represents international recognition!

This represents international status!

As a non-aligned world leader, A-San is a British-style democratic socialist country, taking everything from the East and the West, and the US and the Soviet Union are competing to win over, so he has the confidence to ignore anyone!

Ten minutes later, Sean waved his hand heavily.

Robert ordered fire immediately!

"Whoosh" two sounds, a burst of white smoke, and two Harpoon anti-ship missiles were launched and went straight to the first one on the left of the three parties, and the second destroyer frigate bombed it.

"Boom!" Two huge explosions sounded, and the decks of the two unprepared battleships rose into the sky.

The huge explosion could be heard clearly in the whole sea area.

For a time, the entire southern fleet of Ah San was dumbfounded, never expected that the other party would really dare to launch missiles.

If Assam's army still often fights in Kashmir and has some combat experience, then the navy is purely in a state of leisure.

Mainly and indeed because in the Asam Ocean region, Asam is the unsurprising overlord of the sea.

With 50,000 navies, 140 warships, and one aircraft carrier, this piece is truly invincible.

"Quick, quick, report the battle damage, evade, evade!" the commander of the southern fleet shouted loudly, and the entire fleet became a mess.

After the two missiles were launched, the Sean turned around and ran.

Immediately above his head, two missiles passed.

The "Boom" was hit by the main battleship of the Asan Southern Fleet, the Rajput-class guided missile destroyer.

The 221 kg warhead exploded with a bang, and the gas on the deck burst into flames.

Most of the radar tower was directly blown up, and the broken parts flew everywhere like a goddess scattered flowers.

The dual-arm S-125M anti-aircraft missile launcher and the dual-barreled 76mm gun at the bow of the warship were directly lifted out.

A mess on the deck!

The "Rajput" class destroyer was built by the Soviet Union on the basis of the "Kashin" destroyer. The first ship was commissioned in September 1980.

Captain: 147 meters

Displacement: 3950 tons (standard) 4970 tons (full load)

Speed: 35 knots endurance

Crew: 320

Weapons and equipment: 4 single SS-N-2C/2D "Styx" anti-ship missile launchers (range 83 kilometers)

2 double-arm SA-N-1 "Goa" anti-aircraft missile launchers (range 31 kilometers, height 22.5 kilometers, 44 bombs)

1 double-barreled 76mm main gun

4 ADGM-6306 30mm close-in guns

1 5x PTA533mm torpedo tube

Two 12-tube RBU6000 anti-submarine rocket launchers

1 Ka-25 anti-submarine helicopter

The tonnage far exceeds that of the Keeling-class guided missile destroyer. It is the same as the Kontz-class destroyer that Sean is about to buy, with a full load of 6,100, which is almost the same as the product of the same era.

It's just that the Kontz-class prototype is for the cruiser, with a larger displacement and more firepower.

Of course, for Sumei, this is obsolete, and they are all engaged in nuclear power.

If it hadn't been for the Asam Navy, he would never have thought that Sean would be so ignorant of martial arts, and he would have done what he said.

The commanders of the Southern Fleet are crazy, everyone is threatening each other and talking about it, grass mud horse, you are really fighting!

Are you sick, are you sick!

Not giving him a chance to continue to think about it at all, the Sean, which was running, fired two Harpoon anti-ship missiles again.

According to Sean, either don't do it or do it to the end!

Anyway, this is in the Sri Lankan waters, and it is reasonable for us to say that we are going to break the sky.

It's just that the San's Southern Fleet didn't respond, um...

You can always trust Asam!

One of the two missiles was shot down in the air halfway through, and the other missile hit the side string of the "Rajput" class destroyer D51, creating a huge hole on the spot.

D51 is completely disabled and must be returned to the factory for overhaul immediately!

The entire fleet fell into chaos. For a long time, the person in charge of the Southern Fleet connected all communications again, and ordered angrily: "I'll beat them up and blow them up!"

"Captain! They..."

"Shut up, you lowly thing!!" The captain roared angrily.

With an order, swish swish, four SS-N-2C/2D "Styx" anti-ship missiles were activated on the four warships.

Ah San's battleships are equipped with single-shot launchers. Only the main command battleship D51 is equipped with 4 sets of launchers, and the other battleships have only two sets at most.

The tonnage is not small, and the firepower, um, the Sean is a 4-mounted harpoon, and its anti-ship capability is already equivalent to Asan's flagship.

