All-round Athlete

Chapter 854: Triathlon Championship

Chapter 854: Triathlon Championship

The race entered the last five kilometers, and it was the most difficult moment for the contestants.

The speed of the runners began to slow down, and no one was able to maintain the speed at the start. In fact, for most people, every step they take now is a test of willpower. Many players are already walking mechanically, advancing like a conditioned reflex.

Everyone slowed down, except Zhang Guan, who still maintained the speed at the beginning. This speed was relatively slow ten minutes ago, but now it has become a relatively fast one.

From time to time, the camera will focus on Zhang Guan, and every time Zhang Guan appears on the TV screen, the face of coach Hideki Yamane will twitch, because she can find that Zhang Guan's speed is not as she imagined, Slow down gradually.

In the studio hall of the TV station, whenever there was a picture of Zhang Guan, Director Nawei Qimu always deliberately found a topic, and did not talk about Zhang Guan on the broadcast screen.

At this time, coach Qi Mu was full of anger. He had made a judgment not long ago, saying that as the game continued, Zhang Guan's speed would definitely become slower and slower, and the Japanese players would definitely be able to catch up and even surpass Zhang Guan. But judging from the pictures sent back from the scene, behind Zhang Guan, even the shadow of the Japanese player could not be seen.

"I was slapped in the face!" Director Qi Mu looked at the TV screen in embarrassment. At this time, he really didn't want to see the picture of Zhang Guan on TV. Whenever Zhang Guan appeared on the screen, it seemed to be mocking his judgment , but the race has entered the last 2 kilometers, most of the time the camera will be aimed at the leader.

In the last two kilometers, Zhang Guan still maintained the speed at the beginning, and the championship has lost suspense.

"Zhang Guan should be winning!" Coach He's nervousness has gradually faded away, replaced by an excited expression.

In the last kilometer, many spectators had appeared on both sides of the track. At the finish line in the distance, the reporters had already rushed out of the rest area, pointed their cameras at the finish line, and were ready to go.

At the last 500 meters, Zhang Guan had already appeared in front of everyone, the camera started shooting, and the shutter sound of the camera gradually sounded.

"Zhang Guan is here, cross the line! Champion! Congratulations to Zhang Guan, who won the Asian Triathlon Championship!" Although the commentator said this, his tone was not the slightest bit excited. After all, the Japanese team, which had high hopes, lost the game.

"We lost! We lost!" Not far away, Hideki Yamane witnessed Zhang Guan rushing past the ribbon before the finish line, and then stopped slowly. In the next second, photographers rushed up , surrounded Zhang Guan in the middle.

The referee has confirmed Zhang Guan's final result, and until now, Hideki Yamane dare not accept this result. This time the loss was too sudden and without warning.

In triathlon, Japan has always been No. 1 in Asia, and has always maintained an absolute monopoly. But today, this monopoly was suddenly broken, and the person who broke this monopoly was Zhang Guan, a player who was thought to be selling advertisements before the game.

More importantly, this time Asia is not an ordinary triathlon world championships, she is also a qualifying event for the London Olympics.

In the whole of Asia, there is only one place to qualify for the London Olympics. This is nothing in the eyes of triathlon powers such as Britain, the United States and Australia, but it is extremely precious to Asian countries.

The Japanese team thought that this quota had already been fully earned in their own pockets, but they did not expect to kill Zhang Guan halfway.


The results of this triathlon Asian Championships are surprising. After all, before the competition, people who followed this event thought that Zhang Guan was only here to stand for the sponsors. The crown is just a mascot for commercial promotion, but the final result is that the mascot won the championship, which is really surprising.

After the game, Japan, as the host, did not make a large report on the results of the game. Firstly, triathlon is not the world's top sport, and secondly, the Japanese team did not win the championship, leading the audience to be disappointed.

As the absolute advantage of the Japanese team, and the game was held at their own home court, the Japanese did not win the championship in the end. This kind of thing is not worth showing off by the Japanese media. Even if it is reported, the audience will definitely not like it. See, so it's better to be low-key.

And the domestic media did not carry out any vigorous special reports. It would be nice to be able to give a headline news on the sports section. Many sports media just reported an ordinary news on the spot, with a few paragraphs of text and a few pictures. Still looking at Zhang Guan's face. Without Zhang Guan, there might only be a newsletter report, not even a picture.

Although triathlon is an Olympic event, the domestic mass base is too low, and there have been no results for a long time, so the attention is naturally very low. Go to the street and grab someone to ask what is a triathlon. If you can name the three sports of swimming, cycling, and long-distance running, it is considered very good. As for how far you can swim? How far does the bike ride? How far is the long-distance running? I'm afraid few people can answer it.

It is also for this reason that the news of Zhang Guan winning the Ironman Asian Championships was quickly submerged in other news. Especially now that it is the last month of the NBA regular season, and the Rockets, Lakers, Spurs and many other teams that are popular with domestic fans will play games on the next day, so the attention to the Triathlon Asian Championships has only been maintained for a short period of time. One night, the next day the attention of sports fans shifted to the NBA arena.

As for European and American countries, they don't pay much attention to the Triathlon Asian Championships, even if the final champion's name is Zhang Guan.

Countries such as the United States and Britain hold hundreds of triathlon competitions every year. The level of their domestic selection contestants is even better than that of the Olympic Games, and it is much higher than that of the Asian Championships. For European and American countries, the triathlon in Asia is too weak, and there is no need for them to pay attention. As for the fact that Zhang Guan won the final championship, for the triathlon powerhouses in Europe and America, it is more like a fun talk after dinner. No one will pay special attention to Zhang Guan's triathlon level, and no one will regard Zhang Guan as their rival.

For European and American countries, no matter how strong the Asian triathlon is, how strong can it be? There is no threat to them at all.

This is also a normal phenomenon. If one day, Bolt wins the table tennis championship in the Caribbean, I believe those Asian table tennis powerhouses will not care about it, and they will just treat it as a fun talk. No one will really study how Bolt played. From their point of view, no matter how good the table tennis level of the Caribbean countries is, they will be beaten.

Zhang Guan's schedule was very tight, and the day after the game ended, Zhang Guan returned to China by plane.

After getting off the plane, Zhang Guan turned on his phone, but saw three missed calls and a text message.

"It's Huang Weida. Three phone calls and one text message. It looks like I need something urgent! Is there something wrong with the investment?" Zhang Guan opened the text message and saw Huang Weida's message.

"It's urgent, call back as soon as you see it!"

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