Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 696: Be merciful

Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus Chapter 696 Mercifulness not in charge? Jupiter?

It doesn't seem to be very far away...

Now that there is already the technology to land on Mars, it will be sooner or later to land on Jupiter. . `

This kind of thing, as long as the first step is taken, the rest will be easy to handle. It is like a snowball, the faster the speed increases, the more the harvest.


Something feels wrong.

Why did Ye Shengge's airborne special forces withdraw?

Why did you leave quietly at this critical time?

Qin Xueqing didn't know this at all.

She thought Ye Shengge had gone out for training.

"They went to the moon."

"How could they go to the moon quietly?"

"Maybe to perform some special task?"


Qin Xueqing still felt wrong.

There must be something weird in it.

but. Ye Shengge might not even know it.

They are just soldiers carrying out orders. When they perform tasks, they always ask only the time and place, not why.

Is it really a black hand behind the scenes?


It's still an overseas black hand!

It turned out to be a hand gathered from overseas. The cost is still so high.

Suddenly he was alert.

His eyes cast into the distance involuntarily.

That is the direction of Jupiter.

A group of dense meteor showers are approaching quickly.

The number of meteor showers is actually not very large. Most people will never notice. but. . Wang Bu'an is not an ordinary person.

His starry sky exploration technique has already reached the second level. The detection radius exceeds 1,000 light years away. As long as there is any abnormal movement within this distance, he may be able to sense it.

Well, it is possible. Not 100% success. Dynamic changes are more sensitive. Static changes are relatively weak.

These seemingly unremarkable meteor showers happen to be dynamic changes, not far from Mars.

Another very important reason is that it is too fast.

Almost reached the level of 10,000 kilometers per second.

Such a speed is temporarily impossible for Wang Bu'an.

At this speed, the journey from Jupiter to Mars is actually very fast. Only ten hours.

These meteorites set off from the asteroid belt. . It shortened a lot of time.

A conservative estimate, it only takes about five hours.

"It's them..."

"They are here!"

Wang Buyan's heart shook slightly.

Who are they?

Of course it is an alien creature!

He has already sensed it.

They are attached to the meteorite and are rapidly approaching Mars.

The estimated time of arrival is five hours.

"Hurry up with the person with you." Wang Bu'an said in a deep voice.

"What's the matter?" Qin Xueqing didn't know.

"War is about to break out on Mars."


"Hurry up with the person who brought you."



Without any explanation, Wang Bu'an drove Qin Xueqing and others away.

All other unrelated personnel also retreated quickly. Only the burly men stayed.

Qin Xueqing hurriedly reported the incident.

She certainly can't let Wang Bu'an ignore it.

Before long, Zhang Pingye's voice came grimly.

"Wang Bu'an, what happened?"

"Chief, there are aliens preparing to descend on Mars."

"Then you retreat quickly!"

"No. I'm not leaving. You send troops for reinforcements!"

"That's too late."

"I can hold on until the big troops arrive."

"you sure?"

"I confirm."

Wang Buyan said confidently.

Dealing with alien creatures, that is his strong point.

Or to be more precise, it is the strength of Transformers.

It is impossible for Transformers to sit and watch Mars being controlled by other alien creatures.

After all, this is the place for Transformers!

The space shuttle took off quickly.

Unrelated personnel were sent away one after another.

Only those with broken knees and elbows stayed.

They have nothing but to wait and die.

Wang Bu'an ignored them.

They suddenly became confused.

This **** Wang Bu'an. Do you want to give them to aliens?

So vicious!

Too vicious!

"Wang Bu'an, let us go!"

"Wang Bu'an, we are only instructed by others, we are not the mastermind..."

"We can help you investigate who Mr. Chen is."

Hundreds of people begged.

Wang Bu'an turned a deaf ear.

Only now remember to live? late.

You are gifts to aliens. Bait used to attract aliens.

As for the real killer...

Of course there are countless automated weapons.

Without thinking. . All industrial parks are producing at full capacity.

All the industrial parks instantly turned into battle fortresses.

All the robot elves naturally acted temporarily as Transformers soldiers.

Wang Bu'an issued instructions.

Any creature near the industrial park will be attacked.

Before the arrival of alien creatures, the most important task is of course to produce a large number of weapons.

Various automated howitzers...

Various automatic machine guns...

Various automated rockets...

These are not the most important. The most important various fighters.

