America’s Big Hero

Chapter 157: : Expansion Security Company

Discussing the script is a very serious issue.

This seminar is four days!

The next morning, Sharon S walked away from Sean's villa with a tired body, and Sean personally sent people to the car.

The two kissed affectionately.

The door was closed, and Sharon Stone lay on the window and said lazily, "You have a great body."

"Your body is great too!" Sean smiled and waved his hand.

Walking back to the villa, Sean couldn't help but recall that a **** actress is a **** actress.

The taste is really different!

Norris took the main creators of the crew to various places to promote roadshows. The three Aijia brothers were still refining the script and doing sub-shots. Sean was free for a while.

The original plan was to go back to Newark tomorrow.

But Sean temporarily changed the itinerary.

Of course, for work reasons.

The movie "Instinct" must be a big box office hit. In order to make this movie well, Sean must discuss the script with the heroine more.

Well, very deep kind.

After three days of discussions like this, Sean came here in a hurry and returned happily...

Here in New Jersey, there's a lot more for Sean.

"Gilbert, how did you think about my proposal?" Trenton, OFirst Bank headquarters, Sean asked with a smile.

If Sean wants to take over OFirst Bank's security business, and if he takes over OFirst Bank, then he can take over all the other small banks in New Jersey.

"It's not about price, you know," Gilbert said with a smile.

It’s not a matter of money or lack of money. The bank’s investment in security is not that large. Even if X security is fully employed, the bank’s expenditure in this area will only increase by one-fifth, and it is not worth mentioning in the overall expenditure.

The real issue is trust!

And in the event of a robbery, what happens to the loss?

Insurance company compensation or security company compensation?

"You don't have to worry about this at all. You know, I have some money in my hand recently, and I am going to increase investment in security companies." Sean said with a smile: "I plan to purchase 2 Black Hawk military helicopters for Transportation of large-scale funds.”

"The maximum carrying weight can reach 5 tons!" Sean gestured with his hand, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"Haha, the robbers can still go to heaven to rob!?"

"What?!" Gilbert was stunned and looked at Sean in astonishment. Air transportation by Black Hawk helicopter must be absolutely safe.

But the price of the Black Hawk is more than 4 million US dollars. This is still the cost of buying the Black Hawk without the weapon mounted. When will it be able to earn it back?

Giving and receiving are totally incommensurate!

Besides, there are a lot of transport helicopters, although other safety features can't compare with the Black Hawk at all, but they are cheap!

But in Sean's view, it's actually not a loss.

OFirst Bank alone is definitely not enough, but with this wind, the business will expand rapidly.

Besides, the purpose of the security company itself is not to make money.

With the expansion of his power, security companies must keep up, not to mention opening up foreign markets.

"The helicopter is definitely going to be bought. In addition, I'm going to buy a few military armored personnel carriers from the military and convert them into models." Sean seemed to see Gilbert's surprised look, and took care of himself. said to himself.

"In that case, the security company's expenses are too high? Are you sure you can earn it back." Gilbert asked with a frown.

"You won't be able to make money back in New Jersey." Sean smiled without hesitation: "However, isn't there New York? For such a big robbery, if the bank in New York has no reaction at all, hey, do you believe it? !"

"Besides, Philadelphia is not far from Trenton, at least the utilization of helicopters will not be low."

Gilbert nodded. If this is the case, then it is not impossible to entrust the bank's security business to Sean's company, as long as the legal responsibility is properly divided.

In any case, the security company's side is much more professional than their bank's own security.

Not an order of magnitude.

Sean was delighted to have reached a verbal agreement with Gilbert.

Taking OFirst Bank means taking most of the corporate security business needs of the entire New Jersey consortium centered on the bank.

After the security company expands, the burden on itself will be much smaller.

In this expansion, Sean plans to expand the security company to 200 people, and the cost of maintaining the newly purchased aircraft and other equipment will increase fivefold.

He can't really go out and rob every day to support these guys.

After securing the bank, Sean was not in a hurry to expand the manpower. He visited the governor, Benny Cavill, the next day.

Sean was only a non-commissioned officer back then, and his relationship with the military only stopped at the bottom.

Those relationships no longer support his continued expansion of the security business.

At present, the person he knows best in government is Benny Cavill, and he needs an introducer.

The two met and chatted for a while. Benny Cavill has been promoting the garbage sorting thing recently, and he really wanted to talk to Sean for some questions.

After the business was over, Sean came to talk about his intentions.

"There are people in the military." Benny Cavill said after pondering for a while: "It's just that the military is also very Air Force, Army, Navy? Frontline or logistics? What do you need to introduce? position."

Seventy-eight out of ten high-ranking U.S. government officials during this period had military service experience.

All previous presidents have been trained in the military.

The Vietnam War had just ended for more than ten years. Benny Carville served in the Navy at that time and became a captain.

"Army, Navy..." Sean hesitated for a moment, but he really didn't think about it, "Let's put it this way, you know about the New York bank robbery, the gangsters today are not much more culturally literate than before. These gangsters plan carefully and act well. Quickly, once it is done, it is difficult for the bank to resist, and the police are very difficult to chase after the incident.”

"It's been so many days since the New York robbery, and the police still haven't found the slightest clue."

"You said, how powerful are these gangsters!"

"So, I am going to further expand the scale of the security company..." Sean explained his plans and the agreement with the bank, including preparing to establish an overseas base in the future.

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There is no need for secrecy, no one competes with him in this money-losing business at least in New Jersey, and publicity is only good and not bad.

"If that's the case, then I'm not suitable for sea, land and air, so let's help with logistics." Benny Cavill said with a smile: "You can buy some military equipment that has been eliminated and scrapped!"

"Killed, scrapped?" A smile appeared on the corner of Sean's mouth.

"Killed, scrapped!" Benny Cavill said heavily.

The two smiled at each other! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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