America’s Big Hero

Chapter 183: : There is a sense of the world's police!

"America's Big Hero (

Chapter 183: There is a taste of the world police!

A few days later, Gilbert found Sean again with a pile of documents.

"Cartagena itself does not have any advantages except that it is an excellent port and rich in tourism resources. However, the Magdalena River Basin in the upper reaches of Cartagena has Colombia's largest oil field resources."

“Following the Magdalena River and having the convenience of an excellent port, Cartagena itself is very suitable for the development of the petrochemical industry.”

"Because of environmental issues." Having said this, Gilbert looked at Sean with a strange expression.

Sean coughed lightly and said with a righteous face: "Environmental protection concerns everyone in the world. The earth is the home we rely on to survive. Protecting the environment..."

"Okay, it's okay!" Gilbert rolled his eyes and interrupted Sean's words. Everyone knows the truth, so don't say these high-sounding words.

Since Sean wielded the environmental protection stick and hit Greg Chemical with heavy losses, although these capitalists in the United States did not understand what environmental protection was protecting, they were shocked and prepared to make more use of it.

It's not a question of whether they want to take it seriously, but they have to take it seriously.

Sean can almost bankrupt Greg with environmental issues, and those with more energy than Sean are naturally capable of doing so.

In the final analysis, where is the problem of environmental pollution, but no one paid attention to it before.

As we all know, Americans are very concerned about human rights issues. In recent months, residents of communities affected by pollution have united to protest one after another...

Many low-value-added chemical companies simply cannot invest more money in waste discharge and will lose money.

That is to say, the information is still not developed enough, and there is not a mature judgment case in the legal aspect, otherwise, all these chemical plants will go bankrupt.

In addition, due to the high labor cost in the United States, the trade deficit and other reasons, a large number of chemical plants have the idea of ​​relocation.

"We can completely say that some chemical plants are relocated to Cartagena. Compared with the United States, there is no shortage of oil resources there, transportation costs are lower, labor costs are lower, and environmental protection investment is lower." Gilbert's face Looking at Sean seriously, "The only problem now is the guerrillas over there and various security issues."

"The chemical industry is an asset-heavy industry, let alone being damaged, even if it is shut down, the losses will be immeasurable."

"As long as we can ensure the safety of their property over there, then, making money is not a problem."

"Security issue." Sean knocked on the table, Gilbert's participation made things bigger and bigger, and the investment in security must be higher.

"That would require a bigger investment." Sean looked at Gilbert.

"But you can also make more money," Gilbert said.

"I'm a pacifist!" Sean sighed up to the sky with a sympathetic look on his face.

Gilbert's mouth twitched. It's just the two of us here. Who are you doing it for?

"Forget it, I also want to live a better life for the Colombian people, so I can only bear the burden of humiliation." Sean turned his head and looked at Gilbert with a serious face, "Tell me, what do you want me to do."

"Expand the security investment in Cartagena, so that those companies that are ready to relocate can see our strength." Gilbert pressed down the idea of ​​punching Sean to death and continued: "If they don't see this, do they not? I will make up my mind to relocate. I know that many factories in the United States are preparing to relocate to Asia.”

"Compared to the chaotic Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East, the security situation in Asia is much better."

"At least not the ubiquitous rebels and guerrillas."

These are the fundamental reasons for the massive shift of American factories to Asia.

Without a good public security environment, there is no way to develop the industrial system.

Let’s talk about Colombia’s anti-government armed forces, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC): Founded in 1964, the largest guerrilla organization is active in the southeastern mountainous rainforest.

The military organization that originally belonged to the Colombian Communist Party began to engage in the cultivation of poisonous seeds two years ago.

The organization currently has about 16,000 to 17,000 members, divided into 7 groups and 63 fronts.

Colombian National JF Army: Founded in 1964, it is the second largest guerrilla organization active in the mountains of the northwest.

The organization has a total of 5 fronts, 41 fronts and 8 regional fronts, with more than 8,000 members, mainly distributed in Choco, Cauca, Nariño, Putumayo, and Northeast Santan in the southwest of Colombia. Germany and other provinces.

