America’s Big Hero

Chapter 190: : Hotel kicks off

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Henry Pope refused simply and neatly, and let the felons go out to fight some bullshit, isn't this nonsense?

Who is in charge?

No one can say this. Although he has heard of Sean's name and knows how powerful the other party is, this matter is not negotiable!

"$50,000 for a game alone!" Sean didn't seem to hear him and made a direct bid. "How many games can they play, then it's up to them."

"I..." Henry Pope was about to open his mouth to refuse, when he was held back by the $50,000 price.

"One person, 50,000 per game." Jonas took the calculator on the desk and walked to the warden and quickly pressed it, "We will calculate according to the 5 people you can find, and one person will play a game. , you'll get $250,000!"

"If someone wins and can continue to play, then you will earn more, 300,000, 400,000, 500,000, all possible!"

"Even if they get hurt, say they were caused by a fight in the prison, that's what the fight was caused by."

"Could it still be beaten by someone else? They are criminals and have never been out of prison, right?"

"Everything is fake, only Franklin is real!"

"Think about it, that green little cutie is flying in front of you." Jonas stretched out his hand in front of Henry Pope and kept gesturing, "You can get them as long as you reach out."

"What else is there to hesitate, do you have the heart to let them slip away?"

"Look, you lost $500,000."

"Oh my God, I will die on the spot in distress." Jonas clutched his chest and looked distressed.

Henry Pope seemed to feel the same way, no, to be precise, he was the one who really felt bad.

Who Sean is? Henry Pope certainly knows. After all, he manages criminals. How could he not know who the actual controller of the New Jersey underground force is.

He had no doubt that Sean would lie to him.

"But, but if they run away, it will be difficult!" Henry Pope's voice became hoarse at some point.

"Don't worry, how is it possible, I am much more protected than you here, run?" Jonas sneered, "I told them to run, they dare not!"

The fugitives or something may be difficult for the police to find, but for Sean, in New Jersey, who he is looking for is absolutely impossible to hide.

"On the prosecutor's side."

"Don't worry, no one will know." Sean promised with a smile.

It's just a few felons. Even if something goes wrong, even if he dies, Sean has a way to cover it up.

"Xing, I agree!" Henry Pope gritted his teeth, blushed and said thickly.

Hundreds of thousands, too fragrant, he really couldn't refuse.

Sean didn't say anything, turned around and took Jonas away, got on the plane, and Sean said, "Arrange someone to do it."

"Don't worry." Jonas gestured, the boxer was looking for the gang below, and if there was a problem, the people below would naturally take care of it, and it had nothing to do with them.

After all, the people below are incompetent.

"The prison can only provide emergency care. If we want to do it for a long time, we need to be professional here." Sean thought about it and said, "Send someone to those gangs that are doing well, summarize the experience, and then Spread it across all gangs."

"Tell them not to think about hiding things, it takes everyone's efforts to make this industry big."

"In addition, I will look for a few experts in sports medicine. You can send us the training methods and other information we have summarized, and let them see which ones are reasonable and which are unreasonable. It needs to be scientific."

"I see." Jonas nodded.

After helping the people below find some "good players" who can be used casually, Sean asked Jonas to report the list of players from each gang.

The organizer of the event here is the team that once held a boxing match in New Jersey. The leader is Valette Leopold. They are responsible for planning the competition system, grouping, referees and so on.

After the list of players is reported, the Wallace team will immediately send someone to check the situation of the test players, and then arrange the games according to the situation.

Whether this underground boxing match can be popular depends on the first few matches, and the arrangement must be fine.

The team here began to arrange the games, and Sean also began to attract people to watch the game.

First, Gilbert, who promised to trade shares with the Peace Hotel last time, so Gilbert is also one of the bosses, and naturally agreed, and also took the initiative to invite other people who should be interested.

Then I contacted the gangsters of Marvin and Robert. These second and third generations are big players, and they like all kinds of exciting projects the most. They like this kind of underground boxing match.

