American Fortune Life

Chapter 986 Bitterly hates pressing the gold thread every year, making wedding clothes for others

Port of Spain, the capital of Trinidad and Tobago, is a beautiful coastal garden city and deep-water port. It was once a Spanish colony more than 400 years ago, and it was named after it.

This country is a relatively developed country near the Caribbean Sea, with a majority of Indian blacks, and its annual murder rate ranks second in the world.

The equatorial country is extremely hot. In the luxury suite of the Trinidad Hilton Conference Hotel, Andy was wearing only a pair of shorts, leaning on the sofa, watching the press conference of US Treasury Secretary Paulson on TV with a smile on his face.

"The Federal Reserve took appropriate action in collaboration with market participants to minimize the impact of the financial crisis . . .

The Federal Reserve bailed out Bear Stearns, thereby avoiding possible greater damage to other financial companies and the US financial system. . .

I am very confident that the U.S. financial market will get rid of the current chaos, and the U.S. economy still has the ability to recover. I think a strong dollar is in the interests of the United States. . . "

Andy's smile became brighter and brighter. He knew that the short sale of Bear Stearns, the fifth largest investment bank in the United States, had completely hurt the American financial system.

But who cares!

He, Andy Smith, only wants dollars, and a lot of dollars is his goal. The opportunities brought about by the subprime mortgage crisis are precious. Only by cutting meat from big companies can he be full. Sometimes, instead, there is a general decline. There seem to be many opportunities, but there are not many opportunities to make a lot of money.


Andy's heart trembled slightly, he grabbed the mobile phone on the table, and after connecting it, he heard Al's excited voice on the opposite side.

"4.7 billion! Boss, in three days, we made $4.7 billion from Bear Stearns!"

"YES! Well done! I want to congratulate you! Big congratulations! fxxk! Tell everyone that your yacht is in possession!"

Andy's face was flushed with excitement, and he punched fiercely in the air, expressing the excitement and excitement in his heart, robbing a bank is not as fast as making money, ahem, well, Bear Stearns is also in a sense bank.

"Talk about the process, damn it, I really want to go back to New York right now..."

"The process is like this..."

Andy walked to the bar, poured himself a glass of whiskey, took out two ice cubes from the refrigerator and threw them into the glass,

While listening to Al's narration, he swung his wine glass.


Andy drank all the whiskey in the glass in one gulp. The excitement on his face still didn't dissipate, but he said in a unwilling tone, "That means Bear Stearns' US$17 billion in cash reserves evaporated in just three days. , and we just took away 4.7 billion of it? Damn, it’s really a bit reconciled!"


Andy heard Al's soft cough on the phone, laughed at himself and said, "Okay, I'm getting a little greedy, so are we going to join the team to carve up Bear Stearns' high-quality assets?"

"Sorry boss, I'm afraid we're going to lose this opportunity!"

"What happened?" Andy frowned, and poured himself another glass of wine.

"Standard \u0026 Poor's downgraded Bear Stearns' long-term credit rating to BBB and said further downgrades were likely based on the company's illiquidity. Moody's also downgraded Bear Stearns, now three ratings above junk grade.

Bear Stearns is very likely to be sold within 28 days of receiving this emergency loan. Paulson has already flown to New York, and he has already been to MG Chase. The information we have obtained through information channels is that MG Chase has expressed interest. To buy Bear Stearns. . . "

"Shet!" Andy drank the whiskey, slammed the glass on the bar, and cursed, "The purchase price?"

"MG Chase's first acquisition price may be as little as $2 per share, with a total price of $240 million..."

"FXXK! This price is less than a quarter of the price of the Bear Stearns office building in Manhattan!"

Andy's face was taken aback, the excitement of earning 4.7 billion US dollars was completely dispelled, he cursed through gritted teeth, he knew that it might be MG Chase who finally got the big deal this time.

"This price will definitely not be the final price, and the board of Bear Stearns will never agree to it. We estimate that the acquisition will be completed at a price of US$10-15 per share.

It could either be acquired or go bankrupt. Bear Stearns was acquired at such an urgent moment, and the price at which it was acquired was naturally somewhat irrational.

This price also illustrates the additional risk that MG Chase has to bear. They must reserve a certain margin of error for themselves, so that even if they are wrong, they will not put the company in danger and be dragged into the water! "


Andy said in a cold voice very unwillingly: "What can we do?"

"We can't do much. Bear Stearns' asset volume has reached 500 billion U.S. dollars. Although we have good strength, even if we dare to take over Bear Stearns, we can't bring enough confidence to the market, and we can't save Bear Stearns. Otherwise, we will be buried in a huge pit.

The most important foundation supporting the modern financial system is not physical assets in the physical world, but people's confidence in the system itself and the credit of participants in the system in the minds of other participants. Once the confidence is shaken, once the credit is no longer, no matter how tall the building will collapse in an instant, the speed is even faster than the World Trade Center in 9/11. . . "

"Hey, yes, once there is a credit crisis in any financial institution, it will spread like a plague. And we are the ones who opened Pandora's Box, damn it, MG Chase!"

Andy gritted his teeth and sighed helplessly, "How much cash flow can we use now?"

"Gold futures have all been sold. At present, the total funds in London are 5.3 billion pounds, and the funds in New York have reached 15.2 billion U.S. dollars."

Andy tapped the bar table with his fingers like flying, and frowned in thought. Although the cash has reached more than 26 billion US dollars, it is only enough for the next plan, but if we really want to compete with MG Chase Large-scale financial companies are vying for food. To be honest, they really can't compete with them.

Looking at the current situation, his people started the war, and although they made a lot of money, it was MG Chase who really paid off all the war dividends.

"Forget it. Now that things have come to this, the Bear Stearns commercial bank that we are thinking about seems to be hopeless. Have you chosen your next target?"

"I have chosen, the layout is almost completed, the next one is - Bank of Merrill Lynch!"

"When will it start?"


"Well, I will almost return to New York at that time. By the way, although MG Chase is cheaper, you can't let him go so smoothly. Release the news and let his opponents join this competition. Your celebration can be bigger and let Panicked Wall Street feel our success!"

Andy now wants to deliberately disgust Bear Stearns and Wall Street father Paulson, so that all the giant Wall Street babies who are in the same predicament as Bear Stearns are always stuck in their throats, reminding them that on the same street, there is a street that is more serious than them. Greedy, bloodthirsty sharks swim around, ready to eat their flesh!

And just as Andy hoped, as Bear Stearns encountered a crisis, panicked investors also began to focus on other large Wall Street companies: who will become the second Bear Stearns?

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