There are even more small-scale rebels. With this security situation, it is no wonder that those American factories are afraid to relocate here.

Of course, these guerrillas don't look at the number of people, and the combat effectiveness is just the same.

Their strength lies in guerrilla warfare in the mountains and rainforests, and the guerrilla warfare method can greatly avoid the problem of too large a gap in weapons.

Deeply implement the tactical thinking of "the enemy advances, I retreat, the enemy is stationed, I fight, the enemy is tired, I fight, and the enemy retreats, I chase", no matter how strong your combat effectiveness, no matter how advanced your weapons, can slowly drag you to exhaustion and be at a loss. .

Of course, these premise are that don't come out of the mountain, come out and die...

If you don't want to exterminate them, just to maintain local security, you don't need too much effort.

"Yes, yes." Sean thought about it and said, "I'll show it to everyone in a while, and then I can invite them to see it for themselves."

Gilbert's eyes lit up, although he didn't know what Sean's idea was, but he didn't care so much, as long as he could do it.

An agreement was reached in this regard, and Gilbert was ready to get up and leave.

Sending Gilbert away, Sean thought about it, picked up the phone and called Marvin Bush and Hayden.

To ensure the safety of the site in Colombia, we must first have sufficient firepower.

The last time these guys ran out of their missiles, it's time for them to pay back their bills.

He said that the two of them were fishing. In fact, Sean rented a big yacht and asked Norris to find some beautiful women from Hollywood overnight.

The next day, at sea, yachts, wine, beautiful women.

Sean really got a few fishing rods here. Although there is no fish finder, the fishery resources in the United States are still very rich.

When fishing, Sean found Marvin, and the meaning was very simple, asking him to help persuade the government to open up the authority to buy heavy weapons.

Of course, this thing definitely cannot be used locally, overseas, definitely overseas.

Sean's reason is that everyone wants to play in the future, even if they come to find themselves, of course, both of them know this is an excuse.

However, as long as Sean agrees to abide by the regulations of the United States, it is generally not allowed to be used in the country, not to be resold, and not to be transported to non-licensed countries, such as rabbits.

Even if Sean really violates the rules in the future, it only needs to be dealt with according to the regulations.

In response, Marvin agreed.

The reason why the family let him out is to act as an intermediary, as long as it is reasonable and legal, then there is no problem.

If Ma Wen can find the temple gate, and Sean is willing to pay the lobbying money, then everything will be easy.

Hayden's side is even simpler. Although his Sean was once an illegitimate child, but now that Sean's net worth is several hundred million, he is not an illegitimate child, but a member of the Rockefeller family.

Rockefeller has shares in Lockheed, although it is not theirs, but it is impossible to write two Rockeficks in one stroke.

As long as Sean has the approval of the U.S. government, Lockheed is open to selling anything.

Lobbying can't be called bribery in the United States. It's upright and aboveboard. There are special lobbying companies, and people also pay taxes.

Taxes, how can you say bribery.

Three million dollars were thrown out, and Sean was not stingy.

What Sean wants is not just the right to use the Hellfire missiles, but the entire series that the United States has approved for sale.

In the future, he will definitely buy warships and planes.

The rest is the qualification review. Sean thought about such a day when he registered for the security company.

Security companies undertake overseas security employment business, which does not limit who the employer is. Therefore, the use of heavy weapons, including missiles, is limited to overseas.

Bureaucrats all over the world are actually the same. When there is no money, one is slower than the other, but as long as the money is in place...

work overtime?

no problem!

It didn't take long for Sean to get the right to buy the missile.

First come the three bases!

(PS: Missile base: Usually, the total number of bombs loaded on the launcher is used as a base, or the base value is determined by the launch amount of the launch platform. Taking the missile base as the basic calculation unit, it is convenient to calculate the storage, demand and consumption of missiles. important basis for the guided missile fire program.)

24 Hellfire missiles, 114 rockets!

Stroking the delivered ammunition, Sean was full of pride.

The poor are interspersed with tactics, and the rich are bombarding his mother!

Just leave one cardinal number on the base side, and the other two cardinal numbers must be secretly transported to Colombia.

