Chapter 235

The pace of this year's Australian Open is getting closer and closer, and the qualifying round of the Australian Open is also drawing to a close. With the formal determination of the 16 places in the qualifying round, the Australian Open Organizing Committee has announced all 128 places for the men's group of this Australian Open. list of contestants.

There are many familiar names in the list, such as the No. 1 seed Federer, the No. 2 seed Nadal, the No. 3 seed Davydenko, the No. 4 seed Ljubicic, etc. These are old strong players and have long been recognized by the audience. In addition, there are some young people who have just emerged in recent years, such as No. 14 seed Djokovic and No. 15 seed Murray. Both of them are under 20 years old, but they have become the top 20 in the world. players, so they also attracted a lot of attention.

Other players who are relatively high in the world rankings will more or less attract the attention of a lot of media and audiences. As for those players who are relatively low in the world rankings, qualifying players and wild card players, not many people care about them Well, apart from professional tennis players, ordinary audiences don't know them at all, and they haven't even heard of their names.

But in the list announced by the organizer of this year's Australian Open, there is a name that is very familiar to audiences all over the world-Zhang Guan!

"Australian Open Tennis Player List Announced, King of Track and Field Zhang Guan is on the list!" "

This news was like a bomb, which instantly detonated the focus of media attention, especially the fastest-responding online media, which published relevant news immediately.

The news is equipped with an official screenshot of the Australian Open Organizing Committee, showing that Zhang Guan appeared in the 128-man squad. At first, some people thought it was PS, but after checking the Australian Open official website, it was confirmed that it was true. .

Immediately afterwards, a report of a critical nature appeared on the Internet.

"Zhang Guan appears on the list of Australian Open players, transformation? Tickets? Organizer's own goal? Or an advertising campaign? "

The article was written by a senior journalist in the tennis world, and he raised various possibilities. In the article, he wrote:

"Zhang Guan wants to switch to tennis? This possibility should be ruled out first. It is difficult to switch from one sport to another, not to mention that tennis is a game that considers the comprehensive ability of athletes. Sports, physical fitness, technology, talent, experience, psychology, without seven or eight years of practice, there is no way to achieve results, which is completely different from special sports such as track and field. Therefore, the possibility of Zhang Guan switching to tennis is zero."

"Playing tickets? The possibility is not too great. There will always be some athletes who will enter other fields because of the novelty, but if they are purely playing tickets, Zhang Guan does not need to go to the stage of the Australian Open, a Grand Slam. I think Zhang Guan only needs to play two rounds with his Grand Slam girlfriend, which is enough to satisfy his freshness in tennis! Speaking of this, maybe Zhang Guan really can’t beat Sharapova. Don’t think it’s a joke. There are not many male players in the world who can beat Sharapova."

"When I first saw this news, I thought it was an oolong made by the organizers of the Australian Open, but now it has been more than two hours since the announcement of the Australian Open entry list, and the list has not been replaced. It seems that this is not an oolong. Already!"

"The author believes that this is just an advertisement, so Zhang Guan's fans may be disappointed. I'm afraid he won't really appear in the Australian Open!"

For reporters, the only information they have in their hands is the list of players announced by the Australian Open Organizing Committee, so now they can only "boldly guess", but a few hours later, the answer will be revealed, the Australian Open Organizing Committee A regular press conference will be held in the afternoon.

Every year in the Grand Slam tournament, there are always some players who withdraw due to various reasons. Therefore, after the list of players is announced, a routine press conference is essential. The Australian Open Organizing Committee also needs the media and the public to explain.

Today's press conference was extraordinarily lively, the scene was packed with reporters, obviously all of them came for Zhang Guan.

The chairman of the Australian Open Organizing Committee, Terry, looked at the reporters packed like sardines below, and then looked at the various recording equipment piled up as high as a hill in front of the spokesperson, and his face could not help showing a look of satisfaction.

"The news of Zhang Guan's participation in the Australian Open is really a gimmick, and it has attracted so many reporters at once. Tomorrow, the news will definitely be the sports headlines all over the world! It seems that the wild card is worth it." Tai Li was very pleased. I thought happily.

At this time, the spokesperson of the Australian Open also finished introducing the relevant situation, and it was time for reporters to ask questions.

"Will Zhang Guan really want to participate in this year's Australian Open?" The first reporter asked the most relevant question for everyone.

The spokesman immediately said: "Yes. Zhang Guan is determined to participate in this year's Australian Open."

There was a commotion in the group of reporters below.

However, after a brief commotion, the second reporter stood up and asked, "Zhang Guan is a track and field athlete. Is he eligible to participate in tennis Grand Slam events?"

"Zhang Guan participated with a wild card, which is in line with the rules of the game. Another point I want to correct is that Zhang Guan is not only a track and field athlete, but also a professional tennis player. He has a professional tennis association (ATP) Therefore, our organizing committee believes that there is nothing wrong with a professional tennis player of the Professional Tennis Federation holding a wild card to participate in the Australian Open." The spokesman smiled.

Another reporter asked: "As far as I know, Zhang Guan was suspended at the end of last month, so is his participation in the Australian Open a violation of the rules?"

"No, no, no, no violation at all!" The spokesperson shook his head, and continued: "The ones that suspended Zhang Guan are the relevant organizations that manage track and field, and Zhang Guan is currently participating in a tennis match. I want to manage the relevant organizations of track and field. , should have no right to interfere with a tennis player participating in a tennis match!"

The press conference was still going on, no one noticed, a reporter was whispering on the phone in the corner.

"Chris Guccioni, is that the men's doubles player? He wants to break the news? What? The right to participate in this wild card match originally belonged to Guccioni? Zhang Guan's wild card was bought with money?" Reporter Feeling that he had caught a big fish, he then asked: "Does Guccioni have evidence? There is no evidence, it's just speculation..."

Hearing that it was just guesswork, the reporter sighed in disappointment. After thinking about it carefully, he said, "Okay, I will go to this Guccioni for an exclusive interview, but I will declare in advance that no matter what Whether what he said is true or false, I will not take any legal responsibility."

The fourth is delivered, please ask for the next monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. The fifth update is also half written, and I will try to post it at nine o'clock.

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