America’s Big Hero

Chapter 161: : drugged

"The crew are still hiding in the hotel?" Sitting in the movie theater, watching the movie again, watching the robber played by Diane Lane, Dulles Ed bit his lip and took out his crotch.

The more I can't get it, the more itchy my heart is.

"It's still in the hotel, it's been two days." The middle-aged man next to him whispered.

"Damn, they don't think they can hide like this forever!" Dulles Ed twisted his neck irritably.

The middle-aged man didn't speak, and he was also a little strange. No one came to their Ed family to communicate and intercede, and the crew did not leave and hid in the hotel.

There is an abnormality.

"Would you like to send someone to bring that chick?"

Dulles Ed pursed his lips and didn't say anything about 'emotional'.

In an instant, the middle-aged man understood what it meant.

Get up, go out and make arrangements.


The 26th floor of the hotel, room 2615.

The doorbell rang, "Hello, your order is ready."

If you can't go out, you can only stay in the hotel, order everything you want to eat and let the hotel deliver it to your room.

Diane Lane opened the door of the guest room, and the waiter in a white shirt and black trousers pushed the dining cart and walked in.

Next to it, the door of Room 16 opened, and a security guard looked through the crack of the door and looked at the next door, Room 15.

The door of Room 15 opened again, and the waiter came out with an empty dining cart.

The security guard closed the door slowly after seeing the hotel staff leaving.

Although the two came to protect Diane, but Diane was the boss's woman, it was difficult for the two of them to stay in Diane's room.

Not long after, footsteps sounded again in the corridor, and with a 'click', the door was opened.

The security brow wrinkled slightly, the waiter came to pack things a little faster, right?

He gently opened the door and looked over, but no one came out for a long time. Just as he was wondering if he was going to take a look, he saw that door 15 was opened, and the waiter came out with one hand supporting Diane Lane.

Looking at Diane Lane's appearance, she was clearly fascinated.

"Damn it!" After cursing, the security slammed the door open and jumped out.

This startled the waiter, and before he could react, the security slapped the waiter's stomach with a kick.

"Ouch..." The waiter's face instantly turned purple, his body softened, and he knelt down while clutching his stomach.

Diane fell to the back.

The security guard rushed up to support the person, and another security guard behind him heard the movement and rushed out, and he didn't understand where he saw it.

This is someone pretending to be a hotel service staff to drug Diane and preparing to take people away secretly!

Hypnosis series...

He turned his head and motioned for the other person to send Diane back to the room. Then he stepped forward to tuck the hair of the waiter lying on the ground, and dragged him directly into his room.

Damn, I almost let these guys succeed, I have to concoct it well to relieve my anger!

Sending Diane back to the room, Norris quickly arranged for Elizabeth McGovern to come to take care of Diane, and the security returned to his room.

There is no need to force a confession, it is obviously done by the Ed family.

No need to call the police.

Murder is definitely not acceptable, but it cannot be ignored lightly.

After thinking about it, the first security guard suddenly said, "Take off his pants!"


"Don't they want to play, let's play!"


In the same room, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person!

The waiter who had his hands tied behind his back and dropped his hands on the ground almost stared out of his eyes. He struggled desperately to roll over, not wanting to be taken off his pants.

"Be obedient, let me be healthy!"




"Damn, I don't know what's wrong!" Dulles Ed scolded his teeth angrily, looking at his subordinates who covered their butts with tears on their faces.

It's just that no matter how angry he gets, there's really nothing good to do for a while.

You can't send someone with a gun to your door to grab someone!

In a five-star hotel, if he unknowingly kidnapped people, it would be fine, the hotel just pretended not to know.

But if you go to the door with a gun and grab someone, then it's over. The hotel can't let this happen, it's smashing the signboard.

Unless he wants to completely tear his face off, Dulles Ed would not dare. For the sake of a mere woman, the Ed family would not let Dulles do this.

But now, where are the two security guards, there is really no way to **** someone out without a gun.

Dulles Eddard could only be incompetent and furious.

"Wait, damn, I don't believe they can stay out of the hotel forever!"


"Ha!" Sean was so **** when he got the news, **** it.

It is said that beauty is a disaster, and this is true.

How many heroes were planted because of women, and Dulles Ed put it into the long history, it really counts as nothing.

At this point, Sean is no longer angry.

There's no need to get mad at a guy who's about to die.

People, when it's time to die, you can really do any kind of brain-dead thing.

After more than a day, Sean finally brought someone there.

The reason why it's so late is that I don't want to leave a record with the airline. Maybe no one will check it, but it's always bad to leave a clue.

Be cautious.

Sean and his party flew to Durva County, here to meet with the convoy of armored personnel carriers heading north, and then drive north all the way into Atlanta, Georgia.

The whole journey is more than 600 kilometers, and it takes about 10 hours to drive.

"How's the news!" After arranging for everyone to rest, Sean called home.

"It's not particularly detailed, but it's almost there. I'll fax it to you." Armstrong said on the other end of the phone.

Not long after, a fax was sent. In addition to the information about the Ed family, there was also a map that marked the main base of the Ed family in Atlanta.

Atlanta, one of the ten largest cities in the United States, has a population of 500,000 and a population of more than 5 million in the metropolitan area, of which blacks account for 50%. It is one of the most chaotic cities in the United States.

The Ed family, Atlanta's largest mafia family, drug, silver, smuggling, extortion... Ranked second in the entire state of Georgia.

In the back, the core members, strongholds, and information are not deep enough, but they are enough for Sean.

He didn't come to Atlanta to fight turf. He traveled thousands of miles and couldn't stand even if he fought.

He's here to say hello to Mafia families across America.

It's for the flag!

As the night grew darker, a group of four large vans drove into the city of Atlanta, and the one that Sean rode went straight to Ed's manor.

My own woman, Sean can't give Dulles Ed a taste.

But he could give Dulles Ed a taste of the art of steel torrents and explosions!

The van was parked, the back door opened wide, a long steel plate was put down, and the dark green armored personnel carrier fell out of the van little by little.

Reverse, stop, and turn the 134 on the roof.

Sean is going to ask Namo Gatling Bodhisattva to recite the scriptures for the Ed family!

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