America’s Big Hero

Vol 2 Chapter 251: :

(Low-key, what kind of title, what if something goes wrong in the text, low-key, low-key... don't shoot!)

After all, he is a media tycoon, how could he not fight back.

Those who acted first were those under him.

Xu is to please the boss, Xu is for a higher salary, Xu is to have more clues that can be revealed, some guys start to move their minds.

It's actually not that difficult to monitor a phone call...


Sean has television media, Murdoch has newspapers and magazines.

The next day, Murdoch's various newspapers began to fight back overwhelmingly.

First, the hat of a 'violent' was buckled on Sean's head.

Sean was lying on the bed, he was too lazy to get up.

There was a dining cart beside the bed, and Diane, wearing a pink lace suspender dress, was feeding Sean his breakfast bite by bite.

Hearing that Sharon Stone had sneaked out during the publicity, Diane immediately guessed that Sean might be back, so, after hearing the news that Sean had beaten Murdoch.

The first time I came to "comfort" Sean's injured little heart.

In order to fight against the evil Axis powers, Diane specially called out the little **** Elizabeth Hurley with whom she worked with last night when she arrived last night.

Although this woman is now filming "Three Dads and One Baby", she is a supporting role after all, so it's not a big problem to take a few days off.

What's more, a female secretary appeared beside the man! !

Diane glanced at Lorraine, who was standing beside him, holding a newspaper in his hand, expressionless face, and Lorraine, who read aloud quickly without any emotion in his voice.

He picked up the spoon, swallowed something into his mouth, bent over and leaned in front of Sean, pouted and fed it.

Lorraine's voice paused slightly, and with a click, the newspaper was crushed into pieces.

Sean was overjoyed.

Yes, he did it on purpose, he just liked to see Lorraine angry.

linger (verb)

The uncle finished breakfast and put on his clothes under the service of the two women, and then Sean came out of the room.

Norris, Pete, and Guanhai have already packed up and waited downstairs.

They are going to New Century Media. Today, Sean is going to record a TV interview.

In the car, Sean smiled and looked at Guan Hai, "Do you want to understand why I was going to beat that old man yesterday?"

"Because you want to create enough big contradictions, forcing everyone to choose a team to achieve a quick acquisition plan." Guan Hai thought about it in the middle of the night last night, but he just didn't understand, "It's worth paying such a big price. Murdoch won't let it go."

It's really because of Sean's sudden difficulty that intensified the conflict, those shareholders couldn't continue to sway left and right, otherwise, according to the normal acquisition case, it is possible to continue to drag on for a year and a half.

"You're more than half right." Sean nodded in satisfaction.

Guan Hai sat upright and listened honestly.

"This world, you can't sing a one-man show. If you don't have an open enemy, there will be a lot of people behind you waiting to harm you at any time."

"With Murdoch, it's different. Those who are dissatisfied with me, their first choice is always to wait for Murdoch to fight with me."

"The most is to give Murdoch some support behind his back and let him continue to fight with me."

"Let me give you a chestnut. The United States led a 'BT' to block all **, then, do you think rabbits will hate us?"

Guan Hai nodded heavily, this is certain, he hated it to death.

"Then in theory, they should jump out and **** us with the polar bears, but is that the case?"

Guan Hai shook his head, the fact was that the rabbit huddled in the back, motionless, holding high the 'abstain' flag.

"So!" Sean spread his hands, "Those who have hatred for me, those who do not like me, and those who are dissatisfied with me will also not jump out, they are all smart people, and smart people will never jump out to give Murdoch blocked the gun."

"At least until Murdoch is completely over, I don't have to worry too much about those people attacking me." Sean said with a big laugh.

Guan Hai looked at Sean with admiration, what is a command.jpg

Lorraine pouted secretly, she didn't believe that Sean had such political vision, otherwise he would not have been tricked by Lao Sa before.

This is at best an afterthought, putting gold on your face.

She can guarantee that Sean just wants to beat Murdoch to get out of his anger!

"As for Murdoch's revenge, it doesn't exist, but when I force Lynch to sell my shares to me, the Houston government and the Texas state capital must be on my side." Sean said it coldly. The face of Lorraine played with his little hands, and said with a smug expression: "Not to mention the employment and taxes that the new century can bring."

