Chapter 283

The first game between the two sides came to the sixth game, which was Zhang Guan's serve game.

"In the last game, Gonzalez showed a strong forehand strength. It seems that Gonzalez has once again entered the state of playing Nadal. Zhang Guan must try to restrain Gonzalez Zhang Guan's serve is a good opportunity now. Zhang Guan is ready to serve, attack the backhand!" The commentator suddenly raised the decibel.

What Zhang Guan served was Gonzalez's backhand, which is the same as what Gonzalez did.

Gonzalez served to attack Zhang Guan's backhand so that he could return the ball with his forehand more comfortably. And Zhang Guan's serve to attack Gonzalez's backhand is because Gonzalez's backhand is relatively weak.

The angle of this ball is not very tricky, but the faster ball speed is doomed Gonzalez can only use the backhand to catch the ball. Gonzalez's backhand skills are not very comprehensive, and he is not even good at chopping the ball, so the quality of catching this fast ball with the backhand is not very high.

"Zhang Guan started to attack my backhand!" Gonzalez has encountered this situation many times. When the opponent attacks Gonzalez's backhand, Gonzalez often looks for opportunities to turn to the forehand, and then Go back to the method of hitting the ball with a powerful forehand.

However, Gonzalez has forgotten that Zhang Guan is still a top net player.

I saw Zhang Guan rushed to the front court and volleyed the tennis ball. Although this was not a good opportunity to volley, Zhang Guan still intercepted the ball abruptly and hit Gonzalez's neutral position.

"Zhang Guan changed his strategy. He started to serve the net. Although it was not a good opportunity to surf the net just now, Zhang Guan still succeeded!" the commentator said.

Federer in front of the TV immediately commented: "Almost forgot, Zhang Guan's net play is also world-class. It seems that in this round, Zhang Guan has no problem keeping his serve."

Federer has a high success rate online because he only chooses to go online when he has an opportunity. Now the world tennis world is also playing in Federer’s style. He only chooses to go online when he has a good opportunity, and if he does not have a good opportunity. Just continue to stand at the bottom line.

However, Zhang Guan uses the style of tennis king Sampras. Sampras is the kind of player who insists on surfing the net no matter whether he has the opportunity or not. In Sampras' style of play, surfing the net when there is no chance is a normal style of play, and surfing the net when there is a chance means scoring.

Sampras' style of play has disappeared in the tennis world for ten years. Zhang Guan suddenly used this style of play at the net, and Gonzalez felt a little uncomfortable.

"Serve to the net? The ball just now is not suitable for hitting in front of the net. Zhang Guan is forcing the net." Gonzalez shook his head lightly, ready to catch the second ball.

For this ball, Zhang Guan still sent Gonzalez's backhand, and it was still a serve to the net, which was still successful.

On the third ball, Zhang Guan was unlucky and hit the ball out of bounds after serving the net. The score came to 30-15. However, Zhang Guan made up for the loss of the previous ball through a high-quality serve and a direct serve to score the fourth ball.

With a score of 40-15, Gonzalez felt that it might be difficult to break serve in this round.

"Zhang Guan's serving strength is already very strong, coupled with his first-class serving and surfing ability, if I want to complete the break, the chance is not great, unless Zhang Guan makes a mistake and gives me a chance, then I can hope to break. Gonzalez then thought: "However, Zhang Guan can't break my serve, so if one player wins one game, I'm afraid the first set will be a tie-break."

On the next ball, after Zhang Guan gained the advantage by serving, he mobilized a shot first, and then ran to the net again. A small ball made Gonzalez too late to catch the ball. He scored the point and successfully kept it hit his own serve.

"It's 3-3. It can be said that half of the first set has been played. Neither side has broken serve, and even a break point has not appeared. If the next two games are still like this, this set may be the end of the game. It’s been a long fight.” The commentator seemed to be reminding the audience that they could go to the toilet or buy an ice cream to cool off.

Gonzalez quickly took the serving position, and he wanted to start the game early while he was in good condition.

Gonzalez thought that Zhang Guan would deliberately delay the time, but what he didn't expect was that Zhang Guan was very cooperative and stood on the field, ready for the game, and the contest between the two sides began in the seventh game.

"Continue to the strategy of the last serving game, and use my powerful forehand to blow you away!"

Gonzalez gave another soft drink, and then the tennis ball flew directly to Zhang Guan's half court.

Zhang Guan smoothly caught the ball with his backhand, and the tennis ball flew to the diagonal again, while Gonzalez rushed over quickly, holding the racket with his forehand was a fierce blow.

Seeing this scene, Federer in front of the TV thought silently: "It seems that the rhythm is still the same as before. Zhang Guan can't play like this. If Gonzalez's condition is getting better and better, he will play more and more in the future." Fierce, that's how Nadal lost, we can't let Gonzalez attack so smoothly."

At this time, on the TV, Zhang Guan chose to return the forehand. And it seems that Zhang Guan's counterattack is very powerful, and the speed of the ball is also very fast.

"Huh?" Gonzalez suddenly felt that the ball gave him a very familiar feeling, and when the ball came close, he still used his best forehand and hit it hard.

When the racket collided with the tennis ball, Gonzalez suddenly felt that the tennis ball was putting a lot of pressure on the racket, which he had rarely encountered before.

"Zhang Guan's return to the ball is much stronger this time!" Gonzales suddenly understood when he thought about the speed of the ball.

"No wonder there is a familiar feeling, Zhang Guan is imitating my way, hitting the forehand vigorously! Haha, I really didn't expect that there are still people in this world who dare to hit the forehand against each other. Don't you know that I am Is my nickname 'Chilean Cannon'? I'm the strongest in the world when it comes to forehands!" Gonzales suddenly felt that the shot was a sure thing.

The tennis ball came flying, and Zhang Guan was already in the position to catch the ball. He swung his racket with both hands and hit it hard, and the tennis ball flew to Gonzalez's half court.

"Are you really going to fight me for a forehand? You really can't control yourself. Since you choose this way, today I will let you know what a violent forehand is!" Gonzalez held his breath, and the racket carried A gust of wind hit the tennis ball hard.

Zhang Guan on the opposite side didn't hesitate at all, he made the same action as Gonzales, swinging the racket with all his strength.

"The speed of the ball is very fast, and the strength is okay! Try this again!" Gonzalez immediately fought back.

"Gonzalez's strength seems to be stronger again. He deserves to be the most violent forehand, but since he wants to use violence to control violence, he must be stronger than you!" Zhang Guan couldn't help shouting while fighting back.


In front of the TV, Federer's eyes widened in surprise.

"What is Zhang Guan doing? He didn't attack Gonzalez's backhand. He didn't even try to try. He hit Gonzalez's forehand directly? The ball just now, with a backhand slice, has a chance It hit Gonzalez's backhand position. Did Zhang Guan make a mistake in his judgment?" Federer Federer continued to watch, but found that Zhang Guan made the same return as Gonzalez, almost nothing Spin, and don't pay too much attention to where the ball falls, it's just pure fast violence.

"Don't he know that Gonzalez's strongest forehand hits the ball? Fighting forehand against a violent man like Gonzalez is simply courting death!"

The second chapter is delivered, please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket, thanks to MRHoratio, Ye Diao Li Weng, Dong Haiyang, Yi Daxia 1482, Bahuang Emperor, ZZ Zhu, Xinghua Laojiao, Waiting Hook, MRHoratio, Charge to the Past, Zhuge Yi Xiong, "" Onitsuka, 99***92, Riding Piglet 1, Flying Kite, Special Service Brigade, thank you!

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