Combination of fighter plane and autopilot system. . It is the perfect drone. They will let go of their hands and feet, and begin a fierce fight with alien creatures.

In addition to fighter jets, there is also the 99c main battle tank. The automatic driving system is also installed.

Wang Bu'an is more and more aware of the importance of autonomous driving systems.

This system is the real killer!

Otherwise, how can one person control so many weapons?

But now, with this system, he can control countless fighter jets and tanks alone.

In theory, the number of controls is almost unlimited.

Transformers' data processing capabilities are too strong.

Millions of fighter jets and millions of tanks are all trivial matters.

It can handle tens of billions of fighter jets and tens of billions of tanks.

At the same time apply for more industrial parks.

The faith value that will be accumulated is almost exhausted.

Apply for 3,000 industrial parks in one go. So there are 100,000 robot elves. No, it's a miniature transformer.

No matter how many alien creatures there are, they are not the opponents of 100,000 Transformers, right?

One fighter after another keeps appearing...

One after another tanks are also emerging...

All the burly men were stunned.

this is……

Do the armies fight?

When is a group army stationed on Mars?

So many planes...

So many tanks...

Could it be that all the weapons and equipment on the earth were brought over?

It is conservatively estimated that the number of aircraft is at least 10,000 or more. The entire sky above Mars is densely packed with fighter jets!

Mars is different from the Moon.

Mars has air.

The content of helium is very sufficient. The content of carbon dioxide is also very sufficient.

What is lacking is oxygen. But it can be transformed.

Combustible hydrogen engines can convert helium into hydrogen. Oxygen can be separated from carbon dioxide to meet the combustion needs of the engine.

In this way, whether it is a fighter or a main battle tank, there are no obstacles to movement.

Five hours passed quickly.

The first meteorites fell on Mars.



The meteorite fell to the ground like raindrops.

Not particularly violent. At the moment of touching the ground, the speed has been reduced.

Before the meteorite hit the ground, a large number of alien creatures could not wait to jump on top of Mars.

Many, many praying mantises.

Bigger than what fell on the earth.

They wield huge sickles. . Attacked the alien warship fiercely.

"Could it be that their target is also this alien warship?"

"Do they also want to benefit from alien warships?"

Wang Buan said to himself secretly.

It seems that this alien warship is indeed very attractive!

Shockwave said, this is a battleship of the Protoss...

What is the Protoss?

Is there a Protoss in the Starry Sky World?

And Namekians?

It feels messy?

Forget it...

Whoever grabs Mars from me will have to die!

"Tom Tom Tom!"

"Tom Tom Tom!"

The howitzer was launched first.

This is a 255mm howitzer.

The shells fell heavily in the middle of the mantis creature. . Blooming brilliant fire light.

The praying mantis creatures in the center of the explosion fell one after another.

The powerful shock wave swept a blank among the mantis creatures.

The dust was flying, covering the sky and the sun, and the ground collapsed.

But other mantis creatures are almost unaffected.

I have to admit that the defensive capabilities of these mantis creatures are indeed very powerful. The hard shell on the surface of their bodies is the best defense.

Even with 255mm howitzers, there is no way to wipe them out.

Shrapnel is almost non-destructive.

Only violent shock waves can bring them harm.

Fortunately, there are more rockets waiting for them. At the same time, a large number of fighter jets swooped down, dropping bombs frantically.



The rockets fell like rain.

In an instant, the praying mantis creatures rushing in front were all enveloped by dense rocket bombs.

When these rockets explode, they generate extremely high temperatures. Many mantis creatures were burned by the hot flames. One by one twisted in the flames, making painful neighs.

It seems that the effect of the incendiary bomb is the best.

These alien mantis creatures seem to be more scrupulous about high-temperature flames.

Without thinking. Immediately produce more high-temperature incendiary bombs. There are also napalm bombs. Then use fighter jets to dive at low altitude.



The napalm bombs kept falling. . Set off a sky full of flames.

Sure enough, most of the praying mantis creatures are shrouded in hot flames. No more arrogance and activity before.

They struggled desperately in the flames. . In the end, he fell screaming. Their bodies are distorted by the scorched black flames, emitting bursts of stench, which is disgusting.

Wang Bu feels at ease like still water, his look is not wavering.

This is all war.

There is no mercy.

Kindness is not in charge.

The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself.

Since these alien creatures want to rob Mars, they have to pay a heavy price.

Those killed now are just the vanguard.

There are large troops behind. .



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