Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 698: QQ chat with creatures of different races

The howitzer fired fiercely again.

A large number of cloud explosive bombs also fell densely.

The surrounding area of ​​the Protoss battleship suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames. There are no gaps.

Even a fly cannot cross the fiery sea of ​​flames. What's more, those giant mantis creatures? They were either shaken to death or burned to death.

Tide-like praying mantis creatures rushed up, as if the tide from the Qiantang River was rolling in. Unstoppable.

After undergoing the baptism of the sea of ​​fire, he quickly retreated.



The napalm bombs also continued to fall.

The soaring flames rose up, sweeping one after another mantis creatures in the flames until they burned out.

The mantis creature that was shaken to death was also completely burnt to ashes by the fiery flame.

Regardless of how fierce the battle was, there were countless casualties.

But there are almost no corpses left on the soil surface of Mars.

Layers of mantis creature corpses, once they encounter napalm, they will all be burned to ashes in a very short time.

However, Wang Buan added more alumina and magnesia to the napalm bomb.

The high temperature combustion of aluminum and magnesium is very destructive.

More importantly, they are very sticky.

If it splashes on the target, it will stick to the target, and burn violently.

Obviously, those mantis creatures have no resistance to this violent burning.

As long as it is contaminated, it is a dead end.

The first wave of attacks...annihilated.

The second wave of attacks...annihilated.

The third wave of attacks... annihilation.

However, the attack still did not stop.

For those praying mantis creatures, there seems to be no fear forever.

They don't seem to be flesh and blood creatures at all. It's like a completely lifeless mechanical creature. There is no thought or feeling at all. Just know that the tide is coming up.

"You are wrong. Mechanical creatures also have thoughts and feelings." Shockwave protested coldly.

"Then they..." Wang Bu'an hesitated to speak.

"They are the lowest zerg creatures! How can they have thoughts and feelings?"

"Zerg? Hydralisk?"

"It's not Hydralisk. Hydralisk is much stronger than them."


Wang Buan was choked.



Sure enough, something is wrong!

There are Protoss, Zerg, Namek, Transformers...

The universe is really chaotic. Have everything. I don’t know if there will be Monkey King, Jade Emperor, Tathagata Buddha, etc.?

In case a Monkey King fights Transformers...

Or maybe a Zerg army fights against the heavenly soldiers...

The screenwriters with the biggest brains dare not write like this.

"The universe is very big. It's boundless. Even our Transformers have explored the boundary of the universe for hundreds of millions of years." Sasser said slowly, "What is there in the vast universe? Biology, we are not sure. How big the universe is, I am afraid there will never be an answer."

"Well..." Wang Buyan decided not to discuss such a high-level topic.

Otherwise, it seems that human beings are too small.

Not even the solar system rushed out.

It's still spinning around in the solar system.

Although the Milky Way is said to be the back garden of mankind. But this back garden, I haven't seen it once.

In your lifetime, how can you get other galaxies to take a look.

By the way, what is the closest galaxy to the solar system?

What is the closest star to the sun?

Proxima Centauri? Centaur?

4.22 light years?

399233 billion kilometers?

The average distance between the sun and the earth is only 150 million kilometers...

The distance between the moon and the earth is only 380,000 kilometers...

The paralyzed one was almost forgotten by the mantis creature.

Well, kill them first.

Whether you are a Zerg or a Protoss, all are dead.

Suddenly saw the Protoss battleship. Can't help frowning. This warship of the Protoss is too powerful. It seems that weapons can't hurt?

"Then what is the Protoss you are talking about?"

"A more powerful race."

"How powerful is it?"

"Slightly weaker than us."


Wang Bu'an was choked again.

Damn, a little weaker? I'm afraid it's similar to you guys, right?

Face is what everyone wants. Transformers certainly do not want to admit that the Protoss is stronger than himself. He didn't even want to admit that the Protoss had a tie with himself.

Of course, Wang Bu'an wouldn't be stupidly pierced. Isn't this boring?

In case Transformers become angry...

Didn't others say it? Mechanical creatures are also emotional.

If this feeling is just anger, blazing fire, and finding someone to vent, wouldn’t it be bad?



Those advanced mantis creatures didn't care about Wang Bu'an at all.

They are only concerned about alien warships.

"Swish swish!"

"Swish swish!"

Suddenly, there was a strange voice.

Immediately, dense black shadows appeared in the sky. But it is some praying mantises that are very agile.

They tried to bounce to the top of the alien warship at a long distance.

Their jumping ability is too strong.

