American Legendary Life

Chapter 253: Let's talk

Persuaded by helplessness, Li Zitao still chose to leave and return to Dagong Fort to enjoy his afternoon tea.

"I plan to leave tomorrow morning. The first shareholder meeting of the Lee Group will be held the day after tomorrow. I will go back and make some preparations."

At dinner, Li Zitao made an abrupt resignation, so that Grand Duke and Adelaide did not expect it.

"Then, what should I do here?" Adelaide asked.

"Maybe the time is not ripe enough." Li Zitao smiled without a positive answer.

What to do, let it dry first!

After the merger with FSC, Bethlehem has a wider business scope and more fields. Li Zitao is not in a hurry.

Like to squeeze, then see who squeezes at the end.

Although the ready-made North American market will be suppressed by the American Steel of the Morgan Consortium, it is not impossible to survive.

Not to mention that Bethlehem still maintains a good profit margin, even if it does not make money, Li Zitao will not care.

"There are mines, oil, and willfulness at home!" The newly developed oil field alone is worth more than a billion dollars, and there is cooperation with the McCormick family.

Golden Arch is simply rent-collecting, with an annual income of US$290 million, which is not counted as the profits generated by Li's real estate for transportation and raw materials.

To be faster than making money, there are really few who can match him this year.

"The bank's 400 million US dollars is not in a hurry, it is heavily in debt, and there is no need to pay taxes. It's cool!" Li Zitao was very happy when he thought of saving tens of millions of dollars in taxes.

From today, he will be a glorious ‘negative trench. ’

Wal-Mart, the academician, ranked first in the world's top 500, losing money every year, no problem!

"By the way, my mother mentioned today that she will implement tax exemption policy for foreign investors." At night, the two sat in front of the big belly fireplace in the room and exchanged drinks.

"Preparing to join the Commonwealth?" Li Zitao asked.

"Yes." Adelaide nodded.

The tax law of country Y stipulates that even if you hold a passport of country Y, as long as you do not introduce the benefits earned abroad to the country, you do not need to pay tax for the money.

Most tax havens and tax havens around the world use this as the standard.

Many small countries and island countries have seen the importance of this law, which will greatly help their own economy.

"Luxembourg's industrial development is not sound. Mother wants to change this and make it a new financial center and clearing center in Western Europe."

Allow private banks to be established, formulate new banking regulations and secrecy laws, ensure the safety and interests of overseas capital, and create a good investment environment for them.

Agreement with Belgium, the Netherlands, and country F to form a new customs union.

As early as 1921, Luxembourg and Belgium had formed a customs union, and the benefits of their agreement were obvious.

Now Dagong wants to convince Country F and the Netherlands to form a Western European Customs Union.

"Great job!" Li Zitao was full of admiration for this mother-in-law.

There are some women in this world who are born to stand on the international stage. Upon hearing these internal news, Li Zitao's thoughts also moved.

"Wells Fargo’s first overseas bank, I want to put it here, as well as the Western European dispatch center of Hualian, I will let someone negotiate specific details as soon as possible."

Hearing Li Zitao say this, Adelaide's eyes lit up and hugged her lover, offering a affectionate kiss.

When Li Zitao took the lead in setting an example, foreign capital could see actual changes and effects from his development.

Moreover, with his current influence in the United States, many financial structures will notice the small principality of this country.

This will greatly help Dagong to implement reforms and develop the second economic pillar.

"If it could attract the financial emperor of Europe, it would be better." Thinking of the shareholders of Wells Fargo, Adelaide's mood inevitably became excited.

The next day, after having breakfast with his family, Li Zitao left with his fiancee.

The policy makers, including Ben, left all but one, leaving only a few insignificant representatives, and the shareholder representatives in Luxembourg and Alberts wrestled.

The big brothers were all gone and wanted Bibi patience, Li Zitao was very interested in it.

Back at his home in Chicago, Li Zitao first saw a small surprise from Pioneer Technology.

Five F931 pickups of different colors were parked on the roadside in front of the house.

Beside these beautiful pickups, the onlookers were pointing and discussing the reports and data about it.

Occasionally, a reporter hurried over, and after shooting five F931s from various angles, he hurried away.

Parked on the roadside, they seemed to be dazzling stars in this rich neighborhood.

"Hogg, give me the key of the red car and bring my pets." Li Zitao stood at the door and shouted joyfully in the courtyard.

Soon, but carrying the eagle frame, the trainer walked out with six brasils.

Hanging the scoop of the scaffold on the sink behind the cab, Li Zitao was not satisfied with the test, so he made a hole with an iron chisel.

Hang the scaffold again to make sure it won't be thrown away, and after six Feiles got on the Li Zitao turned the key and said, "Want to go for a ride together?"

"I'll change my clothes." Adelaide walked towards the house, her pace involuntarily accelerated.

She is very interested in this car that looks strange but looks beautiful.

"Ben, which one do you like, let Hogg give you the key." He originally planned to go to the club with Ben, and now he decided to go for a ride at the beach.

Life should not stop at jin (qian) and dog leashes! !

Li Zitao now intends to take his dog and small sculpture to Hipi, driving the F931 pickup that is absolutely cool to the sky in this era.

The sultry red was driving down the street, and all the passers-by were attracted.

Especially when I saw the six Brazilian Felle in the car, there was a hint of surprise and fear in my eyes.

The fierce looks, the strong figure, and the full-filled Fele, are absolutely terrifying beasts.

Fortunately, they behaved very obediently and drove the car down the sand **** into the beach. Li Zitao played rushing sand and was stopped by the beach administrator.

"Sir, vehicles are not allowed here. If you want to experiment with your toys, you should find a remote beach without people."

The manager pointed to a sign in the distance and said that if he is not the manager of the Gold Coast and knows Li Zitao’s identity, he will surely pull the other party down, kick the other party’s ass, and let the police shut him down. Get up and greet me.

"Sorry." He smiled apologetically. Li Zitao honestly drove the car back onto the road. The fiancee sitting next to him couldn't stop laughing.

"Is it exciting to see your fiancé like this?" Li Zitao's expression was irresistible.

"Yes, it's interesting." Adelaide nodded affirmatively.

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