All-round Athlete

Chapter 856 Get rich overnight

Chapter 856 Get rich overnight

Zhang Guan fell into silence, he thought for a few seconds, and then said: "If it is made public, my identity, I mean nationality, will it affect this IPO?"

"If you are an ordinary person, you should. The US Securities and Exchange Commission will definitely worry about your red background, and maybe you will get a card, but you are Zhang Guan!" Huang Weida smiled, and then said: "With your reputation, It’s perfectly normal to invest in some companies, and I think for the SEC, a public figure in the spotlight is probably the least of their worries.”

"I understand, everything about public figures is too transparent." Zhang Guan continued: "Then provide them with my information, I think FB company and those underwriters must be in a hurry right now. Ants in the pot!"

"Okay, no problem, but you have to sign a power of attorney for us, I will send it to the mailbox, and then you can fax it to me first. The US side is more urgent, we are in the daytime, but they are now at night , I guess a few hours later, when it’s daytime over there, they will rush me again.” Huang Weida said.

"By the way, if this IPO is successful, will my shareholding ratio be reduced a lot? How many more shares will I have? How much is it worth?" Zhang Guan suddenly asked.

"Actually, this IPO was originally intended to raise only 5 billion US dollars, and FB's valuation is a full 100 billion US dollars. Therefore, the proportion of assets raised is not large. I estimate that if calculated according to the 5 billion US dollars financing amount If so, you can keep 22% of the shares." Huang Weida then added: "This shareholding ratio is second only to Zach, who owns 24% of FB company shares. It's just that your shares are all Class B shares."

"22% of 100 billion? Isn't that 22 billion? It's still in US dollars! I should be able to rank in the top 50 of the Forbes list!" Zhang Guan said in amazement.

"It's not just the top 50, I think if you can enter the top 30, don't forget that you have other assets, and my side alone is worth hundreds of millions of dollars!" Huang Weida said with a smile.

"I really didn't think I was so rich, I guess the richest athlete in the world is me!" Zhang Guan said.

"No need to estimate, the richest athlete in the world must be you." Huang Weida paused, and then said: "Although Morgan Stanley has not yet determined the final IPO price, we estimate that the first day should It can reach $38 per share, do you want to help you cash out some?"

Cashing out through an IPO is the most common thing investors and even major shareholders do. If it is placed in China, there will definitely be multiple daily limit days for new shares to go public, as if all investors are snapping up new shares. But the United States is different. Basically, there is no rush to buy new shares. Many times after the issuance of new shares, the stock price will fall below the issue price on the first day of listing due to a large number of shareholders cashing out.

The price of 38 US dollars is a very reasonable price for Huang Weida, and according to the urgency of the US stock market, if it is not for some super bullish companies, the stock price cannot have a great increase in a short period of time. If you hold a large amount for a long time , On the contrary, there will not be too much profit, so the good price of 38 US dollars, you can sell it if you can.

However, Zhang Guan knew that FB was exactly that kind of super awesome company.

What is a super awesome company? For example, Microsoft, such as Apple, their stocks rise, can bring investors several times the income. This is nothing in the domestic stock market, and it is possible for some monster stocks to be copied to dozens of times the price. However, in the mature U.S. stock market, the Dow Jones Index and the Nasdaq Index often fluctuate by a few tenths of a percent. It is naturally very rare for a stock to bring multiple returns. When it comes to special global economic events, I am afraid that it will not be encountered once in several years.

In Zhang Guan's memory, FB's stock could reach 120 US dollars in a few years, which is three times the current price, and Zhang Guan is not short of money now, so naturally he doesn't plan to cash out.

"Forget it, let's keep it. I think it will definitely go up." Zhang Guan said.

"Are you sure?" Huang Weida continued: "According to the rules, even shareholders, not everyone can cash out. For example, Goldman Sachs, which holds a huge share, must wait until August 16, which is after the IPO. It takes 100 days before you can sell stocks to cash out. This is a good opportunity.”

"Hehe, I can't wait to buy some more when I have money." Zhang Guan smiled, and then said: "If one day FB's stock price drops sharply, you have to tell me, I have to buy some more."


Field Management Center.

"Are you going to run 10,000 meters? Are you kidding me!" Director Ma stood up from his seat with a bang, and looked at Zhang Guan with a menacing look.

"Not only 10,000 meters, but also 5,000 meters." Zhang Guan added with a smile.

"I still want to run 5,000 meters?" Director Ma laughed angrily, and he continued: "I tell you, don't think that if you win the Asian Championships in the triathlon, you can run long distances. Just take 10,000 meters Say, how long do you need to run in a triathlon? 30 minutes? 31 minutes? But when it comes to the Olympic Games, if you can’t run for 28 minutes, you won’t even qualify for the Olympics.”

"28 minutes, no problem!" Zhang Guan said immediately.

"It's a good idea! 28 minutes is just the minimum standard. Do you think I'll let you go for a long-distance race if you reach the minimum standard?" Director Ma curled his lips and continued, "You are the world record holder in sprinting. If you go to the Olympics, you will definitely be able to win a gold medal, but long-distance running is only the lowest standard for participating, and you can’t even touch a medal. Why should you participate in long-distance running? Isn’t this a loss of two gold medals in vain?”

"It's true." Zhang Guan nodded.

After all, the Olympics is still about gold medals, especially in this year's London Olympics, where Zhang Guan can only participate in three track and field competitions, which cut off more than half of his gold medal goals in track and field. gold medals.

"Director Ma, do you think this is okay? Let me practice long-distance running for a few days first. The National Track and Field Grand Prix is ​​about to start. I will try it first. If I get good results, let me go to the Olympic long-distance running." How about the game?" Zhang Guan asked tentatively.

"It's not good. It's a waste of time for you. I think it's better for you to spend your time on sprint training." Director Ma shook his head resolutely.

"Anyway, there are five races in the National Athletics Grand Prix. I will participate in the first race. It's not a waste of time. Is it okay?" Zhang Guan then asked.

Director Ma frowned and thought about it.

The first race of the National Athletics Grand Prix was held on April 14, and there are only four days left.

"That's a four-day delay. It should be worthwhile for Zhang Guan to give up his long-distance running plan." Director Ma thought of this and finally nodded.

"You can go, but let's talk ugly, if you go to the competition, if you can't get a decent result, you have to come back and practice sprinting for me honestly!"

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