"Just because of the absolute hegemony of New Century's propaganda in Texas, it is impossible for those politicians to offend me."

"The law will do its best to excuse me."

"Finally, as long as the conflict between me and Murdoch lasts for one day, there will be no shortage of topics in the new century, and if there are topics, there will be no shortage of ratings, even if it is to watch me and Murdoch scolding and arguing in the air, various TV stations in the new century will The viewership will grow rapidly.”

"Yes, President Pete." Sean looked at Pete with a smile.

"Boss, amazing!" Pete's face was full of smiles, and he was in a good mood at first sight. "The ratings of the video of the boss's press conference yesterday exploded."

"The ratings won the first place in one fell swoop, which is higher than the ratings in last year's general election."

"Moreover, many other local TV stations are contacting us now to purchase the broadcasting rights of this video. It can be said that the boss brought tens of millions of income to New Century Media in a short period of time yesterday!"

"According to this trend, there will only be more in the future."

Hiss, Guan Hai sucked in a breath of cold air, this is tens of millions of income! !

"But there is also bad news." Pete Chernin said with a smile: "Presumably today, the sales of Murdoch's newspapers will also skyrocket."

"This is really bad news." Sean laughed and nodded.

The group arrived at New Century's office building, and Sean and his group went directly to Studio 1.

The studio is not big, and all the staff are already waiting here. The makeup artist starts to touch up Sean's makeup. Next to him is Bill Maher, who is the host.

Holding the question book prepared by the TV station in his hand, he quickly read it to Sean.

These questions must be checked beforehand, and he would not dare to engage in Sean's raid.

Nothing else, afraid of death!

At this time, "Uncle Puma" was only 30 years old, and this time to host the interview program was also a temporary decision.

Originally, the TV stations of the Capital Media Company were all local TV stations, and they were not integrated into one TV station, and there was no such fixed interview 'talk show' program.

The reason why Uncle Puma came out for the interview was that Sean himself named him.

Because Sean knows this guy!

Half an hour later, the show was about to be recorded. After the director made a 'click', Uncle Puma said to the camera, "Today, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to interview someone."

"If it was before yesterday, well, I don't know who he is either, but today, I think, there are not many people in the United States who don't know him. He is, Sean the Striker!"

"I don't like this nickname at all, I think 'strike' should be used to name missiles." Sean said with a smile.

"So, have you given yourself a nickname?" Uncle Puma asked immediately.

"Of course, I nicknamed myself Sean 'The Younger'!"

"Is this because of yesterday's youth declaration?"

"In theory I should say yes, but in practice, no."

"Then can you tell me the origin of this nickname?"

"Of course, because men are teenagers until they die, and we are single-minded. We like young, beautiful and good-looking women at all times." Said, Sean blinked.

"Well, I have to admit, I'm equally focused." The two looked at each other and laughed together.

After teasing for a while, the interview got to the point.

"Let's look at today's paper, which is a newspaper owned by Mr. Murdoch's News Corp."

"You can completely replace it with the nickname Rumor, it doesn't matter." Sean interjected.

Uncle Puma coughed a few times in a row, and then he reorganized his emotions and said: "Let me read: How a strong person can shake a fist at an old man who is nearly 60 years old and has a high reputation and be complacent about it. Does the so-called 'courage' mean beating up the elderly? We think we young people don't want such courage!"

"What do you want to say about this?"

"Wait, who is this prestigious person talking about?" Sean asked without answering.

"It should be Mr. Murdoch."

"Don't make trouble, this old man has a noble character? Is he spreading rumors?" Sean sneered, "You can't lick his hemorrhoids crazily just because he's the boss. It's really disgusting."

"Of course, we can't say that Murdoch did not contribute, he at least has enough pornography, the Sun and the Star to benefit a lot of people."

"In addition to the rumormonger, he can also be called an old pervert. At the age of 36, he married the company's 19-year-old reporter Anna."

"So, the sentence should be, how can you shake a fist at an old woman who is nearly 60 years old, you see, it sounds more true."

"Of course, I'm not complacent, because the old pervert has no fighting power." Sean spread his hands.

"So, does it count as courage to beat an old pervert?"

