Everyone also suddenly reacted at once, in fact, from the beginning, the Zetari had already said that it was his allies who had the ability to use space gems.

And not the Zetarians themselves have such abilities.

"He also mentioned in it that the entire universe will be their Zetarians at that time, and the Earth can be left to his ally, that is, Loki, so I want to say, why should he give the Earth to Loki? After all, if I'm not mistaken, Loki has already fallen out with Asgard, he has no generals, and he doesn't have any henchmen, how can he take the domination of a planet from the hands of the Zetarians?" Bruce Banner continued. "It must be that he has some kind of Zetari that has to rely on his abilities, such as the ability to open the portal of the spatial gem in reverse, so he will be the vanguard, and then lead the arrival of the Zetari army!"

"So Thor, do you know that your brother has such abilities?" asked the widowed sister Natasha.

"I don't know!" Thor shook his head and said, "I learned combat from my father, he learned some witchcraft and spells from my mother, and we didn't have the same education, so I don't know exactly what he is capable of!"

Thor shrugged his shoulders, his expression was also a little sneering, if it wasn't for participating in this Ten Thousand Worlds broadcast hall and being asked a lot of questions by these earthlings, he didn't know, it turned out that he didn't know, there were so many things that he didn't know.

It's really a bit embarrassing to ask three questions.

And everyone rolled their eyes, they were all used to it, anyway, every time they asked him something, he knew a little bit every time, but he didn't know too much about anything, every time he was like this, he was basically used to it.

"It turns out that the two received different educations?" Tony Stark had a faint calculation in his heart.

One is his own son, who received the education of a king, and even in order to correct the arrogant concept of Thor, the god of thunder, he did not hesitate to relegate him to the mortal world, let him receive frustration education, and also teach him some insights that can only be had as a king.

On the other hand, it is the adopted son, looking at the appearance of the evil god Loki, it is obviously not like he has received some kind of king's education, obviously the road has gone astray, but why don't you see the god king Odin correcting him.

Is it because you like Loki too much? Or do you want to train him in this direction?

And he remembered that in mythology, Loki was the god of fire, and his original identity, according to Thor, the god of thunder, turned out to be the son of the leader of the frost giants.

What could be more outrageous than making a frost giant a god of fire?

Shouldn't it be that Loki is also a whetstone for sharpening Thor?

Tony Stark couldn't help but think a lot, because the same drama has been played out on the earth I don't know how many times.

In the royal family, the royal family, and even in slightly larger families, this kind of drama has been staged more than once.

Odin's requirements for Thor, the god of thunder, are obviously much higher than those of the evil god Loki, not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of bearing as a king, heart, compassion, and so on.

And the evil god Loki is more like a spoiled little son.

Maybe the god king Odin may not like his youngest son, the evil god Loki, but he obviously favors the eldest son, Thor, the god of thunder.

has greater expectations for the eldest son Thor, Odin, which is a very common thing in the royal family.

Tony Stark has vaguely understood why Thor, the god of thunder, looks silly and sweet with a head full of muscles, and why the evil god Loki is so obsessed with becoming a watch.

On the one hand, he is dismissive of what his family gives, and on the other hand, he wants it but can't get it, and slowly his psychology is distorted.

Tony Stark recorded this, and maybe he could use it later.

"You don't know anything anyway!" Nick Fury complained.

Bruce Banner said: "I think, I probably understand the development of the follow-up, since the only one who knows how to use this space gem is the evil god Loki, then if he wants to let the Zetarians come, he can only open some kind of space jump point, artificially create a wormhole, so that the Zetarians can descend on the earth with a large army, and this is also the source of the New York War mentioned in the title later!".

"I see what you mean!" Nick Fury began, "Are you saying that we just need to cut off his follow-up operations and not have to worry about the Zetarians coming?"

"Yes, that's what I meant!" Bruce Banner said. "Since the Zetarians need such an artificial wormhole for space jumping, it means that they may not have the ability to travel faster than the speed of light, or the ability to create an artificial wormhole by themselves, their civilization level is stronger than ours, but it is also limited, we just need to guard against Loki, as long as we don't be wiped out by the evil god Loki like in the video!"

"As long as we subdue Loki in the first place, we'll be safe!" Bruce Banner continued.

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