The most important thing is that these people have money, watch the game and bet, and the boxing match mainly makes this money.

This is followed by some partners.

Finally, after thinking about it, Sean called the old man Huang in Chinatown again.

In the past few days, under the provocation of Yu Rui, an Italian gang in the surrounding Italian district, South American district and fancy Jewish district clashed with the F Qing gang.

After several fires and mergers, the F Qing Gang lost a lot.

That's not enough, Yu Rui should have benefited the police and stabbed F Qing Gang at a critical moment.

This shows how bad Yu Rui is!

Yuri: s(?`ヘ′?;)ゞ

Sean was going to invite the old man Huang over to comfort him by the way.

Five days later...

A car came from all directions, and there were only two entrances to the Peace Hotel.

The vehicle entered the underground passage and saw a security booth built in the wall with only one door to the outside.

The gate of the security booth is made of bulletproof steel plate, and one observation port is a thick iron railing.

Instead of a common landing rod, there is a steel anti-collision antler in the channel.

The antlers are 1.5 meters high, and the bottom is fixed on the rails, and the top is full of 30-centimeter-long hideous barbs.

Ma Wen and a few dudes brought a group of people here at the same time, all players, so they invited them over together, and Sean personally greeted them in the aisle.

When everyone got out of the car and saw the anti-collision antlers, their expressions were twisted and weird.

After Xiao En greeted everyone, he did not let the security booth open the antlers. Instead, he walked over with everyone and introduced: "It takes several steps to open the antlers."

"First, let the person in the security booth press the switch of the ground lock."

After speaking, he walked over and pointed to a few iron pillars the size of an adult's forearm and said, "Look, this is the ground lock. One end of the ground lock is buried in the ground, and the other end is stuck on the antlers. The purpose is to fix it. Crush, then even if he hits at full speed, unless he can break all these iron pillars, he will never be able to hit the antlers."

"I don't think even a tank has this kind of impact." Sean said contentedly and continued: "After that, the people in the security booth continue to press the motor switch, and the motor will pull the two antlers toward the Move out of the way on both sides so that vehicles can pass."

"Don't think about threatening the people in the security booth. The bulletproof steel plate is used here. Of course, if you use artillery or RPG, then I can't help it!"

"How is it, is it safe enough!" Sean raised his hand and snapped his fingers. The person in the security booth pressed the switch of the ground lock, "clicking", the ground lock fell, and then the sound of the motor sounded, and the antlers were pulled into the wall.

Marvin, Robert and the others looked at each other in dismay. To be honest, they were really dumbfounded. For a while, they didn't know how to comment. After a while, Robert looked at Sean like a pervert and exclaimed: "Mom Fake Yes, don't tell me you're here to guard against the police, I feel your thoughts are very dangerous..."


For a while, Robert couldn't find the adjective, "This is too **** safe."

But isn't it safe? The underground vault outlets of several super banks in Manhattan are not so perverted.

This is too punishing.

Well, if you don't let people in here, the police really have nothing to do!

Of course, it's another matter if you drive tanks in and use artillery to clear the way.

The group finally entered the underground garage through this perverted entrance. The underground garage was very large. Everyone got out of the car and walked towards the elevator under the leadership of Sean.

However, what everyone sees is not an elevator, but a gate. After the gate is opened, there is a room with a size of 20 square meters. At the other end is a metal passage that is more than one meter long. The end of the passage is the elevator door.

There were two fully armed security guards standing next to the passage. Marvin and the others pointed at the metal passage with a confused and curious expression, "What the **** are you?"

"The dangerous object detection device is similar to the one at the airport. I customized it, and it is more stringent than the one at the airport." Sean grinned: "With this thing, whether it is a firearm or a camera, video camera, pinhole lens, eavesdropping All dangerous goods including electronics will be checked out.”