"Of course, but when you're walking on the street, sitting on the bus, and you see an old **** molesting women, you should go up and smash that old lecher's teeth out."

"Okay, let's look at this newspaper again. It says that you are an uneducated and uneducated person."

"I think the vast majority of people in front of the TV have no access to higher education like me. Murdoch said, you are a bunch of uneducated people."

Uncle Puma almost laughed, raised his hand and touched his nose, "In this newspaper, they said that you grew up in a single-parent family, and you didn't know who your father was until you were 20 years old, so you didn't learn how to respect a father. Father, an old man."

"So, Murdoch actually discriminates against black people in his bones, and he is still a racist?" Sean can always find loopholes from novel angles.

"As for respecting the elderly?" Sean looked at Uncle Puma curiously, "Why should I respect the elderly? Just because he is old enough?"

Uncle Puma was also stunned. He didn't expect Sean to dare to say such unconventional words, "No, shouldn't it?"

"Young people, you must be wary of this malicious media, they are trying to change your soul, make you stupid, so that they can be manipulated at will, to be clear, what we respect is always the knowledge accumulated over time , is the wisdom of life, is the experience of surviving in a difficult environment, not some **** age!"

"Turtles live longer, why don't they take them home to be their fathers?"

Uncle Puma had a weird expression, and after a while, he said with a tangled face: "Well, I didn't understand the sentence correctly until today."

"Then, the next question, as a rich man, your behavior is very... um, different, can you tell me why?"

"What you want to say is that the behavior is weird and flamboyant, yes, I am like this, I don't think there is any problem with it." Sean said with a smile: "I live to be bound by the inherent framework? Then I live Where is the meaning? Isn’t it what young people should do to break the old pattern and open up a new century?”

"Thoughts, minds, bodies, and life are all inherently bound by the old framework. Everyone can only live by the rules and live as those people want. Think back, can you find it in history? Is this the case?"

Uncle Puma frowned and thought, including the director and staff below.

"You mean, ancient society?"

"Yes, the old society, the age of slaves, the age of feudal lords, those rulers bound people in a fixed environment, the son of a blacksmith can only be a blacksmith, the son of a shoemaker can only be a shoemaker, the son of a peasant can only be a peasant, They blocked access to knowledge, distorted people's cognition, and tried every means to solidify the class, in order to make the rule of their family last forever." Sean continued to talk eloquently.

"Think about it and you will see that this is exactly the same as it is now, they are trying to distort your soul by instilling some false perceptions through some evil media, and they have set up a lot of frameworks to tell you what to do, even including How to eat and how to dress."

"Anyone who tries to break through the frame will be hostile to them, and they will give you the title of madness and lunatic. After all, they just want to rule you forever, from body to soul to children and forever."

"My God!" Uncle Puma hugged his head in horror. For those who advocated 'freedom', what Sean said was too terrifying.

"Fear, fear, it's useless, you can only rely on yourself, summon up your courage, and use your fists to smash this wall and break through the blockade." Said, Sean pulled his suit with both hands and applied force. tear.

I heard the sound of the buttons snapping, and the buttons of this handmade suit worth tens of thousands of dollars collapsed.

Taking off his clothes and getting used to it on the ground, Sean said loudly, "You should live for yourselves, not in someone else's world."

"Why do you have to wear a suit? Does wearing a suit necessarily mean noble and formal?"

"Fuck!" Shawn scolded, ripping off the button on his shirt sleeve and roughly rolling the sleeve up to his arm, revealing his strong, golden-haired forearm.

Unbuttoning the two buttons on the neckline revealed the strong pectoralis major, raising his arms and waving them a few times, his expression relaxed.

"Look, this is freedom, you can do whatever you want, and you won't be bound by that **** suit again."

"Let go of yourself, let go of your mind, and throw all those rotten, stinky things into the garbage heap. Only in this way can our world be full of hope again!"

"Clap clap clap!" Everyone in the entire studio was applauding vigorously, their faces flushed.

Uncle Puma was so excited that he ripped off his clothes and stepped on the ground a few times. Following Sean's way, he rolled up his sleeves, tore off his tie, and untied the buttons around his neck.

Suddenly, from the soul to the body felt relaxed.

Raise your hand, shake your head, it's so **** comfortable!

