All-round Athlete

Chapter 734 Selling the Fleet

Chapter 734 Selling the Fleet

Zhang Guan handed over the preparation of the fund to He Yiming, and he boarded the plane to the UK. He was going to deal with some team affairs, and at the same time, he was going to pick up the gift for Schumacher.

Schumacher invited Zhang Guan to go skiing. Of course, Zhang Guan could not leave empty-handed. According to the etiquette, Zhang Guan needs to prepare a gift. The gift does not need to be expensive. It is more to express a kind of heart. It would be better if it is something special , not to mention that with Schumacher's economic conditions, he has nothing to lack.

The gift Zhang Guan prepared for Schumacher was a helmet, not a racing helmet, but a ski helmet. Schumacher loves skiing, every winter Schumacher will go skiing, giving him a ski helmet is a more appropriate gift.

Moreover, Zhang Guan knew that Schumacher was planted on skis in the end. At the end of 2013, Schumacher had an accident while skiing. He hit his head on a rock and almost died. After hundreds of millions of euros in treatment and rehabilitation expenses, Schumacher has completely bid farewell to sports, has not become a vegetable, and can spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, which can even be regarded as a relatively good ending.

Of course, Schumacher also wore a ski helmet when he had a skiing accident, but the rocks on the Alps were enough to win, and the ski helmet could not protect Schumacher’s head, so this time, Zhang Guan specially customized a ski helmet for Schumacher. The helmet, and it is custom-made according to the standard of Formula One racing helmets, must be much stronger than ordinary ski helmets.

The car god Senna suffered misfortune, and the fatal injury was that the helmet was pierced by racing debris. Since then, the standard of Formula One racing helmets has been greatly improved. Therefore, the Formula 1 racing helmet is obviously the best sports helmet in the world. It is not only light, but also the polymer material makes the helmet extremely strong. The two layers of hard carbon fiber reinforced resin on the shell are enough to withstand general impact; The penetrating polyethylene material even has a certain chance to withstand the attack of armor-piercing bullets. After all, the sharpness of carbon fiber racing fragments is not inferior to ordinary bullets; the soft polypropylene material inside the helmet can fully absorb impact and protect the skull. But also fireproof. Of course, the expensive cost of a helmet of more than 100,000 US dollars is also worthy of the materials used.

Each driver's racing helmet is specially customized, so the helmet manufacturing company has the data of the driver's head shape. Zhang Guan directly contacted the F1 helmet manufacturing company to customize a ski helmet according to Schumacher's head shape, and this It also cost Zhang Guan 300,000 US dollars.

Zhang Guan was quite satisfied playing with the ski helmet in his hand. At this time, footsteps came from outside. Ross Brown came to the door. Although the door was not closed, he still knocked on the door.

"How was your vacation?" Rose Brown walked in. "I heard that you are back, so I rushed over immediately."

"It's very busy. If you pay attention to China's portal website, you can definitely know what I am doing there every day." Zhang Guan walked to the coffee machine and asked, "Still the same, black coffee?"

"Thank you." Ross Brown continued: "Actually, I have something I want to find you. During your return to China, I went to Stuttgart, Germany, and Dieter Zeshe invited me to have dinner. .”

"Dieter Zesche..." Zhang Guan repeated the name before he realized that Ross Brown said that he was Zetsche, chairman of Daimler AG and president of Mercedes.

Zetsche sounds like a Chinese, but he is a German born in Turkey. Zetsche is his Chinese name, but it is not a Chinese transliteration. It's as if the mountain in Canada should be called Roseville, and Metta World Peace in the United States should be called Mehta Wald Pease.

Zhang Guan brought the coffee to Ross Brown and said, "Mercedes wants to buy our team?"

There was a burst of surprise on Ross Brown's face, and he said, "How did you guess it? I thought you would guess it was about the engine supply for next season!"

Mercedes-Benz is the engine supplier of the China Force team. When Ross Brown went to see Zetsche, normal people would guess that it was because of the supply of racing engines for the next season. No one would have such a wide range of thinking to consider Mercedes-Benz's acquisition of China Force.

But Zhang Guan knew that in the course of history, after Braun GP won the championship, it was acquired by Daimler Group, which is the parent company of Mercedes-Benz. So Zhang Guan guessed this when he heard Zetsche's name.

I only heard Ross Brown continue to say: "Daimler Group hopes to acquire our team and enter the F1 competition as their factory team. Acquisition."

"What about McLaren? For so many years, McLaren has always been the factory team of Mercedes-Benz?" Zhang Guan asked.

"Daimler Group now holds about 40% of McLaren's shares, and said that McLaren should buy back shares from Daimler Group." Ross Brown said.

"Then what do you think, should we sell the team?" Zhang Guan asked.

"I haven't decided yet. I want to hear your opinion before making a decision. If you, a big boss, can still devote as much as you did last season, I don't mind playing for a few more years." Ross Brown continued: "But I I am more inclined to sell my own shares. When we bought the Honda team last year, it was not very expensive. Now that we have won the championship, and the team’s revenue is very good, it can be sold at a high price. To be honest, I There is no guarantee that we will have such good results next year. Once our results drop, the team will definitely not be as valuable as it is now.”

Zhang Guan nodded with a smile. Although Ross Brown is the best automotive engineer in the world, he is still a businessman at heart. It is the nature of a businessman to buy low and sell high to earn the difference. sell for a good price.

"How much is the Mercedes-Benz bid?" Zhang Guan continued to ask.

"I don't know. It hasn't reached the point of inquiry yet, but I don't think it should be less than 200 million pounds!" Ross Brown said.

"Twenty million pounds? That's not bad. The team we bought for 80 million dollars can sell for 200 million pounds, which is equivalent to tripled. This investment is quite profitable." Zhang Guan continued: "How about we Sell ​​the team?"

"Huh?" Ross Brown looked at Zhang Guan with a puzzled face. He didn't know if Zhang Guan was joking. After all, he was the F1 championship team and a big business of 200 million pounds. How could he just sell it? Zhang Guan made this decision too quickly.

Zhang Guan also sat down, and he said: "Actually, I will be very busy next year. I guess I won't have time to continue participating in F1 competitions. Next year I will participate in two very important events, namely the Men's Basketball World Championships and The Asian Games, whether it is the training time or the race time, will overlap with the F1 race, so I will definitely not be seen on the racing track next season. Since I have no skills, I should sell the team Bar!"

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