The missile took off, and the scene was immediately captured and locked by the radar on the Sean.

The distance between the two sides is about 18 kilometers, and it takes a full minute before the missile can hit the Sean.

However, with sufficient precautions, this kind of thing basically does not happen.

One minute is enough to respond!

"The sea sparrow is locked, the induction bomb is ready, and the phalanx is ready."

All air defense weapons are ready, the missile has just entered the range of 8 kilometers, the 8-unit MK29 box-type launching system is installed, and the first group of 4 Sea Sparrow missiles are automatically launched.

The Sea Sparrow in 1968 did not have the ability to deal with sea-skimming supersonic cruise missiles, but after 1978, the inverted monopulse receiver with digital signal processor was adopted, which made this type of missile more resistant to ground and debris. The wave capability has been greatly increased, and for the first time, it has the ability to look down and shoot down, which can effectively deal with anti-ship missiles flying over seas.

Subsequently, a new type of digital computer, autopilot and fuze were updated. The autopilot enabled the RIM-7M missile to fly according to the optimal trajectory and the interception capability was greatly enhanced.

In the violent explosion of "boom boom boom", three missiles were intercepted, and then, swish swish, 2 sea sparrows were automatically locked and launched.

A series of explosions sounded, and this time the last missile that escaped interception was also detonated in the air.

Afterwards, the induction bombs and the phalanxes fired in unison, and the last missile was also blown up in the air.

(The so-called interception probability in the missile interception system is only 30%, which are all large ballistic missiles with a range of several hundred kilometers and a speed of Mach 2 or more, such as ordinary anti-ship missiles with harpoons as chestnuts, 0.85 It's just Mach, the speed of a first-generation fighter jet, and there is no flexible evasion ability, but the target is relatively small, and it is not difficult to hit the target.)

"Fuck them!" Sean's heart beat faster, his face blushed and his neck was thick, and he roared with exhaustion.

Robert ordered again, and another harpoon was fired.

Immediately, the sailors on the ship were ordered to start reloading the missiles on the deck.

"Isn't there one more shot?" Sean immediately asked loudly.

"It is necessary to retain a little firepower. Now that Asam is completely alert, without the advantage of the sneak attack just now, whether it is one or two harpoons, it is basically impossible to break through their blockade. Asam uses Soviet goods. It has full anti-missile capability."

Robert explained: "Reserving one shot is a shock and deterrent, so they can't attack us with all their strength."

For a while, the Sean completely lost its ability to attack!

It's **** exciting to run away when you're done doing something bad!

There was a brief exchange of fire, only ten minutes before and after, but whether it was Sean or Robert, or the American soldiers on board, all of them were excited.

Suppressing his excitement, Robert turned his attention and said to Sean: "Assam's D51 is not really incapable of firepower, but as the flagship of the fleet, he also has to undertake anti-submarine missions. The ship is equipped with a large number of anti-submarine missiles, occupying a lot of space. and ammunition reserves."

"It's a sudden incident now. San's submarine can't catch up, and it's not nearby. Otherwise, in terms of anti-submarine capabilities, we are in danger."

In the sudden sound, four armed helicopters arrived nearby, and Robert ordered them to hover overhead. Two Apaches were cruising around the perimeter of the Asam fleet, attracting the attention of the other party, and they could not let the other party launch missiles towards this side again.

Otherwise, you really can't stand it.

Apache did not dare to approach Assan's fleet at all, and only dared to find 8 kilometers to accidentally fly close to the sea, so that the anti-aircraft missiles could not lock on itself.

On the opposite side, 4 missiles in a row were successfully intercepted. How could Ah San just let it go.

Pursuit is impossible, the commander gave an order, and two more missiles were fired.

Robert was startled. The Sea Sparrow had not replenished the missiles, so he could only try to intercept it with the last two Sea Sparrows. "Prepare, prepare!"

The sea sparrows automatically locked and intercepted, and the Phalanx arranged a second line of defense.

After more than 1 minute, two fires rose again, and the two missiles were successfully intercepted again.

However, Robert's face has not improved in any way. If the Indian side launches a missile again, the Sean will have no interception ability at all.

"Go back, they must be scared at this time!" Sean said sharply.

Robert didn't hesitate, and immediately issued an order. The last harpoon from the Sean and two harpoons from the safety number that was rushing back were fired one after another.