Even though Lorraine tried his best to restrain himself and calm himself, he still felt excited.

Sean's impromptu speech is logical, coherent, and extremely provocative.

The people present are all Sean's employees, and now Sean is the sun that illuminates the road ahead in their eyes.

They both believed that their lives must be full of hope under Sean's leadership!

At the end of an interview, after the director shouted "click", everyone rushed towards Sean excitedly.

Shouting hope Sean signs himself.

This scene was all captured by the camera. The photographer ran too fast and forgot to turn it off.

Sean smiled and took the pen and paper. Everyone signed their names one by one. Suddenly, Sean raised his head and looked at Uncle Puma, "You damaged the company's suit just now, and the compensation will be deducted from your salary!"

In an instant, Uncle Puma froze in place, completely dumbfounded.

It's quiet all around...


"Hahahaha!" Sean burst into laughter, holding Uncle Puma, tears coming out of his eyes, "Look at how frightened you look, it's so funny."

"I'm kidding you, man, be strong, really, your expression is amazing!"

"Oh, my God, okay." Uncle Puma smiled again, his expression exaggerated and overwhelmed, "Just now, I was really frightened, of course, I'm not for the suit, what I want to say is, I... …”

"You know, traditions are not so easy to break, and your heart is not strong enough." Sean stretched out his hand and punched Uncle Puma in the chest.

Sean's realness, the way he really blends in with everyone, makes everyone feel cordial.

After tossing for half an hour, Sean came out of the crowd.

He has other things to do today.

When walking towards the parking lot, Lorraine suddenly asked, "Do you really think so?"

Sean turned his head, looked at Lorraine, suddenly rushed over, hugged Lorraine's cheek and kissed, then turned around and ran.

Lorraine wiped the saliva from his face, his eyes instantly widened, "Damn, stop for me!"

Looking at the two who ran out, Guan Hai said with emotion: "The boss said it well!"

"Haha." Norris patted Guanhai on the shoulder. The boss valued this young man very much, so he didn't mind saying a few words, "Young man, just listen to this."

After all, regardless of whether Guan Hai heard it or not, he took steps to catch up.

Gu probably


When the material recorded on the spot was taken back and sorted out, it was discovered that the last section was also filmed. The director excitedly said that this section would be kept and released as a tidbit of the show.

That night, seven large local TV stations in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Washington, and Seattle, and 12 small local TV stations broadcast the interview at the same time.

The content of the interview swept across the night, and those young people were almost instantly infected by Sean's inflammatory words, yelling to break the shackles, break the shackles.

In the end, it is the people who have not been devastated by the Internet explosion. Their minds are still so simple, and a little chicken soup can make their blood boil instantly.

That night, I don't know how many people called the TV station and asked to replay the interview video.

And many people who heard about it but didn't have the chance to see it did not hesitate to call the cable TV service provider and ask for additional broadcasting rights in the new century.

I don't know how many young people tore up their suits in one fell swoop, and the next day they appeared in the streets, schools, and companies wearing strange clothes.


"Damn, what the **** are you wearing? Get back and change my clothes."

"You're putting chains on me, you **** capitalist!"

"Ha, go to your mother's shackles, change your clothes, or get out, do it or not!"


Sure enough, the process of breaking the shackles is difficult and painful...

In just one day, a large number of users of each TV station in the new century have completed the access. The total number of users increased by 16 TV stations is close to 700,000!

Of course, there are mainly 7 TV stations located in big cities, each with an average increase of about 70,000 users.

Although it is only 700,000, this is enough to increase the current number of users in New Century by 10%, and it is expected to exceed 8 million within this year!


Murdoch naturally also watched the interview video, except that he was a little embarrassed by the nickname of a sexist, he didn't react to it.

He wouldn't have any thoughts on those inflammatory remarks. Throwing these young people into society and beating them up this year will be honest!

Break the shackles?

Ha, see what you can do!

However, the old pervert was keenly aware that because of the hatred between him and Sean, the news became a hot topic. Since yesterday, the sales of those newspapers under the name of News Corporation also began to explode.

Murdoch expected this phenomenon, but he didn't expect it to be so popular.

Keen, he immediately instructed his subordinates, all newspapers, to increase their efforts.

