America’s Big Hero

Chapter 135: : 1 knife in the heart

In the distance, Sean sat in the car, watching it all with satisfaction.

The atmosphere at the scene was very good, the climax came, and the parade was completely inspired to fight.

If the previous environmental protection movement and parade were still a bit false, then now, these are the things that really happened in front of us, which completely shocked everyone.

Lambert Gregg and the others stood in the distance and did not dare to approach. The shouting of the parade sounded like a death knell to their ears.

They have no doubt that if they were found to be the owner of Greg's chemical plant, they would be killed on the spot by the angry crowd!

When an emotion is collectivized, the emotion will be infinitely amplified, and everyone will be immersed in it, and it is possible to do anything irrational.

MLM is also used in this way.

Immediately, Lambert Gregg contacted the Trenton Police Department and the State Police Department, and the answer was that the march could not be stopped.

If the application is reasonable and legal, the people have the freedom and right to march.

After swearing, Lambert Gregg calmed down and quickly ordered the factory to stop work immediately, at least the sewage pipeline must be closed.

Those guys are already crazy now, if they continue to discharge the sewage, will they not impact the chemical plant?

If there is another life, right or wrong, the chemical plant will be doomed.

As soon as he thought of the terrible consequences, Lambert Gregg immediately ordered people to close the gate of the factory and strictly guard against it.

The gate of the factory was tightly closed, and looking at the scene outside, it looked like a group of demons were dancing wildly.

"Hey, there's a good show to watch." Inside the car in the distance, Sean smiled and told Thomson to drive away.

When things reached this point, as long as he pushed it slightly, things would immediately become uncontrollable.

That night, New Jersey TV reported on the demonstrations.

In fact, Lambert Gregg also tried to communicate with the New Jersey local TV station whether it could not be reported.

But it turned out to be a refusal.

The United States has always claimed freedom of speech. Of course, in Sean's view, this is not their claim, but a last resort.

Local TV stations, print media, local radio stations, private radio stations, and the six major national TV stations, all of which are controlled by different people. This is not the east side. There are government agencies under unified control.

In the United States, if you don't report, others will report, and you can't hold it back. Instead, in order to increase sales and ratings, you will have to scramble to report.

Unless the two parties reach a unity, these media cannot control the unified voice at all.

In the early morning of the next day, the matter was thoroughly fermented. Major newspapers reported Jim's speech, the harm of phosphorus-containing washing powder and aluminum-containing washing powder, and the damage to the environment caused by the discharged sewage.

It caused an uproar for a while.

There is no need for major media to interview. Too many experts and institutions who want to be famous have come forward to comment on these things.

Because cleaning supplies are daily necessities and are related to every household, this matter soon expanded to the whole country.

At this time, major daily chemical companies also immediately stood up for public relations. Experts and scholars funded by them jumped out to accept interviews and said that those were all rumors, and there was no concrete evidence to prove that these things were harmful.

These so-called uncertainties are all around the product itself, but the pollution caused by Greg's chemical plant is really irrefutable.

As a result, for several days in a row, the surrounding residents have been calling for people to go to the sewage outlet of the Greg Chemical Plant for parades and sit-ins, which has become an activity base.

There are people here, day and night.

The shutdown of the chemical plant is an innumerable loss every day. What is even more hateful is that as soon as the parade happened, someone jumped out to short the company's stock.

There was not much reaction at first, but after TV interviews and newspaper reports, major Wall Street institutions downgraded their ratings on Greg Chemicals almost at the same time, and the stock price began to dive instantly.

Internal and external troubles kept Lambert Gregg up all night, and his eyes were blue when he woke up the next day.

"I'm going to take that **** Jim to court! I'm going to bankrupt him!" Lambert Gregg called the company's legal counsel early in the morning, a New Jersey barrister.

"I can sue in court. After all, although his so-called set of data has been authenticated in a large institution, it cannot be used as evidence in law." The old lawyer said with a smile: "These institutions are not gods, their The conclusions are just theirs."

(PS: DNA collected at crime scenes in the United States cannot be used as evidence, such as **** crime, if the sperm of the other party is extracted from a woman's body, but this thing may also be obtained by the woman herself, there have been many similar incidents. The case is used to extort men. It just happened a few days ago. The Internet celebrity female model went to the toilet to steal the used condom and tried to pour the contents into her body. As a result, the other party added a secret chili sauce inside... ... scene, that's called a hot)

(Of course, different countries have different legal boundaries. In some countries, female reporters can be convicted if they find sperm spots on their underwear.)

"Then sue him!" Lambert Gregg roared hideously.

"It's no problem." The old lawyer agreed immediately, "But, before I do, I have to explain that this case is not so easy to end, and it may drag on for a long time."

"What?" Lambert Gregg looked puzzled. "That Jim is rich and has a backstage?"

"No, no, because the influence of this case will definitely be great. In this case, it is necessary to deny the firm results of those appraisal agencies, and those appraisal agencies will not admit defeat so easily."

"This..." Lambert Gregg blinked and reacted, "That means, the storm can't be calmed down soon?"

"No, and I think the other party is also preparing to engage us." The old lawyer pointed in the direction of the sewage outlet.

As he expected, of course Sean was going to be ready to **** him.

And sued him from two aspects.

One is a local citizen of because the polluted river and land do not belong to Greg, but public, national, and it is certain that he is destroyed by him.

The other is the nearby residents. Sean has arranged for the team to take the nearby residents downstream to the hospital in New York for examination.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Over the years, influence is inevitable.

The lives and health of Americans are very valuable. As long as the inspection report comes out, Sean will hire a super powerful team of lawyers to sue the Greg Chemical Plant in court.

During this period, not only did Sean not need to pay a penny of legal fees, but he could also get a share of the compensation.

American lawyers like to fight this kind of class action lawsuit. Sean's people have reached an agreement with the surrounding residents, and the residents do not need to pay the lawyer's fees in advance, nor do they need to worry about anything, but in the end, Sean will take 8 to make.

Sean didn't think he was hacking. Without him, these people wouldn't even think about suing Greg. Even if they did, they wouldn't be able to sue each other!

Lawsuits are not just lawsuits, but also human relationships.

Moreover, among these 80%, there are half of the lawyer team.

Therefore, Sean thinks that 2 achievements are not bad, not better than 200,000 yuan for the death of 3 deer, 30,000 yuan for severe cases, and 2,000 yuan for ordinary symptoms?

Ah no, not converted into dollars and inflation...

(This is the case with Michael Jackson's child molester case. That family was instigated by lawyers to take Michael to court. It's not shabby to make money...) Click Download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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