All-in-one Sign

Chapter 596

"Yes, I am the winner."

"Yes, I am the lucky one you mentioned."

There was a sullen face on the TV screen, a white man proudly posted his bank text message, and the number transferred on it made countless people envious and jealous, wishing to replace it.

But the white man didn't restrain himself at all. Facing the camera interviewed by the Pixar TV reporter, he was still boasting: "Don't think that I won the lottery only because of luck. In fact, I rely on my brain."

Pointing to his head, the white man chattered endlessly: "After I knew Huaxia Xu's promise to the audience, I used my clever brain to calculate, and immediately calculated that the probability of being drawn by Xu is higher than buying a lottery ticket. So when Pixar pre-sold tickets for their next movie, I was one of the first buyers."

"Unlike other buyers, I bought more than one. You have to know that the odds of winning with just one movie ticket are not as high as a hundred more. When you buy a pre-sale movie ticket And happy, foolishly waiting for good luck to hit his head, the smart Harris has already used his smart brain to think of a way to increase the chance of winning the lottery, and put it into action with his excellent execution ability."

Harris is bragging about himself, telling others about his method of success in the tone of teaching others, and his smug look really makes people want to give him a shot.

"This old Mi is not reserved at all. After winning the lottery, he is so high-profile, and I don't worry that extreme joy will turn into sadness."

Xu Ang turned off the TV and walked out the door.

That being said, if one were to ask about Xu Ang's attitude, he would naturally agree with Harris' actions.

Harris' high-profile will become a booster. The more flatter his face is, the more unpleasant it is to see, and the more people will want to slap him in the face. At the same time, more and more people want to be him.

Who doesn't want the chance to be on TV and act in front of thousands of viewers?

And if you want to become the second Harris, the chances of just waiting foolishly are really too small.

Xu Ang believes that with such a successful example of Harris, the 'smart' old ricers will burst out with unimaginable enthusiasm. The behavior of one person with multiple votes and repeated purchases will benefit Pixar Studios a lot at the box office, and it will also boost the stock price of the blind box company.

After going out, Xu Ang saw that although it was not yet dawn, there were already many people waiting.

Today is the day when the blind box company goes public, and many people got up early.

Some of them came to Xiaoxiao Media from China. Even though the time difference had not been adjusted, these people were in high spirits, and there was no trace of fatigue on their excited faces.

Xu Ang raised his hand to greet them: "Teacher Ge, Uncle Daoming, Jun Qi, all got up earlier than me."

Whether they are famous or not, whether they are big stars or small artists, as long as they are from Xiaoxiao Media, Xu Ang greets them one by one.

Facts have proved that people in high positions can get along quite happily if they are willing to lower their status.

As the boss, Xu Ang didn't leave any employee behind, and didn't ignore you because of your different status in the company, which made everyone feel respected. Especially newcomers like Zhao Junqi, Ziyi and the others have increased their sense of belonging to the company.

Zheng Jiajia and Sister Hua led the company's artists to welcome them.

"It's not that you got up late, it's because we couldn't sleep and got up too early. Look, boss, it's not even light yet."

Pointing to the sky that was not clear yet, Zheng Jiajia said.

Xu Ang told her: "This place in the United States is different from China. The security here is very difficult to say. I warn the artists in the company to be careful."

In Huaxia, you can sit on the side of the road in the early morning and eat skewers at ease, but here at Lao Mi, you can try walking at night, and see if you can meet a few waves of heroes who rob the road.

Many people in China know too little about the country of the United States. They always think that Laomi is more developed and everything is better than in China, and they regret it when they suffer.

Xu Ang didn't want his artists and company employees to have that kind of experience.

Sister Hua explained: "Boss, don't worry, this is a rich area, and the law and order has always been good. Besides, Mr. Zheng and I restrained people in the hotel and didn't let them go out."

"That's the best."

After talking with Zheng Jiajia and Sister Hua, and explaining the precautions, when the two left, there were already three beauties standing beside Xu Ang.

Tang Lu held Xu Ang's arm, Yang Xiaomi and Zhao Xiaodai were left and right, and the three women almost occupied the space beside Xu Ang.

Seeing this posture, many female artists who had thoughts about Xu Ang felt their teeth itch with hatred.

"These three women joined forces, bah, shameless, vixen."

"The boss is everyone's boss, how can they do this!"

Too good hearing is sometimes inconvenient, like now, Xu Ang can't hear a lot of gossip.

For those women who were smiling and didn't show any malice on their faces, but whispered in the corner, and glanced at him from time to time, Xu Ang not only couldn't expose them, but also had to pretend that nothing happened, so that he could It's hard to break.

I'm just a director, and I'm proficient in directing skills, not an actor, so what's the point of testing my acting skills?

"I should be in the room, not here."

Xu Ang muttered.

Although his voice was low, Tang Lu and the others could hear him clearly.

Tang Lu pinched his waist indiscriminately, signaling him not to take advantage of it and act good.

Yang Xiaomi is a play

With a joking smile, he posted it and whispered in Xu Ang's ear: "My boss, today is your day of great joy, you should be happy."

This seems to be right, but after careful consideration, there is ambiguity.

The goblin!

The women who paid attention to Xu Ang's place cursed secretly, Yang Xiaomi, a goblin, had heard that she was close to the boss, and finally saw her today.

Female stars in the entertainment industry are all confident in themselves, especially in terms of appearance.

Some people ask themselves that they are no worse than Yang Xiaomi, and they will definitely be able to do what Yang Xiaomi can do.

In the eyes of these women, Xu Ang is like a Tang monk who went to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, which is called an incense. Female goblins and female Bodhisattvas all want to jump on them, even if they take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms, they will not hesitate.

Xu Ang glared at Yang Xiaomi, and warned the little fairy not to play with fire at will, otherwise she would not be able to bear the consequences.

Then, he saw Zhao Xiaodai who had been very quiet.

Ever since this girl met Xu Ang, although her brows were very excited, she didn't talk much.

In the eyes of these women, Xu Ang is like a Tang monk who went to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, which is called an incense. Female goblins and female Bodhisattvas all want to jump on them, even if they take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms, they will not hesitate.

Xu Ang glared at Yang Xiaomi, and warned the little fairy not to play with fire at will, otherwise she would not be able to bear the consequences.

Then, he saw Zhao Xiaodai who had been very quiet.

Ever since this girl met Xu Ang, although her brows were very excited, she didn't talk much.

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