Alien Knights

Chapter 302 Tragedy

In the eastern suburbs of Muxi City, the shack in the immigrant area, ten o'clock in the morning, eight hours before the dinner.

"God damn Muxi people! I swear in the name of God, if I catch that damn shopkeeper, I will personally stick a red-hot iron into his back door and let him taste my pain... Oh, my God, here it comes again!"

Kaponodas, who was lying on the ground and yelling at one second, covered his butt the next second, stood up unsteadily from the ground, and ran desperately to the door.

Accompanied by the sound of diarrhea outside the door, Nairjie was lying on the haystack, his face was yellow and thin due to severe dehydration and sleepless night. His eyes looked listlessly at the blue sky outside the window, and he murmured, "I want to go home."

Gordon, the head of the envoy, listened to Kaponodas's wailing outside the door, then looked at Diz, who was clutching his stomach and moaning on the ground, and finally set his sights on Nerja, who had a dull face and was dying to die.

"How do I usually warn you?! The more attractive something looks, the more likely it is a deadly trap!" Commander Gordon, who hadn't eaten a grain of rice for two days, sounded a little hoarse and weak, but his tone was extremely serious: "Have you fed your brains to the dogs?! Providing food for free and giving you money back, all three of you have fallen for this cheap and boring scam!"

Apprentice knight Nelger looked at Commander Gordon, and said softly with his chapped and trembling lips: "I was so hungry at that time..."

The knight attendant and groom Diz in the regiment said to Gordon with a bitter face: "My lord, we never thought it would be a trap! Besides, it's too unreasonable to provide food and coins just to make us take laxatives..."

Gordon stroked his lush beard, thought for a moment, and the expression on his face became more and more serious: "I think everything you encountered should be a pre-designed situation to prevent us from completing the task. But what is the purpose? Who will be the instigator behind it...?"

Gordon turned his head to the think tank in the envoy, his right-hand man—the knight Harry, and asked, "Harry, what do you think about the laxative?"

The latter turned his back to the crowd, facing the wall, shaking his body slightly, and muttering something slowly.

He repeated the question again and found that Harry still didn't respond. Gordon, who was full of doubts, crawled to the other party's side with his hands and feet, and listened carefully, only to hear a word kept repeating in Harry's mouth.

"Roast Chicken, Roast Chicken, Roast Chicken..."

Gordon looked at Harry's crumbling figure and sighed heavily.

It was like being in hell for half a day, slowly passing through hunger, anger and anxiety, and the Holy Acropolis Mission finally ushered in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The weak Nairjie looked at Muxi City in the sunset, and shouted to Commander Gordon with a happy face: "My lord, it's time to go to the dinner party!"

Gordon glanced at him, shook his head and asked, "How's the stomach?"

Nerjie, who only had the idea of ​​eating in his mind, dared to show the slightest discomfort, patted his chest quickly, and said confidently: "The body is all healed!"

Gordon turned his face to Kaponodas and Deeds: "What about you?"

The two, who were afraid of missing the banquet, quickly nodded, indicating that they had recovered.

He breathed on the badge of the Holy Acropolis on his clothes, Gordon wiped it carefully with his sleeve, then looked at the four people in front of him, and said seriously: "Before I leave, I have something to explain to the four of you, and you all have to listen to me! We are the envoys of the Holy Acropolis, representing the glory and will of the kingdom! When it comes to the banquet, you must always pay attention to your words and deeds, and never do anything that damages the dignity of the country!"

A group of five people rode on war horses, held high the flag of the envoys, and walked along the avenue of Muxi City towards the royal palace.

Due to the expansion of Muxi City several times, the palace was built on the high ground of the city, and in addition to the turbulent crowd in the evening, and the five people were weak and weak, it took more than an hour for the envoys of the Holy Acropolis to see the gate of the inner city of the palace.

Looking at the already dark sky, Captain Gordon, anxious in his heart, urged the horse under his crotch to speed up to the square outside the inner city gate.

After getting off his horse, Gordon ran through the long forest road with four of his men, and finally arrived at the entrance of the banquet hall.

Huggins, who had been waiting at the steps of the gate for a long time, saw the appearance of these five people, walked quickly to the front of the envoys, and after confirming their identities, he gestured to the attendants at the gate.

"The Holy Acropolis Mission has arrived!"