The two Apaches also began to approach within 8 kilometers of the provocation, ready to throw out hellfire for Asan to have a good taste of this big and thick thing.

Because of the different launch distances, the three missiles have completely different speeds and different directions.

The phalanx on the "Tu Tu Tu" Ah San battleship formed a cross death storm.

"Boom" twice, the two missiles were blown up in the air to form a terrifying shock wave.

The last missile of "Swish Boom" broke through the blockade and bloomed on one of Asan's destroyers. A harpoon penetrated two decks, and the shattered hull scattered and splashed.

Seeing that his own warship was shot again, the commander of the southern fleet of Asan turned ashen.

It is a shame that a fleet has never fought against the other's two warships!

The continuous blows poured buckets of ice water on Commander Asam's head, finally letting him wake up from the fantasy of the 'Third Empire'.

The fleet that was rampant in Assamyang before was like playing at home!

All his problems boiled down to the fact that his warships did not have anti-missile systems.

The U.S. military's Aegis automated command and anti-missile system is very advanced, while the warships that Ah San purchased from the Soviet Union were not equipped with an anti-missile system, relying on the old-fashioned Phalanx for artillery blockade.

Of course, the Soviet Union also has an anti-missile system. The A-35 anti-missile system was proposed and developed in 1959. It did not enter the army until 1978. Not to mention the issue of advanced nature, it is impossible for the Soviets to sell it to Asan. , and at that time these warships had already served in Asan.

Besides, the A-35 is really not good. Compared with the official development of the A-35 since 1967, the Aegis, which was officially installed and served in the ship in 1981, is indeed a lot worse.

And the more advanced A-135 anti-missile system is still in the laboratory, which is not to mention the different research directions of the Soviet Union and the United States.

Of course, His Excellency Commander Asam thinks so highly of Sean, and he is just making excuses for his failure.

Aegis anti-missile system?

What an international joke!

The fraud of this system reaches 200 million US dollars!

Not to mention whether the US military and Congress will agree to sell the world's most advanced anti-missile system to Sean.

Sean is crazy, equip a 2-hand Keeling with Aegis!

It's so funny!

It's like money can be robbed at will!

The upgrade of the Sean Shanghai Sparrow is only a derivative technology that appeared in the research and development process of the Aegis system.

Well, it's a kind of bankrupt version of beggar castration.

That is to say, it has the ability to intercept such subsonic anti-ship missiles.

Did you try replacing it with that kind of supersonic missile?

Sean dared to die on the spot!


"Retreat!" The commander of the Southern Fleet gritted his teeth and gave the order.

Seeing that the other party started to run away, Sean did not provoke any more. Of course, this was definitely not because the new missiles had not been reloaded.

It's not because Sean's heart started to bleed when he heard the consumption.

Eight harpoons!

Holy shit!

The two warships only carried a total of 16, and half of them were emptied at one time.

The price of eight harpoons alone is as high as more than 7 million US dollars!

There are also 8 sea sparrows!

In addition to the 64 Hellfires and 304 rockets fired from the previous armed helicopters, the stingers shot out by the speedboat troops.

Fuel consumed, soldier bonuses, etc.

After a little calculation in my heart, I can't come to a conclusion. This short confrontation will cost 20 million US dollars!

Sean held the command room console with one hand and covered his chest with the other.

My heart hurts so bad I can't breathe!

What is the sound of a cannon, a thousand taels of gold.JPG

Damn, did you lose money?

If there is such a riot once or twice a year in the future, I may,

Go bankrupt!

It's just that Ah San's side is even worse. A fleet of 8 warships, big and small, went out to maintain peace for a few hours, and when he came back, he was full of holes.

The 4 warships suffered heavy damage, and all of them had to be returned to the factory for overhaul.

The number of casualties was more than 160!

It can be said that a marshalling fleet is equivalent to being scrapped!

The news quickly spread like a storm, especially in Sri Lanka, and TV stations broadcast the news for the first time.

President Sri Lanka has never been as excited as he is now, with a straight waist and a small stature with great energy.

Merely Asam, in my opinion, he looks like a turkey and a dog, like a sticker to sell ears!

"The joint operation of the Sri Lankan military and the Umbrella Company achieved a major success, completely eliminating all maritime forces of the Menghu Organization in the eastern region, and the Menghu Organization suffered heavy losses!"

