Am I A Superman?

Chapter 327, Brainiac (one more)

Somewhere in the universe, in a skeleton-shaped spaceship.

Damian Duck was tied up with five flowers and tied into a zongzi, and the same was true for the death shot and the samurai sword on the side.

"Green skin monster, let me out, if you have the ability, give me a heads-up!"

Damian Wayne yelled at the person in front of him, desperately trying to break free from the chains.

But the chains tied to him seemed to be alive, no matter how much Damian Wayne struggled, as if using a technique to break free, it was useless.

The green-skinned man in front of him turned to face Damian Wayne.

"You don't have to try to provoke me, I've never felt anger like this. In addition, the chain that binds you has artificial intelligence, which will optimize the confinement according to your way of breaking free. It is impossible for you to break free!"

His own thoughts were seen through, Damian Wayne was quiet, he frowned, and asked, "What the hell are you?"

"I'm not a ghost, my name is Brainiac, an artificial intelligence from Comet!"

Brainiac stretched out countless mechanical tentacles from his back, and he walked to the peculiar mainframe on the edge of the spaceship to continue operating.

Deadshot's weapon was taken away, and he watched closely, surprised to see that the aliens who kidnapped them could speak English.

Being able to communicate is a good thing, and Dead Shot coughed lightly and asked, "That... Mr. Brainiac, what is your purpose for coming to Earth? I mean... if you don't kill us, you must have your plan. You don't let it go."

"You're more sensible than most! Mr. Floyd Lawton."

Brainiac did not stop his tentacles, but looked at Death Shot with a dual purpose: "Your race values ​​precious metals, such as gold and silver, and I value knowledge, just like your metal jewelry, knowledge The rarer the more precious..."

"Alien... Mr. Brainiac."

Robin rolled his eyes and tried to talk to the green alien in front of him: "If you come to Earth to learn about Earth, you just need to pay something that is very precious in our eyes, but just garbage in your eyes. metal, you can learn all the knowledge on earth..."

"Why don't you do this, Mr. Brainiac, you let us go, what do you want to study, I'll pay the tuition for you, you can go to any university on earth if you want, Harvard, MIT..."

Before Robin could finish speaking, Brainiac raised his head and chuckled a few times:

"It's interesting! Damian Wayne, you are really an interesting person, I found out that your mother works for a professional killer organization called the League of Assassins, and you accept employment from others, so if I pay you enough Gold, will you kill Kal-El for me? Or, what you call 'Superman'?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the three Robins changed, and the other party seemed to have stated his purpose!

"Omega!'re going to kill Superman?"

Robin couldn't believe it. He knew that the alien in front of him had a lot of plots, but he didn't expect the other party to come for Superman!

"Kill him? You can understand that!"

Brainiac glanced back at the console and said, "Twenty years ago, I thought I destroyed Krypton and its people, and the survival of Superman was an oversight I had to correct... oh, and Carla. Zoe Er, Feo La, they are all refugees from Krypton. Although your planet is very low-level, it also arouses my interest, and her many contradictions are very attractive."

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

Looking at Brainiac's intoxicated face, Robin felt disgusted, "What is attractive, what knowledge, to put it bluntly, you just want to conquer the earth, and you are so tall! You alien Face!"

Robin yelled, but Brainiac was not angry. With a wave of his hand, the three Robins were pulled by the chains and dragged into the cage of the spaceship.

"I'm not a little conqueror, I like to collect worlds and keep their essential knowledge to enhance my wisdom..."

The cage was opened, and the three Robins were imprisoned on the ground. Three tentacles stretched out from the top, covering the heads of the three. At the same time, the cage was teleported to the bottom of the spaceship.

"Bastard, green monster, what are you doing to us?!"

The three of Robin twisted their bodies, trying to resist, but their bodies were imprisoned and unable to move at all.

The hatch of the spaceship opened, and Damian Dark walked in, bringing a middle-aged man in the uniform of the Lex Group.

"Bleniak, this is Dr. Giles from the Lex Group. He once helped Lesker Luthor to study kryptonite. If you want to develop synthetic kryptonite, you must ask him! "

Damian Duck led the middle-aged man behind him and walked to Brainiac.

With a warm smile on his face, Brainiac looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and asked, "Can you synthesize kryptonite?"

"Theoretically, sir, although there are some technical problems I haven't solved yet, but according to your technology, it's definitely not a problem... Of course, in terms of cost..."

Before Dr. Giles could finish speaking, Brainiac stretched out a tentacle from behind and pierced directly into Dr. Giles' brain.

There was a burst of light on the mechanical tentacles, and it seemed that some information was passed into Brainiac's core from the opponent's brain.

Damian Duck pouted, "Actually, you don't need to kill this person... Forget it, it has nothing to do with me anyway!"

Both sides are guys who kill without blinking, but Damian Duck thinks Brainiac is more ferocious than himself, and he has some human emotions, even though he has always been posing as a murderous big devil pictogram .

Damian Dark, however, has a lot to care about.

Perhaps in his long years, he has looked down on a lot of things.

But personally, there will always be some pursuits.

Justice League people like Superman pursue peace, while Damian Dark's ideals are selfish and philosophical.

"You don't need to worry, Damian Dark, I only need the corpse of Superman, we have a common enemy, and then whether you want to rule the earth forever, or build your own kingdom, I will help you achieve it!"

Brainiac promised, his usual genial smile on his face.

"Okay, I get it!" Damian Dark smiled coldly, then backed out.


Justice League.

Sisko was surrounded by a circle of bigwigs.

"I really can't sense anything else, just a few pictures, Batman, even if you let me eat this teddy bear, I can't locate Robin!"

"Try again, I promise this is the last time!"

Batman put one hand on Sisko's shoulder, and the other nearly put Robin's teddy bear on Sisko's face.

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