America’s Big Hero

Chapter 174: : I, Sean, Justice

At night, in the villa, Sean and Diane Lane, who was wearing a pilot uniform, started a tragic murder.

After the killing, Sean hugged Diane's delicate body and said with emotion: "The speed of the helicopter is still too slow. I will buy a private jet in the future to experience the feeling of traveling a thousand miles in a day."

The next day, Sean sent an invitation to invite many partners to Newark to attend the banquet, including the heads of banks and businesses that cooperated with X Security.

The purpose of coming here is to show you the military base of X Security and take a look at the two newly arrived Black Hawk helicopters.

Especially the one that hangs on the full weapon.

Is this a weapon?


It's safe!

In the next few weeks, when the cash is transferred, X Security will be able to transport it by helicopter.

Fast speed, good safety performance, absolutely foolproof!

This is much safer than sending money to the airport and then flying it to its destination.

Didn't you see the robbers robbed the last time New York transferred cash?

As Sean expected, not only the guests with invitations, but also FBI agents came.

"Relax, I understand, I'm not crazy, how can I use this kind of thing in the city." Sean smiled and shook hands with Brown DeWitt, the head of the FBI in New Jersey. After donating $200,000 last time, everyone's The relationship got a lot closer.

"You know me well!"

"I'm a law-abiding businessman!"

Brown DeWitt looked at Sean in disbelief, he really didn't understand, man, how can you be so shameless!

What kind of person are you, don't you know when you are the FBI?

There is just no evidence!

Of course, it's impossible to say that the $200,000 didn't play a role in it.

However, as if he didn't see Brown DeWitt's strange expression, Sean continued to say with a straight face: "Besides, New Jersey is my hometown, and I will do my best to maintain the law and order here. You can do this. rest assured."

"Moreover, I am also very concerned about social security issues. In this regard, if the FBI needs any help in this regard, feel free to mention it!"

"I, Sean K. Rockefeller, obliged!"

"Of course, of course, I believe Mr. Sean." Brown DeWitt twitched the corners of his mouth. He was not a politician, and he really didn't have such a thick skin.

"Don't you believe me?" Sean's face turned pale.

"No, no!" Brown DeWitt waved his hand hastily.

"I can see it, you just don't believe me." Sean snorted and didn't give Brown DeWitt a chance to speak, he waved his hand and said, "There is no truth to the truth, these days, it depends on what people say. , it's better to see what people do."

Bill walked over to Sean with a black suitcase and handed it over.

Sean took it, holding the box in one hand, opening it with a click, and turning both hands, the opening of the box was facing Brown DeWitt.

Brown DeWitt and the group of people behind them looked into the box involuntarily. The stacks of Franklin were neatly stacked in the box, and Franklin smiled charmingly at them.

"This..." Brown DeWitt swallowed quietly.

"How can there be a quiet time in the world, it's just that someone is carrying the burden for you!" Sean said sincerely: "The strength of the United States, the peace of society, and the people's peace and contentment, these are indispensable for you to fight in the hardest front line. credit to the FBI agents."

"And all of you, because of the nature of your work, you can't enjoy the honor you deserve in an open and fair manner."

"As an American, I apologize for that!"

"I can't do much, but I will do my best. This million is donated to the FBI New Jersey branch. I hope it can solve some of the difficulties you encounter!"

Sean exclaimed with impassioned enthusiasm in front of many prominent figures in New Jersey in front of a large crowd.

At the end of the speech, Gilbert took the lead, and there was warm applause around him.

That said, it's so grandiose.

Brown DeWitt also looked a little excited, took the black suitcase with both hands, and kept repeating the phrase 'there is no such thing as a quiet time in the world, it's just that someone is carrying the load for you', which is very good, Speaking of the heart of everyone in the FBI.

Closing the suitcase with a snap, Brown DeWitt grabbed Sean's hand and shook it hard.

Sean, nice guy!

Just rush this sentence, whether others believe it or not, anyway, the FBI believes it!

Absolutely nothing to do with money.

Just believe in Sean's character.

How can someone who can say such a thing be a bad person?

"From today, you, Sean, are our dearest friends and relatives of the FBI!" Brown DeWitt said loudly, and a group of FBI agents behind him nodded firmly.

No one will try to touch you in the future, unless...

Sean is also very happy, the value of this million flowers.

It's not because of the gunship. X Security's acquisition of Wu Zhi will only make the loss faster. After all, the maintenance cost of this thing is too high, and the salary of the six pilots is too high.

Sean deliberately sent 1 million yuan to the FBI for this reason. After all, it sounds good to say it.

As long as the FBI takes the money, when the Peace Hotel opens, why should the FBI give some face?

The police, the police are all their own, and if the FBI is dealt with, then the Peace Hotel will be truly peaceful.

Today's banquet is a feast for the host and guests. Except for the FBI people who came and went in a hurry, everyone played very late.

At the banquet, Sean inadvertently mentioned the matter of the 'Peace Hotel'.

A lot of times, what I say solemnly is mostly fart.

Those things that are mentioned inadvertently are really the most important.

After Sean mentioned this, everyone remembered this place, and they all roughly understood why Sean made 1 million in the first shot.

The security company's settlement business must not be able to make so much money from them!

The news is released here today, and it will take a few days for the entire New Jersey upper class to receive the the underground arena, it is estimated that it will be built in more than a month, and the underground arena will start. There will be no shortage of people to cheer you on.


"You remember Citizens Finance Bank," Sean called Bill the next day.

"Of course, how can I not remember this bank, even if my memory is not good, the 45 million in the terminal container will always remind me to remember them." Bill said with a smile.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"That's the best, you can make an appointment with the CEO of Citizen Finance and talk to him."

"Find him? Talk about security services?" Bill looked at Sean with a weird expression.

"Of course, the whereabouts of the 4500 they were snatched by a group of gangsters is still unknown. It's a pity. As a security company, we can provide them with better services, right? With our X security company, Their bank will never be robbed again." Sean said, and couldn't help laughing.

"Well, it's true, at least no one will rob what they are protecting." Bill said with a big laugh.

A weird smile appeared on Sean's face, "That's not necessarily true."

"No, you're not going to do anything to Citizens Financial Bank, are you?" Bill looked at Sean in astonishment.

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense." Sean waved his hand, "I'm talking about someone else, for example, anti-drug while pan-drug."

Bill looked sideways at Sean, always feeling that things were not that simple. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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