Sean blinked at several people, "So, you can play whatever you want inside, and you don't have to be afraid to leave any audio and video evidence. Of course, security issues can also be guaranteed."

"Unless you come across the kind of 'master' who can kill people with a toothpick in the movie, otherwise, there is no safety issue!"

"Of course, even if there is such a person, he can't escape!"

Speaking of which, a sneer hung on the corner of Sean's mouth, "Here, even God can't open a window for them!"

"Hey..." Marvin and the others looked at each other, and some strange things gradually appeared in their eyes.

Smile gradually metamorphosed.JPG

They are some of the people who love to play and have the most capital to play, but the limitation of their identity prevents them from appearing in public at all.

To be honest, there are always some acquaintances who play together in the second and third generations. After a long time, it is really boring.

What they like most is to play in unfamiliar places with many people.

It's like a poor ghost like the author always dreams of a private room...

Several people were in high spirits, and Marvin stepped into the metal channel for the first time.

Immediately, the red alarm light came on, and a human-shaped green pattern appeared on the computer screen next to the channel. Several positions on the human-shaped pattern flashed red, and several positions displayed blue dots.

"Hahaha, Marvin, tell me, what dangerous items are you carrying?" Robert and Hayden smiled and gathered around, looked at the screen and then looked at Marvin, where they coaxed: "Mom, Fake, If you brought a tape recorder, you know you're a pervert!"

"Fuck off!" Marvin scolded and waved his hand with a smile, but he wanted to see if the machine could detect it.

The machine alerted the police, and the sturdy and expressionless security guard came up with a long object and started scanning according to the position indicated on the picture just now.

Next to Sean explained: "In this metal channel, all metal objects will be detected, even a steel nail punched on the bone."

"Of course, because many metal objects are decorations, such as buttons, zippers, etc., these things cannot be reduced. Therefore, this metal channel also contains electromagnetic field radiation detectors." He pointed to the different on the screen. The dot of light continued: "Red represents electronics, blue represents pure metal."

"Of course, after the electronic inspection, if the customer thinks there is a problem, we still have a separate manual inspection." He said, pointing to the things in the security's hands, "He will identify what the violations are. "

"We're not going to allow any electronics in, whether it's a cell phone or anything else."

In addition to metal jewelry decoration, Ma Wen also has some electronic products. In addition to the necessary mobile phone, he also has several electronic products.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Just when the strong security guard touched it, Marvin hurriedly hid, "No, no, this can't be taken down."

"What's wrong?" Sean asked curiously, "What is it?"

Robert and the others did not speak, and looked at each other as if they knew something.

"Tracker." Marvin didn't hide it, and whispered in Sean's ear.

Oh oh oh, Sean suddenly, it is normal to have this thing, and it is easy to find when people have an accident.

This thing really can't be taken off.

Therefore, it is unrealistic to say that electronic products are not allowed to be brought in. Well, many people with special identities still have privileges.

Even the big brother of the mobile phone.

In fact, to be realistic, the precautions are so strict, in the end, it is still to be prepared against ordinary people,

with dog.

Several people from Robert went in and tried, and all the bits and pieces on his body were detected.

"Why does your device feel more sensitive than the one at the airport?" Hayden asked curiously.

"Of course, my equipment is medical grade, and even bones containing calcium can be clearly illuminated. I just haven't opened this part of the function." Sean said with pride: "Tell you guys quietly, the woman's pair Whether it is Long or not, including whether she has given birth to a child, or whether she has died in her stomach, can be found out."

Several people's eyes widened, and they burst out laughing, "This function really cannot be opened!"

"It's not." Sean agreed with a face, if this function is opened, he will kill the woman sooner or later.

A few people smiled and entered the elevator. After passing here, they could just let it go and play casually.

And Sean can't be idle yet. Today's people are all invited by him. He wants to receive them one by one, of course, mainly to introduce these processes.

Especially where the detection channel is, if you don't explain it, many people will feel offended.