Over there, the future is the main battlefield of X Security Company.

A complete weapon mount system was also secretly transported in the past.

Meanwhile, Sean flew a Blackhawk nonstop to Miami, Florida.

The straight-line distance from Miami to Cartagena is 1,700 kilometers. With the auxiliary fuel tank attached, the Black Hawk can fly directly there in 5 hours.

Sean deliberately flew to Florida from New Jersey to meet Colonel Jor Ronald to deepen his relationship.

"This is 1 million." Sean opened the box, turned his hand, and the mouth of the box pointed at Joel.

In an instant, a pure smile appeared on Joel Ronald's face.

Sean seemed to hear a series of, 'favorability +1', 'favorability +1', 'favorability +1'

This favorability level is really fast!

"Pop" After a long pause, Joel Ronald closed the box and put it at his feet, looking at Sean with a smile, "What are you going to order this time?"

"It's easy to talk about things, nothing more than some armored vehicles, mortars, radars, individual surface-to-air missiles and the like, all of which are very normal," Sean said with a smile.

Joel Ronald didn't care when he heard it, these were really ordinary things in the eyes of both of them.

The U.S. military has no other confidence, and pays attention to the advanced nature of weapons, which is really the first in the world.

"The problem is that this time the place of receipt is not in China."

"Hey, where is that?"

"Colombia, Cartagena, my Latin American security base."

"Oh." Joel Ronald frowned slightly, overseas, in that case, it is best to go directly from abroad.

My mind began to recall the US military bases in the Caribbean Sea.

The first is the Guantanamo Naval Base and Naval Air Station in Cuba.

Then there's Puerto Rico with Fort Buchanan Army Base and Roosevelt Road Naval Base.

On the Panama side are Naval Air Station Rodman, Albrook Air Force Base, north of the canal, Fort Clayton Army Base, north of Panama City, and Quarrie Heights.

Other smaller ones include Fort Sherman, Fort Randolph, Fort Gulick, Fort Davis Army Base, and Colon, just west of Panama City.

Well, Panama is the closest to Cartagena. It is more convenient here, and the land transportation is inconvenient. Therefore, it is the best to take goods here from the Rodman Good Army Base.

"It's not a big problem. We can transfer the supply for you from Rodman Naval Base in Panama, but will there be no problem in Colombia?" Joel Ronald looked at Sean, "This is not an ordinary firearm. ."

"It's okay." Sean waved his hand and said indifferently: "I have already opened a relationship locally, at least Cartagena and Bolivar Province will not care about me, as for the Colombian Presidential Palace..."

Sean snorted, glared and said, "They really have to pull their faces down and don't let me use them, then I'll blow things up!"

"However, if I have lost so much, then I have to talk about it. Damn, I want to see if they are beaten by iron. They really won't blow up!"

Joel Ronald burst out laughing, very good, he has the taste of the world police!

peace brings money?

Not arrogant?

Not arrogant or American Dad!

Sorry, I'm a mercenary!

"Okay, what do you want?" Joel Ronald waved his hand and said, "But first, let's take the goods from overseas bases and ship them to you by boat. This price..."

"I understand, I should give me a lot of money." Sean nodded clearly.

Colombia is a sovereign country after all, if it is just ordinary firearms, the other party can allow the security company to bring it there.

But things like armored vehicles, mortars, missiles, that's absolutely not allowed.

Unless Sean can force Colombia to lease him a military base.

Of course, if Sean could buy an island in the Caribbean, he could do whatever he wanted.

It's not impossible. At this time, the small islands in the Caribbean Sea are not as expensive as the later generations.

However, islands with natural water resources and natural harbors are not cheap, so don’t even think about them.

It is perpetual ownership after all.

Moreover, if you buy it well, the investment required for construction will be even greater. All raw materials must be transported by ship, and the cost is terrifyingly high.

More importantly, this kind of island used for military purposes has no income and only expenditure in the future, and the annual maintenance expenditure is not small.

That can only be a dream for now.

"It's good if you understand. It's not a big problem. Whatever you want, you can say it."