With excitement and apprehension, Gordon stepped into the gate. The palace in front of him was as bright as day, which made him feel dizzy. The long-term hunger and fatigue made his eyes go dark and he fell to the ground.


"My lord! What's wrong with you?!"

"Someone fainted!"

Seeing the chaotic scene at the door, Todd frowned, and whispered a few words to the attendants beside him.

Soon, medical scientists from Muxi College rushed to Gordon's side. After some inspections, they concluded that he was overworked and that he was fine.

Under the treatment of the scholar, Gordon slowly woke up and soon realized what had happened.

Struggling to get up from the ground, Gordon bowed deeply to Todd, his tone full of apology: "Sorry, Your Majesty, I was rude."

Todd smiled and waved his hands: "The envoy of the Holy Acropolis, don't care about what happened just now, take your subordinates to their seats."

After waiting for everyone to be seated, Todd raised his right hand slightly, signaling that the banquet could begin.

Huggins first asked the attendants to dim the light in the hall, then asked Edgar to announce the start of the "Golden Lark" performance, and finally signaled for the food to be served.

Different from modern Western food, wine and meat were the main foods in medieval banquets, while vegetables and fruits were rarely present, and the most common appetizers and pre-meals were barbecued meats.

As the grilled chicken with lemongrass, arroa and olive fruit was served, Barbara, the star of the "Golden Lark" troupe, took the stage first, and she sang an epic ballad of Gutello in soprano.

All the guests present were amazed by Barbara's wide range of voice and melodious tone, and they were so fascinated by it that they didn't even bother to taste the dishes.

Well, except four people...

Harry, Nelja, Kaponodas, and Diz in the envoys turned a blind eye to the performance in front of them, completely engrossed in the delicious food on the plate.

The four of them threw away their knives and forks, grabbed the greasy and plump chicken with one hand, and stuffed it desperately into their mouths. With the other hand, they raised their wine glasses and swallowed the red wine along with the meat residue.

After Kaponodas finished eating the chicken, he crunched the bones and swallowed it; Harry picked up the plate, lowered his head, and even sucked the gravy off the plate.

Soon, the four of them ate like mad dogs, which attracted the attention of others.

"Look! Those people eat like a bunch of beasts!"

"My God! That guy won't spare a bone!"

"The people of the Holy Acropolis, in terms of etiquette and behavior, why are they inferior to the barbarians?!"

At the venue at this time, there were two people who were the most embarrassed.

One is of course Gordon, the head of the mission; the other is Mary, because when people mention the Holy Acropolis, they always look at her in a vague way.

Resisting the urge to beat someone up, Gordon coughed heavily behind him covertly, signaling the four bastards to pay attention to their appearance.

When he turned around again, he found that King Muxi was smiling at him.

Gordon said embarrassingly: "Your Majesty, I am deeply sorry for my rudeness."

Todd looked at a member of the mission, put his shiny fingers into his mouth, and sucked them clean one by one. The corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously, but he said calmly, "The way of dining in your country is really... um... informal and bohemian..."

"Your Majesty, in fact, the Holy Guard City sent me here to ask Muxi City for help."

Gordon's words got to the point. Todd cheered up, exchanged glances with Cumberland beside him, and asked kindly: "Help? I wonder how Muxi Kingdom can help you?"

Gritting his teeth, Gordon said in a deep voice, "Food! There is a shortage of food in the Holy Acropolis, and many civilians are dying of famine!"

"Famine?" Todd was taken aback for a moment, and then asked again: "The land in the Holy Acropolis is fertile and the water source is abundant, so why is there a famine?"

"Because of the war with the Yinhuan barbarian allied forces!" Gordon lowered his head, shaking his head while sighing: "This battlefield lasted for two years, and the resources in the kingdom, whether it was population, food or money, have been consumed in sevens and eighties. Because all men were conscripted into the army, the fields were not cultivated, and there was no food to cook in the pots and stoves. At the market in the Holy Acropolis, there was even a case where a small bag of rye could be exchanged for a child."

Having said that, Barbara's solo has just ended.

The lights in the hall were turned on again. Todd stood up from the throne and took the lead in applauding. The guests in the hall also stood up and paid tribute to the famous troupe star with applause.

After the opening solo, the dinner entered into the theme part. On the performance stage, magicians, jujitsu artists, clowns and other troupe personnel appeared one after another, while Todd took Gordon, the head of the envoy, to accept the greetings from the guests who came tonight.