Waves of people were picked up, and the identity of the people who came this time was unusual, so no one wanted to open the box on the top.

Everyone is in the general auditorium below, and they can communicate and get to know each other before the game starts.

It didn't take long for Valerie Leopold to find Sean and everything was ready to begin.

Sean nodded in agreement.

Soon, the big screen above the octagonal cage lit up at the same time, and the lively music sounded at the same time. Seeing that the boxing match was about to start, everyone gradually quieted down and wondered how Sean was doing.

On the big screen, first there is the picture of the fight between the two in the ring. Compared with the works in the movie and TV, the one shown here is not so good-looking. You can really see the state of the fist to the flesh, especially at the moment of the hit. I also deliberately slowed down the camera so that I could clearly see the shape of the boxer's body being deformed.

Accompanied by the music, people's blood boiled immediately.

The people playing on the big screen are constantly changing, and it is finally fixed on one person.

This is a white man, with a bald head and staring eyes, with an extremely strong physique, obvious muscles on his body, and a fierce expression on his face. He is the kind of natural bad guy who knows that he is definitely not a good person as soon as he sees his appearance.

The name of a white man was typed on the screen, and the live host DJ also introduced loudly, "Garden Englandham, born in Newark in 1951, 34 years old, 1975-1981, former gang member, He was sentenced to 65 years in prison by an Essex County judge and is currently serving his sentence at Chesterton Heavy Prison for causing 7 minor injuries, 12 serious injuries and 2 deaths within four years."

With the introduction of DJ, the evidence from the trial, photos of the injured, the deceased, etc. appeared on the big screen. It turns out that this is a criminal, and is currently serving a sentence. He is a real executioner and murderer!

And a person who should be serving a sentence in prison was brought here to fight in a boxing match...

Tsk tsk, the interest of everyone at the scene suddenly increased.

If nothing else, the facilities on site are absolutely no worse than those of regular boxing events.

Sure enough, the underground boxing competition held by Sean was not comparable to those who once knew about those petty fights. Those people didn't know when they were investigated, and they didn't dare to pay as much as Sean.

What they rely on is a **** violence to attract people, and the grades can't go up.

After the introduction here, the lights on the side of the passage came on, and a beam of lights hit the door. A big, strong white man in blue shorts and a blue cape walked out, shaking his muscles as he walked. Make some punches and it does look like that.

When this guy was brought out of prison, Jonas gave him a hard training, what a **** murderer, what a **** murderer, and he cleans up honestly.

However, those who have killed people are different. They are indeed not that professional in terms of skills, but their viciousness is not found in ordinary boxers.

After the introduction here, another figure appeared on the big screen. It was a mixed-race black man. He was also a bald man. He was also a murderer with severe punishment.

This first match is a duel between murderers!

DJ loudly introduced the rules of the game, "Head, knees, elbows, feet, any part of the body can be used as a weapon to hit the opponent, except for the fingers, but it is forbidden to hit the crotch and throat."

Well, it is also forbidden to pick eyeballs and nostrils...

After the introduction of the rules of the competition, DJ suddenly said in a high-pitched voice: "We also have an incentive policy for the two players in this competition."

This shout made the two players stunned. Before, they didn't know that there were rewards for playing games.

After all, he is a prisoner and has no freedom.

After a short pause, the DJ shouted again: "In addition to the $50,000 prize money for the winner this time, our organizers will help the winner of the competition get the best treatment in prison for 5 years, and will not use it until the next competition. Back in that **** prison, he will be free to live in the sun!!"

This inspired, the eyes of the two players turned red on the spot, staring at each other across the ring, it was really a spark.

From this moment on, the two are enemies of life and death!

Not to mention the two players, the rich people off the court are all interested.

After that comes the betting session, where Sean calculates the odds based on how much the customer bets.

Whoever wins or loses has nothing to do with him, he earns a rake.

The betting amount on both sides appears on the big screen. After the betting is completed, the game officially begins!

