America’s Big Hero

Chapter 163: : Police: I'm so scared

Everyone did not agree on a time to start together, and Sean was the first to start.

However, the time difference is not too big. It didn't take long for Sean to leave here, and several other strongholds of Ed's family in Atlanta were also severely attacked.

The same configuration, direct rpg opening, 134 ending, all you need is a quick fix!

If you don't move, it's already, move like thunder!

The police call is about to blow up!

Not the Americans making a fuss.

People in the free country have a strong sense of security. As soon as they find a problem, they immediately choose to call the police.

It's just that the police force just moved towards the first place where the police reported the incident, and suddenly there is no police force.

The sheriff, who was resting at home, unplugged the phone line as soon as he received the news, but he heard from other sources that the gangsters drove out the armored vehicles.

I am a police chief, what can I do?

I'm too scared!

Weak, poor, helpless!

Could it be that he brought the police over and those gangsters could easily be captured?

Or can you expect these big-bodied, chubby-brained guys in the police station to be able to do better than others?

Do you want to deliver food?

The deputy director had just arrived at the Edgar's manor and saw that his scalp was tingling in the abandoned area, when he received a report from the headquarters that there was another battle in the city, and the explosion rumbled, and the police headquarters could hear the sound.

"Some citizen witnesses described that the other party was driving a 113 armored fire support vehicle when they attacked, and some said a personnel carrier." On the phone, the person at the headquarters was reporting.

After speaking, they found that there was no sound on the phone, and the people at the headquarters were a little puzzled, and asked loudly with uncertainty: "Director, Director, are you listening?"

"I'm listening!" The deputy director sounded an emotionless voice.

"At present, we have not determined the specific weapons and equipment of the other party, and we will wait for the exact news..."

"No need!" The deputy director interrupted the other party's words, and said in a flat tone without a trace of color: "The gangsters are driving a 113a3 armored personnel carrier with a 134 six-barrel Gatling machine gun on the roof, with a rate of fire of 6,000 rounds per minute."

"Hey, Director, how did you know!" A voice full of astonishment came from the phone.

The deputy bureau didn't answer, and hung up the phone in his hand.

Can I **** tell you I got lucky! !

At this moment, the deputy director's head was buzzing, and he raised his hand and gave himself a slap. When he went back, he went back. Isn't it bad to go the same way, why change the way!


Now that I bumped into the other party and just finished the murder, what should I do?

Waiting online, I'm in a hurry... oh no!

I saw 134's muzzle suddenly turned and pointed towards several police cars. At that time, everyone only felt a cold air from the soles of their feet jumped directly to the skin of the head, and the whole person was about to freeze.

It's not a question of courage!

It's a question of to die or not to die!

How much fake wine to drink, dare to fight against armored vehicles!

No matter how they fight, their firepower can't even break the skin of others, and they can beat their car into **** on the spot!

"Open, open, open..." The deputy director's mouth was full of laughter.

"Fire?" The subordinate looked at the director in horror, when did his head slam so hard?

"Drive your mother's fire!" The director slapped him and roared, "Drive!"

"I didn't see it, go home, go home!"

The loud roar sounded in the intercom system, and everyone reacted. Without a word, they turned their heads to the other side, and the police lights turned off.

There was nothing on the side of the road, no 113a3 armored personnel carrier, no small building in ruins, and no firelight.

It was as if the sky monkey was plugged into the back of the buttocks, and Fei also drove towards the headquarters.

Watching several police cars whizzing away without looking back, Bill was stunned for a while and then burst into laughter.

Just now, he really almost turned the gun and stabbed those guys directly, if the police dared to shout and kill.

Fortunately, these cops still have brains, so everyone pretends that no one has seen anyone, isn't it good!

With a smile, he drove the armored car into the compartment of the van. As soon as the door was closed, the van quickly disappeared into the night.

Before long, the four trucks entered the interstate and drove all the way north.

Police chase?


No matter how big the trouble was, the people didn't suffer any casualties.

Those who died were all members of the Mafia, and the people did not raise officials and did not hold them accountable. It has been the case since ancient times, regardless of the surname of the capital or the surname.

Besides, the gangster drove a 113a3, the ghost knows who it is.

If it was from the military, what would you say if you intercepted it?

Can you actually stop the vehicle and check it?

What a grudge!

Cia is still spreading poison, and the military still transports drugs.

free time...

Bill took the convoy back to Newark, but Sean didn't, took Jonas and six security guards, and went straight to the hotel after finishing the business.

Sean called Norris in advance, and when he received the call from Sean, Norris breathed a sigh of relief.

Sean is here, and the crew is at peace!

Sean is here, and the sky is here!

Looking at Sean striding forward and the six security guards in black suits behind him, Norris felt unprecedented peace in his heart.

"Boss!" Norris's voice was full of three-point grievance and seven-point trueness.

"Where's Diane?" Sean's first sentence was to care about women.

Norris: "..." The Lun family is also very scared!

"In the room, already awake, nothing to do." Norris licked his face and smiled.

"Next time, do things for me ahead of time, don't always cause me trouble!" Sean snorted coldly and pulled Norris away.

Norris opened his mouth, but there was no resentment in his heart. It was true that he had no experience in this matter.

Pushing open the door of the guest room, Diane Lane raised her head subconsciously and saw Sean smiling at the door.

In an instant, Diane Lane lay down with tears uncontrollably, and ran over crying and threw herself into Sean's arms and burst into tears.

When she woke up, she was really frightened. She was drugged in the hotel and fainted.

If it hadn't been discovered by the bodyguards arranged by Sean, she would have been completely finished.

She couldn't even imagine what would happen after being kidnapped.

This is not to say that it can be solved by being bitten by mosquitoes.

"Okay, darling, it's alright, everything is resolved!" Sean smiled and hugged Diane Lane's delicate body, patted her back gently and comforted: "There is no Ed's family in this world anymore. So, don't be afraid."

Diane Lane raised her head blankly and looked at Sean in astonishment, as if to confirm whether she heard it wrong.

Sean nodded affirmatively, "Just now, Ed's family was attacked by a group of unknown forces. The other party used a lot of firepower, and Ed's family died."

"Unknown power?" Diane Lane looked confused, was it such a coincidence?

Sean blinked, and Diane understood in an instant.

In the room, Elizabeth looked at this scene with envy, jealousy and hatred in her heart!

Why didn't that **** Dulles Ed force me! !

You deserve your whole family to die!

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