American Legendary Life

Chapter 807: New target, Dutch Shell

In October, news about the European battlefield appeared daily in the newspaper.

On the 5th, the Germans made a lightning strike and quickly broke through the Polish defense line.

On the 6th, the Polish government moved from Warsaw to Lublin.

On the 10th, the German commander drove straight into the hinterland of Poland, and the army was defeated all the way.

On the 14th, the Germans completely completed the siege of Warsaw, and two days later they met with the South Road Army in Włodawa to form a siege with the main force of the Polish army.


Xiaobeisheng's newly-weds got up early with Li Zitao who had been confiscated by his returning wife overnight.

After two hours of tears in the gym as usual, Li Zitao lay in the bathtub where the servant put the water and looked at the important report in the secretary room.

Today, occupying the front pages of all the majors, with the emphasis on the black headline is; Warsaw has fallen.

The Polish government officially went into exile in Romania, and the Polish army was captured by German and Soviet sides. Nearly 1 million people were captured. In addition to the tenacious resistance of small stocks, the entire territory of Poland has been completely occupied.

As for the resistance of those small stocks, they will soon be completely eliminated by the Qing.

In addition, there is an important piece of information. The little man and Franco were assassinated, only a few hours apart.

It seems that this is a well-planned assassination plan.

Fortunately, the two were like the pro-sons of the goddess of fate, and escaped the assassination with no danger.

The two responded differently to this matter, and the little man still personally gave up the funeral of the SS who died to protect him.

According to the narrative in the newspaper: his expression is indifferent, like a machine without emotions, people dare not look at him, just standing beside him and his body is numb, as if his scalp must be erected .

Franco strongly condemned it and vowed to catch the murderer and the messenger behind the scenes.

It's just that this manifesto looks a bit antithetical, not so much a manifesto as a pure vent of anger.

Recently, Franco seems to have figured out something, began to maintain a certain distance from the NCD, and began to hook up with the United States in the dark.

There are still many benefits for Franco, and the aid that the war initially received from American companies was interrupted for a period of 38 years.

But on the premise that he took the initiative to move closer to America, these restrictions soon disappeared again.

Petroleum and indefinite loans provided by Texas Petroleum, cars provided by General Motors and Ford, and large quantities of ammunition produced by DuPont.

With the outbreak of the European War, the Soviet Union took into account its own political tendencies and positions and ended its assistance to the Republic. The international column also had no choice but to leave.

The advantage of this is that it not only eases relations with Britain and France, but also consolidates the validity of the Germany-Soviet non-aggression agreement just signed.

The Soviet Union thus took the initiative, Jinke and Britain and France formed an anti-FXS alliance, and withdrew from Germany to maintain a situation of non-aggression.

Of course, the best result is to wait and see the change and be the last carduelis.

Let the British and the French fight against the Germans for life and death. After the war, the Soviet Union naturally became an important weight to overwhelm the balance.

In exchange for the smallest loss in exchange for the greatest benefit, the Soviet Union's abacus sounded like a bang.

As for the survival of the Spanish Republic, it is natural to stand aside when it comes to national interests.

In many cases when the Soviet Union withdrew and the United States secretly reached a support agreement with Franco and strengthened security at the French border, SHIELD's aid line to the Republic was also cut off.

The gold handed over to him by the government of the Republic was almost used. Although Li Zitao raised the price several times in the later period, in the situation at that time, the Republic should be thankful for the weapon assistance. There is nothing to complain about.


"Poland is over, the Soviet Union is building a so-called Eastern display on the new border, strengthening depth, who will be next?"

Washington, Office of the President.

Roosevelt pointed at the newspaper in front of him, looking at the advisor, staff and his generals sitting opposite.

No one can answer his question, not because he cannot answer it, but because he does not want or dare to answer it.

Li Zitao's'prophecy' was fulfilled again, so that everyone who knew the prophecy had a dark haze on their hearts.

Will Denmark and Norway really be attacked next?

"The next time is Denmark and Norway. Let think tanks and rich country stockbrokers prepare. How are British and French companies now?"

New York, Rockefeller Center, in the study room of the penthouse, five phones were connected at the same time, and the microphone was in front of Li Zitao.

Every time he wanted to hear what they said, Li Zitao had to hold the microphone close to his ear. Although this conference call was very low and tiring, it was much better than being a trapeze.

Regarding plans for shorting British and French companies, think tanks and rich countries are all operated by offshore companies to avoid being accounted for by the United Kingdom, France and the United States.

All the people who participated in the plan signed a strict confidentiality plan. As long as a little information was leaked, they would have to lose money and sit down.

Of course, it is not the FBI or the Commercial Investigation Department that will come to you first, but the SHIELD’s Special Health and Supervision Department. Everyone knows this.

Therefore, they will take care of their mouths, even the nearest family members will not reveal.

The baldness that has entered 40 this year is getting more and more powerful, and the few sparse seedlings on the top of his head are also nearly slain by him.

However, his value and income are also increasing day by day. According to the current situation, he will officially enter the 100 million yuan club after the end of World War II.

The only pity is that there have been some minor changes in his marriage.

However, these news came from other populations, this performance is normal, Li Zitao did not arbitrarily intervene ~ ~ The conference call lasted 90 minutes, Li Zitao was satisfied to hang up all calls.

The most important part of this bottoming is Mobil's largest business partner in Europe, Royal Dutch Shell Petroleum.

Now, we only need to wait for the British and French to formally enter the war, then the French are ravaged by the little dwarfs, and the British are trapped in the homeland. When rescue is urgently needed, Li Zitao will generously give a helping hand and bring hope and friendship to them.

In return for aid and friendship, Li Zitao wanted to intervene in the Dutch Shell's board of directors. This requirement should not be excessive.

Now Mobil's development in the Far East has left the oil companies behind.

With the needle threading of Lian Qinglin, coupled with the high-quality oil provided at a low price and the advanced level of refining, Mobil is gradually expanding the global market.

If it can be successfully connected to Dutch Shell, and with the oil reserves owned by the Persian Gulf and Mobil, it can be said that Li Zitao will become a well-deserved oil king.

It is frustrating that the supply of oil to Japan has so far not been able to find a suitable reason and timing.

For the Japanese market, other oil companies have been watching.

Once Mobil relaxes its vigilance, it will be attacked by other oil companies, and Mobil's influence on Japan will drop sharply.

Stopping the supply of oil to Japan will only cause Mobil to suffer losses. Japan will no longer be subject to Mobil, and its opinions need to be considered.

In addition, there will be no losses in Japan, but it is all bad for Mobil.

Therefore, knowing that the Japanese were doing mischief in the Far East, Li Zitao had to keep his eyes on the sidelines and watch the oil provided by Mobil be transported into the battlefield.

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