All-round Athlete

Chapter 732 Hope of Life

Chapter 732 Hope of Life

It was already 5:30 in the afternoon when we left the Field Management Center. Director Ma originally wanted to treat guests to dinner, but was declined by Zhang Guan. The conversation with Dayao touched Zhang Guan's heart, and he also wanted to treat him earlier. Go back and organize your recent schedule.

But things backfired, and Zhang Guan was blocked on the road.

It was the rush hour, and the road was crowded with vehicles going home. The commercial vehicle that Zhang Guan was riding in was struggling to move in the traffic flow, and as the sky was getting dark, Zhang Guan also gradually lost his patience. He looked around and asked the driver: "According to this situation, there will be traffic jams for at least 30 to 40 minutes. There are still three intersections left from the community. I'd better walk back."

The capital is considered a place where Zhang Guan spends a relatively long time on weekdays, so he bought a flat in the capital a long time ago as his temporary home here.

Putting on a hat and mask, disguised himself, Zhang Guan got out of the car, and then mixed into the crowd rushing back to the nest by the side of the road.

The latest cold breath has brought the minimum temperature in the capital to zero, and people around can already see people wrapping themselves in down jackets. In the cold wind, scarves, hats and bloated coats are essential; under the smog, all Masks of various designs and colors kept dangling in front of Zhang Guan's eyes. Zhang Guan, who is over 1.9 meters tall, stands out among the crowd, but the sky is getting dark, even if someone passes by, they will not notice that the big man wearing a mask is Zhang Guan.

The lights at the entrance of the subway station were bright and dazzling, Zhang Guan obviously didn't want to be noticed, so he deliberately stayed away from the subway entrance, but the crowd rushing towards the subway station couldn't help pushing Zhang Guan to the vicinity of the subway entrance.

A ragged beggar was leaning near the subway entrance, sitting on a woven bag. Zhang Guan wanted to walk over quickly, but the objects placed in front of the beggar attracted his attention.

A stainless-steel bowl with a few pieces of paper and pens in it, which should be alms from a good-hearted person; a worn-out white cloth with crooked black letters on it, which should be the beggar’s description of his misfortune; The round object was placed on the edge of the white cloth, unobtrusive, but Zhang Guan stopped and looked at the dark round object, because he had already seen that the dark round object was a medal .

Zhang Guan has won dozens of various medals, most of which are gold medals, so he is more sensitive to medals. Others will not notice this kind of thing, but Zhang Guan can tell it right away.

"Why are there still people begging with medals?" Zhang Guan stopped, and driven by curiosity, he walked over.

From the stained white cloth, Zhang Guan learned the origin of this beggar. His name is Ma Dexing. He is from Northwest China. He used to be a triathlete and won a bronze medal in the Jiayu Triathlon. After a training injury, he had to undergo surgery, but the operation failed, causing his left foot to die for life. Disabled, had to retire. But the rehabilitation of his foot injury cost him money to continue, and his family borrowed a lot of money. Apart from being an athlete, he had no other skills, and as a disabled person, he could not engage in physical labor, so he had to live here to beg.

"Could it be a liar?" Zhang Guan bent down, picked up the medal and looked at it, and then confirmed that the medal was indeed genuine.

Zhang Guan even touched the medal of the Jiayu Triathlon with his own hands, because someone in the national team had participated in that competition and had achieved results. At that time, Zhang Guan had also seen the medal won by his teammates, the workmanship and quality It's the same as the beggar's.

"The left foot is injured, what a poor man!" Zhang Guan couldn't help thinking of Dayao who had just talked to him. He also injured his left foot. This made Zhang Guan feel a sense of compassion. He took out two hundred-yuan bills and handed them to the beggar.

"Thank you, thank you!" The beggar bowed gratefully, and when he raised his head again to see the appearance of the donor, Zhang Guan had already left quickly.

Walking among the endless crowd, Zhang Guan felt inexplicably heavy in his heart.

Ma Dexing is not the first athlete who has retired to the streets, and he will never be the last. Ma Dexing's situation is very miserable, but it is definitely not the worst one. There will definitely be other athletes who retired due to injuries, and they will be worse than Ma Dexing. awful. Injuries caused by inappropriate training and untimely treatment have left many athletes with lifelong disabilities. And after they retire, if they have achieved impressive results, they can still live without worry, but if they perform mediocre as athletes, they may only get tens of thousands of severance pay, and they will have to spend the rest of their lives suffering from injuries and illnesses. through the pain.

For many athletes who are disabled due to injuries, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of medical expenses can change their lives. However, in many cases, hundreds of thousands is an astronomical figure for them. They may not be able to save this money even after ten years of athlete career.

Zhang Guan suddenly felt that it might be more meaningful to help these retired athletes who have suffered sports injuries and face life difficulties than directly giving a large sum of money to those sports associations.

The sky was completely dark, and the north wind was blowing. Under the dim street lights, the cold feeling made Zhang Guan feel a frightening sense of despair.

"Fortunately, we're home soon!" Zhang Guan raised his head, and in front of him was the community he lived in. The dazzling lights at the entrance of the community were particularly conspicuous under the night sky. A security guard in a green army coat stood at the door, watching carefully the people who entered the community. Everyone always makes those who walk at night feel a strong sense of security.

"There is darkness and cold wind around, but home is right in front of us. This is hope! Hope is actually so simple..." Zhang Guan listened to the footsteps, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

"It is time to set up a charitable fund to help retired athletes who have encountered difficulties. Money may not be able to repair their injured bodies, but at least it can bring them hope in life!"


"Establish another charity fund?" He Yiming's eyes widened. He didn't understand Zhang Guan's intention.

"Yes, I want to use a sum of money to help those retired athletes who have encountered difficulties. I have already thought of the name of the fund, and it is called the Hope Fund!" Zhang Guan said.

"It's a good idea, but do you know how many professional athletes in our country will retire each year?" He Yiming asked.

Zhang Guan shook his head with a dazed expression.

"Then do you know about our country's current athlete protection system?" He Yiming continued to ask.

Zhang Guan shook his head again, still bewildered.

"The Red Cross Society has a public welfare fund directly under it, which is also protecting retired athletes. You should know that, right?" He Yiming asked.

Zhang Guan shook his head for the third time, still in a daze.

"You really don't know anything!" He Yiming laughed suddenly.

PS: October is coming to an end, I have been lazy for a month, and only changed 130,000 words this month, I am guilty, I am coming November, I am going to rise, I can’t be lazy anymore, I guarantee a minimum of 200,000 Words, said to do. It is said that on the last day of the end of this month, if you don’t vote for the monthly pass, it will be wasted. If you still have a monthly pass, please pass it. Thank you!

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