What kind of evil media, sales are the most important.

The brains of those stupid people are not much bigger than the fish, at most 3 days, they will forget all about it,

They still buy our stuff...


"I'm sorry, Sean, I've been using shackles to bind you!" On the other end of the phone, old David said mockingly.

"Ku, Kuku Ku..." Sean touched his nose embarrassedly, "Don't be embarrassed to say that."

"It's embarrassing, I didn't realize it. I see what you said is impassioned. If you think about it, you must have been severely persecuted." Old man David sneered: "When are you going to put us rotten, disgusting people? The old guy swept into the garbage heap of history!"

"I said old man, hurry up and say something, is it fun to mock me?" Sean said a little embarrassedly.

To be honest, when he watched TV at night, he felt like a middle school sophomore and ashamed.

"It's just fun!" Old man David laughed happily when he heard Sean's frantic voice.

Sean's hated teeth started to itch. The more familiar he became, the more he realized that the old man's character was really bad!

After laughing for a while, the old man continued: "The gang has communicated with the city government about the matter in New York. In principle, the city government agrees to outsource the garbage disposal business to you. Remember to outsource and not sell."

Sean's eyes lit up instantly, "Don't need to spend money?"

"At present, this part of the work is handled by a special department of the city government, with more than 6,000 employees. There is no garbage disposal center in New York. All this garbage has to be packaged and transported to other states by barge and train for disposal, which costs money. New York produces 24 million tons of garbage every year, and the city government spends about $1 billion on it.”

Old man David said: "This is not a good job. To undertake this business, you have to take over more than 6,000 workers, more than 3,000 garbage trucks, and more than 20 barges at the same time."

"Are you ready to say goodbye!?"

"Once you sign the contract, you have to make sure that New York doesn't turn into a garbage dump again. The impact will be devastating. At that time, selling your entire company will not be enough to compensate New York's losses."

The corners of Sean's mouth twitched. Old man David is not alarmist. In New Jersey, Sean is not afraid even if something goes wrong.

The place is big enough and the population is not dense, even if the garbage is not collected for a day or two, it will be fine, but not in New York.

"What conditions does New York give?" Sean asked.

"Considering that garbage sorting is more environmentally friendly, healthier, and safer, the New York City government can pay you $1.2 billion a year, and this money will be delivered every six months."

"His!!" Even if Sean was rich, he could not help but take a deep breath when he heard this number.

"Done!" Sean gritted his teeth and said, "However, the city government will also issue an order for residents to cooperate and discard garbage in a fixed place!"

"This, my rotten old guy has already done it." Old man David "The city government will promulgate it in the form of law, and any resident living in New York is obliged to participate in New York City's garbage sorting and recycling program. Any Anyone who breaks the law will be punished."

"Brilliant, great!" Sean hurriedly flattered and sang loudly in an aria, "Jiang is still old, you are the embodiment of wisdom, the best carrier of knowledge, the inheritor of experience, and the most important ark of society. The great helm, the fifth grandfather I highly respect, ah ah ah!"

Lorraine and the others looked at Sean with a strange look on their faces. It turned out that the boss would also shoot people and horses!

Tsk tsk!

"Hum, hum, Kuku, quack quack!" On the other side, old David laughed loudly.

The secretary looked at the closed door with a bewildered expression, what happened to Mr. David?

Suddenly laughing like a big villain.

Hearing Old Man David's laughter, Sean rolled his eyes, seeing that you helped me secure such a large order.

After hanging up the phone, he turned his head and found that Lorraine and the others were looking at him strangely. Sean's face suddenly turned red, fuck, he forgot there was someone else.

"Cough cough, what are you looking at, your boss, I am a person who respects the old and loves the young, can't I!" Xiao En roared with a sullen face, "The old man has spent so much hard work, I just coax him."

"The fifth grandfather I highly respect!" Lorraine didn't know what to think. After changing his icy appearance, he suddenly imitated Sean and sang.

"Little Niangpi, I have to take care of you today." Sean's face suddenly turned red, and he rushed out with a roar.

Lorraine yelled "Oops" and turned and ran.

Sean chased after him reluctantly, rushed out of the villa, chased back and forth around the yard, ran and jumped lightly like a little deer, and Sean couldn't catch up for a while.

