All-round Athlete

Chapter 160 The King of Track and Field 9.7 seconds mark! (At the third watch, thank you for the mea

Chapter 160 The King of Track and Field 9.7 seconds mark! (At the third watch, thank you for the meal, and show off the popularity)

"Set..." The starter raised his gun, followed by a gunshot, and the game officially started.

The first one to rush out was not Zhang Guan, Powell, or Montgomery, but the Nigerian player, Orusoki Fasuba, known as the "African crown". This greatly exceeded everyone's expectations,

And then, to everyone's surprise, Fasuba took the lead, ahead of all the other athletes.

Fasuba showed extraordinary explosive power and acceleration. At least in the first 20 meters, his acceleration was the fastest. Even Zhang Guan, who was in full condition, couldn't accelerate as fast as Fasuba.

"It's such a strong instant acceleration ability. If you run 60 meters, there will definitely be some advantages." Zhang Guan sighed suddenly in his heart. There is a skill called "Instant Speed" in his skill column, which can improve the athlete's ability to accelerate instantly , but Zhang Guan didn't learn it, because to learn instant speed, you need to learn the two skills "strong knee" and "strong ankle". Zhang Guan feels that it is a bit wasteful, and it is also described in the "instantaneous speed" skill. Can cause damage to the knee and ankle joints. Physical injury was also the last thing Zhang Guan wanted to see.

In fact, in the 100-meter sprint, everyone listens to the gun and starts together, which means that the body reacts at the same time. On the same starting line, it seems that the acceleration is slightly faster than others, and there is not much advantage. In other sports, such as basketball or football, players have to make judgments based on changes in the game. The opponent makes an action, and then responds according to the opponent's action. This requires a reaction time, so the matchup If one of two athletes accelerates faster, it has an advantage.

The lead of the first 30 meters is not considered a lead, and a little bit of acceleration is not very useful. The competition in the 100-meter sprint is still the athlete's extreme speed and speed endurance.

So in the first 30 meters, Fasuba has been in the leading position, but after 30 meters, the situation on the field began to change rapidly.

The first is Montgomery. As a short athlete, his sprinting technique must be the high-frequency stepping method. The high-frequency stepping method has a greater advantage in acceleration and good stability. At thirty meters, he overtook Fasuba.

After 40 meters, Zhang Guan and Powell caught up with Fasuba almost at the same time, and then passed him.

At 50 meters, Montgomery was in a slight lead. This slight lead was not even an advantage, followed by Zhang Guan and Powell, who were neck and neck. At this moment, audiences throughout Europe knew that the contest between the three of them had just officially begun.


Montgomery was running fast, but the experience of the past two years kept flashing through his mind.

"In the past two years, although I have been suspended, I have never given up on training, even though I suffer from blind eyes every day, even if I have to endure ridicule every day, even if I spend all my savings... I know that sooner or later, I will definitely be able to return to the game! I will definitely be able to return to the top! Today is the moment for me to prove to the world!"

The fire of hope quickly spread in Montgomery's heart, and finally turned into power, spread in his body, and spread to every bone, every muscle, every drop of blood, and every cell in him. Then, Montgomery got even faster.


"As expected of Montgomery, the former world record holder. Even after two years away from the field, he still has such a strong strength. He must have been training continuously in the past two years!" Powell's thoughts flashed in his mind instantly, At the same time, Zhang Guan flashed by his side.

"It's Zhang Guan! He's still accelerating? He can still speed up!" Powell felt that his speed was close to the limit. After running this distance, other athletes should be similar to Powell, but Zhang Guan was not like this. His speed Far from reaching the limit, he can go even faster!

Powell has the experience of being defeated by Zhang Guan many times. At present, Zhang Guan has five chances to break the world record in the men's 100-meter sprint event, and three of them are in the same field as Powell. Already getting used to it, he wasn't as surprised as the previous few times.

But Montgomery was different.

"It's overtaken! It's Zhang Guan? How is this possible? He can still speed up? Where is his speed limit? Can his Achilles tendon bear it if he runs so fast?" A series of question marks rolled out of Montgomery's mind. At this moment, the flame of hope that had just been ignited was mercilessly extinguished by Zhang Guan.


"Overtake! He overtook Powell and Montgomery! He quickly opened up the distance, and he took the lead! He took the lead! Crossed the line..." The voice of the commentary on the scene increased several decibels, but was still quickly moved by the voices of the audience cover.

Twenty-five meters before the finish line, Zhang Guan quickly completed the overtaking of Powell and Montgomery, and then in the next fifteen meters, opened the leading distance, and then completed the crossing line. For a world-class 100-meter sprinter, it only takes about two seconds to run the last 25 meters, but these last two seconds are obviously the most exciting two seconds.

