American Legendary Life

Chapter 792: Confrontation

Chamberlain, who pursued the appeasement policy, won what he called the ‘peace generation,’ who became a laughing stock after the little dwarf conquered the entire territory of the Czech Republic by force.

According to his plan, appeasement can ease international tensions and urge the little dwarf to fight against the Soviet Union and the Communist Party.

It turned out to be counterproductive. His appeasement yielded, but instead stimulated the aggressive appetite of the NC boss and seriously weakened the strategic position of the Anglo-French Group.

On the eve of the incident, the Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union, Livinov, repeatedly said that if France abides by its treaty obligations and provides direct and effective assistance to the Czech Republic, then ‘the Soviet Union will work with France to fulfill its obligations under the treaty. ’

‘It will assist the Czech Republic in a way that the Soviet Union can take. The Soviet Ministry of Defense is prepared to immediately participate in a meeting of representatives of the French and Czech Ministry of Defense to discuss measures. ’

But it was such a huge public statement that was not attached to any other conditions that was rudely rejected by Chamberlain, who pursued appeasement.

At the time, Winston made this remark on the political page of the Times: "The development of the situation is as if the country of the Soviet Union does not exist in the world,

If we continue to develop, we will eventually pay a huge price for this. "

At that time, this speech was criticized by the British party and government, but it also gave Winston the attention and favor of the Soviets.

After the Czech Republic was completely divided and included in Germany's'protection', then Winston, then the backbench member of the lower house, gave a lengthy and thorough speech.

"Everything has passed, the silent, sad, abandoned, fragmented Jack has fallen into darkness.

For a long time, it has followed France’s leadership and policies, firmly stood with France, and Britain, and as a result, it suffered a big loss,

We do not have to waste time studying the differences between the agreements reached in Boschtesden and the ruins of Godsburg in Munich.

If this court allows me to change a metaphor, then I will explain it briefly.

He first pointed at you with a pistol and asked you to give him a pound.

After waiting for delivery, he pointed his gun at you again and asked for two pounds.

In the end, the dictator promised to charge 1 pound, 17 shillings, and 6 pence first, and the rest of it would have to be paid by you. "

Winston's speech in the lower house made him subject to the stormy protests of appeasement and forced him to immerse for a while before he could continue to speak.

"Now, the balance of Europe has been broken, and we have suffered a total and complete failure... The portal of the Danube... The portal of the Black Sea has been opened.

Don't think that this matter will end from now on, this is just the first step in accounting.

This is just the first bitter bitter water that will be handed to us every year in the future.

Unless we rejuvenate and restore our fighting vitality, we can stand up again and fight for the protection of freedom as before. "

People who do not understand the situation may hear a fog of water. This is about the system of the French Union.

After the conspiracy in Munich, France stupidly disintegrated its alliance system.

After Munich, France not only lost a Czech Republic, but also lost its military status in Europe.

Prior to this, France had more than 100 regular teachers and established alliances with small countries such as Eastern Europe, Czech Republic, Poland, Yugoslavia, and Romania.

The combined military power of these countries is enough to subdue the little elves, but these have changed after Munich.

As the most loyal ally of France, the Czech Republic was cruelly dismembered.

The 35 well-trained and well-equipped Czech divisions that were originally deployed in the solid mountain fortifications contained more German troops than they did. Now France has lost this strong support.

This is tantamount to breaking one's arms.

However, this is not the deadliest.

After the Munich incident, France’s remaining allies in Eastern Europe, and who will believe its oath, that Poland’s rebellion is the best proof.

What is the point of having an alliance with France and a good relationship with Britain?

Waiting for them at a critical moment, like dismembering the Czech Republic, understate the interests of their country, split the country, and disintegrate the regime?

It is for this reason that the countries of Eastern Europe have completely changed their minds, and the Soviet Union has been completely disappointed by the Anglo-French alliance.

Recently, Winston once again pointed out that Germany, which acquired the Czech Republic, is worrying. Germany has regained its glory and became stronger under dangerous thinking, which is dangerous.

After the Czech Republic was dismembered, the Little Man plundered from the Czech Republic 9.5 billion marks of money, more than 1 million rifles, more than 500 anti-aircraft guns, and more than 3 million shells.

The rest include 43,000 machine guns, more than 1,500 aircraft, more than 2,100 artillery pieces, 1 billion rounds of bullets and more than 400 tanks.

The Germans also occupied Skoda, the world's largest arsenal, and sent a large number of young Czech men and women to serve as soldiers and serve in labor.

As NC number two, Goering recently told Mussolini by calling: "Hesitating that the huge production capacity of the Czech Republic is transferred to Germany is an economic factor. It has significantly strengthened the ability of the Axis to deal with Western countries."

"If there is a greater conflict between the two sides, Germany now does not need to retain the strength of a division to defend that country."

After the little dwarf announced the merger of the Czech Republic into the German territory, Chamberlain had to say to the lower house: "The German army invaded Bohemia at 6 Czech people ordered no resistance from the government."

Therefore, his guarantee to the Czech Republic is no longer in force, which means that the British government’s guarantee that "in the event of unjustified aggression, the British government will act within its capacity" is completely invalid.

These words are only ridiculous when compared with his ‘efforts’ the previous year.

Mr. Prime Minister with an owl face, as a qualified politician, naturally does not blush and his heart does not beat.

At the end of the speech, I said: "I should deeply regret what happened now, but we must not deviate from it.

We should be our own. The wishes of the peoples of the world are still focused on the hope of peace. "

Winston was extremely disgusted by the Prime Minister's shameless speech, and retorted in public: "The Prime Minister's response surprised me. He always thought he knew the character of the dictator in particular and could accurately estimate the limits of German action."

"He hoped that the Munich Conference was a meeting of sincerity, and he and the two dictators would save the world from the horrors of war."

"Now there seems to be an explosion that shattered his beliefs and everything caused by his actions and speeches. He made a serious wrong judgment on the facts, not only deceiving himself, but also imposed on the destiny. Colleagues and unfortunate British public opinion, of course, for him, he is duty-bound."

In the face of harsh facts, under the attack of Winston and others, Chamberlain had to uncharacteristically criticize the little man.

At the same time, in order to confuse people and cleanse his reputation, Chamberlain also made a guarantee for the little coveted Poland.

During this period, Poland had already begun to worry about its previously embarrassed partner.

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