"You don't know anything, you only know a little bit of everything!" Tony Stark couldn't help but start complaining, and said. "Ask you about Thanos, you know something, ask you about these mages, you know some about it, but you only know some!"

Tony Stark really couldn't help but want to complain, Thor has lived for so many years, and he is still in a state where he doesn't know this, he doesn't know that, and after so many years, his head has grown muscles.

Hearing this complaint, Thor was also a little embarrassed, because Tony Stark complained about the truth, when he took general education classes, he was very lazy, and he only knew some general things, unless it was the frost giants who had been against Asgard all year round, the fire giants and the like.

"Alright, let's take a look at the next one, this zombie doctor Strange Stephen Strange, does anyone know?" said Nick Fury.

"Stephen Strange, that name sounds familiar?" Tony Stark touched his chin, and then it dawned on him that he remembered that this was the doctor that Pepper Pepper introduced to him in the first place

That's right, it's the doctor!

Seeing everyone's eyes sweeping over, Tony Stark sorted out his thoughts for a moment, and then said, "Maybe it's a famous surgeon, Pepper recommended him to me before, of course, it may be the same name and surname!"

In such a barren culture of the West with names, it is too normal to have the same name and surname.

"And that's all that's left with the loss of Spider-Man Peter Parker, a new superhero?" Nick Fury looked at the last name.

"It probably hasn't happened yet, because it's probably twenty years from now!" Tony Stark said.

They speculate that the battle between Earth and Thanos will be twenty years later, and the matter of human civilization turning into zombies will be even more behind this matter.

In other words, this Spider-Man Peter Parker may not appear until more than ten years later.

Everyone sees the present, very headache, there are no clues at present, it is not like the previous questions, but there is still a focus of analysis, and now it seems that there is no clue at all.

"I think it's possible that Doctor Strange is a zombie, Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange?" said the widowed sister Natasha. "Among the four people in this, whether it is Iron Man Tony Stark, or Mage King, or Spider-Man Peter Parker, they are not normal people, and they should all be superheroes by current standards, but this Doctor Strange, although I don't know why his name is Doctor Strange, but didn't Tony just say that he is a surgeon, so I think he is the most different among them!".

"Makes sense!" Nick Fury nodded.

Other people think about it, this line of thinking is not difficult to understand, three long and one short choose the shortest, and choose different points from the same points.

"So be it, I'll answer!" said the widowed sister Natasha. "I choose C, Doctor Strange Zombie Stephen Strange!".

"Answer... Wrong!".

The mechanical voice gave a cold judgment.

directly knocked the widowed sister Natasha into the abyss.

"Correct answer D, loss of Spider-Man Peter Parker!".

The cold, mechanical voice continued: "Answer incorrectly, punishment begins, random ends, one month of life is deducted!".

As soon as the cold and mechanical voice ended, the widow sister Natasha felt a soft body on the spot, and a stream of life energy disappeared from her body, flowing without a trace.

"Natasha, it's okay!" Nick Fury hurriedly helped her widowed sister Natasha, seeing that her face turned pale.

"I'm fine!" said Natasha, the widowed sister. "It's like being taken away from your life for a month, Fury, I'll write you a sensory report when I get back!".

Everyone was surprised to find that the widow sister Natasha was really a ruthless person, using her own experimental tools to experience the punishment of this Ten Thousand Worlds Broadcast Hall.

If the punishment of the Wanjie Broadcast Hall just now was not to choose to strip away a one-month lifespan, but directly to strip a hundred years of life, the widowed sister Natasha might have died on the spot.

He is indeed a ruthless person.

After the punishment was completed, the question on the light screen dissipated into a streamer, and the video began to play.

In the picture, in the infinite starry sky, a streamer directly penetrates the universe and goes straight to the earth.

The figure in the streamer is none other than the Hulk.

"Dr. Bruce Banner, the Hulk before the transformation, has returned to Earth from space to warn humanity of impending danger!".

"But this is no longer the world he knows!"

For the first time, in the video, there was even a narration.

The crowd saw Hulk crash headfirst into Kama Taj's temple in New York.

The giant rainbow bridge smashed a huge hole in the New York Temple.

When the Rainbow Bridge is gone, it's not Hulk Hulk who is revealed, but Dr. Bruce Banner.

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