Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 140: Hangout

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Fei opened its doors early.

Although only a customer of Li Cai came to the door, but he saw that he had finished eating rice noodles to go to work, Qin Fei also spirited.

By the time the sky is lit, there are more pedestrians on the street. Many people choose to buy buns and steamed buns for breakfast, because such foods are cheap and convenient, and they can be eaten while walking.

Of course, there are many who are willing to sit down and eat noodles.

Although Qin Fei’s snack bar is newly opened, but because the soup is very fragrant, there are still very few people willing to try it.

After the diners have eaten, they are all amazing, I believe that tomorrow will not be so deserted.

In a short time, a father and son passed by on the street, his father was not old, his son was seven or eight years old, and his family conditions were normal. Both the father and the son had patches on their clothes.

Originally, the father and son said that they would go to eat the steamed bread, but the son passed by the door of the snack bar and saw that others were licking the powder. He suddenly changed his mind: "Auntie, I want to eat this noodle."

The father looked at someone else's food and looked at it. It was quite appetizing, but it was definitely more expensive than the hoe, so he disagreed: "I don't want to eat at first glance, or eat hoe!"

The child did not care, rolled the floor, and dragged the floor of Qin Fei’s doorway. The father had no choice but to take his son to find a position to sit down and point to the next table: "Boss, such a How much is a bowl?"

"This is called rice noodle, fifteen and one bowl." Qin Fei said.

“So expensive?” The man looked a little reluctant and finally said, “Then I order a bowl.”

Qin Fei wondered: "Do you have two bowls for you to eat?"

The man replied: "My son eats, I don't eat."

When he said this, the man pretended to be a disgusted look.

Qin Fei nodded and went to the next bowl of the whole family.

Qin Fei gave a lot of weight. The bowl was bigger than the child's head. When the child wowed, he picked up the chopsticks and ate it.

"Auntie, you also eat a bowl, so delicious!" The child wrapped things in his mouth, vaguely said.

"I will go to eat delicious buns later, I will not be rare for you, and I will finish eating and go to the academy." The man shouted.

The child snorted and snorted, significantly speeding up.

After a while, the child picked up a large piece of meat, prepared to eat, looked at the father next to him, and put the meat back into the bowl. The chopsticks rested: "Auntie, I am full."

The man is dissatisfied: "How much more? No waste."

"Can't eat." The child was full.

The man sighed and put the child's bowl up and then ate it, took a bite, and suddenly showed an unbelievable look.

I guess my heart is saying, how can I be so delicious?

The man was eating the rice noodles in the wind, and the soup was drunk.

The child asked: "Auntie, how, I said it is better than Shantou."

The man is still unfinished, but he may be ashamed to avoid the child always wanting to eat such a expensive rice noodles, and then conscience: "It is not good at all!"

The child screamed: "Then you just finished drinking the soup, you still took the bowl and took a lap."

"Isn't it a waste of your stinky boy? Is diligence and saving a kind of virtue?" The man seemed to give his son a sigh of relief in order to enhance his persuasiveness. The child did not dare to talk back.

But the child still asks: "Auntie, if my article today is praised by my husband, can I eat rice noodles again?"

"As long as you study hard, you will promise you anything." The father promised to come down.

"Boss, checkout." The man carefully counted fifteen cents, the hand of the child, and went to the distance.

Very ordinary pair of father and son, but gave Qin Fei a deep impression.

It is not that I think of my own bitter childhood, but that people are similar to their age, and the children are so big.



Tianlong City is a big city with a population of 2 million. During the day, everyone is busy, and indeed a city is taking a turn.

In the feudal era, there was no network technology as a supplement, and the collection of information relied on manpower, so the teeth were running all the time.

The function of the teeth in this period is not only the renting and selling of houses, but also the business of trading in animals, transshipment of goods, guarantee of payment, etc. Basically, as long as there is a commission, the tooth can follow.

There was an expensive person who wanted to buy a horse and entrusted him to Li Cai. He ran for a whole day, but there was no satisfactory person.

Li Cai was too tired to take a rest and rest, and the result was seen by the nobleman, swearing that he was not doing enough.

Although Li Cai’s heart was wronged, he still stood up and continued to collect information. This is his job.

Running and running, Li Cai suddenly thought of the delicious rice noodle in the exotic snack bar. If you make this business today, you must go to eat a meal.

Inexplicably ignited fighting spirit.

In the end, Li Cai, with the help of his peers, found a famous horse that met the requirements, completed the commission of the employer, and got a lot of commission.

"I want everyone to eat delicious tonight!" Li Cai was very happy and invited several colleagues who helped him.

This is an unwritten rule in the line, otherwise no one will be willing to help again next time.

Of course, Li Cai’s place to eat is naturally an outside snack bar.

In the evening, it was rare for a group of people to finish their work early and come to the snack bar. Li Cai said: "The boss, these are my colleagues. One person comes first to eat a bowl of rice noodles."

"Well, you should sit for a while." Qin Fei knew that this guy wanted to take care of his business, smiled and went to eat.

Li Cai’s colleagues sat in the position and looked at each other and saw the dissatisfaction on the other’s face.

Today's business is a big deal, the famous horse trades a thousand dollars, and the commission is full of twenty-two.

If you have done such a big list in the past, don't say that the brothels will go up one by one, at least you should go to a big restaurant for a meal.

As a result, Li Cai was so embarrassed that he only wanted to ask everyone to use rice noodles. Isn't that noodles? Said so nice.

Although everyone did not say anything in their mouths, they decided that they would have a good life and would not introduce Li Cai.

Li Cai did not notice the difference between his still chatting with Qin Fei: "Boss, in addition to rice noodles, what else is delicious?"

Qin Fei thought for a moment, people in Tianlong City did not seem to like spicy food, they did not recommend hot pot: "There are roast ducks."

Just as Qin Fei had nothing to roast before, he was not in a hurry to go public, ready to eat himself. If these boys were too hungry, they took the roast duck out of the oven and gave it to Li Cai.

Smell the smell of roast duck, and the color of the appetite, Li Cai shines: "Hey, this is good."

Qin Fei took a piece of duck meat and served it along with the rice noodle.

Several colleagues of Li Cai saw rice noodles and roast duck meat. Although they smelled very fragrant, they felt that there was no grade, and they didn’t know how many Li Cai was smug, only to pick up chopsticks and taste.

I can eat a rice noodle, and everyone’s disdainful expression suddenly became amazed.

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