Am I A Superman?

Chapter 449, The Seven Lantern Legions Gather

"Where did you catch Bruce?" Superman grabbed the Laughing Bat, and his eyes burst out with terrifying heat.

"Hahaha... If you kill me, you'll never see your Bruce Wayne again!"

Although the Laughing Bat was picked up by Superman by the collar, he was not worried that the other party would tear him apart, but stared at the other party proudly, because he knew that the other party would definitely not do anything to him.

Batman, Bruce Wayne, is Superman's weakness.

Sure enough, after hearing what the Laughing Bat said, Superman's hand loosened slightly.

"What do you want? My patience is limited!" Superman snapped.

"Well... Actually, the best solution is to let me take you to Bruce, which is good for you and good for us!" The Laughing Bat said seriously, as if he was really thinking about Superman.

The corner of Superman's mouth curled into a smile, and he grabbed the head of the Laughing Bat with both hands: "Do you think I would be so stupid? It's the same if I catch you, Cyborg will let you speak."

No matter how the Laughing Bat pulls, it is impossible for him to break free from Superman's palm. At this moment, the light in the toilet suddenly flickers continuously.

In the next second, a green light burst out.

A green figure appeared behind Superman, wearing a dark green light ring on his hand, and the Batman suit he was wearing was also wrapped in green.

"I simulated the light of kryptonite. Of course, the frequency of different universes is different... But this is not a big problem. I can adjust the green light. There will always be one that will make you lose power."

This person is Bruce Wayne who has obtained the green light ring, from the dawn of the dark multiverse earth minus 32.

When the green light came on, Superman sensed something was wrong, and he crashed through the wall of the toilet, trying to get rid of the green light.

However, on the other side of the wall, there was a person holding a giant sword, who was waiting in place early.

The moment Superman appeared, he swung the huge sword in his hand and slammed it down heavily on Superman.

Boom! !

Superman was smashed and flew upside down, and the man with the sword was wearing the helmet of Ares, the god of war. In the dark multiverse, Ares, the earth minus 12, slaughtered the gods and used the power of the gods to create A Ares helmet.

That God of War helmet will magnify the power of the wearer by a hundred times.

The Justice League fought a decisive battle with Ares who was wearing the God of War helmet, and the Zhenglian was wiped out. After Diana desperately knocked off Ares' helmet, the Batman of that world picked up and put on the God of War helmet.

While the God of War helmet magnifies its own power, it will also magnify the inner darkness a hundredfold.

As a result, Batman wearing the God of War helmet has become an extremely powerful and ruthless God of War.

"Good job, Ruthless God of War, come out with the rest, killing machines, drowning ones!" The Laughing Bat broke free from Superman's grasp, waved his hands like a conductor of a symphony, and summoned the other two teammates.

For a while, in addition to the dead Doomsday Batman, there was also the washed-up Scarlet Grim Reaper.

The rest of the blackened Batmen all show up in the... toilet in the Justice League watchtower.

Well, yes, you may not believe it, Superman was blocked in the toilet!

The Daybreak Lantern was still emitting a green light simulating kryptonite, the ruthless God of War raised his giant sword, and slashed at Superman head and face, while the killing machines and the drowned were also attacking from left to right.

Superman instantly fell into a disadvantage.

Cyborg was aware of the problems inside the watchtower for the first time, and after sending a message to other members of the Justice League, he rushed up first.

My hometown has been invaded, is it shameless to say it? !

"Superman, hold on!" Cyborg rushed to Superman's side, he saw that Superman was enveloped by green light, and he immediately understood what was going on.

In fact, Green Lantern Hal Jordan can also simulate the light of kryptonite, but he has never done so.

Steel Bone reorganized his hands into a cannon, aiming at the Daybreak Lantern, but the opponent ignored Steel Bone at all, and instead, the killing machine rushed towards Steel Bone.

"Your opponent is me, Victor Stone, I have killed countless you, you in the parallel universe, and I will kill you too!"

The killing machine also imitated the appearance of the steel bone, reorganized its hands into energy cannons, and fired a terrifying energy wave at the steel bone.


Cyborg was blown away, but reinforcements have arrived.

Diana took the lead, raised the Vulcan sword and slashed at the killing machine. The ruthless God of War jumped up, blocked the killing machine, and knocked Diana away.

In mid-air, the two swords clashed with each other, and sparks shot out.

"Diana, God of Love and Peace, do you know how sad I was when you died in my arms...but only then did I feel that I was still alive!"

The eyes of the ruthless God of War look through the helmet, like a wolf seeing food.

The God of War helmet distorted Bruce's will, and only by killing can he regain the human emotions for that moment!

Green Lantern, Aquaman, Shazam, Firestorm, Kid Flash, Hawkgirl...

All the heroes shot, and the entire watchtower was affected.

Justice League vs Black Batman Legion.

Although they have an absolute advantage in number, these blackened Batmen belong to the existence in their own universe that can destroy the Justice League by themselves. Now that they are gathered together, they have the power to destroy everything.