"I need 2 M113A3 armored transport vehicles, 1 M113C&R command and reconnaissance vehicle, and an M125A2 self-propelled mortar vehicle. The ammunition must be 5 bases." Sean said what he had planned in his heart, "If It would be even better to have the M730A1 Small Oak anti-aircraft missile launcher."

"This can't be, this can't be, this can't be scrapped." Finally, this Joel Ronald shook his head again and again.

(PS: The M113C&R command and reconnaissance vehicle, developed by the Food Mechanochemical Company in 1969, is made by shortening the M113 chassis, removing one road wheel on both sides, and strengthening each protective force. The vehicle has 3 occupants and a total weight of 8.5 ton, armament is 12.7mm machine gun and 7.62mm machine gun, and it is equipped with 6 smoke grenade launchers, which can be amphibious.)

(PS: The M125A2 81mm self-propelled mortar armored vehicle is equipped with an M29 81mm mortar on the M113 base vehicle. The mortar can rotate 360°, carries 11 shells, and is equipped with M2-HB12. 7mm machine gun, which has been phased out to equip the National Guard and export.)

(M730A1: The M113A2 vehicle is equipped with the M48 small oak tree air defense missile launch system. The small oak tree air defense missile is the main air defense weapon of the US military. It began to be assembled in 1969.)

"Where's Hawke?" Sean asked reluctantly.

"No, Hawke can't be scrapped. Although it has been equipped with troops for more than 20 years, Hawke has been upgrading and transforming. It's just a simple missile, but the launch system can't be sold to you, understand." De thought for a while and explained: "This is not just a launch vehicle. Air defense weapons require an overall system."

"Acquisition, fire control and firing are composed of three parts, including a pulse acquisition radar for target surveillance, a high-power illuminating radar for target tracking, a command post with a built-in console, and a set of MKXII identification friend or foe. Question and answer system."

"The whole system costs $15 million, are you sure you want to buy it?"

"Well, if you want to buy it, I won't dare to sell it to you unless you can get the approval for use."

"You're talking, it's unnecessary, who are you guarding against?" Joel Ronald looked at Sean with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Uh... to guard against the Colombian Air Force?" In fact, Sean didn't know, he just had the urge to suddenly arise. He was born in the military, and it was normal to have such thoughts.

He hasn't said that he wants to buy an aircraft carrier.

"Oh my god, stop joking." Jole Ronald sneered. "To the Colombian Air Force? Ha, that's the funniest joke I've heard this year."

"What's wrong?" Sean asked inexplicably.

"Is there an Air Force in Colombia?" Jole Ronald looked at Sean with his hands open.

Sean blinked, "No?"

No, Colombia can't be without an Air Force, right?

"Ha, if a few A-37s and Toucan light attack aircraft count as Air Forces, then there are." Jor Ronald laughed loudly.

Sean's expression was a little weird, well, A-37, this thing really counts as an airplane.

(PS: A-37 Dragonfly attack aircraft, an attack aircraft developed based on the T-37 Songbird trainer in 1957, equipped with a 7.62mm GAC-2B/A six-barrel machine gun, the rate of fire is 3000-6000 rounds/ It has 1500 rounds of ammunition, and 8 pylons under the wings can hang various bombs and rocket nests to target the Viet Cong guerrillas. Its excellent low-altitude mobility and high attack rate played a great role in the Vietnam War.)

(PS2: A-37 Dragonfly attack aircraft, it is a bit reluctant to classify it as the first generation fighter, so it can only be the first generation (pseudo), just like those planes of the little devils in the war of resistance movie, relying on the cannon to hit the ground Tutu and Lapapa's, um, are even worse than the little devil's.)

But speaking of it, the Colombian military is also used to deal with the guerrillas, it is really a **** and a dog... quite suitable.

This piece of shit, the M134 six-barreled Gatling can be shot down, and the ground-to-air one is accurate, and the M113A3 armored vehicle is no problem.

"Oh, I can't say that, they also have very advanced aircraft!" Jole Ronald smiled and looked at Sean, "They bought six Black Hawk gunships before, hahahaha."