At the moment when Zhang Guan completed the transcendence, whether it was the scene or the audience in front of the TV, the secretion of adrenaline would instantly increase, and the feeling of tension and excitement would also be raised to the extreme. When Zhang Guan crossed the line, this kind of The tension and excitement were relieved, and the secretion of adrenaline became much more normal. However, the number that appeared next caused a burst of adrenaline secretion again!


"9 seconds 7! Zhang Guan ran to the 9.7 mark!" Director Ma shouted first, this one was like a thunderbolt on the ground, which brought the somewhat shocked Director Yu back to his senses.

In the history of human sprinting, at the beginning, integer seconds were used as the checkpoint, such as the 10-second mark. And when humans run into 10 seconds, this level will start to be calculated in tenths of a second, 9.9 seconds mark, 9.8 seconds mark and so on.

Back then, experts predicted that the limit of the 100-meter sprint was 9.90 seconds, and then Carl Lewis broke the so-called limit with a time of 9.86 seconds. Then experts proposed that 9.80 seconds is the limit of the 100-meter sprint for human beings, but Morris Green told the world with 9.79 seconds that the experts were wrong. Then experts pointed out that 9.70 seconds is the limit of the 100-meter sprint for human beings, and it will take at least 30 years for human beings to achieve this result.

But today, this theory of experts has become a joke again. Since the 2004 Athens Olympics, Zhang Guan has broken the world record of the 100 meters five times in a row in more than a year, raising the world record from 9.78 seconds to 9.72 seconds. seconds, and today, he reached the mark of 9.70 seconds!

On the TV, the narrator became full of exclamation: "My God! It's unbelievable! Zhang Guan ran to 9.70 seconds! The wind speed is normal, and this result is valid! I really don't know what to say. Zhang Guan once again broke through the limit of human beings! He is only 20 years old this year, and he ran a time of 9.70 seconds at the age of 20. I can be sure that one day in the future, he will be able to surpass this number and enter 9.70 seconds Within seconds. I used to think that 9.70 seconds was the limit of human beings, but today I found out that I was wrong! Now I really don’t know, where is the limit of human beings in the 100-meter movement? 9.70 seconds is obviously not human. The limit, maybe 9.60 seconds, or 9.50 seconds..."

The coaching staff, at this time, Director Ma and Director Yu did not make any gestures of celebration. They just stared blankly at the results board, looking like a pair of frustrated mental patients.

Over the past year, Zhang Guan has continuously broken the world record for the 100-meter sprint. Every time they are ecstatic, they dance and celebrate to express their inner joy. I was very happy, but at this time another emotion completely overwhelmed the joy.

This is shocking!

If you say that you run within 9.75 seconds, everyone will be surprised, excited, and delighted, then running to the 9.70-second mark will bring you the shock!

Both the audience and the coaches, including the athletes who competed with Zhang Guan, were shocked by the number of 9.70 seconds. The athletes who crossed the finish line stared blankly at the huge timing board, and even Powell, who was familiar with Zhang Guan, forgot to step up to celebrate Zhang Guan.

"9.70 seconds? Is this the young people of today? How could they be so powerful! It's only been two years since I left! How come the world record has become 9.70 seconds!" Montgomery felt that he seemed a little out of touch with the times.

Three years ago, when Montgomery broke the world record with a time of 9.78 seconds, he stood at the pinnacle of the world at that time. The pinnacle of the world at that time was already unattainable for him, he could only look up!

The distance between 9.78 seconds and 9.70 seconds, for Montgomery, who is just 30 years old, is a river that will never pass.


Turning to the battle zone, Jeremy Variner's expression was not as relaxed as before.

"9.70 seconds! Unexpectedly, I witnessed such a race. Humans ran to the 9.70-second mark!" Wariner stared at Zhang Guan silently, thinking to himself.

Coach Hart said from the side: "9.70 seconds, this at least proves that Zhang Guan is in a very good state today. Although he only has more than an hour of rest time, don't forget that he has a very unique ability to control his physical strength. Methods."

"I understand!" Varina nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "Coach, Zhang Guan ran to the 9.70-second mark. Do you think I can run to the 43-second mark?"

Hart was taken aback for a moment, and then he patted Varina on the shoulder: "Jeremy, you are the best 400-meter runner in the world. Everyone calls you Michael Johnson's successor, but I always believe that One day, you will be able to surpass Michael Johnson! The 43-second mark for the 400-meter sprint, I believe you will be able to do it!"

Added more delivery, thank you leader for eating show 100,000 points popular! Today is also the third watch, so I have the audacity to ask for a monthly pass!

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