All-round Athlete

Chapter 203 Anti-lore

Chapter 203 Anti-lore

Saladino finished his last trial jump. At present, his best result is the same as Zhang Guan's, both are 8.58 meters.

But according to the long jump rules, when the best results of two players are the same, the second best results will be compared, if the second best results are also the same, the third best results will be compared, and so on. To determine who is the winner. An extra playoff will only occur if all scores are equal, which is highly unlikely. There are six attempts in the long jump competition, and the results are the same six times. Only the failure of all six attempts is the one with the highest probability of occurrence.

According to the current results ranking, the best results of Saladino and Zhang Guan are both 8.58 meters, but the second best result of Saladino is 8.54 meters, and Zhang Guan only completed one trial jump. The score is zero, so Saladino is ranked first at this time.

Saladino's game was over, and he didn't need to go back to the athlete preparation area. He walked to the sidelines, hugged his coach, posed for the camera as a winner, and then started to celebrate , as if at this moment he has won the long jump championship.

The next moment, the camera suddenly switched to Zhang Guan, and Zhang Guan didn't show any surprise at all, but was slightly surprised.

"The stability of Saladino's trial jump just now has improved a lot. Athletes of this kind of world champion level are indeed extremely strong in mental quality. If an athlete of average level, in the situation just now, he may be able to jump." It’s not bad to play at 80% of the level!”

Although he was an opponent, Zhang Guan still praised Saladino in his heart. He was able to keep calm in the final fight, without looking forward and backward, and then stably played his own level. This strength is enough to win respect.

But when it comes to playing calmly, no one can compare to Zhang Guan. Although he jumped 8.58 meters just now, Zhang Guan did not give full play. He is more of the effect after equipping the long jump shoes in the experimental system. He is confident that he can jump farther.

"Saladino will definitely feel that he has completed the lore, but if I complete the anti-lore, the game will be more exciting!" Zhang Guan walked to the run-up area while thinking.


"Saladino! Saladino's last effort did not disappoint us! 8.58 meters, although this result is the same as Zhang Guan's, but Saladino's second best result is 8.54 meters, and only Zhang Guan, who successfully completed a trial jump, did not have the second result, so Saladino ranked first! He completed the overtake at the last moment! This can almost be said to be a lore!"

The commentator went on to say: "Of course, the competition is not over yet. Zhang Guan still has his last trial jump left. Since Zhang Guan has only completed one trial jump, he also has no third result. If he does it next time If you jump 8.54 meters in the trial jump, Zhang Guan will still lose to Saladino compared to the third best result, so Zhang Guan must jump at least 8.55 meters to beat Saladino! Oh, Zhang Guan is on the stage !"

The shouts of the audience resounded all over the world. Like Saladino, Zhang Guan also kept raising his arms and waving them. The audience really liked it, and the rhythmic applause immediately rang out.

"I still remember that when I participated in the Athens Olympics, the audience gave her such applause before Isinbayeva took off. At that time, I was very envious of Isinbayeva, and now I finally enjoy this kind of treatment. " Zhang Guan silently recalled that two years ago, the fire in his heart began to blaze.

The countdown hadn't started yet, and the referee didn't urge Zhang Guan. The last jump was another one that would determine the outcome. Of course, the referee wouldn't be so offended. Besides, the atmosphere of the audience in the arena is becoming more and more enthusiastic, and the TV ratings are also increasing rapidly. The organizers are eager to delay the rhythm of the competition a little bit.

The atmosphere at the scene was even more enthusiastic than when Saladino completed the last jump. It was like breaking a bottle of strong old wine.

This atmosphere made Saladino feel a little nervous, and his legs began to tremble involuntarily.

"Zhang Guan has to jump to 8.55 meters to beat me. It is impossible. Since the third trial jump, he has given up two consecutive trial jumps. His body must have cooled down. Lack of adjustments in the previous trial jumps, the latter It’s impossible to jump out of a good result.” Saladino thought silently, his eyes fixed on Zhang Guan in the run-up area.

At the same time, the discussions of several other athletes also reached Saladino's ears.

I saw the South African athlete Mokuna said: "It's such a pity, Zhang Guan should not give up the first two trials, even if he only jumped out of the first two trials, it will not be as good as it is now." Passive. Especially for the fifth trial jump just now, he really should try it out. Even if he can’t jump well, he can at least use the trial jump to adjust his physical condition. I think this time Zhang Guan It is impossible to achieve good results, and now Zhang Guan must be regretting giving up the first two attempts!"