Sean raised his hand and patted his forehead, well, really advanced.

Of course, the Colombian Air Force also has other types, such as various helicopters with little attack power, reconnaissance aircraft, transport aircraft, and business jets. The variety is quite rich.

Well, with that said, buying hawker and baby oak is a bit of an exaggeration.

However, the U.S. military equipment of **** is really expensive...

If this is old Maozi, one-third of the price can be done.

In other words, it is still a long time before Lao Maozi disintegrates.

Sean was anxious.

"Then give me 3 Stinger FIM-92 individual shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles. There's no problem with that." Sean took the next step.

In fact, it's useless. Those guerrillas in Colombia don't have planes, and the Colombian military really wants to do something to Sean, and Sean won't really do it to the other party...


Buying a stinger is purely a personal preference, a collection obsession.

Well, really, nothing to do with guarding against the Colombian military.

Joel Ronald settled the accounts for Sean, weapons, ammunition, and a landing ship to go to Columbia to deliver them, and to share the profits for the other side.

Sean has to make up more than 600,000 yuan, which is much cheaper than buying a new one. Sean is quite satisfied.

The rest of the money, when Sean suggested that the handover be carried out abroad, is not about cash on delivery. The US military is still very trustworthy when selling weapons in private.

Mainly, in order to provide convenience for Joel and the others, they directly exchanged them for overseas assets.

After getting it here, they are waiting for delivery. Their efficiency is still very fast, and everything is ready-made.

Three days later, Sean went to Cartagena again, this time in a low-key manner, and then went straight to the newly built base.

The first phase of the base's wall, accommodation area, underground arsenal, and simple defense measures have been completed. As for the wharf, training grounds, etc., we will talk about the second phase of the project.

"Sol, how are you, are you tired of staying here?"

"But, no." Sol wearing big sunglasses, wearing a big T-shirt and big shorts lying on the beach chair, a look of enjoyment, "Being able to enjoy the sun, the beach, and beautiful women after work, there is nothing better than this yes."

Ha, Sean couldn't help laughing, Saul has been treated as a VIP here, and it's good to think about bird food.

"However, you may not be able to enjoy it like this all the time." Sean patted Saul on the shoulder.

"What?" Saul lowered his head and looked at Sean through the gap of the big sunglasses.

"You're going to India, my 'blend oil' production is not small, and I need to develop customers." Sean looked at Saul earnestly, "You know, no one is more suitable than you, Bill and Joe. Nas and the others are a bunch of brainless idiots."

"What's more, e-waste is also sold, and it doesn't matter where it is always piled up."

"Oh, God, **** it, that hellish place in India." Sol screamed, looking like he was unlovable.

"Don't say that. When you go to India, you enjoy super-national treatment. India is a caste system, and you are also a noble there." Sean comforted Sol.

"Huh, huh."

However, I didn’t want to go home and didn’t want to go, but the next day Sol still took the information given by Sean and set foot on the plane to New Delhi.

Although Sean doesn't know people in India, OceanFirst Bank and the second and third generations he met recently helped Sean introduce some relationships.

The United States is the largest country in the world, and convenience is everywhere.

The day after Sol left, there was news from Jor that the goods were already at sea, and it would take two days to arrive.

Sean was not in a hurry, and called Armstrong who arrived early to ask about the situation here.

"That is to say, except for Butler Mitchell's gang, basically no one in Cartagena knows our specific situation." Sean asked while rubbing his chin.

"Yes, Butler and the others have been trying their best to block the news. After all, let those poor people know that a big American company wants to buy that land, and they will definitely not sell the house." Armstrong said with a snort: "Now The vast majority of people outside only know that the government wants to develop industrial development zones and to attract investment."

"All kinds of messages are flying all over the sky, and many of them are released by us to confuse the public."

"Well, this is good, this is good." Sean said with a big smile.

"What do you want?" Armstrong didn't know why Sean gave such an order.

"I, I'm here to protect the environment!" A meaningful smile hung on the corner of Sean's mouth, "The current Cartagena is too dirty and messy, which is not conducive to development, so before the big development, it is necessary to Clean up the **** here."

