All-in-one Sign

Chapter 599 The world is changing too fast

Some people try their best to be noticed by others, while some people don't want to show off but can always focus on others.

No matter how low-key Xu Ang is, no matter how he weakens his sense of existence, when the time slowly reaches the moment when NASDAQ opens, he will be like a searchlight in the dark, making it impossible for people to ignore his existence.

"I'm a hard worker."

Walking to the stage, Xu Ang teased himself first, and then he pressed the button with the speed of a jingle bell.


The operation stunned everyone.

Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?

Shouldn't I express my thoughts, shout an auspicious slogan, and press it again?

No matter what, you have to say one, two, three.

We are not mentally prepared for you.

A group of people in the audience looked at each other in blank dismay, with countless words in their hearts but didn't know where to start, but in the next moment they put everything aside and focused on the stock price.



"It's going up!"

"Haha, it's rising so fast!"

Stand tall and see far away, and a good view is good. Everyone's reaction was caught by Xu Ang on the stage. As the number representing the stock price continued to rise, the people in the audience became more excited than before.

No, to be precise, hyperactivity.

Before, everyone was still a little apprehensive, fearing that something unexpected would happen, but now this worry is gone.

sent! sent!

This is the voice that is shouting in everyone's heart.

The higher the stock price of the blind box company, the wealth of these shareholders who enjoy unequal shares will rise accordingly.

Many people, especially the artists from Xiaoxiao Media, found that their net worth was constantly doubling and doubling again. This situation is especially obvious for newcomers like Liu Ruoxi and Brother Chao.

After all, they don't have much money themselves.

Facts have proved once again that going public is a movement of capital to create wealth.

The people in the audience were immersed in the ecstasy of the skyrocketing assets, while Xu Ang on the stage had a smile on his face, but his eyes were very clear.

The total market value of the blind box company after listing is only a few dollars, which is not enough to cause Xu Ang's mood to fluctuate.

Take a closer look, ten minutes have passed, and the market value has reached 20 million U.S. dollars, which seems to be pretty good in a horizontal comparison.

In fact, it's more than good, it's just amazing, okay?

Anyway, Goldman Sachs and Morgan, as well as representatives of Wall Street capitals that participated in the listing of the blind box company, were surprised. The stock price of the blind box company rose more than their estimates, which aroused a lot of discussion among these financial elites.

"It's because we can't keep up with the times, or the world is changing too fast."

The people at Morgan were confused that the stock price of the blind box company could break through their estimated value so quickly.

They are like this, so why not the people of Goldman Sachs.

"We have done such a detailed assessment of the blind box company's valuation, including Xu Ang's own influence. It stands to reason that a market value of 20 million US dollars is the most ideal state it can achieve, but why did it break through? Is it still going up after 20 million?"

The smart people on Wall Street have estimated that companies like Blind Box Company have no production lines, no physical factory buildings, and even the copyrights of their products are purchased from other companies under the name of Xu Ang. Outside the office, there is not even a serious venue, let alone physical assets.

Shareholders of such three-none companies are willing to buy it. It is already a shame to prevent the stock of the blind box company from falling below the issue price. It is impossible to be sought after by the stock market.

Do you really think that our stockholders in the United States are fools?

This is the United States, the most powerful country in the world and the only superpower in the entire world. We have the most developed financial system and the most mature stockholders.

Even if we Wall Street elites want to get money from their pockets, we have to die a lot of brain cells, and we may not succeed.

You, Xu Ang, a Chinese, come from such a backward place, and you want us Americans to pay for it based on a single concept. You are too overestimating yourself.

In fact, at the beginning, many people on Wall Street were prepared to see a joke.

Even Wall Street capital such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan, who participated in the investment, also had the idea of ​​making a three-shot. Anyway, it didn't cost much to them, so it was just an attempt.

It is also thanks to Xu Ang's undefeated record that they are interested in participating.

Capital has always had the greatest tolerance for successful people, especially those who have been successful. Even if capital thinks your project has no future, they will not give up the opportunity to participate in the investment.

Twenty minutes after the Nasdaq opened, the total market value of the blind box company exceeded 30 million US dollars.

Everyone who was tired of cheering got excited again after seeing this.

The elites on Wall Street looked at each other in blank dismay. They don't want to talk now, because countless problems have already filled their minds and they have no time to do other things.

It is said that the United States has the most mature investors?

Why are you so in pursuit of a guy who has almost no real assets and is no different from a leather bag company who makes money just based on concepts?

The Huaxia people can earn your money with a single concept, it’s not too easy, but when it comes to us, we financial elites have to rack their brains if we want to earn even a penny from you, and we still have to be scolded by you, Complaining endlessly.

Comparing the two, the elites on Wall Street are not convinced.

They wanted to ask: Where did we lose?

Where did you lose?

Xu Ang smiled secretly: Times have changed, my lord.

Times have changed since the day Netscape went public.

In the past, stockholders of Laomi focused on industry, thinking that the company needs to have enough assets to cover the bottom line, so that people can buy their stocks with confidence.

However, after Netscape went public, Internet companies based on the virtual network of the Internet began to appear on the stage. Shareholders no longer use the number of physical assets they own as the only criterion for measuring whether a listed company is optimistic about the stock. What they value is the company's future prospects, and what they invest in is not the present, but the future.

Whether the blind box company's products can sell well depends not on itself, nor on Xu Ang's factories in Detroit, but whether the movies authorized by the blind box company are box office hits. As long as the movie box office sells well, the figure figures and movie peripherals inside will become bestsellers, so the blind box company's blind box is worth a gamble.

With Xu Ang's record after accepting Pixar Studios, which Pixar movie is not a blockbuster?

As long as Xu Ang's myth in the film and television industry is not broken for a day, and as long as Pixar's films continue to make money, the blind box company's performance will not need to worry.

Just ask, how can shareholders ignore such a company, and how can they not be optimistic about it?

An hour later, the blind box company's market value reached 50 million, and the upward momentum of its stock price flattened out.

"That's it. It is estimated that the market value will reach 80 million at the close of the market, and the peak will be 100 million U.S. dollars."

After taking the microphone, Xu Ang didn't care about all the people in the audience who made repeated efforts to cheer up again because of his words, he made a gesture to signal to the others: I have something to say, so please be quiet.

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