"I'm going to do it, even if I break his leg, I'll do it!" Thor said earnestly.

Although he feels sorry for his brother, he doesn't want to completely tear his face with his friends on this side of the earth, because there is no need.

As long as you watch over your brother and let him not do things all day long, what can be avoided, why not.

"Alright, let's get back to the problem!" Nick Fury began. "This evil god Loki is teleported through the Space Gem... Is this Space Gem the Infinity Gem we heard about earlier?"

"It should be!" Thor nodded.

He knew a thing about the Infinity Stones, but only about it.

Actually, there isn't much awareness.

"From the ability of the Time Gem to manipulate time, as the name suggests, we now deduce that the ability of the Space Gem may have something to do with space, such as the use of the Space Gem for teleportation, as mentioned in the title!" Nick Fury said.

Everyone nodded, as the name suggests, it may be a good direction to understand the abilities of these Infinity Stones from this perspective.

Of course, on top of that, they had no other way to learn about the capabilities of these Infinity Stones.

"Time Gems are truly magical, they can turn back time, and even reset a certain period of time, just like the save of a game!" said Tony Stark. "The ability of this space gem should not only be to teleport in space, maybe it can explore the space of higher dimensions, or other mysterious powers!"

"Tony, your thoughts are dangerous!" Thor, the god of thunder, noticed Tony Stark's eager expression, and it was clear that he was eager to find the Infinity Stones and start researching them. "These Infinity Stones have been around since the dawn of the universe, so you'd better not try to beat them!"

Tony Stark smiled wryly and shrugged his shoulders noncommittally.

"But since the title is the Battle of New York, then the battle should be in New York!" said Rogers.

"That's a bad thing, we're all in New York!" said Tony Stark. "Isn't Banner in India right now?"

"So, can you rule out Banner?" said Natasha, the widowed sister.

"But in the future, I may not be in India!" Bruce Banner said. "Just now, Fury has been constantly trying to persuade me to move back to the Lighthouse Country!"

Bruce Banner looked at Nick Fury, and he understood what the other party meant, that is, he was afraid of Hulk's sudden explosion, at least in a place where it was easier for their S.H.I.E.L.D. to monitor.

And the establishment of the Avengers also needs such a powerful combat power as Hulk.

Bruce Banner's words once again brought everyone back to the starting point, and the choice was still four.

The scope of the remaining three people's perennial activities is basically in New York, so it is really difficult to choose.

"I think if he came and had ambitions for our world, he might want to control our actual high-ranking people, well-known people, first, so that he can control other people through his hands!" Nick Fury said.

He thought for a moment, if it was him, if he wanted to invade a mature world, then this was the best course of action.

So after coming, finding Tony Stark is the best way.

Among these people, although the reputation of the American team Rogers is very high, he is actually only famous, and his actual social status is not high.

Among these people, Tony Stark's social status is the highest.

If you can control Tony Stark first, then many things will be convenient in the future.

The point is that they don't know the specific situation at that time now, and there is too little information to be able to judge.

It can be said that it is the first time since they answered the question that they have encountered this kind of question without any information that can be judged at all.

Basically, you can only choose one of the four, and there is a high possibility of guessing wrong.

"Then I'll do it!" Nick Fury began.

I don't know why, he has a faint bad feeling, because he always feels that the arrival of this evil god Loki has nothing to do with him.

But he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

This is very similar to Tony Stark's mentality before, obviously I feel that it may have something to do with him, but I can't find any evidence at this time.

"I'll pick A, Iron Man Tony Stark!".

Nick Fury replied.

This was followed by nervous waiting for the results to be announced.

"Wrong answer!".

The cold voice of the machine came, and it didn't give Nick Fury face at all.

"Correct answer to this question, D, Hawkeye Button!".

"If you answer this question incorrectly, you will be randomly deducted one year of life!".

As soon as the words fell, Nick Fury felt that a vitality in his body was directly drained away, and his old dark face suddenly became pale and pale.


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