After all, they are not those weak women. Even if Lorraine follows Sean, he must maintain a certain amount of training every day.

After chasing and failing to catch up, Sean stood on his hips angrily and pointed at Lorraine and shouted: "If you have the ability, don't ever let me catch it, otherwise, the longer it drags on, the more fierce my revenge will be!!"

"You're a big man, why do you hold grudges so much!" Lorraine panted, his chest heaving.

"Come here now and let me report it, otherwise..." Sean smiled evilly.

"Just a moment?" Lorraine looked confused.

"Hug!" Sean said, suddenly thinking of something, the whole person was stunned.

Lorraine didn't find it, so he walked over and said with a look of alertness: "Just for a moment, you have to have any other thoughts, hum, I'll make you look good."

On the second floor of the villa, Diane Lane, who was wearing a nightgown, stood quietly at the window and looked at it. There was no expression on her face, but her lips moved slightly, as if she was muttering something.

Xiao En Jie Jie smiled and walked over step by step, Lorraine didn't know what to think, his face was painful, and he held his arms in a scared look.

Holding Lorraine in his arms, Sean fell down towards the swimming pool next to him.

In Lorraine's exclamation, the two plunged into the swimming pool.

The soaked clothes were clinging tightly to his body, and this time all the details were revealed, revealing Lorraine's perfect body.

That round, that slender, that straight!

To be honest, he only wore such tights when he first saw Lorraine. After that, he didn't know what the woman thought. He wore loose clothes all day long, covering up his good figure.

Sean lowered his head and stared at the pair (·people·), and subconsciously lowered his head and gnawed on it.

"Go away!" Lorraine's pupils shrank, and he punched Sean in the face without thinking at all.

After the fight, Lorraine froze for a moment, blushing, and quickly swam to the shore and was about to run.

Shawn shook his head, and threw himself at him angrily. However, it was difficult to move in the water, so he didn't hit anyone, but slapped Lorraine's raised (person) with a slap.

The buttocks are shaking, and the hand feels amazingly good!

"Wow!" Sean looked intoxicated, withdrew his hand and put it on the tip of his nose.

On the shore, Lorraine glared at Sean with a blushing face, turned and ran out.

Sean climbed up from the pool with a smile, took off his wet clothes and threw them on the ground, and walked into the villa in a pair of boxer shorts.

This is his home, wear whatever you like!

If it wasn't for Norris, Sean would dare to be bolder...

A young beauty wearing a policewoman uniform and holding a white bath towel came over, Sean opened her arms, and the beauty began to help Sean wipe it up.

The family must hire people, but Sean will never hire any Filipino maids or aunts.

The beauty of Yishui, and the clothes are all designed by Sean, and they change to different uniforms every day.

When Lorraine first saw it, he despised Sean for a while, calling him a rapist!

In fact, Sean had never really touched these women.

The appearance is not bad, and the figure is also good, but now what is Sean's identity, a woman is not just young and beautiful, but also needs some identity bonuses!

While letting the maid wipe, Sean asked, "Noris, I still have a few days."

"Boss, according to your arrangement, you will go to Sri Lanka in 3 days." Norris replied immediately.

"What's the schedule for these days?"

"Today you want to meet with Mr. Lynch to discuss the payment method of 700 million US dollars. Tomorrow, you will go to Washington to have dinner at Mr. Bo's house. The day after tomorrow, you will meet with Gilbert, the owner of OeanFit Bank, to discuss the purchase of New Jersey. local television."

"Shit!" Sean scolded, he was so special that he couldn't be idle all day, right?

The New York side has to negotiate with the city government for the final negotiation, and I must go. I can't wait for old David to do everything.

But time seems to be running out!

Then, instead of a trip to Hong Kong Island, I have to get US$500 million as soon as possible, and I have to go to Laos to complete the previous agreement, and by the way, to shake the situation of the oil market.

After that, I have to clean up the LTTE in Sri Lanka, deal with Asan, and hang up the oil and water of the mud...

Sean sat down on the sofa and was busy!

"Torre, come here!" Sean waved and greeted, and after a while, Torre came over.

"Who of our people is still on Hong Kong Island?"