Diana faced the Ruthless God of War, and she fell into a disadvantage without any suspense. She had the Vulcan sword made of the eighth metal, and the opponent also had a battle armor and a giant sword made of N metal.

While suppressing Superman, the Lantern of Breaking Dawn made Green Lantern's ring lose its energy, and transformed into countless will energy bodies, defeating Firestorm, Vixen, and other legendary teams.

Although the drowning person is a woman, her combat power completely crushes the Neptune. Fortunately, with the support of Thunder Shazam, it barely draws a tie.

The killing machine and the laughing bat cooperated with each other, as if they were enjoying the fun of a game, they let out a creepy laugh.

"Hahaha... As I said, we have defeated countless Justice Leagues, and you are nothing more than insignificant specks of dust in the vast world! Hahaha..."

The Laughing Bat laughed wantonly, then flicked his wrist, aimed at Hawkgirl and pulled the trigger.

boom! !

A shot was fired, and the eagle girl was shot in the back and fell from the air.

It stands to reason that Hawkgirl is a demigod, and ordinary bullets will naturally not pose any threat to her. However, the bullets used by the Laughing Bat are not ordinary bullets, but the strongest N metal in the universe, the ninth metal.


Diana retreated sharply, distanced herself from the ruthless God of War, and hugged Sandra, who had been shot, into her arms.

After all, Sandra is a demigod, and a shot in the back is not fatal. The Laughing Bat turned the gun and aimed at Diana and pulled the trigger.

boom! !

Another shot was fired, Diana's expression was indifferent, and she raised her hand to block the n-metal bullet with the silver guardian bracelet.

However, when the n-metal bullet collided with the guardian silver bracelet, a surge of divine power that was several times stronger than usual suddenly erupted.

Buzz buzz!

Waves of divine power spread out, and the surrounding people just fell to the surroundings under the impact, but the blackened Batmen struggled to maintain their balance under the impact of this divine power, and their expressions were extremely painful.

"This voice sounds like Amazon's battle cry!!"

Diana said something to herself, raised her wrist, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and asked, "Sandra, your warhammer is also made of N metal, right?"

The abilities of Eagle Girl and Hawkman are derived from a meteorite thousands of years ago, and that meteorite came from the N metal mine of Nagan star.

The equipment of Eagle Girl and Eagle Man is made of metal extracted from meteorites.

Therefore, Hawkgirl's war hammer is also the ninth metal--N metal!


Enduring the pain, Hawkgirl handed the warhammer to Diana. Diana took the hammer, swung it high, and then slammed it down hard on the silver guardian bracelet on her wrist.

The eighth metal and the ninth metal collided again, and a more powerful shock of divine power spread out.

Buzz buzz! ! !

When the shock wave of divine power knocked back the blackened Batmen, Diana held a sword in one hand and a warhammer in the other, and shouted loudly: "Get up and fight, everyone exchange opponents, the Justice League will win!!"

Now that the battle is over, everyone knows that the blackened Batman is stronger than the original version, so Diana proposes to exchange opponents.

It's like Diana is very disadvantageous against the ruthless God of War, but letting her deal with others has a natural advantage.

After speaking, Diana rushed to the Laughing Bat immediately.

Naturally, the Ruthless God of War would not let her have the chance to kill the Laughing Bat. As a warrior who also possessed N-metal, the Ruthless God of War raised the giant sword in his hand, and slashed at Diana's waist.

Superman, who had escaped the control of the Daybreak Lantern, stood in front of the ruthless God of War, grabbed his giant sword with one hand, and punched the opponent hard in the face with the other hand.

Boom! !

Similarly, Green Lantern Hal Jordan entangles the killing machine, Cyborg and Aquaman confront the Daybreak Lantern, and Shazam and Firestorm confront the Drowned.

After switching opponents, the battle finally tilted in the direction of the Justice League.

The battle was deadlocked for nearly an hour, and a red light fell from the sky.

"Hot, hot blood and scarlet anger, taken from the place where the bones are not cold."

"Deep enmity and great hatred boil your heart and soul, and forge your generation's way to hell!"

The figure of the Red Lantern Beast Blood Slaughter Bull suddenly appeared, Atoshitas led the soldiers of the Red Lantern Corps, and suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield, the huge Blood Slaughter Bull horn hit the ruthless God of War, knocking him flying .

Immediately afterwards, green light of will, yellow light of fear, blue light of hope, blue light of pity, purple light of love, orange light of greed.

Plus the Red Lantern Corps who arrived first.

At this moment, all the Seven Lantern Corps are here.

Green Lantern Hal Jordan stood with the Seven Lantern Corps, and the light of will burst out with unprecedented dazzling light.

"The day is bright and the night is vast."

"There is nowhere to hide from demons and demons."

"Heretics are chaotic, and they are afraid of my divine light."

"The green light is always bright, eternal light!"

Not only the Green Lantern, but all the other Seven Lanterns sang the oath of the Legion. At this moment, everyone's battle clothes rose and gathered together, forming a powerful momentum like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

Facing the army of the Seven Lanterns, the Laughing Bat poked his chin with a pistol, showing an excited expression.

"It's really tricky now... what should I do, hehehe..."

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