American Legendary Life

Chapter 664: Don't stop me, really

"George, send someone to guard the castle and the manor, and investigate this matter as soon as possible." Pfizer's president's office became Li Zitao's temporary office.

The first thing Li Zitao did was to inform George, let him strengthen the protection level of those around him, and investigate who was responsible for this.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s staff in New York is limited, and more depends on the local police and FIB.

The person who shot before has not yet been found, which makes Li Zitao in a bad mood, and at the same time the phone in front of him rings.

"BOSS, Mrs. Garbo is injured." The call came from the hospital, and Garbo was stabbed with a knife in the crew.

"Has anyone caught it?" Li Zitao was silent for a long time before asking in a cold, chilling tone.

He sat quietly in a leather chair and listened to the opposite report. After about 5 minutes, Li Zitao hung up the phone and left the office.

"Back to Los Angeles, now." Li Zitao took Danny away from the building.

The bodies of the two bodyguards have been transported to the hospital, and the injured bodyguard was accompanied by another bodyguard to the doctor. They were both left in New York.

Li Zitao is a little confused now, and has no time to take care of them. He just wants to rush back to Los Angeles as soon as possible to accompany Garbo.

On the Gulfstream One, seeing BOSS's somber face was terrible, Melinda put away the thoughts that allowed him to experience the new tricks and carefully accompanied him.


Before he landed, Roosevelt called the phone and asked with concern: "Charlie, you are too good to have no facts. Such a bad incident will happen in New York. I have ordered the FBI to pursue it with all my strength. I will definitely find the murderer. "

"I will find him myself!" Li Zitao said coldly.

"Charlie, I understand your mood, it's bad, but you need to restrain your emotions, we can't let the situation go in a worse direction."

This was the real purpose of Roosevelt's phone call, and what he feared was that Li Zitao was in disorder.

"Roosevelt, do you know what happened in Los Angeles?" Li Zitao asked back.

"What?" Roosevelt's face sank, and he looked up at the staff in front of him, with blame and coldness under his eyes.

"Then you should check and tell me again... Don't stop me, friend, I'm serious." Li Zitao finished hanging up the phone.

Frustrated to put the phone down, Roosevelt ordered: "I want the status of everyone around him to find out where his wife is...and the woman in Beverly Hills."

After 20 minutes, Roosevelt got the latest information. Garbo was stabbed in the hospital and his life and death were unknown.


Angrily swiping the information on the table, Roosevelt glanced at the staff in front with dignified eyes: "This is the little problem you said?"

"Mr. President, we did not expect that the other party would choose her as the goal!" The chief of staff said helplessly.

"That's great. Now let them face the angry lion!" Although he hadn't caught the murderer yet, Roosevelt had a few guesses in his heart.

I hope they have escaped far away now, otherwise, the angry lion will tear them into pieces, do they have chocolate beans in their heads?


When the Gulfstream One taxied on the runway and slowed down, the 10 Aegis H1 beside the runway opened the door, and the heavily armed Tyveh got off the vehicle to form a cordon.

There was a little confusion at the airport, but it was quickly calmed down by the publicity of the broadcast. When people looked at the runway again, the neat convoy had quickly left.

"BOSS, we have focused on the First Committee and the arms dealers. We have launched all the forces that can be used. There will be news soon."

Every sentence of George carries affirmation, there is no room for uncertainty or consultation, because he is very clear, the last thing BOSS wants to hear is uncertainty.

"Take people to the bunker, make sure he is good, and you can't have a single hair." Li Zitao grinned cruelly: "I want to talk to him personally, in the most enthusiastic way."

He was talking about the murderer who stabbed Garbo. He was a porter in the crew. He just joined the crew 10 days ago.

"Okay." George nodded decisively.

"Hurry up." In response to Danny's urge, the engine sound immediately became irritable, and a long team of cars drove quickly on the street and drove towards the central hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, Li Zitao did not see anyone, and Jiabao had not yet come out of the operating room, causing his heart to sink gradually.

The corridor in front of the operating room door was occupied by a group of fierce, muscular men in trench coats, and every passing medical staff looked cautious.

Some people came forward to ask, but they were quickly ousted, and then two patrol officers stood at the door to act as ‘door gods,’ preventing others from entering and causing panic.

"Mr. Charlie." Melvin Purvey was separated by the bodyguard.

"Let him come in." Li Zitao sitting on the bench looked up and looked up.

"Mr. Charlie, my people are already trying to trace the clue... sorry," Melvin said quietly beside him.

"Yeah." Li Zitao behaved calmly, but just seeing his face like an iceberg, anyone can feel the raging anger below bottom line, everyone has a bottom line.

His family is his only stumbling block in this world. Li Zitao is not afraid of others coming to trouble him because he has also troubled others.

But when it came to family members and hurt his daughter's mother, this touched his bottom line.

No one can do this without paying a price, Li Zitao is waiting patiently, waiting for a name, or more names!


The door of the operating room opened, and before the doctor came out, Li Zitao rushed up, watching the doctor's eyes full of tension.

"The operation went very smoothly without causing fatal wounds, but it required long-term recuperation." The doctor looked at the crowd around him and said a little nervously.

"Thank you." Li Zitao shook his hand firmly.

"This is what I should do." The doctor said dryly, the scene before him scared him a little.

The whole hallway was covered with a burly, expressionless muscular man, bulging under a gray trench coat, who could not be nervous in this situation.

After the doctor left, Garbo was pushed out by the nurse, watching her pale in a coma on the hospital bed, Li Zitao's heartache hurt.

Personally escorting her into the ward, Li Zitao was sitting next to the hospital bed, holding her hand and watching quietly.

Her face was thin, her face was pale and scary, and her palms were cold. For a moment, Li Zitao even felt that she was about to lose her, and the surging emotion made him red eyes.

From sitting in the day to evening, Garbo's face finally appeared bloody, his breathing calmed down, and Li Zitao's suspended heart also fell.

"Ava, stay here and take care of her...wake up and inform me as soon as possible." The moment you let go of your warm and soft hands and turned and left, a greasy smile hung on his face.

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