All-round Athlete

Chapter 369 This Can Be Covered!

Chapter 369 This Can Be Covered!

A few people got into Zhang Guan's commercial vehicle together. Fortunately, Zhang Guan's commercial vehicle was a large imported commercial vehicle worth more than one million yuan, otherwise six big men would really not be able to squeeze in.

"I'm talking about Zhang Guan, your car is really good, with so much space! It's even bigger than Dayao's car." Wang Shipeng said while touching the leather seat.

Sun Yue also said enviously: "I saw a lot of stars in the United States, and they all sat in this kind of large business car. If I can play in the NBA in the future, I have to buy this one!"

"Of course you will. Haven't you already been selected by the Los Angeles Lakers? Maybe you will be able to go to the NBA next year!" Zhang Guan encouraged.

Liu Wei, who was sitting next to Wang Shipeng, said, "Dapeng, the video you recorded at Brother Yao's wedding just now, show it to us."

"Okay!" Wang Shipeng took out a small DV player from his pocket, but Zhu Fangyu who was sitting in front snatched it up: "Take the front, let's watch it together."

A few big men gathered around the screen of a small DV, watched it all the way, and then the DV machine was passed to Chen Jianghua's hands.

"Brother Wang, how did you record this stuff?" Chen Jianghua asked curiously.

"Click this, do you see that red light? When the red light is on, the video recording will start. Press it again, and the red light will not be on, and the recording will stop!" Wang Shipeng taught Chen Jianghua hand in hand, and Chen Jianghua also learned Started fiddling with the DV player.

At this time, the car had arrived at the place, an indoor basketball court under the Basketball Association.

Several male basketball players were obviously familiar with this place, so they got out of the car and walked in. The uncle at the door saw that it was a few national players who came, of course he didn't stop them, and asked them if they wanted to turn on the air conditioner.

"Come on, 3V3, I, Zhang Guan and Zhu Fangyu are in a team, and you are in a team of three." Liu Wei took the ball from the ball frame on the scene and threw it to Zhang Guan while talking, and then said: "First get acquainted Feel it."

"You must be familiar with it. It's been a long time since I touched the ball." Zhang Guan began to dribble on his own.

"Brother Wang, I put the DV on your bag for you!" Chen Jianghua put the DV player on the seat next to him, and walked onto the court.

On the other side, Zhang Guan was already familiar with the feeling of dribbling, and then he slowly accelerated, ready to hit the hurdle, but after Zhang Guan took off, he realized that the height of his jump was enough for a two-handed dunk, so Zhang Guan Without hesitation, he changed to holding the ball with both hands in the air, and then easily completed a dunk.

The basket shook with Zhang Guan's dunk, and Zhang Guan had a happy expression on his face, he felt very excited.

"Slam dunk, this feeling is really great!" Zhang Guan grabbed the ball again, ready to try again.

"Beautiful dunk!" Several national men's basketball players around gave Zhang Guan applause. Obviously, most of the applause was encouragement. After all, in the eyes of professional athletes, this kind of non-competition dunk is nothing.

Zhu Fangyu said in a low voice: "Not to mention, Zhang Guan's jumping is really good. It seems that he didn't try his best just now, and he was able to dunk with both hands."

"I think it's true. It's no worse than those spring people in the United States." Liu Wei also commented.

Next, Zhang Guan tried to make a few long-distance shots, but the hit rate was relatively mediocre. Zhang Guan was not a shooter when he played basketball before, and he hadn’t touched the basketball for a long time. Hit a high percentage, but hit a decent percentage on a couple of hook attempts inside the free throw line.

"Zhang Guan's hook is quite good, but his back is an inside skill." Zhu Fangyu said.

"In our professional basketball, if you are less than two meters tall, you are considered short at the peak line. If you are 1.9 meters, you can play as a guard, but there are not so many tall people in the folk. Zhang Guan's height, in the folks, he must be playing inside. And he can play center forward, so it’s not surprising that he knows inside skills.” Liu Wei continued, “Let’s go, he’s almost hot, let’s play too!”


Zhang Guan, Liu Wei and Zhu Fangyu are in a group, and Wang Shipeng, Sun Yue and Chen Jianghua are in a group. With Liu Wei's organizational skills and Zhu Fangyu's comprehensiveness, although he has an amateur Zhang Guan, he seems to be able to play, let alone Zhang Guan. Nor will it do nothing.

"Zhang Guan, you are fast enough, try to mark Chen Jianghua later!" Liu Wei said.

The current Chen Jianghua is only 18 years old, he is not good in technique and confrontation, and he is also lacking in handling the ball. The only thing he can do is speed. In Liu Wei's view, speed is also Zhang Guan's strong point, so he simply let him go. Zhang Guan marks Chen Jianghua.

On the other side, Zhu Fangyu is watching Wang Shipeng. Facing Wang Shipeng, a pitcher with comprehensive skills, Zhu Fangyu obviously has an advantage; while Liu Wei is playing against Sun Yue. Although Sun Yue is tall and good at blocking shots, he can score. The ability is not as good as Liu Wei, and the two can be said to have their own merits.

There is no referee, and the two sides kick off directly. Sun Yue controlled the ball and passed it to Wang Shipeng. Wang Shipeng was closely watched by Zhu Fangyu and had no chance to make a shot, so he passed the ball to Chen Jianghua.

"Xiao Chen, you made a breakthrough!" Wang Shipeng yelled, and at the same time Chen Jianghua also chose to make a breakthrough after receiving the ball.

Zhang Guan only felt that the figure flashed, and Chen Jianghua had already passed by him.

"This kid is so fast and has enough explosive power. If he didn't pay attention, he rushed past him." Zhang Guan immediately turned around to chase, while Chen Jianghua rushed to the basket and made a layup with his right hand.

"Let's lose a point first." Both Liu Wei and Zhu Fangyu stood in place. At this time, Chen Jianghua has already taken off and is about to release the ball. This kind of basic layup can definitely make progress.

But the next moment, Zhang Guan was also taking off, almost at the same time as Chen Jianghua, but he had to be two meters behind Chen Jianghua. But after jumping up, Zhang Guan was already behind Chen Jianghua.

"Damn it! The speed of the bullet is so fast! It's so explosive." Several other people's eyes widened.

The basketball had already left Chen Jianghua's right hand and flew towards the basket. At this moment, Zhang Guan's right hand was also close to the basketball.

"Slap!" Zhang Guan slapped the ball directly out of bounds from the air.

"The jump is so high!" Zhu Fangyu's eyes widened in surprise: "Run fast, jump high, and have strong explosive power. With this physical quality, it's a pity not to play basketball!"

"As expected of Zhang Guan, no wonder Dayao said that his physical fitness may be stronger than the top black players in the United States. At least this kind of blocking is something that few black players in the NBA can do." Liu Wei thought to himself.

On the other side, after Chen Jianghua landed, he heard a "snap". He hurriedly looked up and found that Zhang Guan had already fanned the ball out of bounds.

"This goal is not scored! This can be covered!"

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