A period of 3 minutes, a total of three quarters, except for the two players in the field only the referee.

The referee's main job is to separate people after a foul or loss of resistance.

One referee is not safe, so, two!

As for winning...

But it ends when one side begs for mercy or loses its combat effectiveness completely.

The two sides stood 3 meters apart, and the referee reiterated that it is not allowed to hit the crotch and throat and then step back.

Don't get close, for fear of being accidentally killed.

Picking up the hammer and hitting the gong fiercely, the two strong men rushed towards each other immediately after the sound of 'dang'.

Unlike professional boxers who test each other, they are both criminals and have only received short-term training. At this time, the competition is more fierce, so the momentum cannot be lost!

When the mixed-race old black approached, it was a big kick, and the white strong man was kicked and stumbled but forcibly stood firm and punched the old black in the stomach.

The two of them are like crazy beasts, baring their teeth and roaring, you punch me in the face, and I punch you in the chest.

You kicked me in the stomach, and my elbow was on your forehead.

The fists reached the flesh, and in less than a minute, the two of them had flowers on their heads, their foreheads, brows and flesh were rolled up, and their faces were covered in blood.

The old black was a little more nimble, suddenly jumped suddenly, bowed his body and bumped his head against the belly of the white man, took the opportunity to hug the other's waist and knocked him down with force, then rushed up and raised his fists at the strong white man's The head is pounding like crazy.

The strong white man held his head and threw a few punches, held his breath, bent his knees and kicked the opponent's waist, kicking the old black out.

"Ah!" Roared, jumped up, and stepped on the old black head with one foot.

Old Hei didn't have time to think about the pain that his intestines were about to be crushed, so he raised his hand to protect his head and rolled to the side.

With a "boom", the strong white man stomped heavily beside the old black face.

On the ring, Sean instructed to install directional radio equipment around and on the floor. After the sound was amplified, the sound seemed to be stomped in the ears of everyone. The audience below couldn't help but lean back, feeling the same!

It's a run for life!

"Fake, it's fun, kill him!" Marvin and the others all stood up, waving their arms and roaring loudly with a blushing neck and a thick neck.

For them, this is more enjoyable than watching boxing.

To be honest, the speed of boxing is too fast, a little unclear, and it is difficult to substitute myself into it.

Unlike the current one, although the technical content is not so high, it is something that ordinary people have used in fights, and the sense of substitution is really really strong.

And there is no glove, the fist is to the flesh, the blood splashes, and it is intense enough, which is more exciting than boxing.

This is really fighting to the death!

The old Hei, who was lying on the ground, slipped on the ring with his back, lifted his foot and kicked the calf of the strong white man, making a 'click' sound, and the audience could hear it clearly.

The strong white man screamed and fell again.

"Oh!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed, their faces wrinkled involuntarily.

Old Hei got up from the ground, covering his stomach with one hand with a grim expression on his face. The strong white man also got up quickly, his left leg on the floor was a little weak, and his footsteps were a little staggered.

Just after a life-and-death contest, both of them did their best. At this moment, their physical strength could not keep up, and they were panting heavily.

At this time, everyone in the audience relaxed a little and looked at the timer. It was only 2 minutes.

But, it's really fun!


After taking a few breaths, the two of them rushed towards each other almost at the same time again. The strong white man couldn't exert any strength on his left leg. After all, it was a beat later. Old Hei slapped the strong white man with a right uppercut. Blood spurted out.

The strong white man endured the pain, gritted his teeth and took the opportunity to hug Lao Hei, roared angrily, raised his head and slammed into the other side heavily.

"Boom"! !

Oh... the sound came from the speaker, and Sean closed his eyes, felt a pain in his head, and dizzy in front of his eyes.

Too ** cruel!

Old Hei didn't expect the white brawny man to be so crazy. The white brawny man's forehead slammed into his cheekbones, and his nose shattered on the spot.

For a time, white, yellow, and red splattered out, tears and snot shot together, and the whole person passed out with pain.

