All-in-one Sign

Chapter 548 You are also worthy to be my mistress

Snakes have snake ways, rats have mouse ways.

Sometimes what is difficult for you becomes easy for someone else to do it, even if this person is far inferior to you.

If Xu Ang was asked to deal with the demolition, there might be some troubles, but Zhang Ada did it surprisingly smoothly, and the discussion with the owners of those courtyard houses took less than three days The time has been negotiated.

Xu Ang was amazed by the speed and efficiency.

But after seeing the people brought by Zhang Ada, Xu Ang was no longer surprised.

"Hello Boss Xu, my humble Bai San, just call me Xiao San."

Bai San was Zhong Junye's creditor, if it wasn't for this person, Xu Ang's desire to buy Zhong Junye's old house might not have been so smooth. If this local bastard was assisting Zhang Ada, it would explain why the demolition agreement was completed so quickly.

When an ordinary person meets a legitimate developer, it is unlikely that there will be greedy people who want to open their mouths and beat the developer hard.

If you don't meet my requirements, I won't move out. It depends on whether your developer's loss is greater or mine.

But under the premise of making compensation according to the normal national demolition standards, or even a little higher, let Bai San go to talk with them door to door, and there are definitely very few people who dare to do that.

There are no useless people, only people who can't use people.

Little three!

Xu Ang raised his eyebrows.

just you?


You are also worthy to be my mistress?

"This... Bai Sanye." Xu Ang paused for a moment, then said with a smile, "We've met before."

Bai San waved his hands again and again: "Don't! Don't say that, just call me Xiaobai."

As expected of someone who can make a name for himself on the street, from Xu Ang's pause, Bai San could see that the other party didn't want to call him that. After thinking about it in his heart, he found that the name "Xiao San" was indeed ambiguous, so he immediately changed it.

"You're older than me, so it's wrong for me to call you Xiaobai." Xu Ang asked him, "What's your real name?"

Bai San replied: "My name is Bai Shan, the mountain of Dashan."

"Then I'll call you Dashan."

Xu Ang asked someone to pour a glass of red wine for Bai Shan, who quickly took it with both hands.

"Dashan, you helped me this time. We will be friends from now on. If you have difficulties, you can ask them. I will help you if you can."

Friends and the like are just talk, but in fact it is just an exchange.

You did me a small favor, and I don't mind giving you a hand in what I consider a small favor.

The world of adults is so simple, direct and philistine, and it has another name - the exchange of interests.

I just knew it was.

Bai Shan secretly sighed in his heart, although he also knew that it was wishful thinking for a person like him to help Xu Ang with such a trivial favor, but who doesn't have any dreams.

He is not an old salted fish who has tasted it, and he still has the desire to stand up after all.

Now that the fantasy is shattered, let's get real.

Bai Shan immediately adjusted his mood, and carefully asked Xu Ang for advice: "I am in my thirties, and I can't compare with those young people in their teens or twenties. How long this bowl of rice can last is a question. Boss Xu You are an expert, Baishan would be grateful if I could trouble you to point out the way."

There is no long-term life in the rivers and lakes. When you are young, you can fight and rush. If you don’t find a way for yourself when you are older, you will just wait to become a missing person.

Otherwise, why do those gangsters want to wash their hands when they have some capital?

But those who can successfully go ashore are a minority after all, and even if they manage to do so, they will have to be stripped down.

Although someone like Bai Shan is not yet old enough to be completely immovable, but there are still a few years left, he has to think about his future.

Don't look at Baishan's majesty, only he knows the anxiety in his heart, otherwise when Zhang Ada approached him, he wouldn't be so quick to agree to help.

"Finding sideways is indeed not the right way."

Xu Ang expressed his understanding to Bai Shan. He held up two fingers and said to Bai Shan: "I have two ways here. First, you also know that I have invested in the film and television industry, and the crew of the film and television industry often needs When dealing with local people, the company will handle the obvious matters, but not everything will be put on the table, which also needs to be handled by people. If you are confident that you can do it well, you can go to Xiaoxiao Media to try.”

Bai Shan's face was obviously disturbed, the crew, of course, both black and white must be taken into account, otherwise it is impossible to make a good film. Not to mention that there are many handsome men and beautiful women in the film and television industry, and more importantly, money is said to be very easy to earn.

Of course, this is the cognition of outsiders like Baishan. In fact, money in the film and television industry is not as easy to earn as the public thinks.

The simplest example, how many actors are there in this circle, and how many are known to the public, shows the fierce competition.

If you want to make a name for yourself in the film and television industry, the chances of being admitted in the national examination are much higher than it.

The mind moved back to the mind, Baishan still retained a trace of clarity, he sighed dejectedly: "I can't do this."

He, Baishan, is only a small person in these four or nine cities, not to mention the whole country, that is a field where only a few big gangsters can get involved, and other people can only watch no matter how greedy they are.

There is nothing more depressing in the world than the opportunity that lies in front of you, but you can only do nothing because of your lack of ability.

"The second way, you have to make full use of your existing advantages of familiarity and many friends. You met Lao Zhang, and I happen to be interested in old things, why don't I set up a game. I will fund it,

70% of the shares, old Zhang’s family history, 20% of the shares, you are responsible for avoiding some troubles, 10% of the shares, we also do antique business. "

Zhang Ada smiled awkwardly, of course he knew what Xu Ang was talking about about his family background.

Well, it's hard to say, and it's not nice to hear, so I can only be so euphemistic.

Bai Shan wondered, "Turn away the old things?"

"It's a legal antique exchange, and we're doing a legitimate business."

Xu Ang nodded to him as a correction and a reminder.

"Gold in troubled times, antiques in prosperous times. I am optimistic about the future. It will be a prosperous China. At that time, many old objects that are not valued by people will be a big business. We have money and technology..." Pointing to Baishan, Xu Ang said, "... There are people. It is absolutely possible to enter the market first, and after the name is established, there will be income. What do you think, Dashan?"

You ask me how do I feel?

Of course it's good, it couldn't be better.

Baishan knew that this was a good opportunity for him to wash his hands and go ashore. If he missed this village, there would be no such shop.

A person like him, when he was young, only cared about being brave and ruthless. He had no education, no knowledge, and a dirty foundation. Xu Angken gave him the opportunity, Baishan is very grateful, how could he be so stupid as to refuse.

"Then it's settled. I'll ask someone to draw up the contract. You can sign it after reading it. As for the location of the shop, do you have any suggestions?"

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Ada replied, "Of course it's Pan Jiayuan."

Bai Shan continued, "Panjiayuan is the most famous, and Liulichang is also good."

"Then you should pay more attention to it. It's best to buy it if you have a shop. If you don't rent it, you can do it."

Bai Shan patted his chest and agreed: "Just take a look, I can give you an answer in a day at most."

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