American player Dwight Phillips said, "I don't think so. Although Zhang Guan did not give up the first two attempts, don't forget that his third attempt was also without any adjustments." , I started to jump directly, and still jumped out of 8.58 meters. I think it is possible to jump out of 8.5 meters or more with Zhang Guan’s strength. What I worry about is his mentality, whether his mentality can still As stable as ever."

Mokuna suddenly realized and nodded: "This should be the first time for Zhang Guan to participate in the long jump in an international competition! He must be very lacking in competition experience. At such a critical moment, mental quality is better than physical quality." It is even more critical. If Zhang Guan cannot stabilize his mentality, I am afraid that this trial jump will not perform well.”

"But it's pretty good." Phillips continued: "Zhang Guan won a silver medal in the long jump competition for the first time. In the international competition, they didn't even make it to the top eight!"


"There is only one step left to the championship!" Coach Li's breathing became more and more rapid. He could feel every organ in him trembling. His mind was already in chaos and it was really difficult for him to control his mood.

Although Coach Li is not as experienced as the coach, he is still considered the best coach in the country. There is no one who can stay in the national team as a coach.

But Coach Li never expected that the athletes he brought out could win medals or even win championships in international competitions. In Coach Li's subconscious mind, it is already a great victory for Chinese athletes to be able to jump into the top eight in international competitions.

At the beginning of the competition, Zhang Guan gave up the first two trial jumps one after another because he wanted to participate in the 100m and 400m. Coach Li was already disappointed. He didn’t think that Zhang Guan could enter the top eight with just one jump. , and when Zhang Guan jumped 8.58 meters, Coach Li was more excited than anyone else.

After the fourth and fifth jumps, Saladino did not achieve better results, which made Coach Li feel like a champion, but the sense of unreality in his heart became more and more intense. It was a dream, but how he wished to stay in the dream for a while longer.

Then, Saladino also jumped 8.58 meters, directly bringing Coach Li's dream back to reality. At this time, Coach Li realized for the first time that the world champion, who had already obtained, might be about to fly.

Coach Li was extremely disappointed, he didn't know how to face all this, and he had never faced such a situation before.

"Zhang Guan has his last trial jump. Can he jump to 8.55 meters? 8.55 meters! It's too difficult! He only has one chance. Hey... Maybe I just thought too much when I saw it. The champion really It's still too far away, a silver medal is not bad."

Coach Li shook his head in a self-deprecating manner, and at this moment, he held up so that someone patted his shoulder from behind. Coach Li turned his head and found that Director Yu was already standing behind him.

"Trust him! You are his coach, so you should trust him even more! Believe that he can create miracles!" Director Yu looked at Zhang Guan in the run-up area, and his tone was extremely firm.

Coach Li was taken aback for a moment, he looked at Director Yu in surprise, he didn't understand what Director Yu said, but he could feel the firmness of Director Yu.


Zhang Guan was already ready for the run-up. At this time, the referee also signaled the timer to start the countdown. Next, Zhang Guan only needs to start this trial jump within 1 minute.

Zhang Guan took a deep breath, thought about the precautions for this jump in his mind, and then started to run. He quickly increased his speed to the extreme, and then gradually approached the springboard. When Zhang Guan's foot stepped on the springboard, there was a crisp sound of "bang".

The referee at the springboard was staring at the marking line, and at the moment Zhang Guan took off, the distance between his toes clearly indicated that there was still some distance.

"No foul!" The referee was about to raise the white flag.

At this time, Zhang Guan's body was already flying in the air.

"Huh?" Saladino became more nervous, judging from the height of Zhang Guan's jump this time, the result of this jump must be good.

"I hope it doesn't reach 8.55 meters!" Saladino began to pray silently.

The audience all stared at the sand pool, but the distance was too far, and few people could see the markings clearly. On the contrary, the audience watching TV could see it more clearly. A virtual red line is drawn in the middle, as long as Zhang Guan can finally cross this red line, it can be declared that Zhang Guan has won the gold medal.

Soar into the air and fall. Zhang Guan's feet hadn't touched the ground yet, but he had already surpassed the red line in the air.

"Leap over! Zhang Guan! Successful anti-lore!"

The second chapter will be delivered, and there will be a third chapter in the evening, asking for a monthly ticket. Thanks to book friend liu with tail number 5757, Kanhai Kaixinxin trumpet, bookworm qay, book friend tail number 2011, coolcoolmenm, mosquito Su, and I love fantasy. Fantasy, nguice, the eternal promise of the gods, four fires, the waiting hook, veinyu, piggy riding backwards 1, "" Onizuka, cow B, super, M, Xiaoxian, Shudongtianxia, ​​six eight equals forty-two , 99***92 reward, thank you!

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