"There is no one for now. Neil and the others are in Pattaya, and they have lost contact with all the female tickets!"

"Shit, let them go alone, take a trip to Hong Kong Island, find Le Huizhen, send her new identity, and bring her to Pattaya in an instant." Sean instructed, those who were busy before, put this Women forget.

If Lorraine hadn't said "just a moment" just now, Sean would have forgotten it.

How can that be, that is the goddess of the previous life!

After ordering to go on, Sean thought for a while and said, "Adjust the itinerary the day after tomorrow, change the time to night, change the location to the Peace Hotel, and talk to the people from the New York City government during the day after tomorrow."

"Tell Wolf Casey to come up with a complete plan and make sure he doesn't roll over when he takes over the garbage disposal business in New York!"

"I will throw him into the garbage incinerator to generate electricity!"

After packing up, Sean got into the car with Diane Lane, and they were going to Lynch's manor by the sea in Houston.

Since it was a home visit, Sean still brought Diane, which seemed a little more intimate.

Diane Lane looked very happy. There were many women in Sean, she knew, but she was the only one who could be taken out to the banquet.

This is the first mover advantage!

To **** with those little bitches!

For half an hour, the vehicle stopped at a seaside manor.

It is said that it is a manor, but it is actually not big, only more than 10,000 square meters.

Yes, only!

On Hong Kong Island, this is already unimaginably huge, but in a place like the United States, drizzle.

The reason why it wasn't called a villa was because the place where Lynch lived was not big, and a large area was covered with grass. Although the place was not big, there were cows and horses.

The old man and his wife Lynch greeted Sean at the entrance of the manor, got out of the car, hugged and introduced each other, as if they had a really good relationship.

After arriving at the villa, after drinking coffee for a while, Lynch's wife took Diane to visit her manor, while Sean and Lynch began to chat about business.

Speaking of which, the reason why Lynch wants to sell Metropolis Media is that his main business, petrochemical, has lost money.

Texas is the largest crude oil producing state in the United States. The development of Houston flourished because of the discovery of oil here decades ago, and eventually grew into the center of the U.S. oil industry and petrochemical industry. Supply and technology are in a leading position.

More than 200 chemical plants, refineries, salt processing plants, and distilleries on the Texas Gulf Coast are home to 28 of the nation's 100 largest energy companies, as well as more than 5,000 companies engaged in energy-related business.

In recent years, the price of crude oil has continued to decline. In theory, petrochemical companies should have a lot of income due to the price reduction of raw materials, but the actual situation is exactly the opposite.

It is impossible for chemical companies to process materials at any time. If the supply chain is cut off by competitors, wouldn’t the factory stop working!

They all have huge reserves of crude oil!

And crude oil prices are lower, making their previous reserves of crude oil far more expensive than they are now.

At the same time, the decline in raw material prices has also caused product prices to continue to decline, coupled with the ever-increasing labor costs... The Rockefellers have had a hard time in the past two years, let alone them!

For large corporations, stable markets are better and safer than markets that fluctuate widely.

Only those who speculate in futures like the changing situation.

In 1981, the international crude oil price peaked at $39 per poke, followed by a continuous The beginning of the period was fine. In 1985 last year, the price of crude oil was still hovering at the price of 28, but 85 At the end of the year, the gang of oil producers in the oil-producing countries expanded their production wildly, surpassing global consumption in one fell swoop, causing prices to plummet.

In half a year, the price of crude oil fell to an ultra-low level of 11 US dollars. If it wasn't for Sean's work, these points put the brakes on the oil price, and the price would fall below the US$10 mark.

However, the crude oil stored in Lynch's chemical plant is at a high level of 28... In just half a year, Lynch is really about to cry.

In terms of capital operation, all major companies have loans, and the mortgages of the loans are all shares.

(PS: Shorting is the corporate stock in the hands of the bank that borrows it)

The sudden drop in the price of crude oil has greatly reduced Lynch's assets. If funds cannot be invested in time to save the market, once the company's mortgaged shares are lower than the loan amount, the mortgaged shares will become the bank's.

This is the fundamental reason why Lynch had to sell his shares.

"You know, I made a trip to Laosa some time ago, so I have a batch of cheap oil in my hand!"

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