Armstrong took a deep breath, and he understood what Sean meant.

"Send some people down and say that some American companies will open factories here this time. They are all super rich vampires and capitalists. They will stir up the nerves of the local gangs, understand?"

"Understood." Armstrong nodded quickly.

The demolition speed promoted by Butler Mitchell and others was very fast, and it was also urgently urged by Sean. Large areas had already begun to engage in three links and one leveling.

Greg Chemical's spin-off work has long been completed, and it's just waiting to build a factory here.

Therefore, Sean has started to build the factory according to the construction plan given by Greg Chemical.

Industry is indeed the foundation, and an industrial area can provide a large number of local employment opportunities from the day it starts construction.

And with the rumors released by Armstrong, many gangs are also eyeing the big fat in the industrial area while demolition.

Just like what Sean did in New Jersey before, earthwork, transportation, sand, cement, labor, etc.

No, more than Sean did.

At least the legal system in the United States is relatively complete. In comparison, Colombia is much more chaotic.

What can be robbed, what cannot be robbed, under Sean's orders, this side gave in step by step, and the weakness of the capitalists was vividly displayed.

Colombia has always had red soil, and with Sean's help, this makes the gangs who have tasted the sweetness want to intervene in everything.

Human greed is inexhaustible.

There are basically no good people shouting slogans.


On a beach more than 90 kilometers south of Cartagena, a landing ship quietly drove up in the dark.

In the humming sound, the hatch door opened and fell into the sea, and then, vehicles in military green camouflage drove into the sea from the cabin.

Thomson, who was in charge of picking up the goods, took a small boat to the landing ship. There was no need to see the goods. There are many opportunities for everyone to deal with each other in the future.

Thomson mainly came to give money, the last one was $600,000.

After opening the box, the military personnel picked up a few stacks and looked at it, and then they were satisfied to buckle the suitcase.

When he looked up at Thomson again, his eyes were no longer listening.

This is a friend, dear friend!


"A lot of building materials such as steel have been lost. Now people come to the industrial zone to make trouble every day. It's very chaotic, and there is no way to start work properly."

"Those employees who are hired locally are asking for wages. According to them, it is the company's business to start work or not, and it has nothing to do with them. The wages that should be paid cannot be less."

"It's all the local gangs making trouble."

"Many are carrying guns and there have been many clashes these days."

The person in charge of the construction site kept complaining to Sean.

Sean just smiled and nodded, "Are any of us injured?"

"Yes, there are several."

"Is there any death?"

"Uh...not yet."

"Is that so..." Sean looked a little regretful.

"Have you called the police?"

"At the beginning, I called the but it was useless at all. When the police came, those people ran away, and they came as soon as they left. Part of the day and night, and now they have stopped calling the police."

"That can't be done. The police still have to report it. It must be reported. If there is anything, report it. Every time you call the police, you must record the specific time and event. You can't be sloppy. We are law-abiding businessmen."

"Okay, okay."

"Don't worry, wait, let the troublemaker fly for a while." Sean patted the construction site manager on the shoulder and said with a smile.

After the person in charge of the construction site left, Sean called Armstrong again, "Have you figured out the details of the local gangs?"

"I've figured it out. The main members, the evidence of the crime, and the location have all been figured out."

"Okay!" Sean was very satisfied, picked up the phone and dialed Gilbert, "I can bring someone over to inspect the investment environment."

After notifying Gilbert, Sean called Marvin and Robert.

This time I played a lot, and I wanted to understand that I was thinking about it, but I couldn't come.

All is ready except for the opportunity!


Thanks: Bo Zhong 1.00, Book Friend 202009031614199560.02, Book Friend 201710081650445693.00, Xiao Fan Yin Cool 0.2, I have medicine 1.00, from, former sputum 6.00, Book Friend 1506161815498565.00, this world will not be in love 1.00, north wind drifting snow fk0 02...

The above are all rewards from handsome people.

In this artillery fire!

What a night of pregnancy!

Fireworks are still on duty!

BJ Time: 22:42 on February 14

Stand guard for your readers!

Code for pure love!

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