It is conservatively estimated that one bounce is more than three kilometers!

Such a strong jumping ability, if you participate in the Olympics, you can definitely win all long jump championships.


Wang Bu'an will not let them do as they wish.

Wouldn’t it be terrible if the mantis creatures were to occupy Mars?

Without the foothold of Mars, mankind will encounter many difficulties if they want to advance to the depths of the galaxy. The ambition and morale of mankind are also a huge blow.

"Puff puff!"

"Puff puff!"

The 37mm rapid-fire gun fired hard.

Around the alien warship, Wang Bu'an deployed one hundred thousand rapid-fire guns.

All rapid-fire guns have a large stock of ammunition. Just waiting for the alien creatures to initiate a charge at close range.

Don't think that a rapid-fire gun with a caliber of only 37 mm is not powerful enough.

In fact, it fires armor-piercing bullets.

The characteristic of this ammunition is that the surface armor is not broken, but the inside of the armor is already broken.

Broken armor will form a terrifying metal jet, killing and wounding the occupants in the tank.

Changed to the body of the praying mantis creature, it is fine on the surface. But the internal organs were shattered by the shock.

Sure enough, the flying praying mantis creatures fell to the ground one after another.

The shells of the rapid-fire guns are too dense, and they have no way to escape.

The effect of armor-piercing bullets is also very good.

The hard shell on the surface of the praying mantis is indeed fine. However, the organs inside have been hit hard.



In less than ten seconds, all the mantis creatures fell to the ground.

At this time, those high-level praying mantis creatures finally noticed the existence of Wang Bu'an.

Immediately, in front of Wang Bu'an, a dialog box appeared:

Two lines of Chinese characters gradually appeared above:

"What are you guys?"

"Where are you from?"

Wang Bu'an blinked.

Is this...a QQ chat between different creatures?


Let's talk about QQ.

"I'm a Martian." Of course Wang Bu'an can't cause trouble to the earth.

"Are you a creature born and raised on Mars?" The other party didn't seem to believe it.

"I'm a Martian." Rory was wordy. I said it very clearly. I am a Martian. I have no connection with the earth. Don't go to trouble with the earth.

"What is a Martian?"

"Grass! What are you guys?"

"We are not things!"

"Of course you are nothing! Haha!"

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing."

Wang Buyan suddenly remembered the humor that the other party didn't understand Chinese at all!

The current dialogue is translated by Transformers. Transformers also have no humorous cells. Talking about jokes or something is a waste of time!

"I want to take away the Protoss battleship."


"You quickly back away."

"When you come to Mars, you should retreat!"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't understand."

"I don't understand."

The other party did not answer.

No matter what Wang Bu'an said, he only responded with one meaning: death.

Obviously, the other party is impatient.

They don't mean to live peacefully with Wang Buyan at all.

They just wanted to take away the Protoss battleship.


Wang Bu'an just couldn't do what he wanted.

If you say take it away, then take it away, don’t I lose face?

Anyway, I am the master of Mars. If you want to take things away from Mars, at least you should ask my opinion?

What if you are a Zerg?

I'm still human!

You are not even a What qualifications do you have to go to Mars and go wild?

It's a pity that others don't give Wang Bu'an face at all.

The densely packed mantis creatures attacked again.

What didn't say, fight back.

Various howitzers continued to fire.

Various cloud explosive bombs continued to fall.

Pieces of mantis creatures fell down, like cutting a leek.

However, the layers of corpses could not stop the approach of the praying mantis. They stepped forward on their companion's body.

There are too many of them. Attack together on the ground, in the air and underground.

In the sky, there are those praying mantises with strong jumping ability.

Underground, those praying mantises are very good at drilling holes.

This three-in-one attack method dispersed Wang Bu'an's defensive firepower.

Do you want to use fighter jets?

Do you want to use a main battle tank?

Wang Bu'an thought for a while, and finally shook his head slowly.

The most critical moment has not yet arrived.

The large army of mantis creatures is still behind.

It is conservatively estimated that the reinforcements on the earth will still take dozens of hours to arrive.

Before that, he must find a way to deal with the Zerg.

The battlefield must be on Mars.

If it were on the earth, the loss would be great.

It is estimated that the earth at this moment should be closely discussed by the senior officials of various countries.

If they don't want to burn the flames of war to the earth, the only way is to send the most elite joint forces to quickly reinforce Mars.

What if there is no result of the negotiation?

What if other countries are unwilling to reinforce Mars?

It's ok.

Let's do it alone in China!

Let's reinforce Mars ourselves!

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