American Legendary Life

Chapter 346: Energy Youth Needle

Due to the seriousness of the school shooting, the school was officially closed and the children stayed at home.

After eating breakfast, Adelaide suddenly said: "Today I am flying to Sweden to attend the meeting. Does anyone want to be together?"


Three arms stood up, and the three little guys were about to move, all wanting to follow.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up and clean up your salute." Upon hearing the order, the three of them walked to the room at the fastest speed.

It is forbidden to run at home, which is the rule set by Adelaide.

"Noma, I don't have a suitcase. Can I put my clothes with you?"

"I have two suitcases, and I can share one with you." Norma quickly took the suitcase off and helped her pack up the salute.

"Ma'am, will Fia get you in trouble." Francis was a little worried that her daughter would trouble their schedule.

This looks more like a family trip, relaxing after work.

"Of course not, she and Norma will be very happy to get along." Adela Idra said in her hand: "Fia is an obedient girl, she will not cause trouble."

"My dear, I'm going out. I'm sorry I can't take you to the airport in person. You know, I need to go to Osborne."

Li Zitao, who had a good breakfast, was also ready to go out. Osborne had some new discoveries and needed him to go in person.

"I can take care of myself and the children, be careful on the way."

"Happy journey."

After saying goodbye to each other, Li Zitao replaced the black and red Eguis F931.

There is a lot of rain in California this season.

When I came to Osbourne, everything was the same, but the R&D staff looked more, and the dorms were full.

"BOSS, we extracted a brand new cell from it. I named it M cell, which means mysterious."

Coming to the underground core area, Li Zitao listened to Mike's report and found a new cell named ‘M’ in his blood.

"What does it do?" Li Zitao wondered what it could do.

"It has extremely strong activity and can coexist with other cells, and after our experiments, it can activate human stem cells to divide again."

When a person reaches 25 years old, the dryness of the cortex begins to decline, which is also the reason for the aging of human appearance compilation.

"Forever youth?" After hearing Mike's description, Li Zitao doubted: "Can it really achieve that effect?"

"No." Seeing Li Zitao's look, Mike explained: "It's not that M cells can't, it's that ordinary humans can't bear excessive amounts of M cells."

If you want to achieve what Mike said, the M cells contained in it can be measured only insignificantly.

It can be combined with various elements to make the creature withstand its powerful vitality. ’

"Can mass production be achieved?" Li Zitao, who is in a state of lack of money, seems to be rolling in his eyes with countless'$$'.

"Yes, as long as there is the original blood sample, we can continuously extract M cells from it, and then cultivate and merge into a youth medicine."

"Can it be cracked by others?"

"No, after fusion, M cells will form a brand new energy with other elements, they cannot extract the original cells from them."

"Are clinical trials conducted?"

"We are applying."

"Speed ​​up the progress, and pay attention to safety."

Safety, security, Li Zitao must emphasize every time, whether it involves compatriots, black people or white people.

The work of S.H.I.E.L.D. is inherently dangerous, and with the huge insurance and pension system, some sacrifices will not attract attention.

However, if there are security problems in other enterprises, it is easy to cause some intentional people to use them, thereby becoming a weapon to attack him.

Energy youth injection, injection type, can make people look and skin, younger than 10 years old.

If you are young and beautiful, you may remain youthful after multiple injections.

But this medicament does not change the body's function and has no ability to increase longevity.

When the American Food and Drug Administration saw Osborne's application and data, it felt like he was reading a science fiction storybook.

"It's really bullshit." The report is still in the induction box, and the staff responsible for the classification review forgot it.

Every day they can see all kinds of ‘super era’ research, but in the end they are all nonsense.

After understanding that mass production of penicillin will take time, Li Zitao, who left Osborne, thought he would soon see related reports.

But after waiting for half a month, there was no word in the newspaper.

The overseas branch of SHIELD has been officially established.

The establishment of the Spanish and Vladivostok branches is very low-key, and even local reports are not visible.

This is exactly what Li Zitao meant. This kind of industry that belongs to ‘violent institutions’ in the eyes of the public is as low-key as possible.

The newly established branch did not rush to expand its business, but recruited talent locally, and the instructors sent by the headquarters were responsible for training.

For the two branches, the same talents will be sent to the local best performing in the training camp will have the opportunity to reach the'Bunker branch,' accepting Geng Ya's strict, correct and comprehensive training.

In the mouth of the instructors at all levels and the minister of the branch, the bunker branch is the best training base in the world.

Everyone out there has the same strength as an instructor.

And when the instructors used their full strength to compete with them, it was not a problem to fight a dozen alone.

And there is also the most advanced weapons research and development center, with the most scientific nutritional meals, the best benefits, new combat uniforms, high subsidies and so on.

In the eyes of the members of the overseas branch, the bunker branch located in Los Angeles, the United States, is their sanctuary.

But what they did not know is that there is also a legendary temple in the bunker branch.

The codename ‘X,’ only has the best and most elite performance in the base, and has passed a series of assessment tests at the headquarters to have the opportunity to join the extreme training camp.

Except for those who disappear after being selected, no one knows exactly where it is, and no one knows who they are and what they need to do.

But in the minds of the students in the bunker branch, ‘X’ is the temple they were looking forward to.

"If I could join, how good it would be!" the players said with dazzling expressions.

In West Africa's extreme training camp, the players who were lucky enough to pass the selection and join them screamed in their hearts every day: "When will they leave this **** place."

If time comes again, they will never choose to join ‘extreme training camp. ’

In the view of the team members who were trapped and hung upside down on the tree for half an hour, this place is the devil's cave on earth.

The slightly rounded, black oily head is the most evil monster in the world.

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