All-in-one Sign

Chapter 529 Film and television are the product of capital piled up

The arrangement of the company's artist roles is very simple. Now Brother Chao and Brother Zhanlang have not achieved fame, and they have no pomp and temper.

In fact, even if they did, they wouldn't show off. After all, it was Xu Ang who arranged this.

There are several domestic film and television companies, from the beginning of the country, down to the grass stage team, who can bloom as much as Xiaoxiao Media, movies and TV dramas are released at the same time, and there are more than one opening at the same time.

The most important thing is that Xiaoxiao Media has money.

What is the film and television industry?



The product of capital accumulation.

If you don't believe it, think about it carefully. Which movies and TV series don't need to spend money, and it's not a matter of spending a little bit on the big production side, it's burning money.

Without the participation of capital, can the film and television industry work?

When it comes to capital, other than the national prefix, who can compare with Xu Ang. Looking at the Huaxia business circle at this time, it is even more so when it is reduced to the small pond of the entertainment circle.

With Xu Ang standing behind, Xiaoxiao Entertainment has the power to say no.

Some investors have to plug in a related household and give a good drama to the whole bad movie. If Xiaoxiao Media feels that the risk is too great after an internal evaluation, it will be fine to refuse it directly. Not like other colleagues in the country, they can only hold their noses and endure it.

The company's stubbornness is a good thing for the artists under the company.

Instead of being forced or semi-forced to do things that are not part of an actor's profession, they have more options.

Some artists can accept some things, but some artists are unwilling, and the latter cannot be deprived of their right to say no.

For the passive profession of an actor, Xiaoxiao Media is so attractive that no other domestic film and television company can compare it.

"The company has started shooting multiple dramas at the same time, and it must work hard on the channel to avoid the situation where the drama is not broadcast on a good platform after the drama is shot."

Xu Ang explained to Zheng Jiajia.

"I'm already preparing for the movie channel. Yu Dong is a very talented person. I believe he can do it well. But the TV channels are different. We try to make good friends with each local TV station, and we must also have priority."

TV stations are different from TV stations. For example, Hunan TV Station, which has always been ahead of its domestic counterparts, and Imperial Court TV Station, which has the advantage of crushing local stations.

Zheng Jiajia said: "It's like this, boss. We have had a cooperative relationship with Xiangnan Taiwan, and they are more in line with us in some ideas than the conservativeness of other local stations, so it is our key cooperation object, the imperial court. Relationship companies are also working hard to establish.”

"You'll be fine."

"Remember, eggs cannot be put in one basket, learn to spread the risk."

Xu Ang and Zheng Jiajia chatted about Xiaoxiao Media. He has already taken the lead in the domestic entertainment industry. Since he is ahead, he must continue to lead.

This kind of leadership is not only in terms of resources such as money channels, but also in ideological and strategic development.

Xu Ang instructed Zheng Jiajia: "The "Legend" operated by the company Wangyi is very popular. You can contact President Ding to see if you can cooperate."

Zheng Jiajia didn't react for a while and asked, "Boss, what do you mean?"

"I mean let the editors of the company write something based on the legendary background, use their imagination, and if the script is approved, they can make a TV series or even a movie."

"Game TV series and movies?"

Zheng Jiajia didn't expect to play like this, because it has never been done in the circle before.

Seeing her stunned look, Xu Ang went into more detail: "The game of the fire and the novel of the fire have one thing in common. They have been screened and tested by the market and are in line with the current market demand. The novel of the fire can be adapted. Movies and TV shows, why can’t games? Jiajia, it’s better to be more active in your thinking. You can’t hold the old idea that games are all things that delay people, and will make people lose their minds and ignore them subconsciously. The world is changing , society is progressing, if you want not to be eliminated, if you want to always be one step ahead, you must not fall behind mentally.”

Zheng Jiajia nodded quickly.

Xu Ang was right, she did subconsciously ignore the game.

This is no wonder she, everyone has been instilled in such a concept since childhood, that playing games is wrong, and that playing games is a big mistake, so they will have a mentality to stay away from them, and subconsciously will refuse to let the brain accept the idea of game information.

But I don't know that the times have changed. Under the impact of the tide of the commodity economy, many old concepts have to be changed.

"If this is the case, online games are one aspect, and stand-alone games should also be paid attention to." Zheng Jiajia responded quickly, and she immediately said, "Compared to online games, stand-alone games appeared earlier, and projects that have accumulated many fans after market screening are more popular. many."

"Then you have to be more attentive." When it comes to stand-alone games, Xu Ang thought of a classic, "Didn't Daewoo, who stayed in the bay, released a game called "Legend of Sword and Fairy" last year, go and buy its copyright. It is best to have full copyrights including comics, novels, TV series, etc."

"Okay, boss."

Zheng Jiajia memorized the keywords: Stay Bay, Daewoo, Legend of Sword and Fairy.

What Xu Ang specifically pointed out was definitely outstanding. Zheng Jiajia didn't dare to ignore this project, she would personally supervise it.

Zheng Jiajia didn't know that "The Legend of Sword and Fairy" is indeed a good project, and its star-making ability is not weak. Xu Ang does take it seriously, but what makes Xu Ang remember more is the project "Legend"

Development in film and television.

There is a word called big ip, which is a concept that will be valued in later generations.

With the popularity of "Legend" in China, if it is developed in a timely manner and willing to invest in it, it will definitely produce unexpected results.

Without that arrogant company that is short-sighted but doesn’t know where it came from, Goryeo is holding back, as long as the people from Zheng Jiajia and Xiaoxiao Media put some thought into it, this project can be successful.

The only difference is how successful it is.

The "Legend" project is just an appetizer. Who made it only popular in China? What Xu Ang really values ​​is the effect brought by the successful development of it.

If the big IP of "Legend" can be successful, then what about Diablo?

Cute beast... well, it's World of Warcraft, also known as Yamaguchi Mountain.

There are so many legendary heroes in this game and so many characters that players are familiar with. In the years when it was in the limelight, it swept the world and was sought after by countless players.

Mi Man with a smaller audience like Marvel can be very popular, and there is no reason why World of Warcraft with a wider audience can't.

Xu Ang is not Vidiwang, and will play a good hand to a pulp.

Before Mr. Tony has experienced the ups and downs of life, and can play the role of Iron Man well, it is completely possible to make a series of Warcraft movies to make money.

Wait until the audience is tired of the Warcraft series of movies, and then use the Marvel Universe to change their taste.

And then let the glass slag develop wretchedly in the gaps of the Marvel universe, and use the same model to do the Blizzard Alliance series.

But before that, Xu Ang had to grab the glass slag first.

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