The strong white man didn't feel well this time, it was equivalent to a heavy blow to his forehead, shaking his eyes, his eyes were black, his hands were unable to exert strength, and the old black who went crazy with pain broke free.

Old Hei covered his nose, breathing hard at the moment, his eyes could not see anything clearly, his hair was dizzy, he stepped back a few steps and stumbled to the end.

On the other side, the strong white man was not much better, everything in front of him was a double image, and he also fell to the ground after turning half a circle.

The two referees looked at each other, stepped forward and looked at the two lying on the ground, it seemed that they couldn't fight for a while.

I looked up at the time, it was coming soon, I just called the teams of the players on both sides to pull people down for treatment.

The game entered halftime, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The faces of Marvin and the others were still red, and they were the loudest young people shouting just now.

"Fake, Fake, Fake, this is too fun." Several people shouted around Sean.

Sean laughed, the fun is sure!

He himself is having fun!

This is not the same as shooting. The shooting is very fast, and the person is dead with a 'bang'. Although they are all murders, they are very exciting, but the excitement is completely incomparable to this one punch and one punch to knock people down.

Muscle, sweat, roar, blood!

This is more direct to the stimuli of the senses.

"It's wonderful, come on for nothing!"

"Wonderful, it's so **** wonderful, I want to go up and play!" Robert also waved his fists a few times.

"You go up!" Sean stared at him and raised three fingers, "Three seconds, at most three seconds, your opponent will kneel down and beg you!"

Robert was stunned, and the others looked at Sean in a daze.

"Please don't die!!"

"Pfft!!" "Hahahaha"

The crowd burst into laughter.

On the edge of the ring, the two were receiving simple treatment on the spot, and off the stage, they also discussed who would win in the end.

Watching them arguing, Sean stood up, this time the guests came to look at his face, and he had to greet others.

Turning his head to look at the ring, Sean was quite satisfied with the current results.

No money spent!

Other underground black fists can't compare with him here!

No matter how **** the fight was, how much money he spent in the ring can only be spent by those people.

Those directional radio equipment are all used for filming, the most high-end and most professional, one is enough for others to build a ring.

This inspiration actually comes from the NBA. The NBA has added a radio device to the basket. When dunking, the sound effect is like a cannonball exploding, and the live effect is very popular.

Of course, it was embarrassing when the sound of ferric oxide came out...

Sean went to Gilbert's side. They were all rich and wealthy, and they were the helms of various companies. Everyone was very enjoyable to watch, but After all, there were no such people as Marvin. So excited.

However, everyone's evaluation was very high, and they all said that they would come to see it often in the future. It was very exciting and a good place to vent their emotions.

To manage such a big company, family, scenery is definitely scenery, and the taste of power is also very wonderful.

However, sometimes I do feel depressed and angry.

But the status is here, the pressure can't be vented at all, instead, it has to pretend to be calm. can also vent when you are young, after all, there is a 'secretary',

But this, isn't it a bit old...


After all, there must be some changes in the way the middle-aged bald man vents.

It's good here!

At this moment, the two players also slowed down a bit, and the second battle started.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the two people in the ring who were going to fight for life and death.

Watching the two of you start punching again on stage, I punched each other brutally and fiercely, but Sean's expression was a little divergent.

Initially, his idea was to let the two live and die directly on stage until one of them dies.

However, Valletto Leopold, a professional event planner, stopped it.

According to him, the battle time span must be extended!

Although KO in the ring is very exciting, it will make a lot of money less.

Divide into quarters and have breaks so that each round can open a bet.

Only in this way can there be suspense and the atmosphere can be mobilized.

The pursuit of the host event is not the victory or defeat, but the joy of the knife.

It is US knife music!

Thinking about it, Sean snorted with disdain, do you know what victory, glory, and dignity are?

A group of shame-sucking vampires with only 'money' in their eyes!


So fragrant!

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