America’s Big Hero

Chapter 149: : personally planned

The bank's underground garage is divided into two floors, one is open to customers, and the other is not allowed to drive in.

To enter, one has to have a pass that the bank gives to a specific employee.

"Boss, you can completely trust our craftsmanship, no one knows how to make false certificates better than me!" A Chinese took the money and counted it, $100, just right.

A thick-lipped black man with a necklace on his ear picked it up, flipped it over, and slipped it into his pocket without hesitation.

He didn't understand what this document was at all. It was Yuri who asked him to come here to get it. All he needed to do was get it and give it to Yuri for $50.

After turning around, the documents arrived at Sean's car.

Thomson was driving, and Sean was dozing in the back seat.

There is a layer of security at the entrance of the underground parking lot, and the inspection here is not strict.

There is also a parking lot on the second basement floor. Here, Thomson handed it over with his ID.

The other party looked at it, and there was no problem, but he had never seen Thomson, and looked out of the guard booth to look at Sean, who was dozing behind him.

That aura, that appearance, at first glance, it looks like a rich man!

Can rich people be bad people?

Pressing the switch, Thomson slowly drove the car in.

"Go back and let Yuri make a few more. It's very useful." Sean opened his eyes and said with a smile.

On the second floor, Thomson first drove around the parking lot.

Sean had a cardboard in his legs and quickly drew a floor plan of the parking lot.

There were a lot of surveillance cameras around, so Thomson couldn't go around for too long, so he found a place with a wide view and stopped.

"Go down for a walk and see where the cameras are." Sean said without looking up, still drawing sketches in his hands.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Thomson got out of the car after picking up a top hat and putting it on his head.

After a long circle, I came back and sat in the back, while correcting the incorrect place on the Sean diagram, while marking the position of the camera.

After working for half an hour and driving around again, Sean wanted to determine the exit from the underground vault for the unloading car.

This thing sounds simple, but it's the details that show the effort!

Before leaving, I circled again and made a final confirmation. After coming out, the car stopped not far by the side of the road. Thomson went down to buy fast food, and Sean continued to sit in the car and wait.

He wanted to see with his own eyes the appearance and size of the dismantled cars of this era, whether they were the same as those used by the security company in Newark.

If the same is the best, you can go back and simulate directly on the spot...

No one understands the weakness of the car better than I do!

After being busy for two days in person, in order to make sure nothing goes wrong, Sean also arranged for everyone to come to an actual combat exercise.

The exercise location starts from the bank underground and starts from the garage door, simulating how to escape, how to get rid of the police pursuit, and how to disappear into the police's sight after getting rid of.

The time should be precise enough, and the steps should be concise enough.

There must be a certain error tolerance rate, and one must not make the mistake of the most holy teacher, Ram.

In the evening, in a nightclub box in Brooklyn, Sean, Bill, Jonas, Uri, Thomson, and Sam sat in it. There was no woman in the dignified nightclub box.

"Hey, hey, why do you suddenly want to rob a bank?" Bill asked after taking a sip of wine.

"No way, the movie's publicity effect is not good, it's about to be released, I can't count on that fat pig Harvey, just watch it myself!" Sean spread his hands.

"No, wait, what does the release of the movie have to do with us robbing a bank?" Jonas asked with a confused look.

"News, before the release of "The Great Robbery", which was filmed with a real case, a big bank robbery really happened in New York. Isn't that sensational enough?" Sean said with a smile: "At that time, we will not be needed at all. Pay to report it, and the media all over the United States will report it.”

"At that time, taking advantage of the heat, it will definitely be a hit!" Sean said confidently.

Sean just told them that he was going to rob a bank and get a big one, but he didn't mention the reason.

Everyone thought that Sean was forced to start a big business because of the recent continuous expansion of his business and the lack of funds on hand.

But I didn't expect it to be for the movie box office, this is simply...

Yuri stretched out a thumb and gestured at Sean, "Does that mean that, if we want to shoot a drug-infested movie, we're going to sell drugs!"

"Make a film about selling arms and sell arms once!"

"Make a war movie, let's start a war!"

"Great, it's very American!" a group of people laughed, and they didn't take robbery at all.

Just kidding, they just do security, how can you not understand this!

Besides, robbing a bank is something like that in America...

That is to have a hand.

Of course, whether you can get the money is another matter.

Everything is ready, there is still a task tomorrow, and Sean let everyone disperse after not drinking much in the evening.

Ladies, don't be in a hurry, don't wait until you get the money.


Early the next morning, Thomson, dressed in a suit and white gloves, drove a rented extended Rolls Royce, Sean, Jonas, and Bill, carrying a bulletproof steel plate and stuffed them into the car. Talent sits in the back.

"Why do you want to rent this car, this car." Bill leaned on the luxury seat, crossed Erlang's legs, and frowned.

"Yeah, this car doesn't look cool, in fact, it can't run fast, and the length of the car is inconvenient." Jonas also commented.

"Nonsense, of course I know!" Sean rolled his eyes and explained: "The sports car is fast, but what's the use of it, how much money can it hold, even 5 million can't fit it!"

"Ah, yes!" Bill came to his senses. They had all seen the money. Every month, the money from various businesses was collected into the base's vault.

5 million doesn't seem like a lot, but in fact, it's not.

A $100 bill is 1.05 grams, even if it's a $100 bill, $1 million is 10,500 grams, and one hundred million is one ton.

5 million, a sports car with only two seats really can't fit it.

"That should be a pickup too!" Jonas said casually while fiddling with the M16 in his hand.

"Pickup, when you get there, people will check it carefully with a scrutiny eye. At that time, you old black will definitely not get in!" A sneer hung on the corner of Sean's mouth, "And Rolls-Royce is different. won't check!"

"No!" Jonas looked up, his face full of displeasure, "Don't ask if you drive a good car? You can get in and out as you like? If you drive a good car, you must be a good person!"

"Pfft." Bill burst out laughing, pointing at Jonas with one hand and covering his stomach with the other, so exaggerated that he slipped out of his seat.

"You're still laughing!" Jonas cursed angrily.

Jonas gets mad at the mention of this...



Thanks to Markliu1688, the book is a passer-by, the prodigal son Yanqing 1 and several readers for their rewards, thank you! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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