Allure of the World

Chapter 302: Qing'er was rescued

Tsing Yi Tang’s earliest business was teaching martial arts, guarding darts and darts, and then gradually dabbling in various businesses and established branches in various places. The old hall master established a headquarters in Moshan and trained several capable teams, but most of them lived like the surrounding villagers and no longer had the original function of the Tsing Yi Hall.

Qing Yun looked at everyone and felt the burden on him.

What did grandpa think when he gave her the inkling? At that time, she thought that her grandfather wanted Qingyitang to help Ling Chen, but now that she thought about it, her grandfather also gave her so many people from Qingyitang.

Since ancient times, if the scale of the Jianghu organization reaches a certain scale, there are only two endings, one is to submit to the government, and the other is to be destroyed.

Of course, there is another ending, which is to be strong enough to be king.

Qingyun doesn't want everyone to live in the dark forever and be hunted down.

And at this time, she is not reliable. She doesn't want to rely on others anymore.

She remembered Rui Wang's words again, she turned out to be a useless person. Those love that she thinks are very important are really nothing in the face of the wealth and interests of men.

Qingyun took Lixia back to the floating city on the second day, because Huo Jingyun already knew that her son was in the floating city.

She and Li Xia arrived outside the gate of Tsing Yi Hall. The door was closed, and there was a huge wooden fish lock outside.

Lixia felt strange, "Why is it locked? I have been here for so long, and I have never seen the door locked."

Qing Yun was flustered in her heart, and ran to her residence behind.

There, the door is open. Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief and pushed the door in.

There is no one in the yard, there are fallen wooden barrels and broken tiles in the ground.

Qing Yun pushed open the door, the room was as silent as water, the kettle standing at the door was kicked to the ground by Qing Yun, and they fell to the ground with a bang, startling them.

The room was messy, and Qingyun's heart was lifted.

"Qing'er!" she muttered to herself.

There is a long knife mark on the closet, which is shocking!

"Miss..." Lixia changed her face.

Here there is a fierce fight.

Qing Yun returned to the gate of Tsing Yi Hall, and she swung her sword towards the wooden fish lock.

Lixia stepped forward: "Miss, stay out of the way, I'll come!"

Lixia swings her sword a few times to split the lock.

The two pushed open the door and rushed in.

The yard was empty, and when they entered the backyard, the entire Tsing Yi Hall was dead silent.

Lixia asked: "Miss, did they escape?"

Qingyun looked at the chopped hibiscus tree in the yard, the roses and hibiscus that were uprooted in the small garden, she walked over and flipped gently with her sword.

Qingyun suddenly stood there, a gray-white hand stretched out there.

Lixia immediately opened the soil with her sword, "Uncle Chen!" she called.

Uncle Chen was buried in the newly dug pit.

Qingyun changed her face, she saw that this piece of land was all new!

Lixia immediately used a shovel to open the soil, and there was a corpse next to Uncle Chen, her hands trembled, she gritted her teeth and opened the soil, more and more corpses inside, Lixia turned The soil is crying.

A huge hole was dug in the whole backyard, and twenty-two people were buried in it!

Qing Yun trembled all over, she looked at all the corpses, there was no Xiaojing, Zhang Xia, nor Yang Zitao.

The two sat on the ground in a daze.

The Tsing Yi Hall in the floating city has about 3,000 people and is divided into five stations. There are more than 50 people in this martial arts hall that is open to the outside world in the floating city.

Twenty-two people have been killed now, where did the rest go?

Qing Yun's brain was also confused.

Qinger, Xiaojing, where are you?

There was a slight knock on the door, and the two immediately bent over and hid behind the bushes.

Climbing footsteps could be heard outside.

Qing Yun squeezed the soft whip in his hand, and held the soybean beads in the other hand.

Two men in blue came in. They stood at the door and stretched out their heads to look in. Although the two were not tall, their tall and straight figures seemed to be military backgrounds!

They walked in slowly.

Qing Yun saw the face of the man in front. She stood up.

"Xiantao! How is it you?" Qing Yun whispered.

The person here is Sindar's personal bodyguard.

"Princess!" Xiangtao stepped forward and saluted. With him was also Sindar's bodyguard, a man named Xiao Wu.

"Why are you here?" Qingyun asked.

Xiang Tao looked at her and breathed a sigh of relief: "We came to you, princess, we have been looking for you for a long time."

Qingyun's eyes heat up, they are the family of Qingyun, the princess of Beiyi. They still miss her.

"I'm fine, but my son is missing..."

"No, your child is with us, Xiaojing and the others are." Xiang Tao said quickly.

"Really?" Qing Yun stepped forward and held Xiang Tao's hand tightly, Xiang Tao blushed.

He hurriedly said: "It's true, they are all right, we received an insinuation that the princess came to the floating city, so we found this place, just saw the officers and soldiers surrounded it and killed them. A lot of people. I saw Xiaojing protecting a woman with a child and I rescued them."

Qingyun and Lixia breathed a sigh of relief.

Qingyun asked: "Do you know where the others went?"

Xiang Tao shook his head: "It should have escaped."

Qing Yun looked at Li Xia's disappointed eyes and held her hand to comfort her: "Don't worry, Yang Zitao is such a shrewd person, nothing will happen."

Qingyun thought that Qingyi Hall in Floating City was probably affected by her, but what about Chen Duozhu of Ganzhou?

Has Huo Jingyun already known that they are not sincere?

Qingyun's heart raised again: "Xiang Tao, since my son is fine, I can rest assured. Now I have a very important thing to go to Ganzhou."

Xiang Tao said: "The government has been very strict recently. It's very dangerous for you to go like this."

Qingyun sighed slightly: "Now it's Huo Jingyun's world, I have already seen it, Huo Jingyun has a grudge against Tsing Yitang, he won't treat them kindly. Their troubles are with me. It does matter, I have to go take a look."

Xiang Tao said: "Princess, let's go with you."

Knowing that Ling Ziqing and Xiaojing are all right, Qing Yun felt relieved.

Qing Yun asked Xiang Tao: "General Yan and the others?"

Xiang Tao said: "Everyone is fine."

Qingyun asked cautiously, "You are still there?"

"Yes. There, the king also wants the princess to go there. It is a place where there is no war and no hunger."

Qingyun nodded: "There is no war or hunger?" Qingyun looked into the distance, she also wanted to have such a place to hide. But now, it seems impossible.

Lixia found someone to bury the dead again. This place has been abandoned.

Qingyun did not go directly to Fenrui when she arrived in Ganzhou. She and Lixia booked a room in a nearby restaurant.

Qing Yun gave Mo Ling to Xiang Tao: "You go to see Duo Chen and invite him here. If he doesn't believe you, show him this."

Xiang Tao and Xiao Wu left. Qing Yun walked to the door to close the door of the private room.

"Brother Ling, why are you making an appointment in such a remote place?" A familiar voice came from outside.

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