Am I A Superman?

Chapter 386, The Legendary Squad

Justice League, Watchtower.

A few days after Wally came out of the Speed ​​Force, he went to the watchtower for training.

On a special cosmic treadmill in the training room, Wally ran at Mach 2.

"Wally's growth rate is much faster than Barry's. At least a few days after Barry's speed, he can only reach Mach 1.5 at the fastest." Li Ya and Diana were also in the training room, paying attention to Wally's training Happening.

Wally is much younger than Barry. Although he is in a period of rebellion, he only needs to be guided well. He is much more obedient than Barry.

After running on the cosmic treadmill for nearly two hours, Wally's speed gradually slowed down. He appeared in front of Li Ya, with fine sweat dripping from his forehead, but at this moment he smiled with great satisfaction: "How, my How's it going?"

Li Ya nodded, "Your speed has increased by 20% compared to yesterday, and the data shows..."

While speaking, Li Ya glanced at the data detected by Wally and continued: "Your vital signs are far beyond the expected level. In short, you are the most potential speeder I have ever seen!"

In the United States, such words are most common.

Parents always encourage their children, you are the smartest, the best, and the most potential person I have ever met. However, for a child, this kind of remark never tires of hearing, because it comes from the affirmation of the elders.

For Wally, Li Ya is a trustworthy person in the field of superpowers, so Wally feels extremely excited from Li Ya's encouragement to him.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Li Ya, I will definitely complete the training task you gave me, no... I will definitely exceed it!"

Wally picked up the energy drink on the table next to him, regained some strength, and planned to go to the next training.

Diana looked at Wally's excited look, smiled and shook her head: "I can see that you really like your superpowers. It's a good thing to train hard, but don't cause damage to your body..."

"Don't worry, Ms. Diana, I know it!"

After finishing speaking, Wally ran to the table tennis area, separated two clones with a quick movement, and started a table tennis showdown between himself and himself.

Li Ya put his arms around Diana's waist, "Let him have a good time. I just got super powers. I guess Wally will be excited for a long time."

Indeed, when Li Ya obtained super powers, he was excited for a long time before adapting to a life with super powers. Not everyone can be accompanied by super power from birth.

After watching Wally's training for a while, Li Ya received a message from Nate Heywood, who had disappeared for a long time.

Li Ya turned on the microcomputer and checked it.

"The Legendary Squad has been found, and they have appeared at the Earth Headquarters of the Justice League..."

Before Nate went to the Atlantic to look for the legend of the team, Li Ya said that after letting him find someone, bring everyone back to him. At this time, the person has been found, and Li Ya must talk to these people.

So I turned on the communicator and talked to Steel Bone: "Steel Bone, send the legendary team to the watchtower."

There was a response in the communicator, and Li Ya asked Diana to continue to look at Wally, and he turned and walked towards the conference room.

Watchtower, meeting room.

Platinum Canary Sarah Lance, Hawkgirl Kendra Sanders, Atom Man Ray Palmer, Firestorm Martin Stein and Jefferson Jackson, and Heatwave Mick Rory all gathered.

Mick stared at Nate badly, and said disdainfully, "Isn't this a meeting of the legendary team, why is this person still here?"

Future Iron Citizen Nate Haywood put his hands on his hips, looked directly at Mick, and said, "Oh? If it weren't for me, you would still be sleeping on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean! Tell you, I was authorized by Mr. Avenger. !"

"Oh? The Avengers? That birdman wearing a black cloak and flying all over the sky?" Mick, with a fearless temperament, made rude words to Li Ya as soon as he came up.

As soon as these words came out, the noisy conference room suddenly became quiet, and Kendra the Eagle Girl stared at Mick with a deadly look.

Sarah Lance slapped her forehead and sighed, "Hey, the brain is a good thing, but Mick doesn't have one!"

"Huh? The Avengers aren't here, so I'll just say him, what's up..."

Before the words fell, Mick suddenly flew up, showing a 'big' shape, and slammed into the wall of the conference room.

It was as if a powerful force had forcibly suppressed him, the whole person was sticking to the wall, and Mick could not move even though Mick struggled frantically.

Not to mention breaking free, even moving a finger is extremely difficult.

Eagle Girl patted her chest: "It's okay, at least this nasty guy Mick is still alive!"

Sarah agreed, "Yes, it's good to be alive!"

Others look at their noses and noses, and they basically know what's going on. The public information shows that the Avengers, like Superman, have clairvoyance and super hearing. I'm afraid it wasn't Mick who heard what they said.

As a result, the noisy conference room just now became silent.

At this time, the door of the conference room opened, and Li Ya, who was wearing a black armor, walked in. He didn't even look at Mick hanging on the wall, and sat directly in his place.

"Legends, hello, shouldn't I need to introduce myself?"

After Li Ya finished speaking, Sarah threw a wink at Li Ya, and then asked, "Why didn't Diana come with you?"

This guy who takes all feelings for men and women still misses his own Diana, and Li Ya couldn't bear it at that time.

"Sarah, sit down..."

Li Ya looked at the few people present, and then asked, "Kendra, where is Eagleman?"

Hearing this question, Eagle Girl Kendra lowered her eyebrows, then raised her head again, silent for a moment, and said, "A month ago, I went with the legendary Captain Rip Hunt to deal with Vandal in 1942. Savage, but we are not Savage's opponents, the Hawkman was killed by Savage to save me."

Li Ya was disappointed to learn that Eagle Man was dead.

"Please, I told you all about Savita's weakness, and in front of you, defeated the eagle god Horus, and killed Savage once with a meteor, so you only need to kill him two more times in the timeline Just once, is it hard? Tell me is it hard?"

Everyone present nodded, their blank eyes seemed to say, "Well, yes, it's difficult!"

Looking at these unsatisfactory people, Li Ya felt a headache.

Fortunately, these people finally killed Savage twice with meteorites, completely ending Savage's infinite resurrection, otherwise Li Ya really didn't want to continue talking.

"Okay, Kendra, you and Carter didn't have my orders, just ran and followed Rip Hunt to travel through time and space, and traveled through time and space, and gave me a death!"

Li Ya was really angry, and the temperature of the entire conference room dropped a few degrees.

The others were silent. Indeed, it is not a glorious thing to damage the team members, but Kendra looked aggrieved. She turned on the microcomputer on her wrist and projected a light curtain.

Above the light curtain, it was the application of Eagle Girl and Eagle Man to go to the legendary team, and Li Ya signed the agreement below.

"Mr. Avenger, you allowed us to follow Captain Rip to the Legendary Squad!" Kendra said aggrievedly.

Li Ya looked at it, and the corner of his mouth twitched, and the relevant memory emerged. It turned out that this was after the timeline was reset.

So embarrassing!

Damn flashpoint!

Damn Flash!

Thanks to the new leader of the starting point for the "Drunk Eyes Seeing the World" leader reward, we plan to add ten more updates, and we will definitely add them before the New Year!

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