When Mary appeared in front of Gordon, the latter's astonished gaze and trembling voice unreservedly showed his inner excitement.

"Your Highness, don't you remember me?" Gordon straightened his body, trying not to look so old: "I am Gordon of White River Castle! You often came to my manor as a guest when you were a child, and I even made a swing for you! The king has always missed you, I hope you can..."

With an indifferent expression, Mary raised her skirt, saluted Gordon, and said lightly, "Dear Lord Gordon, are you denying the wrong person? I have indeed heard of Princess Mary, but she was born in the Holy Acropolis, but died in the Silver Ring City."

Watching Mary leaving heartlessly, Gordon's back was bent again, and he seemed to be ten years older.

Todd originally intended to ask Gordon about the details of the famine in the Holy Acropolis, but the current situation is definitely not suitable for talking about serious matters.

On the other side of the venue, the four-member group of the Holy Acropolis Mission, taking advantage of the time when others were busy with the audience, was desperately destroying the delicacies on the table.

Nairjie stuffed a piece of fat, tender and juicy medium-rare steak into his mouth, and swallowed it without chewing a few times. Just about to attack the next plate of fish, he suddenly frowned and touched his lower abdomen.

Kaponodas had just licked a plate of caviar, when he saw the pale and sweaty Nelja, he asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

"My stomach, my stomach is starting to hurt again!" Nerjie clamped his legs together, stood on tiptoe, and looked around anxiously, looking for a place that could solve the need for excretion: "No! I can't bear it anymore!"

Kaponodas showed contempt on his face: "Your body is still lack of exercise, and you can't do it after eating half of it. Look at me... um... 噫!"

Before finishing speaking, Kaponodas also stood up with his eyes wide open.

He covered his buttocks with one hand, and tightly grasped his trouser belt with the other hand, cursing in a low voice: "Damn it! Why is it at this time?!"

At this time, Diz also supported the table and stood up, looking like a "relapse".

Nairjie approached Kaponodas and whispered: "There is a garden outside the gate, as long as we get there, we can enjoy ourselves..."

"Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce you." Captain Gordon walked among the subordinates of the envoy, pointed to a young man beside him, and said to Todd with a smile, "This is the knight Harry. He is the chief guard of the Holy Guard City and the son of my best friend."

Gordon turned around, just about to introduce Nelja, but found that the person concerned, Kaponodas, and Diz were fleeing towards the gate with a very strange pace.

Gordon yelled at the three people who were running away: "You three! Where are you going? Come back immediately!"

In desperation, the three clamped their legs again and ran back.

Looking at the strange steps of the three members of the mission, Todd remembered the "catwalk" of the models in the previous life.

"Your Majesty, this is Neiljie, an apprentice knight of the cavalry regiment directly under the king's command."

Todd looked at the tall young man in front of him, his face was pale, his body was shaking like chaff, and beads of sweat were dripping down his cheeks.

Todd mistook Nelja's performance for being nervous.

Patting the other party's arm, Todd smiled and said to Neljie: "Young man, don't be nervous, I won't eat you again, haha!"

Nairjie turned his body in pain, his expression distorted like a demented child: "Your Majesty, I really need to leave now..."

Seeing the abnormal behavior of the guy in front of him, Todd took a step back secretly, and said in his heart: Is this guy mentally ill?

"Don't be so nervous, take it easy, take it easy!"

Todd's unintentional words, like a switch, completely broke Neljie's spiritual defense.

The latter rolled his eyes, and an orgasm expression appeared on his face inexplicably.

Accompanied by a long and dull echo, a peculiar smell that could kill a skunk gradually permeated the entire hall.

"My God! What stinks!"

"It smells like it came from hell!"

The matter was far from over, and Kaponodas and Diz, who couldn't bear it any longer, simply let themselves go completely because of Neljie's start.

Three sounds with different volumes and tones constitute a "symphony" that terrifies everyone.

Later, the sound of crackling air and rushing water were mixed into this song, which pushed the atmosphere of the whole venue to a climax in an instant.

The noble lady with a prominent status, crying and wearing exquisite makeup, ignored the lady's demeanor, and escaped from the venue by crawling and crawling.

The polite gentleman pushed away all those who blocked his way, and ran into the royal garden to vomit.

As for Gordon, the head of the Holy Acropolis Mission, he only had time to say "My God" before fainting on his seat.

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