"The Menghu organization asked Ahsan for help. Ahsan's navy sent the southern fleet into Sri Lanka's territorial waters, repeatedly warning the other side that the invasion had failed, and we resolutely launched an attack."

"The two sides fired a total of 14 anti-ship missiles at each other. In the end, the four warships of Ahsan's military suffered heavy damage and were forced to retreat, but our side was unscathed and won a great victory!"

"Long live Sri Lanka!"

Then came a group of oil tycoons in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Arabian Sea who have been watching the situation here.

"How is it possible that one of the dignified Asan's fleet has never fought the other's two warships?"

"How did you fight this? Are they all filled with curry sauce in their missiles?"

Those who received the news couldn't believe it for a while.

Absolute military superiority, tethering a dog to the commander's position won't leave the opponent unscathed?


What is it about this miraculous record?

Of course, there will be no such news in Asam's territory.

"Our army dispatched a formation fleet to stop further conflicts between the Sri Lankan government and the rebels in the Paoke Strait, and maintained the peace and stability of the waters around the Assam Ocean."

Sean also wanted to see Ah San's domestic reaction, and also decided on the following response plan.

After hearing this report, everyone in the conference room fell silent.

After a long while, Sean couldn't help laughing.

"The bird food stopped further conflicts, and the bird food made the surrounding area of ​​Asamyang more peaceful and stable. It is a very real and objective report." Sean said solemnly, clutching his stomach.

The meeting room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Of course, domestic reports are completely different from foreign reports.

After receiving the battle damage report, Asan immediately held a press conference.

"The Umbrella Company launched a large-scale bombing of civilian facilities, resulting in very bad consequences and a large number of casualties. We responded immediately after receiving the situation. We hope that the two sides can calm down and solve the problem through negotiations rather than conflicts and massacres."

"It's just that we never thought that the Umbrella Company would be so despicable and shameless, and launched a sneak attack during the negotiation process, causing many of our warships to be severely damaged."

"Unfortunately, in this case, we still exercise restraint and can only withdraw immediately after passively counterattacking, and did not dispatch fighter jets to carry out air strikes."

"We strongly condemn this despicable and shameless sneak attack, and at the same time issue a question to the US side, which is provocative!"

"We suspect that the umbrella party has the intention of provoking a war between the two countries, and strongly demands that the umbrella company be punished for this illegal act!"

Watching Ah San's press conference, Sean's face was inexplicable, "No, Ah San really considers him the third largest military power in the world?"

"Just think about it in broad daylight!"

"So imaginative, I am ashamed!"

On the Sri Lanka side, the Presidential Palace was completely proud of itself in this conflict.

In the history of Sri Lanka, the presidents of Sri Lanka have never had such a straight back for a moment, never as hard as they are now.

All this comes from the powerful military strength of the umbrella!

"Under the circumstance of not informing us, the three parties secretly invaded our waters for no reason. After being discovered by us and given a severe warning, they still did not take it to heart and continued to invade. The three warnings were fruitless. The third is to prepare to invade, and immediately strike back strongly!"

"There is a detailed video of the scene, and some countries are not allowed to ignore the facts and talk nonsense!"

At the same time, the Washington White House and the Pentagon also received news.

What Washington is more concerned about is what the umbrella company did and what Assan said.

The Pentagon is concerned about the issue of 100% interception of the Soviet SS-N-2 "Styx" anti-ship missile by the Sean during the entire conflict!

This is the first time that the Soviet Union's anti-ship missiles have been encountered in actual combat, and the missile interception results are amazing.

Immediately, the Pentagon issued an order to send a team of experts to Sri Lanka to obtain detailed data on the warships in the conflict for further study.

At the same time, the White House also called and immediately returned to Washington to attend the 'hearing'.

If it is later generations, there should not be too many conflicts between such large private security companies and other countries, and they will not attract too much attention at all.

But now it's different. Now Sean is the first of its kind, and many things don't even have a cognitive standard.

With the tape on, Sean boarded a charter plane and headed straight to Washington.

Sean misses his sky palace immensely every time he takes a long flight.

Why hasn't it been refitted, what's so, so slow!

Fortunately, Le Huizhen was by her side throughout the whole process, pinching her legs and feet...

The annoying thing is that there are cameras in the cabin, which makes Sean's dream of a thousand miles delayed again.

However, sometimes it is not so controlled, and there will always be hundreds of millions of points left, causing Le Huizhen to be jealous.

soft slack...

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